To initiate a new release, raise a Pull Request to the main branch which contains the requested change(s) and sets the POM version number to the next release version.
This project follows semantic versioning principles laid out at SemVer. As such please follow these guidelines when setting the project version number:
- Major - Reserved for major releases as defined by the project team or when changes are made to the plugin interface that are not backwards compatible with the previous version.
- Minor - Backwards compatible changes to the interface, e.g. a new goal, a new configuration option.
- Patch - Implementation changes or bug fixes that have no impact on the interface.
The following steps should be followed when creating a release of this plugin.
Note these should be performed on the main branch only where that branch is up to date with the remote
mvn clean deploy -Prelease
git push origin --tags
After these steps remember to set the next SNAPSHOT version release number and commit that to the main
- change pom.xml version number
git commit -am 'Bumping to next SNAPSHOT release version'
git push
The release process signs the published artifacts as a requirement for publishing to the Sonatype OSS Repository Hosting (OSSRH) servers. Follow the instructions here on how to generate, publish and use a pgp key for use when signing the release artifacts.