diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c54840f..09b9a5c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
.PHONY: all antlr check demo develop install
-all: antlr
install: all
pip install .
@@ -9,11 +10,6 @@ develop: all
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
pip install -e .
-antlr: jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.py
-jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.py: jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.g4
- antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 $^
check: all
flake8 jeff65 tests
python setup.py nosetests
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/__init__.py b/jeff65/gold/__init__.py
index cc00123..f88a1b1 100644
--- a/jeff65/gold/__init__.py
+++ b/jeff65/gold/__init__.py
@@ -14,11 +14,9 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-from .ast import ParseError
from .compiler import parse, translate
__all__ = [
- 'ParseError',
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/ast.py b/jeff65/gold/ast.py
index c4c673a..8eb54ea 100644
--- a/jeff65/gold/ast.py
+++ b/jeff65/gold/ast.py
@@ -14,13 +14,6 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-from .grammar import ParseListener
-class ParseError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class AstNode:
def __init__(self, t, position, attrs=None, children=None):
@@ -48,7 +41,7 @@ def __eq__(self, other):
and self.attrs == other.attrs
and self.children == other.children)
- def transform(self, transformer):
+ def transform(self, transformer, always_list=False):
node = transformer.transform_enter(self.t, self)
if transformer.transform_attrs and type(node) is AstNode:
@@ -70,7 +63,7 @@ def transform(self, transformer):
children = []
for child in node.children:
if type(child) is AstNode:
- children.extend(child.transform(transformer))
+ children.extend(child.transform(transformer, always_list))
if children != node.children:
@@ -85,7 +78,7 @@ def transform(self, transformer):
elif type(nodes) is not list:
nodes = [nodes]
- if self.t == 'unit':
+ if not always_list and self.t == 'unit':
assert len(nodes) == 1
return nodes[0]
return nodes
@@ -140,162 +133,3 @@ def __generic_enter(self, node):
def __generic_exit(self, node):
return [node]
-class AstBuilder(ParseListener):
- def __init__(self):
- self.stack = []
- @property
- def ast(self):
- return self.stack[0]
- def _push(self, node):
- self.stack.append(node)
- def _pop(self):
- c = self.stack.pop()
- self.stack[-1].children.append(c)
- return c
- def _pop_attr(self, attr):
- a = self.stack.pop()
- self.stack[-1].attrs[attr] = a
- def _pos(self, ctx):
- return (ctx.start.line, ctx.start.column)
- def enterUnit(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("unit", self._pos(ctx)))
- def enterStmtUse(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("use", self._pos(ctx), {
- "name": ctx.unitId.text
- }))
- def exitStmtUse(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterStmtConstant(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("constant", self._pos(ctx), {
- "name": ctx.declaration().name.text
- }))
- def exitStmtConstant(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterStmtLet(self, ctx):
- node = AstNode("let", self._pos(ctx))
- node.attrs['name'] = ctx.declaration().name.text
- if ctx.storage():
- node.attrs['storage'] = ctx.storage().storage_class.text
- self._push(node)
- def exitStmtLet(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterStmtFun(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("fun", self._pos(ctx), {
- "name": ctx.name.text,
- 'return': None,
- 'args': [],
- }))
- def exitStmtFun(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterStmtAssignVal(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("set", self._pos(ctx)))
- def exitStmtAssignVal(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterTypePrimitive(self, ctx):
- self.stack[-1].attrs["type"] = ctx.name.text
- def enterTypePointer(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("type_ref", self._pos(ctx)))
- def exitTypePointer(self, ctx):
- self._pop_attr("type")
- def enterTypeArray(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode('type_array', self._pos(ctx)))
- def exitTypeArray(self, ctx):
- self._pop_attr('type')
- def enterExprMember(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("member_access", self._pos(ctx), {
- "member": ctx.member.text
- }))
- def exitExprMember(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterExprId(self, ctx):
- self.stack[-1].children.append(AstNode("identifier", self._pos(ctx), {
- 'name': ctx.name.text,
- }))
- def enterExprNumber(self, ctx):
- text = ctx.value.text.lower()
- if text.startswith('0x'):
- value = int(text[2:], 16)
- elif text.startswith('0o'):
- value = int(text[2:], 8)
- elif text.startswith('0b'):
- value = int(text[2:], 2)
- else:
- value = int(text)
- self.stack[-1].children.append(AstNode("numeric", self._pos(ctx), {
- 'value': value,
- }))
- def enterExprFunCall(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("call", self._pos(ctx)))
- def exitExprFunCall(self, ctx):
- call = self.stack[-1]
- call.attrs['target'] = call.children[0]
- call.children = call.children[1:]
- self._pop()
- def enterExprDeref(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("deref", self._pos(ctx)))
- def exitExprDeref(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterExprSum(self, ctx):
- if ctx.op.text == '+':
- self._push(AstNode("add", self._pos(ctx)))
- elif ctx.op.text == '-':
- self._push(AstNode("sub", self._pos(ctx)))
- else:
- assert False
- def exitExprSum(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterExprProduct(self, ctx):
- if ctx.op.text == '*':
- self._push(AstNode("mul", self._pos(ctx)))
- elif ctx.op.text == '/':
- self._push(AstNode("div", self._pos(ctx)))
- else:
- assert False
- def exitExprProduct(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterExprNegation(self, ctx):
- self._push(AstNode("negate", self._pos(ctx)))
- def exitExprNegation(self, ctx):
- self._pop()
- def enterString(self, ctx):
- self.stack[-1].children.append(AstNode('string', self._pos(ctx), {
- 'value': "".join(s.text for s in ctx.s),
- }))
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/compiler.py b/jeff65/gold/compiler.py
index 57cc8a1..85dc8e8 100644
--- a/jeff65/gold/compiler.py
+++ b/jeff65/gold/compiler.py
@@ -15,12 +15,9 @@
# along with this program. If not, see .
import sys
-import antlr4
-from . import ast
-from .. import blum
-from .grammar import Parser
-from .lexer import Lexer
-from .passes import asm, binding, lower, resolve, typepasses
+from . import ast, grammar
+from .. import blum, parsing
+from .passes import asm, binding, lower, resolve, simplify, typepasses
passes = [
@@ -48,15 +45,15 @@ def open_unit(unit):
def parse(fileobj, name):
- lexer = Lexer(fileobj, name=name)
- tokens = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
- parser = Parser(tokens)
- tree = parser.unit()
- if parser._syntaxErrors > 0:
- raise ast.ParseError("Unit {} had errors; terminating".format(name))
- builder = ast.AstBuilder()
- antlr4.ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT.walk(builder, tree)
- return builder.ast
+ stream = parsing.ReStream(fileobj)
+ tree = grammar.parse(
+ stream, grammar.lex,
+ lambda t, s, c, m: ast.AstNode(t, s.start, children=c))
+ # if parser._syntaxErrors > 0:
+ # raise ast.ParseError("Unit {} had errors; terminating".format(name))
+ unit = tree.transform(simplify.Simplify(), always_list=True)
+ assert len(unit) == 1
+ return unit[0]
def translate(unit, verbose=False):
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/grammar.py b/jeff65/gold/grammar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3fef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jeff65/gold/grammar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# jeff65 gold-syntax grammar
+# Copyright (C) 2018 jeff65 maintainers
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import enum
+import re
+from ..parsing import Grammar, Lexer, Parser, ReStream, Rule
+class Mode(enum.IntEnum):
+ STRING = 2
+T = enum.Enum('T', [
+ # control tokens -- these tend to cause lexer mode switches
+ # literals tokens
+ # arithmetic operators
+ # logical operators
+ # bitwise operators
+ # comparison operators
+ # assignment operators
+ # member access operators
+ # pointer operators
+ # statement keywords
+ # storage classes
+ # assorted punctuation
+ # delimiters
+# precedences. Note that these are in order of lowest precedence to highest
+# precedence. Has to be an IntEnum for comparisons to work.
+P = enum.IntEnum('P', [
+ # Statements
+ # Statement elements
+ 'TYPES',
+ # Expressions
+ 'SUMS',
+ 'BITOR',
+ 'CALLS',
+# non-whitespace characters which can end tokens
+specials = re.escape(r'()[]{}:;.,"\@&')
+# creates a regex that matches the given word as long as it is followed by
+# something that can end a token. Useful for defining keywords.
+def _w(word):
+ return r'(?m){}(?=[\s{}]|$)'.format(re.escape(word), specials)
+lex = Lexer(T.EOF, [
+ # whitespace -> hidden channel
+ (Mode.NORMAL, r'(?m)\s+', T.WHITESPACE, ReStream.CHANNEL_HIDDEN),
+ # keywords. Must come before the identifier match
+ (_w('and'), T.OPERATOR_AND),
+ (_w('bitand'), T.OPERATOR_BITAND),
+ (_w('bitor'), T.OPERATOR_BITOR),
+ (_w('bitxor'), T.OPERATOR_BITXOR),
+ (_w('constant'), T.STMT_CONSTANT),
+ (_w('do'), T.PUNCT_DO),
+ (_w('else'), T.PUNCT_ELSE),
+ (_w('elseif'), T.PUNCT_ELSEIF),
+ (_w('end'), T.PUNCT_END),
+ (_w('endfun'), T.PUNCT_ENDFUN),
+ (_w('endisr'), T.PUNCT_ENDISR),
+ (_w('for'), T.STMT_FOR),
+ (_w('fun'), T.STMT_FUN),
+ (_w('if'), T.STMT_IF),
+ (_w('in'), T.PUNCT_IN),
+ (_w('isr'), T.STMT_ISR),
+ (_w('let'), T.STMT_LET),
+ (_w('mut'), T.STORAGE_MUT),
+ (_w('not'), T.OPERATOR_NOT),
+ (_w('or'), T.OPERATOR_OR),
+ (_w('return'), T.STMT_RETURN),
+ (_w('stash'), T.STORAGE_STASH),
+ (_w('then'), T.PUNCT_THEN),
+ (_w('to'), T.PUNCT_TO),
+ (_w('use'), T.STMT_USE),
+ (_w('while'), T.STMT_WHILE),
+ # Numeric tokens. Must come before the word match
+ (r'\d[^\s{}]*'.format(specials), T.NUMERIC),
+ # Identifiers. Matches a letter, followed by zero or more non-token-ending
+ # characters. As written, this will actually match numbers as well, but
+ # because that one is run first we don't have to worry about that.
+ (r'\w[^\s{}]*'.format(specials), T.IDENTIFIER),
+ # comment opener. When the lexer comes back, it will be in comment mode
+ (Mode.NORMAL, re.escape('/*'), T.COMMENT_OPEN, ReStream.CHANNEL_HIDDEN),
+ # comment delimiers, but for comment mode.
+ (Mode.COMMENT, re.escape('/*'), T.COMMENT_OPEN, ReStream.CHANNEL_HIDDEN),
+ (Mode.COMMENT, re.escape('*/'), T.COMMENT_CLOSE, ReStream.CHANNEL_HIDDEN),
+ # This is necessary because the next pattern matches up to, but not
+ # including, the newline; however, it will happily match zero characters,
+ # causing an infinite loop. This matches that last newline.
+ # Matches either to the next comment-control token, or the end of the line,
+ # whichever happens first.
+ (Mode.COMMENT, r'.*?(?=\/\*|\*\/|$)', T.COMMENT_TEXT,
+ # String delimiter. When the lexer comes back, it will be in string mode
+ (re.escape('"'), T.STRING_DELIM),
+ # String control tokens
+ (Mode.STRING, r'\\.', T.STRING_ESCAPE),
+ (Mode.STRING, re.escape('"'), T.STRING_DELIM),
+ # Matches non-special text inside a string. The newline-matching pattern is
+ # for the same reason as for comments.
+ (Mode.STRING, r'\n', T.STRING),
+ (Mode.STRING, r'.*?(?=\\|"|$)', T.STRING),
+ # operators & punctuation. These must be ordered such that if A is a prefix
+ # of B, then B comes before A. The easiest way to do this is to order them
+ # by length.
+ (re.escape('->'), T.PUNCT_ARROWR),
+ (re.escape('>>'), T.OPERATOR_SHR),
+ (re.escape('<<'), T.OPERATOR_SHL),
+ (re.escape('!='), T.OPERATOR_NE),
+ (re.escape('=='), T.OPERATOR_EQ),
+ (re.escape('<='), T.OPERATOR_LE),
+ (re.escape('>='), T.OPERATOR_GE),
+ (re.escape('+='), T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN_INC),
+ (re.escape('-='), T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN_DEC),
+ (re.escape('+'), T.OPERATOR_PLUS),
+ (re.escape('-'), T.OPERATOR_MINUS),
+ (re.escape('*'), T.OPERATOR_TIMES),
+ (re.escape('/'), T.OPERATOR_DIVIDE),
+ (re.escape('<'), T.OPERATOR_LT),
+ (re.escape('>'), T.OPERATOR_GT),
+ (re.escape('='), T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN),
+ (re.escape('.'), T.OPERATOR_DOT),
+ (re.escape('@'), T.OPERATOR_DEREF),
+ (re.escape('&'), T.OPERATOR_REF),
+ (re.escape(':'), T.PUNCT_COLON),
+ (re.escape(';'), T.PUNCT_SEMICOLON),
+ (re.escape(','), T.PUNCT_COMMA),
+ (re.escape('('), T.PAREN_OPEN),
+ (re.escape(')'), T.PAREN_CLOSE),
+ (re.escape('['), T.BRACKET_OPEN),
+ (re.escape(']'), T.BRACKET_CLOSE),
+ (re.escape('{'), T.BRACE_OPEN),
+ (re.escape('}'), T.BRACE_CLOSE),
+ # If we fail to match anything, consume one character, and move on.
+ (r'.', T.MYSTERY),
+grammar = Grammar('start', [T.EOF], [
+ Rule('alist_inner', ['expr']),
+ Rule('alist_inner', ['alist_inner', T.PUNCT_COMMA, 'expr']),
+ Rule('alist', []),
+ Rule('alist', ['alist_inner']),
+ Rule('member', [T.IDENTIFIER]),
+ Rule('expr', [T.PAREN_OPEN, 'expr', T.PAREN_CLOSE], prec=P.PARENTHESES),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', T.OPERATOR_DOT, 'member'], prec=P.MEMBERS),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', T.BRACKET_OPEN, 'expr', T.BRACKET_CLOSE],
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', T.PAREN_OPEN, 'alist', T.PAREN_CLOSE], prec=P.CALLS),
+ Rule('expr', [(T.OPERATOR_DEREF,
+ T.OPERATOR_BITNOT), 'expr'],
+ rassoc=True),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', T.OPERATOR_BITAND, 'expr'], prec=P.BITAND),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', T.OPERATOR_BITOR, 'expr'], prec=P.BITOR),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', T.OPERATOR_BITXOR, 'expr'], prec=P.BITXOR),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', (T.OPERATOR_SHL,
+ T.OPERATOR_SHR), 'expr'], prec=P.BITSHIFTS),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', (T.OPERATOR_TIMES,
+ T.OPERATOR_DIVIDE), 'expr'], prec=P.PRODUCTS),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', (T.OPERATOR_PLUS,
+ T.OPERATOR_MINUS), 'expr'], prec=P.SUMS),
+ Rule('expr', ['expr', (T.OPERATOR_EQ, T.OPERATOR_NE,
+ Rule('expr', [(T.NUMERIC, T.IDENTIFIER, 'string')], prec=P.LITERALS),
+ Rule('array', [T.BRACKET_OPEN, 'alist', T.BRACKET_CLOSE]),
+ Rule('string', [T.STRING_DELIM, 'string_inner', T.STRING_DELIM],
+ prec=P.LITERALS),
+ Rule('string_inner', [], mode=Mode.STRING),
+ Rule('string_inner', ['string_inner', (T.STRING, T.STRING_ESCAPE)],
+ mode=Mode.STRING),
+ Rule('storage', [], prec=P.STORAGE),
+ Rule('storage', [(T.STORAGE_MUT, T.STORAGE_STASH)]),
+ Rule('range_to', ['expr', T.PUNCT_TO, 'expr']),
+ Rule('type_id', [T.IDENTIFIER]),
+ Rule('type_id', [
+ 'storage', 'type_id', T.BRACKET_CLOSE], prec=P.TYPES),
+ Rule('type_id', [T.OPERATOR_REF, 'storage', 'type_id']),
+ Rule('type_id', [T.BRACKET_OPEN, 'storage', 'type_id', T.PUNCT_SEMICOLON,
+ ('expr', 'range_to'), T.BRACKET_CLOSE]),
+ Rule('declaration', [T.IDENTIFIER, T.PUNCT_COLON, 'type_id']),
+ Rule('stmt_constant', [T.STMT_CONSTANT, 'declaration',
+ T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN, ('expr', 'array')],
+ Rule('stmt_use', [T.STMT_USE, T.IDENTIFIER]),
+ Rule('stmt_let', [T.STMT_LET, 'storage', 'declaration',
+ T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN, ('expr', 'array')],
+ Rule('do_block', [T.PUNCT_DO, 'block', T.PUNCT_END]),
+ Rule('stmt_while', [T.STMT_WHILE, 'expr', 'do_block']),
+ Rule('stmt_for', [T.STMT_FOR, 'declaration',
+ T.PUNCT_IN, ('range_to', 'expr'), 'do_block']),
+ Rule('branch_else_if', [T.PUNCT_ELSEIF, 'expr', T.PUNCT_THEN, 'block']),
+ Rule('branch_else', [T.PUNCT_ELSE, 'block']),
+ Rule('branch_else_ifs', ['branch_else_ifs', 'branch_else_if']),
+ Rule('branch_else_ifs', ['branch_else_if']),
+ Rule('stmt_if', [T.STMT_IF, 'expr', T.PUNCT_THEN, 'block', T.PUNCT_END]),
+ Rule('stmt_if', [T.STMT_IF, 'expr', T.PUNCT_THEN, 'block',
+ 'branch_else', T.PUNCT_END]),
+ Rule('stmt_if', [T.STMT_IF, 'expr', T.PUNCT_THEN, 'block',
+ 'branch_else_ifs', 'branch_else', T.PUNCT_END]),
+ Rule('stmt_isr', [T.STMT_ISR, T.IDENTIFIER, 'block', T.PUNCT_ENDISR]),
+ Rule('plist', []),
+ Rule('plist', ['plist_inner']),
+ Rule('plist_inner', ['declaration']),
+ Rule('plist_inner', ['plist_inner', T.PUNCT_COMMA, 'declaration']),
+ Rule('stmt_fun', [T.STMT_FUN, T.IDENTIFIER,
+ 'block', T.PUNCT_ENDFUN]),
+ Rule('stmt_fun', [T.STMT_FUN, T.IDENTIFIER,
+ T.PUNCT_ARROWR, 'type_id',
+ 'block', T.PUNCT_ENDFUN]),
+ Rule('stmt_return', [T.STMT_RETURN], prec=P.STATEMENTS),
+ Rule('stmt_return', [T.STMT_RETURN, 'expr'], prec=P.RETURN_VALUE),
+ Rule('stmt_assign', ['expr', (T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN,
+ Rule('block', []),
+ Rule('block', ['block', ('stmt_constant',
+ 'stmt_for',
+ 'stmt_if',
+ 'stmt_let',
+ 'stmt_return',
+ 'stmt_while',
+ 'stmt_assign',
+ 'expr')], prec=P.STATEMENTS),
+ Rule('unit', []),
+ Rule('unit', ['unit', ('stmt_constant',
+ 'stmt_isr',
+ 'stmt_let',
+ 'stmt_use',
+ 'stmt_fun')]),
+ Rule('start', ['unit']),
+comment_grammar = Grammar('start', [T.COMMENT_CLOSE, T.WHITESPACE, T.EOF], [
+ # left-recursive definition of a comment
+ Rule('comment_inner', [], mode=Mode.COMMENT),
+ Rule('comment_inner', ['comment_inner',
+ (T.COMMENT_TEXT, 'comment_nested')],
+ mode=Mode.COMMENT),
+ # we have to define a rule for nested comments separately to avoid
+ # mode/mode conflicts
+ Rule('comment_nested', [T.COMMENT_OPEN, 'comment_inner', T.COMMENT_CLOSE],
+ mode=Mode.COMMENT),
+ # enter/exit mode split
+ Rule('comment', [T.COMMENT_OPEN, 'comment_inner', T.COMMENT_CLOSE]),
+ # the empty rule handles whitespace
+ Rule('hidden', []),
+ Rule('hidden', ['comment']),
+ Rule('start', ['hidden']),
+parse = grammar.build_parser({
+ ReStream.CHANNEL_HIDDEN: comment_grammar,
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.g4 b/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.g4
deleted file mode 100644
index bcc4f96..0000000
--- a/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.g4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-parser grammar Gold;
-tokens {
- // simple tokens
- // arithmetic operators
- // logical operators
- // bitwise operators
- // comparison operators
- // assignment operators
- // member access operators
- // pointer operators
- // statement keywords
- // storage classes
- // assorted punctuation
- // delimiters
- // dummy tokens for internal lexer use.
-expr : PAREN_OPEN expr PAREN_CLOSE # ExprParen
- | expr OPERATOR_DOT member=IDENTIFIER # ExprMember
- | expr BRACKET_OPEN expr BRACKET_CLOSE # ExprIndex
- | fun=expr PAREN_OPEN (args+=expr (PUNCT_COMMA args+=expr)*)? PAREN_CLOSE # ExprFunCall
- | OPERATOR_DEREF expr # ExprDeref
- | OPERATOR_MINUS expr # ExprNegation
- | expr OPERATOR_BITNOT expr # ExprBitNot
- | expr OPERATOR_BITAND expr # ExprBitAnd
- | expr OPERATOR_BITOR expr # ExprBitOr
- | expr OPERATOR_BITXOR expr # ExprBitXor
- | expr op=( OPERATOR_SHL | OPERATOR_SHR ) expr # ExprBitShift
- | expr op=( OPERATOR_TIMES | OPERATOR_DIVIDE ) expr # ExprProduct
- | expr op=( OPERATOR_PLUS | OPERATOR_MINUS ) expr # ExprSum
- | OPERATOR_LT | OPERATOR_GT) expr # ExprCompare
- | value=NUMERIC # ExprNumber
- | name=IDENTIFIER # ExprId
- ;
-string : (s+=STRING)+ ;
-storage : storage_class=(STORAGE_MUT | STORAGE_STASH) ;
-typeId : name=IDENTIFIER # TypePrimitive
- | OPERATOR_REF storage? typeId # TypePointer
- (expr | rangeTo) BRACKET_CLOSE # TypeArray
- ;
-rangeTo : expr PUNCT_TO expr ;
-declaration : name=IDENTIFIER PUNCT_COLON typeId ;
-stmtConstant : STMT_CONSTANT declaration OPERATOR_ASSIGN ( expr | array ) ;
-stmtUse : STMT_USE unitId=IDENTIFIER ;
-stmtLet : STMT_LET storage? declaration
- ( expr | array | string ) ;
-stmtWhile : STMT_WHILE expr PUNCT_DO block PUNCT_END ;
-stmtFor : STMT_FOR declaration PUNCT_IN ( rangeTo | expr )
-stmtIf : STMT_IF expr PUNCT_THEN block
- ( PUNCT_ELSEIF block )*
- ( PUNCT_ELSE block )?
- PAREN_OPEN ( args+=declaration ( PUNCT_COMMA args+=declaration )* )? PAREN_CLOSE
- ( PUNCT_ARROWR ret=typeId )?
- block
-stmtReturn : STMT_RETURN expr? ;
-stmtAssign : expr OPERATOR_ASSIGN expr # stmtAssignVal
- | expr OPERATOR_ASSIGN_INC expr # stmtAssignInc
- | expr OPERATOR_ASSIGN_DEC expr # stmtAssignDec
- ;
-block : ( stmtConstant
- | stmtFor
- | stmtIf
- | stmtLet
- | stmtReturn
- | stmtWhile
- | stmtAssign // these need to be last
- | expr
- )* ;
-unit : ( stmtConstant
- | stmtIsr
- | stmtLet
- | stmtUse
- | stmtFun
- )* EOF ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.py b/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 73dced1..0000000
--- a/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2580 +0,0 @@
-# Generated from jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.g4 by ANTLR 4.5.2
-# encoding: utf-8
-from antlr4 import *
-from io import StringIO
-def serializedATN():
- with StringIO() as buf:
- buf.write("\3\u0430\ud6d1\u8206\uad2d\u4417\uaef1\u8d80\uaadd\3B")
- buf.write("\u011c\4\2\t\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7")
- buf.write("\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n\4\13\t\13\4\f\t\f\4\r\t\r\4\16")
- buf.write("\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22\t\22\4\23\t\23")
- buf.write("\4\24\t\24\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2")
- buf.write("\5\2\64\n\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3")
- buf.write("\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2")
- buf.write("\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\2\7")
- buf.write("\2[\n\2\f\2\16\2^\13\2\5\2`\n\2\3\2\7\2c\n\2\f\2\16\2")
- buf.write("f\13\2\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\7\3l\n\3\f\3\16\3o\13\3\5\3q\n")
- buf.write("\3\3\3\3\3\3\4\6\4v\n\4\r\4\16\4w\3\5\3\5\3\6\3\6\3\6")
- buf.write("\3\6\5\6\u0080\n\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\5\6\u0087\n\6\3")
- buf.write("\6\3\6\3\6\5\6\u008c\n\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\5\6\u0092\n\6")
- buf.write("\3\6\3\6\5\6\u0096\n\6\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\b")
- buf.write("\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\5\t\u00a5\n\t\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\13\3")
- buf.write("\13\5\13\u00ac\n\13\3\13\3\13\3\13\3\13\3\13\5\13\u00b3")
- buf.write("\n\13\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\5\r")
- buf.write("\u00c0\n\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3")
- buf.write("\16\7\16\u00cc\n\16\f\16\16\16\u00cf\13\16\3\16\3\16\5")
- buf.write("\16\u00d3\n\16\3\16\3\16\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\20")
- buf.write("\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\7\20\u00e2\n\20\f\20\16\20\u00e5")
- buf.write("\13\20\5\20\u00e7\n\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\5\20\u00ec\n\20")
- buf.write("\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\21\3\21\5\21\u00f3\n\21\3\22\3\22\3")
- buf.write("\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\5\22")
- buf.write("\u0101\n\22\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\7")
- buf.write("\23\u010b\n\23\f\23\16\23\u010e\13\23\3\24\3\24\3\24\3")
- buf.write("\24\3\24\7\24\u0115\n\24\f\24\16\24\u0118\13\24\3\24\3")
- buf.write("\24\3\24\2\3\2\25\2\4\6\b\n\f\16\20\22\24\26\30\32\34")
- buf.write("\36 \"$&\2\7\3\2\r\16\3\2\b\t\3\2\6\7\3\2\23\30\3\2()")
- buf.write("\u013d\2\63\3\2\2\2\4g\3\2\2\2\6u\3\2\2\2\by\3\2\2\2\n")
- buf.write("\u0095\3\2\2\2\f\u0097\3\2\2\2\16\u009b\3\2\2\2\20\u009f")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\22\u00a6\3\2\2\2\24\u00a9\3\2\2\2\26\u00b4\3")
- buf.write("\2\2\2\30\u00ba\3\2\2\2\32\u00c5\3\2\2\2\34\u00d6\3\2")
- buf.write("\2\2\36\u00db\3\2\2\2 \u00f0\3\2\2\2\"\u0100\3\2\2\2$")
- buf.write("\u010c\3\2\2\2&\u0116\3\2\2\2()\b\2\1\2)*\7\35\2\2*\64")
- buf.write("\5\2\2\16+,\7\7\2\2,\64\5\2\2\r-.\7\67\2\2./\5\2\2\2/")
- buf.write("\60\78\2\2\60\64\3\2\2\2\61\64\7\4\2\2\62\64\7\3\2\2\63")
- buf.write("(\3\2\2\2\63+\3\2\2\2\63-\3\2\2\2\63\61\3\2\2\2\63\62")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\64d\3\2\2\2\65\66\f\f\2\2\66\67\7\17\2\2\67c")
- buf.write("\5\2\2\r89\f\13\2\29:\7\20\2\2:c\5\2\2\f;<\f\n\2\2<=\7")
- buf.write("\21\2\2=c\5\2\2\13>?\f\t\2\2?@\7\22\2\2@c\5\2\2\nAB\f")
- buf.write("\b\2\2BC\t\2\2\2Cc\5\2\2\tDE\f\7\2\2EF\t\3\2\2Fc\5\2\2")
- buf.write("\bGH\f\6\2\2HI\t\4\2\2Ic\5\2\2\7JK\f\5\2\2KL\t\5\2\2L")
- buf.write("c\5\2\2\6MN\f\21\2\2NO\7\34\2\2Oc\7\3\2\2PQ\f\20\2\2Q")
- buf.write("R\79\2\2RS\5\2\2\2ST\7:\2\2Tc\3\2\2\2UV\f\17\2\2V_\7\67")
- buf.write("\2\2W\\\5\2\2\2XY\7\65\2\2Y[\5\2\2\2ZX\3\2\2\2[^\3\2\2")
- buf.write("\2\\Z\3\2\2\2\\]\3\2\2\2]`\3\2\2\2^\\\3\2\2\2_W\3\2\2")
- buf.write("\2_`\3\2\2\2`a\3\2\2\2ac\78\2\2b\65\3\2\2\2b8\3\2\2\2")
- buf.write("b;\3\2\2\2b>\3\2\2\2bA\3\2\2\2bD\3\2\2\2bG\3\2\2\2bJ\3")
- buf.write("\2\2\2bM\3\2\2\2bP\3\2\2\2bU\3\2\2\2cf\3\2\2\2db\3\2\2")
- buf.write("\2de\3\2\2\2e\3\3\2\2\2fd\3\2\2\2gp\79\2\2hm\5\2\2\2i")
- buf.write("j\7\65\2\2jl\5\2\2\2ki\3\2\2\2lo\3\2\2\2mk\3\2\2\2mn\3")
- buf.write("\2\2\2nq\3\2\2\2om\3\2\2\2ph\3\2\2\2pq\3\2\2\2qr\3\2\2")
- buf.write("\2rs\7:\2\2s\5\3\2\2\2tv\7\5\2\2ut\3\2\2\2vw\3\2\2\2w")
- buf.write("u\3\2\2\2wx\3\2\2\2x\7\3\2\2\2yz\t\6\2\2z\t\3\2\2\2{\u0096")
- buf.write("\7\3\2\2|}\7\36\2\2}\177\79\2\2~\u0080\5\b\5\2\177~\3")
- buf.write("\2\2\2\177\u0080\3\2\2\2\u0080\u0081\3\2\2\2\u0081\u0082")
- buf.write("\5\n\6\2\u0082\u0083\7:\2\2\u0083\u0096\3\2\2\2\u0084")
- buf.write("\u0086\7\36\2\2\u0085\u0087\5\b\5\2\u0086\u0085\3\2\2")
- buf.write("\2\u0086\u0087\3\2\2\2\u0087\u0088\3\2\2\2\u0088\u0096")
- buf.write("\5\n\6\2\u0089\u008b\79\2\2\u008a\u008c\5\b\5\2\u008b")
- buf.write("\u008a\3\2\2\2\u008b\u008c\3\2\2\2\u008c\u008d\3\2\2\2")
- buf.write("\u008d\u008e\5\n\6\2\u008e\u0091\7\64\2\2\u008f\u0092")
- buf.write("\5\2\2\2\u0090\u0092\5\f\7\2\u0091\u008f\3\2\2\2\u0091")
- buf.write("\u0090\3\2\2\2\u0092\u0093\3\2\2\2\u0093\u0094\7:\2\2")
- buf.write("\u0094\u0096\3\2\2\2\u0095{\3\2\2\2\u0095|\3\2\2\2\u0095")
- buf.write("\u0084\3\2\2\2\u0095\u0089\3\2\2\2\u0096\13\3\2\2\2\u0097")
- buf.write("\u0098\5\2\2\2\u0098\u0099\7\62\2\2\u0099\u009a\5\2\2")
- buf.write("\2\u009a\r\3\2\2\2\u009b\u009c\7\3\2\2\u009c\u009d\7\63")
- buf.write("\2\2\u009d\u009e\5\n\6\2\u009e\17\3\2\2\2\u009f\u00a0")
- buf.write("\7\37\2\2\u00a0\u00a1\5\16\b\2\u00a1\u00a4\7\31\2\2\u00a2")
- buf.write("\u00a5\5\2\2\2\u00a3\u00a5\5\4\3\2\u00a4\u00a2\3\2\2\2")
- buf.write("\u00a4\u00a3\3\2\2\2\u00a5\21\3\2\2\2\u00a6\u00a7\7&\2")
- buf.write("\2\u00a7\u00a8\7\3\2\2\u00a8\23\3\2\2\2\u00a9\u00ab\7")
- buf.write("$\2\2\u00aa\u00ac\5\b\5\2\u00ab\u00aa\3\2\2\2\u00ab\u00ac")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00ac\u00ad\3\2\2\2\u00ad\u00ae\5\16\b\2\u00ae")
- buf.write("\u00b2\7\31\2\2\u00af\u00b3\5\2\2\2\u00b0\u00b3\5\4\3")
- buf.write("\2\u00b1\u00b3\5\6\4\2\u00b2\u00af\3\2\2\2\u00b2\u00b0")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00b2\u00b1\3\2\2\2\u00b3\25\3\2\2\2\u00b4\u00b5")
- buf.write("\7\'\2\2\u00b5\u00b6\5\2\2\2\u00b6\u00b7\7*\2\2\u00b7")
- buf.write("\u00b8\5$\23\2\u00b8\u00b9\7-\2\2\u00b9\27\3\2\2\2\u00ba")
- buf.write("\u00bb\7 \2\2\u00bb\u00bc\5\16\b\2\u00bc\u00bf\7\60\2")
- buf.write("\2\u00bd\u00c0\5\f\7\2\u00be\u00c0\5\2\2\2\u00bf\u00bd")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00bf\u00be\3\2\2\2\u00c0\u00c1\3\2\2\2\u00c1")
- buf.write("\u00c2\7*\2\2\u00c2\u00c3\5$\23\2\u00c3\u00c4\7-\2\2\u00c4")
- buf.write("\31\3\2\2\2\u00c5\u00c6\7\"\2\2\u00c6\u00c7\5\2\2\2\u00c7")
- buf.write("\u00c8\7\61\2\2\u00c8\u00cd\5$\23\2\u00c9\u00ca\7,\2\2")
- buf.write("\u00ca\u00cc\5$\23\2\u00cb\u00c9\3\2\2\2\u00cc\u00cf\3")
- buf.write("\2\2\2\u00cd\u00cb\3\2\2\2\u00cd\u00ce\3\2\2\2\u00ce\u00d2")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00cf\u00cd\3\2\2\2\u00d0\u00d1\7+\2\2\u00d1")
- buf.write("\u00d3\5$\23\2\u00d2\u00d0\3\2\2\2\u00d2\u00d3\3\2\2\2")
- buf.write("\u00d3\u00d4\3\2\2\2\u00d4\u00d5\7-\2\2\u00d5\33\3\2\2")
- buf.write("\2\u00d6\u00d7\7#\2\2\u00d7\u00d8\7\3\2\2\u00d8\u00d9")
- buf.write("\5$\23\2\u00d9\u00da\7/\2\2\u00da\35\3\2\2\2\u00db\u00dc")
- buf.write("\7!\2\2\u00dc\u00dd\7\3\2\2\u00dd\u00e6\7\67\2\2\u00de")
- buf.write("\u00e3\5\16\b\2\u00df\u00e0\7\65\2\2\u00e0\u00e2\5\16")
- buf.write("\b\2\u00e1\u00df\3\2\2\2\u00e2\u00e5\3\2\2\2\u00e3\u00e1")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00e3\u00e4\3\2\2\2\u00e4\u00e7\3\2\2\2\u00e5")
- buf.write("\u00e3\3\2\2\2\u00e6\u00de\3\2\2\2\u00e6\u00e7\3\2\2\2")
- buf.write("\u00e7\u00e8\3\2\2\2\u00e8\u00eb\78\2\2\u00e9\u00ea\7")
- buf.write("\66\2\2\u00ea\u00ec\5\n\6\2\u00eb\u00e9\3\2\2\2\u00eb")
- buf.write("\u00ec\3\2\2\2\u00ec\u00ed\3\2\2\2\u00ed\u00ee\5$\23\2")
- buf.write("\u00ee\u00ef\7.\2\2\u00ef\37\3\2\2\2\u00f0\u00f2\7%\2")
- buf.write("\2\u00f1\u00f3\5\2\2\2\u00f2\u00f1\3\2\2\2\u00f2\u00f3")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00f3!\3\2\2\2\u00f4\u00f5\5\2\2\2\u00f5\u00f6")
- buf.write("\7\31\2\2\u00f6\u00f7\5\2\2\2\u00f7\u0101\3\2\2\2\u00f8")
- buf.write("\u00f9\5\2\2\2\u00f9\u00fa\7\32\2\2\u00fa\u00fb\5\2\2")
- buf.write("\2\u00fb\u0101\3\2\2\2\u00fc\u00fd\5\2\2\2\u00fd\u00fe")
- buf.write("\7\33\2\2\u00fe\u00ff\5\2\2\2\u00ff\u0101\3\2\2\2\u0100")
- buf.write("\u00f4\3\2\2\2\u0100\u00f8\3\2\2\2\u0100\u00fc\3\2\2\2")
- buf.write("\u0101#\3\2\2\2\u0102\u010b\5\20\t\2\u0103\u010b\5\30")
- buf.write("\r\2\u0104\u010b\5\32\16\2\u0105\u010b\5\24\13\2\u0106")
- buf.write("\u010b\5 \21\2\u0107\u010b\5\26\f\2\u0108\u010b\5\"\22")
- buf.write("\2\u0109\u010b\5\2\2\2\u010a\u0102\3\2\2\2\u010a\u0103")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u010a\u0104\3\2\2\2\u010a\u0105\3\2\2\2\u010a")
- buf.write("\u0106\3\2\2\2\u010a\u0107\3\2\2\2\u010a\u0108\3\2\2\2")
- buf.write("\u010a\u0109\3\2\2\2\u010b\u010e\3\2\2\2\u010c\u010a\3")
- buf.write("\2\2\2\u010c\u010d\3\2\2\2\u010d%\3\2\2\2\u010e\u010c")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u010f\u0115\5\20\t\2\u0110\u0115\5\34\17\2\u0111")
- buf.write("\u0115\5\24\13\2\u0112\u0115\5\22\n\2\u0113\u0115\5\36")
- buf.write("\20\2\u0114\u010f\3\2\2\2\u0114\u0110\3\2\2\2\u0114\u0111")
- buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0114\u0112\3\2\2\2\u0114\u0113\3\2\2\2\u0115")
- buf.write("\u0118\3\2\2\2\u0116\u0114\3\2\2\2\u0116\u0117\3\2\2\2")
- buf.write("\u0117\u0119\3\2\2\2\u0118\u0116\3\2\2\2\u0119\u011a\7")
- buf.write("\2\2\3\u011a\'\3\2\2\2\36\63\\_bdmpw\177\u0086\u008b\u0091")
- buf.write("\u0095\u00a4\u00ab\u00b2\u00bf\u00cd\u00d2\u00e3\u00e6")
- buf.write("\u00eb\u00f2\u0100\u010a\u010c\u0114\u0116")
- return buf.getvalue()
-class Gold ( Parser ):
- grammarFileName = "Gold.g4"
- atn = ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedATN())
- decisionsToDFA = [ DFA(ds, i) for i, ds in enumerate(atn.decisionToState) ]
- sharedContextCache = PredictionContextCache()
- literalNames = [ ]
- symbolicNames = [ "", "IDENTIFIER", "NUMERIC", "STRING", "OPERATOR_PLUS",
- RULE_expr = 0
- RULE_array = 1
- RULE_string = 2
- RULE_storage = 3
- RULE_typeId = 4
- RULE_rangeTo = 5
- RULE_declaration = 6
- RULE_stmtConstant = 7
- RULE_stmtUse = 8
- RULE_stmtLet = 9
- RULE_stmtWhile = 10
- RULE_stmtFor = 11
- RULE_stmtIf = 12
- RULE_stmtIsr = 13
- RULE_stmtFun = 14
- RULE_stmtReturn = 15
- RULE_stmtAssign = 16
- RULE_block = 17
- RULE_unit = 18
- ruleNames = [ "expr", "array", "string", "storage", "typeId", "rangeTo",
- "declaration", "stmtConstant", "stmtUse", "stmtLet",
- "stmtWhile", "stmtFor", "stmtIf", "stmtIsr", "stmtFun",
- "stmtReturn", "stmtAssign", "block", "unit" ]
- EOF = Token.EOF
- STMT_IF=32
- def __init__(self, input:TokenStream):
- super().__init__(input)
- self.checkVersion("4.5.2")
- self._interp = ParserATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, self.sharedContextCache)
- self._predicates = None
- class ExprContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_expr
- def copyFrom(self, ctx:ParserRuleContext):
- super().copyFrom(ctx)
- class ExprParenContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def PAREN_OPEN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PAREN_OPEN, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def PAREN_CLOSE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PAREN_CLOSE, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprParen" ):
- listener.enterExprParen(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprParen" ):
- listener.exitExprParen(self)
- class ExprBitXorContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_BITXOR(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_BITXOR, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprBitXor" ):
- listener.enterExprBitXor(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprBitXor" ):
- listener.exitExprBitXor(self)
- class ExprSumContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.op = None # Token
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_PLUS(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_PLUS, 0)
- def OPERATOR_MINUS(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_MINUS, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprSum" ):
- listener.enterExprSum(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprSum" ):
- listener.exitExprSum(self)
- class ExprIndexContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def BRACKET_OPEN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.BRACKET_OPEN, 0)
- def BRACKET_CLOSE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.BRACKET_CLOSE, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprIndex" ):
- listener.enterExprIndex(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprIndex" ):
- listener.exitExprIndex(self)
- class ExprBitShiftContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.op = None # Token
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_SHL(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_SHL, 0)
- def OPERATOR_SHR(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_SHR, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprBitShift" ):
- listener.enterExprBitShift(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprBitShift" ):
- listener.exitExprBitShift(self)
- class ExprNegationContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def OPERATOR_MINUS(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_MINUS, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprNegation" ):
- listener.enterExprNegation(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprNegation" ):
- listener.exitExprNegation(self)
- class ExprBitOrContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_BITOR(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_BITOR, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprBitOr" ):
- listener.enterExprBitOr(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprBitOr" ):
- listener.exitExprBitOr(self)
- class ExprDerefContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def OPERATOR_DEREF(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_DEREF, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprDeref" ):
- listener.enterExprDeref(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprDeref" ):
- listener.exitExprDeref(self)
- class ExprProductContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.op = None # Token
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_TIMES(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_TIMES, 0)
- def OPERATOR_DIVIDE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_DIVIDE, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprProduct" ):
- listener.enterExprProduct(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprProduct" ):
- listener.exitExprProduct(self)
- class ExprCompareContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.op = None # Token
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_EQ(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_EQ, 0)
- def OPERATOR_NE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_NE, 0)
- def OPERATOR_LE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_LE, 0)
- def OPERATOR_GE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_GE, 0)
- def OPERATOR_LT(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_LT, 0)
- def OPERATOR_GT(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_GT, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprCompare" ):
- listener.enterExprCompare(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprCompare" ):
- listener.exitExprCompare(self)
- class ExprFunCallContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.fun = None # ExprContext
- self._expr = None # ExprContext
- self.args = list() # of ExprContexts
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def PAREN_OPEN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PAREN_OPEN, 0)
- def PAREN_CLOSE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PAREN_CLOSE, 0)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def PUNCT_COMMA(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTokens(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA)
- else:
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA, i)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprFunCall" ):
- listener.enterExprFunCall(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprFunCall" ):
- listener.exitExprFunCall(self)
- class ExprNumberContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.value = None # Token
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def NUMERIC(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.NUMERIC, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprNumber" ):
- listener.enterExprNumber(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprNumber" ):
- listener.exitExprNumber(self)
- class ExprBitAndContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_BITAND(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_BITAND, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprBitAnd" ):
- listener.enterExprBitAnd(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprBitAnd" ):
- listener.exitExprBitAnd(self)
- class ExprBitNotContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_BITNOT(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_BITNOT, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprBitNot" ):
- listener.enterExprBitNot(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprBitNot" ):
- listener.exitExprBitNot(self)
- class ExprIdContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.name = None # Token
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def IDENTIFIER(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.IDENTIFIER, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprId" ):
- listener.enterExprId(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprId" ):
- listener.exitExprId(self)
- class ExprMemberContext(ExprContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.ExprContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.member = None # Token
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def OPERATOR_DOT(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_DOT, 0)
- def IDENTIFIER(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.IDENTIFIER, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterExprMember" ):
- listener.enterExprMember(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitExprMember" ):
- listener.exitExprMember(self)
- def expr(self, _p:int=0):
- _parentctx = self._ctx
- _parentState = self.state
- localctx = Gold.ExprContext(self, self._ctx, _parentState)
- _prevctx = localctx
- _startState = 0
- self.enterRecursionRule(localctx, 0, self.RULE_expr, _p)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 49
- token = self._input.LA(1)
- if token in [Gold.OPERATOR_DEREF]:
- localctx = Gold.ExprDerefContext(self, localctx)
- self._ctx = localctx
- _prevctx = localctx
- self.state = 39
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_DEREF)
- self.state = 40
- self.expr(12)
- elif token in [Gold.OPERATOR_MINUS]:
- localctx = Gold.ExprNegationContext(self, localctx)
- self._ctx = localctx
- _prevctx = localctx
- self.state = 41
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_MINUS)
- self.state = 42
- self.expr(11)
- elif token in [Gold.PAREN_OPEN]:
- localctx = Gold.ExprParenContext(self, localctx)
- self._ctx = localctx
- _prevctx = localctx
- self.state = 43
- self.match(Gold.PAREN_OPEN)
- self.state = 44
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 45
- self.match(Gold.PAREN_CLOSE)
- elif token in [Gold.NUMERIC]:
- localctx = Gold.ExprNumberContext(self, localctx)
- self._ctx = localctx
- _prevctx = localctx
- self.state = 47
- localctx.value = self.match(Gold.NUMERIC)
- elif token in [Gold.IDENTIFIER]:
- localctx = Gold.ExprIdContext(self, localctx)
- self._ctx = localctx
- _prevctx = localctx
- self.state = 48
- localctx.name = self.match(Gold.IDENTIFIER)
- else:
- raise NoViableAltException(self)
- self._ctx.stop = self._input.LT(-1)
- self.state = 98
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,4,self._ctx)
- while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
- if _alt==1:
- if self._parseListeners is not None:
- self.triggerExitRuleEvent()
- _prevctx = localctx
- self.state = 96
- self._errHandler.sync(self);
- la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,3,self._ctx)
- if la_ == 1:
- localctx = Gold.ExprBitNotContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 51
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 10):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 10)")
- self.state = 52
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_BITNOT)
- self.state = 53
- self.expr(11)
- pass
- elif la_ == 2:
- localctx = Gold.ExprBitAndContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 54
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 9):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 9)")
- self.state = 55
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_BITAND)
- self.state = 56
- self.expr(10)
- pass
- elif la_ == 3:
- localctx = Gold.ExprBitOrContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 57
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 8):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 8)")
- self.state = 58
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_BITOR)
- self.state = 59
- self.expr(9)
- pass
- elif la_ == 4:
- localctx = Gold.ExprBitXorContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 60
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 7):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 7)")
- self.state = 61
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_BITXOR)
- self.state = 62
- self.expr(8)
- pass
- elif la_ == 5:
- localctx = Gold.ExprBitShiftContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 63
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 6):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 6)")
- self.state = 64
- localctx.op = self._input.LT(1)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if not(_la==Gold.OPERATOR_SHR or _la==Gold.OPERATOR_SHL):
- localctx.op = self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
- else:
- self.consume()
- self.state = 65
- self.expr(7)
- pass
- elif la_ == 6:
- localctx = Gold.ExprProductContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 66
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 5):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 5)")
- self.state = 67
- localctx.op = self._input.LT(1)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if not(_la==Gold.OPERATOR_TIMES or _la==Gold.OPERATOR_DIVIDE):
- localctx.op = self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
- else:
- self.consume()
- self.state = 68
- self.expr(6)
- pass
- elif la_ == 7:
- localctx = Gold.ExprSumContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 69
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 4):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 4)")
- self.state = 70
- localctx.op = self._input.LT(1)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if not(_la==Gold.OPERATOR_PLUS or _la==Gold.OPERATOR_MINUS):
- localctx.op = self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
- else:
- self.consume()
- self.state = 71
- self.expr(5)
- pass
- elif la_ == 8:
- localctx = Gold.ExprCompareContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 72
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 3):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 3)")
- self.state = 73
- localctx.op = self._input.LT(1)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if not((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << Gold.OPERATOR_NE) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_EQ) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_LE) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_GE) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_LT) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_GT))) != 0)):
- localctx.op = self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
- else:
- self.consume()
- self.state = 74
- self.expr(4)
- pass
- elif la_ == 9:
- localctx = Gold.ExprMemberContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 75
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 15):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 15)")
- self.state = 76
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_DOT)
- self.state = 77
- localctx.member = self.match(Gold.IDENTIFIER)
- pass
- elif la_ == 10:
- localctx = Gold.ExprIndexContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 78
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 14):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 14)")
- self.state = 79
- self.match(Gold.BRACKET_OPEN)
- self.state = 80
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 81
- self.match(Gold.BRACKET_CLOSE)
- pass
- elif la_ == 11:
- localctx = Gold.ExprFunCallContext(self, Gold.ExprContext(self, _parentctx, _parentState))
- localctx.fun = _prevctx
- self.pushNewRecursionContext(localctx, _startState, self.RULE_expr)
- self.state = 83
- if not self.precpred(self._ctx, 13):
- from antlr4.error.Errors import FailedPredicateException
- raise FailedPredicateException(self, "self.precpred(self._ctx, 13)")
- self.state = 84
- self.match(Gold.PAREN_OPEN)
- self.state = 93
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << Gold.IDENTIFIER) | (1 << Gold.NUMERIC) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_MINUS) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_DEREF) | (1 << Gold.PAREN_OPEN))) != 0):
- self.state = 85
- localctx._expr = self.expr(0)
- localctx.args.append(localctx._expr)
- self.state = 90
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- while _la==Gold.PUNCT_COMMA:
- self.state = 86
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA)
- self.state = 87
- localctx._expr = self.expr(0)
- localctx.args.append(localctx._expr)
- self.state = 92
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- self.state = 95
- self.match(Gold.PAREN_CLOSE)
- pass
- self.state = 100
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,4,self._ctx)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx)
- return localctx
- class ArrayContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def BRACKET_OPEN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.BRACKET_OPEN, 0)
- def BRACKET_CLOSE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.BRACKET_CLOSE, 0)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def PUNCT_COMMA(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTokens(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA)
- else:
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA, i)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_array
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterArray" ):
- listener.enterArray(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitArray" ):
- listener.exitArray(self)
- def array(self):
- localctx = Gold.ArrayContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 2, self.RULE_array)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 101
- self.match(Gold.BRACKET_OPEN)
- self.state = 110
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << Gold.IDENTIFIER) | (1 << Gold.NUMERIC) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_MINUS) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_DEREF) | (1 << Gold.PAREN_OPEN))) != 0):
- self.state = 102
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 107
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- while _la==Gold.PUNCT_COMMA:
- self.state = 103
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA)
- self.state = 104
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 109
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- self.state = 112
- self.match(Gold.BRACKET_CLOSE)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StringContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- self._STRING = None # Token
- self.s = list() # of Tokens
- def STRING(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTokens(Gold.STRING)
- else:
- return self.getToken(Gold.STRING, i)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_string
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterString" ):
- listener.enterString(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitString" ):
- listener.exitString(self)
- def string(self):
- localctx = Gold.StringContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 4, self.RULE_string)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 115
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- while True:
- self.state = 114
- localctx._STRING = self.match(Gold.STRING)
- localctx.s.append(localctx._STRING)
- self.state = 117
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if not (_la==Gold.STRING):
- break
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StorageContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- self.storage_class = None # Token
- def STORAGE_MUT(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STORAGE_MUT, 0)
- def STORAGE_STASH(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STORAGE_STASH, 0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_storage
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStorage" ):
- listener.enterStorage(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStorage" ):
- listener.exitStorage(self)
- def storage(self):
- localctx = Gold.StorageContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 6, self.RULE_storage)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 119
- localctx.storage_class = self._input.LT(1)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if not(_la==Gold.STORAGE_MUT or _la==Gold.STORAGE_STASH):
- localctx.storage_class = self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
- else:
- self.consume()
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class TypeIdContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_typeId
- def copyFrom(self, ctx:ParserRuleContext):
- super().copyFrom(ctx)
- class TypeArrayContext(TypeIdContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.TypeIdContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def BRACKET_OPEN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.BRACKET_OPEN, 0)
- def typeId(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.TypeIdContext,0)
- def PUNCT_SEMICOLON(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_SEMICOLON, 0)
- def BRACKET_CLOSE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.BRACKET_CLOSE, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def rangeTo(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.RangeToContext,0)
- def storage(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StorageContext,0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterTypeArray" ):
- listener.enterTypeArray(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitTypeArray" ):
- listener.exitTypeArray(self)
- class TypeSliceContext(TypeIdContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.TypeIdContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def OPERATOR_REF(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_REF, 0)
- def BRACKET_OPEN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.BRACKET_OPEN, 0)
- def typeId(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.TypeIdContext,0)
- def BRACKET_CLOSE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.BRACKET_CLOSE, 0)
- def storage(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StorageContext,0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterTypeSlice" ):
- listener.enterTypeSlice(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitTypeSlice" ):
- listener.exitTypeSlice(self)
- class TypePointerContext(TypeIdContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.TypeIdContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def OPERATOR_REF(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_REF, 0)
- def typeId(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.TypeIdContext,0)
- def storage(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StorageContext,0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterTypePointer" ):
- listener.enterTypePointer(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitTypePointer" ):
- listener.exitTypePointer(self)
- class TypePrimitiveContext(TypeIdContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.TypeIdContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.name = None # Token
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def IDENTIFIER(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.IDENTIFIER, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterTypePrimitive" ):
- listener.enterTypePrimitive(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitTypePrimitive" ):
- listener.exitTypePrimitive(self)
- def typeId(self):
- localctx = Gold.TypeIdContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 8, self.RULE_typeId)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.state = 147
- self._errHandler.sync(self);
- la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,12,self._ctx)
- if la_ == 1:
- localctx = Gold.TypePrimitiveContext(self, localctx)
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 121
- localctx.name = self.match(Gold.IDENTIFIER)
- pass
- elif la_ == 2:
- localctx = Gold.TypeSliceContext(self, localctx)
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
- self.state = 122
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_REF)
- self.state = 123
- self.match(Gold.BRACKET_OPEN)
- self.state = 125
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if _la==Gold.STORAGE_MUT or _la==Gold.STORAGE_STASH:
- self.state = 124
- self.storage()
- self.state = 127
- self.typeId()
- self.state = 128
- self.match(Gold.BRACKET_CLOSE)
- pass
- elif la_ == 3:
- localctx = Gold.TypePointerContext(self, localctx)
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
- self.state = 130
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_REF)
- self.state = 132
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if _la==Gold.STORAGE_MUT or _la==Gold.STORAGE_STASH:
- self.state = 131
- self.storage()
- self.state = 134
- self.typeId()
- pass
- elif la_ == 4:
- localctx = Gold.TypeArrayContext(self, localctx)
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
- self.state = 135
- self.match(Gold.BRACKET_OPEN)
- self.state = 137
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if _la==Gold.STORAGE_MUT or _la==Gold.STORAGE_STASH:
- self.state = 136
- self.storage()
- self.state = 139
- self.typeId()
- self.state = 140
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_SEMICOLON)
- self.state = 143
- self._errHandler.sync(self);
- la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,11,self._ctx)
- if la_ == 1:
- self.state = 141
- self.expr(0)
- pass
- elif la_ == 2:
- self.state = 142
- self.rangeTo()
- pass
- self.state = 145
- self.match(Gold.BRACKET_CLOSE)
- pass
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class RangeToContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def PUNCT_TO(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_TO, 0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_rangeTo
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterRangeTo" ):
- listener.enterRangeTo(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitRangeTo" ):
- listener.exitRangeTo(self)
- def rangeTo(self):
- localctx = Gold.RangeToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 10, self.RULE_rangeTo)
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 149
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 150
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_TO)
- self.state = 151
- self.expr(0)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class DeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- self.name = None # Token
- def PUNCT_COLON(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_COLON, 0)
- def typeId(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.TypeIdContext,0)
- def IDENTIFIER(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.IDENTIFIER, 0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_declaration
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterDeclaration" ):
- listener.enterDeclaration(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitDeclaration" ):
- listener.exitDeclaration(self)
- def declaration(self):
- localctx = Gold.DeclarationContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 12, self.RULE_declaration)
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 153
- localctx.name = self.match(Gold.IDENTIFIER)
- self.state = 154
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_COLON)
- self.state = 155
- self.typeId()
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtConstantContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def STMT_CONSTANT(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_CONSTANT, 0)
- def declaration(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.DeclarationContext,0)
- def OPERATOR_ASSIGN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def array(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ArrayContext,0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtConstant
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtConstant" ):
- listener.enterStmtConstant(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtConstant" ):
- listener.exitStmtConstant(self)
- def stmtConstant(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtConstantContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 14, self.RULE_stmtConstant)
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 157
- self.match(Gold.STMT_CONSTANT)
- self.state = 158
- self.declaration()
- self.state = 159
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN)
- self.state = 162
- token = self._input.LA(1)
- self.state = 160
- self.expr(0)
- elif token in [Gold.BRACKET_OPEN]:
- self.state = 161
- self.array()
- else:
- raise NoViableAltException(self)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtUseContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- self.unitId = None # Token
- def STMT_USE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_USE, 0)
- def IDENTIFIER(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.IDENTIFIER, 0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtUse
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtUse" ):
- listener.enterStmtUse(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtUse" ):
- listener.exitStmtUse(self)
- def stmtUse(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtUseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 16, self.RULE_stmtUse)
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 164
- self.match(Gold.STMT_USE)
- self.state = 165
- localctx.unitId = self.match(Gold.IDENTIFIER)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtLetContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def STMT_LET(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_LET, 0)
- def declaration(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.DeclarationContext,0)
- def OPERATOR_ASSIGN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def array(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ArrayContext,0)
- def string(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StringContext,0)
- def storage(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StorageContext,0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtLet
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtLet" ):
- listener.enterStmtLet(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtLet" ):
- listener.exitStmtLet(self)
- def stmtLet(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtLetContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 18, self.RULE_stmtLet)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 167
- self.match(Gold.STMT_LET)
- self.state = 169
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if _la==Gold.STORAGE_MUT or _la==Gold.STORAGE_STASH:
- self.state = 168
- self.storage()
- self.state = 171
- self.declaration()
- self.state = 172
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN)
- self.state = 176
- token = self._input.LA(1)
- self.state = 173
- self.expr(0)
- elif token in [Gold.BRACKET_OPEN]:
- self.state = 174
- self.array()
- elif token in [Gold.STRING]:
- self.state = 175
- self.string()
- else:
- raise NoViableAltException(self)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtWhileContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def STMT_WHILE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_WHILE, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def PUNCT_DO(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_DO, 0)
- def block(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.BlockContext,0)
- def PUNCT_END(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_END, 0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtWhile
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtWhile" ):
- listener.enterStmtWhile(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtWhile" ):
- listener.exitStmtWhile(self)
- def stmtWhile(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtWhileContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 20, self.RULE_stmtWhile)
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 178
- self.match(Gold.STMT_WHILE)
- self.state = 179
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 180
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_DO)
- self.state = 181
- self.block()
- self.state = 182
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_END)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtForContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def STMT_FOR(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_FOR, 0)
- def declaration(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.DeclarationContext,0)
- def PUNCT_IN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_IN, 0)
- def PUNCT_DO(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_DO, 0)
- def block(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.BlockContext,0)
- def PUNCT_END(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_END, 0)
- def rangeTo(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.RangeToContext,0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtFor
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtFor" ):
- listener.enterStmtFor(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtFor" ):
- listener.exitStmtFor(self)
- def stmtFor(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtForContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 22, self.RULE_stmtFor)
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 184
- self.match(Gold.STMT_FOR)
- self.state = 185
- self.declaration()
- self.state = 186
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_IN)
- self.state = 189
- self._errHandler.sync(self);
- la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,16,self._ctx)
- if la_ == 1:
- self.state = 187
- self.rangeTo()
- pass
- elif la_ == 2:
- self.state = 188
- self.expr(0)
- pass
- self.state = 191
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_DO)
- self.state = 192
- self.block()
- self.state = 193
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_END)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtIfContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def STMT_IF(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_IF, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def PUNCT_THEN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_THEN, 0)
- def block(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.BlockContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.BlockContext,i)
- def PUNCT_END(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_END, 0)
- def PUNCT_ELSEIF(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTokens(Gold.PUNCT_ELSEIF)
- else:
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_ELSEIF, i)
- def PUNCT_ELSE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_ELSE, 0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtIf
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtIf" ):
- listener.enterStmtIf(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtIf" ):
- listener.exitStmtIf(self)
- def stmtIf(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtIfContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 24, self.RULE_stmtIf)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 195
- self.match(Gold.STMT_IF)
- self.state = 196
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 197
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_THEN)
- self.state = 198
- self.block()
- self.state = 203
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- while _la==Gold.PUNCT_ELSEIF:
- self.state = 199
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_ELSEIF)
- self.state = 200
- self.block()
- self.state = 205
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- self.state = 208
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if _la==Gold.PUNCT_ELSE:
- self.state = 206
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_ELSE)
- self.state = 207
- self.block()
- self.state = 210
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_END)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtIsrContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def STMT_ISR(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_ISR, 0)
- def IDENTIFIER(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.IDENTIFIER, 0)
- def block(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.BlockContext,0)
- def PUNCT_ENDISR(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_ENDISR, 0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtIsr
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtIsr" ):
- listener.enterStmtIsr(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtIsr" ):
- listener.exitStmtIsr(self)
- def stmtIsr(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtIsrContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 26, self.RULE_stmtIsr)
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 212
- self.match(Gold.STMT_ISR)
- self.state = 213
- self.match(Gold.IDENTIFIER)
- self.state = 214
- self.block()
- self.state = 215
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_ENDISR)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtFunContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- self.name = None # Token
- self._declaration = None # DeclarationContext
- self.args = list() # of DeclarationContexts
- self.ret = None # TypeIdContext
- def STMT_FUN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_FUN, 0)
- def PAREN_OPEN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PAREN_OPEN, 0)
- def PAREN_CLOSE(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PAREN_CLOSE, 0)
- def block(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.BlockContext,0)
- def PUNCT_ENDFUN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_ENDFUN, 0)
- def IDENTIFIER(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.IDENTIFIER, 0)
- def PUNCT_ARROWR(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_ARROWR, 0)
- def declaration(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.DeclarationContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.DeclarationContext,i)
- def typeId(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.TypeIdContext,0)
- def PUNCT_COMMA(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTokens(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA)
- else:
- return self.getToken(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA, i)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtFun
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtFun" ):
- listener.enterStmtFun(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtFun" ):
- listener.exitStmtFun(self)
- def stmtFun(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtFunContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 28, self.RULE_stmtFun)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 217
- self.match(Gold.STMT_FUN)
- self.state = 218
- localctx.name = self.match(Gold.IDENTIFIER)
- self.state = 219
- self.match(Gold.PAREN_OPEN)
- self.state = 228
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if _la==Gold.IDENTIFIER:
- self.state = 220
- localctx._declaration = self.declaration()
- localctx.args.append(localctx._declaration)
- self.state = 225
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- while _la==Gold.PUNCT_COMMA:
- self.state = 221
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_COMMA)
- self.state = 222
- localctx._declaration = self.declaration()
- localctx.args.append(localctx._declaration)
- self.state = 227
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- self.state = 230
- self.match(Gold.PAREN_CLOSE)
- self.state = 233
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- if _la==Gold.PUNCT_ARROWR:
- self.state = 231
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_ARROWR)
- self.state = 232
- localctx.ret = self.typeId()
- self.state = 235
- self.block()
- self.state = 236
- self.match(Gold.PUNCT_ENDFUN)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtReturnContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def STMT_RETURN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.STMT_RETURN, 0)
- def expr(self):
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,0)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtReturn
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtReturn" ):
- listener.enterStmtReturn(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtReturn" ):
- listener.exitStmtReturn(self)
- def stmtReturn(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtReturnContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 30, self.RULE_stmtReturn)
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 238
- self.match(Gold.STMT_RETURN)
- self.state = 240
- self._errHandler.sync(self);
- la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,22,self._ctx)
- if la_ == 1:
- self.state = 239
- self.expr(0)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class StmtAssignContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_stmtAssign
- def copyFrom(self, ctx:ParserRuleContext):
- super().copyFrom(ctx)
- class StmtAssignIncContext(StmtAssignContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.StmtAssignContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN_INC, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtAssignInc" ):
- listener.enterStmtAssignInc(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtAssignInc" ):
- listener.exitStmtAssignInc(self)
- class StmtAssignDecContext(StmtAssignContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.StmtAssignContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN_DEC, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtAssignDec" ):
- listener.enterStmtAssignDec(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtAssignDec" ):
- listener.exitStmtAssignDec(self)
- class StmtAssignValContext(StmtAssignContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, ctx:ParserRuleContext): # actually a Gold.StmtAssignContext
- super().__init__(parser)
- self.copyFrom(ctx)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def OPERATOR_ASSIGN(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN, 0)
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterStmtAssignVal" ):
- listener.enterStmtAssignVal(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitStmtAssignVal" ):
- listener.exitStmtAssignVal(self)
- def stmtAssign(self):
- localctx = Gold.StmtAssignContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 32, self.RULE_stmtAssign)
- try:
- self.state = 254
- self._errHandler.sync(self);
- la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,23,self._ctx)
- if la_ == 1:
- localctx = Gold.StmtAssignValContext(self, localctx)
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 242
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 243
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN)
- self.state = 244
- self.expr(0)
- pass
- elif la_ == 2:
- localctx = Gold.StmtAssignIncContext(self, localctx)
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
- self.state = 246
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 247
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN_INC)
- self.state = 248
- self.expr(0)
- pass
- elif la_ == 3:
- localctx = Gold.StmtAssignDecContext(self, localctx)
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
- self.state = 250
- self.expr(0)
- self.state = 251
- self.match(Gold.OPERATOR_ASSIGN_DEC)
- self.state = 252
- self.expr(0)
- pass
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class BlockContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def stmtConstant(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtConstantContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtConstantContext,i)
- def stmtFor(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtForContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtForContext,i)
- def stmtIf(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtIfContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtIfContext,i)
- def stmtLet(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtLetContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtLetContext,i)
- def stmtReturn(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtReturnContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtReturnContext,i)
- def stmtWhile(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtWhileContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtWhileContext,i)
- def stmtAssign(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtAssignContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtAssignContext,i)
- def expr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.ExprContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.ExprContext,i)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_block
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterBlock" ):
- listener.enterBlock(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitBlock" ):
- listener.exitBlock(self)
- def block(self):
- localctx = Gold.BlockContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 34, self.RULE_block)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 266
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << Gold.IDENTIFIER) | (1 << Gold.NUMERIC) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_MINUS) | (1 << Gold.OPERATOR_DEREF) | (1 << Gold.STMT_CONSTANT) | (1 << Gold.STMT_FOR) | (1 << Gold.STMT_IF) | (1 << Gold.STMT_LET) | (1 << Gold.STMT_RETURN) | (1 << Gold.STMT_WHILE) | (1 << Gold.PAREN_OPEN))) != 0):
- self.state = 264
- self._errHandler.sync(self);
- la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,24,self._ctx)
- if la_ == 1:
- self.state = 256
- self.stmtConstant()
- pass
- elif la_ == 2:
- self.state = 257
- self.stmtFor()
- pass
- elif la_ == 3:
- self.state = 258
- self.stmtIf()
- pass
- elif la_ == 4:
- self.state = 259
- self.stmtLet()
- pass
- elif la_ == 5:
- self.state = 260
- self.stmtReturn()
- pass
- elif la_ == 6:
- self.state = 261
- self.stmtWhile()
- pass
- elif la_ == 7:
- self.state = 262
- self.stmtAssign()
- pass
- elif la_ == 8:
- self.state = 263
- self.expr(0)
- pass
- self.state = 268
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- class UnitContext(ParserRuleContext):
- def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
- super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
- self.parser = parser
- def EOF(self):
- return self.getToken(Gold.EOF, 0)
- def stmtConstant(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtConstantContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtConstantContext,i)
- def stmtIsr(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtIsrContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtIsrContext,i)
- def stmtLet(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtLetContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtLetContext,i)
- def stmtUse(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtUseContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtUseContext,i)
- def stmtFun(self, i:int=None):
- if i is None:
- return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Gold.StmtFunContext)
- else:
- return self.getTypedRuleContext(Gold.StmtFunContext,i)
- def getRuleIndex(self):
- return Gold.RULE_unit
- def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "enterUnit" ):
- listener.enterUnit(self)
- def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener):
- if hasattr( listener, "exitUnit" ):
- listener.exitUnit(self)
- def unit(self):
- localctx = Gold.UnitContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
- self.enterRule(localctx, 36, self.RULE_unit)
- self._la = 0 # Token type
- try:
- self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
- self.state = 276
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << Gold.STMT_CONSTANT) | (1 << Gold.STMT_FUN) | (1 << Gold.STMT_ISR) | (1 << Gold.STMT_LET) | (1 << Gold.STMT_USE))) != 0):
- self.state = 274
- token = self._input.LA(1)
- if token in [Gold.STMT_CONSTANT]:
- self.state = 269
- self.stmtConstant()
- elif token in [Gold.STMT_ISR]:
- self.state = 270
- self.stmtIsr()
- elif token in [Gold.STMT_LET]:
- self.state = 271
- self.stmtLet()
- elif token in [Gold.STMT_USE]:
- self.state = 272
- self.stmtUse()
- elif token in [Gold.STMT_FUN]:
- self.state = 273
- self.stmtFun()
- else:
- raise NoViableAltException(self)
- self.state = 278
- self._errHandler.sync(self)
- _la = self._input.LA(1)
- self.state = 279
- self.match(Gold.EOF)
- except RecognitionException as re:
- localctx.exception = re
- self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
- self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
- finally:
- self.exitRule()
- return localctx
- def sempred(self, localctx:RuleContext, ruleIndex:int, predIndex:int):
- if self._predicates == None:
- self._predicates = dict()
- self._predicates[0] = self.expr_sempred
- pred = self._predicates.get(ruleIndex, None)
- if pred is None:
- raise Exception("No predicate with index:" + str(ruleIndex))
- else:
- return pred(localctx, predIndex)
- def expr_sempred(self, localctx:ExprContext, predIndex:int):
- if predIndex == 0:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 10)
- if predIndex == 1:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 9)
- if predIndex == 2:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 8)
- if predIndex == 3:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 7)
- if predIndex == 4:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 6)
- if predIndex == 5:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 5)
- if predIndex == 6:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 4)
- if predIndex == 7:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 3)
- if predIndex == 8:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 15)
- if predIndex == 9:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 14)
- if predIndex == 10:
- return self.precpred(self._ctx, 13)
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.tokens b/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.tokens
deleted file mode 100644
index e32d277..0000000
--- a/jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.tokens
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/grammar/GoldListener.py b/jeff65/gold/grammar/GoldListener.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a02e0d7..0000000
--- a/jeff65/gold/grammar/GoldListener.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-# Generated from jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.g4 by ANTLR 4.5.2
-from antlr4 import *
-if __name__ is not None and "." in __name__:
- from .Gold import Gold
- from Gold import Gold
-# This class defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by Gold.
-class GoldListener(ParseTreeListener):
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprParen.
- def enterExprParen(self, ctx:Gold.ExprParenContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprParen.
- def exitExprParen(self, ctx:Gold.ExprParenContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitXor.
- def enterExprBitXor(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitXorContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitXor.
- def exitExprBitXor(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitXorContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprSum.
- def enterExprSum(self, ctx:Gold.ExprSumContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprSum.
- def exitExprSum(self, ctx:Gold.ExprSumContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprIndex.
- def enterExprIndex(self, ctx:Gold.ExprIndexContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprIndex.
- def exitExprIndex(self, ctx:Gold.ExprIndexContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitShift.
- def enterExprBitShift(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitShiftContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitShift.
- def exitExprBitShift(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitShiftContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprNegation.
- def enterExprNegation(self, ctx:Gold.ExprNegationContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprNegation.
- def exitExprNegation(self, ctx:Gold.ExprNegationContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitOr.
- def enterExprBitOr(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitOrContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitOr.
- def exitExprBitOr(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitOrContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprDeref.
- def enterExprDeref(self, ctx:Gold.ExprDerefContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprDeref.
- def exitExprDeref(self, ctx:Gold.ExprDerefContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprProduct.
- def enterExprProduct(self, ctx:Gold.ExprProductContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprProduct.
- def exitExprProduct(self, ctx:Gold.ExprProductContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprCompare.
- def enterExprCompare(self, ctx:Gold.ExprCompareContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprCompare.
- def exitExprCompare(self, ctx:Gold.ExprCompareContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprFunCall.
- def enterExprFunCall(self, ctx:Gold.ExprFunCallContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprFunCall.
- def exitExprFunCall(self, ctx:Gold.ExprFunCallContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprNumber.
- def enterExprNumber(self, ctx:Gold.ExprNumberContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprNumber.
- def exitExprNumber(self, ctx:Gold.ExprNumberContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitAnd.
- def enterExprBitAnd(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitAndContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitAnd.
- def exitExprBitAnd(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitAndContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitNot.
- def enterExprBitNot(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitNotContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprBitNot.
- def exitExprBitNot(self, ctx:Gold.ExprBitNotContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprId.
- def enterExprId(self, ctx:Gold.ExprIdContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprId.
- def exitExprId(self, ctx:Gold.ExprIdContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprMember.
- def enterExprMember(self, ctx:Gold.ExprMemberContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#ExprMember.
- def exitExprMember(self, ctx:Gold.ExprMemberContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#array.
- def enterArray(self, ctx:Gold.ArrayContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#array.
- def exitArray(self, ctx:Gold.ArrayContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#string.
- def enterString(self, ctx:Gold.StringContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#string.
- def exitString(self, ctx:Gold.StringContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#storage.
- def enterStorage(self, ctx:Gold.StorageContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#storage.
- def exitStorage(self, ctx:Gold.StorageContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#TypePrimitive.
- def enterTypePrimitive(self, ctx:Gold.TypePrimitiveContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#TypePrimitive.
- def exitTypePrimitive(self, ctx:Gold.TypePrimitiveContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#TypeSlice.
- def enterTypeSlice(self, ctx:Gold.TypeSliceContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#TypeSlice.
- def exitTypeSlice(self, ctx:Gold.TypeSliceContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#TypePointer.
- def enterTypePointer(self, ctx:Gold.TypePointerContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#TypePointer.
- def exitTypePointer(self, ctx:Gold.TypePointerContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#TypeArray.
- def enterTypeArray(self, ctx:Gold.TypeArrayContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#TypeArray.
- def exitTypeArray(self, ctx:Gold.TypeArrayContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#rangeTo.
- def enterRangeTo(self, ctx:Gold.RangeToContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#rangeTo.
- def exitRangeTo(self, ctx:Gold.RangeToContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#declaration.
- def enterDeclaration(self, ctx:Gold.DeclarationContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#declaration.
- def exitDeclaration(self, ctx:Gold.DeclarationContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtConstant.
- def enterStmtConstant(self, ctx:Gold.StmtConstantContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtConstant.
- def exitStmtConstant(self, ctx:Gold.StmtConstantContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtUse.
- def enterStmtUse(self, ctx:Gold.StmtUseContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtUse.
- def exitStmtUse(self, ctx:Gold.StmtUseContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtLet.
- def enterStmtLet(self, ctx:Gold.StmtLetContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtLet.
- def exitStmtLet(self, ctx:Gold.StmtLetContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtWhile.
- def enterStmtWhile(self, ctx:Gold.StmtWhileContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtWhile.
- def exitStmtWhile(self, ctx:Gold.StmtWhileContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtFor.
- def enterStmtFor(self, ctx:Gold.StmtForContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtFor.
- def exitStmtFor(self, ctx:Gold.StmtForContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtIf.
- def enterStmtIf(self, ctx:Gold.StmtIfContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtIf.
- def exitStmtIf(self, ctx:Gold.StmtIfContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtIsr.
- def enterStmtIsr(self, ctx:Gold.StmtIsrContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtIsr.
- def exitStmtIsr(self, ctx:Gold.StmtIsrContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtFun.
- def enterStmtFun(self, ctx:Gold.StmtFunContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtFun.
- def exitStmtFun(self, ctx:Gold.StmtFunContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtReturn.
- def enterStmtReturn(self, ctx:Gold.StmtReturnContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtReturn.
- def exitStmtReturn(self, ctx:Gold.StmtReturnContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtAssignVal.
- def enterStmtAssignVal(self, ctx:Gold.StmtAssignValContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtAssignVal.
- def exitStmtAssignVal(self, ctx:Gold.StmtAssignValContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtAssignInc.
- def enterStmtAssignInc(self, ctx:Gold.StmtAssignIncContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtAssignInc.
- def exitStmtAssignInc(self, ctx:Gold.StmtAssignIncContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtAssignDec.
- def enterStmtAssignDec(self, ctx:Gold.StmtAssignDecContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#stmtAssignDec.
- def exitStmtAssignDec(self, ctx:Gold.StmtAssignDecContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#block.
- def enterBlock(self, ctx:Gold.BlockContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#block.
- def exitBlock(self, ctx:Gold.BlockContext):
- pass
- # Enter a parse tree produced by Gold#unit.
- def enterUnit(self, ctx:Gold.UnitContext):
- pass
- # Exit a parse tree produced by Gold#unit.
- def exitUnit(self, ctx:Gold.UnitContext):
- pass
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/grammar/__init__.py b/jeff65/gold/grammar/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9efe776..0000000
--- a/jeff65/gold/grammar/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# jeff65 gold-syntax parser module
-# Copyright (C) 2018 jeff65 maintainers
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see .
-from .Gold import Gold as Parser
-from .GoldListener import GoldListener as ParseListener
-__all__ = [
- 'Parser',
- 'ParseListener',
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/lexer.py b/jeff65/gold/lexer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 80631b5..0000000
--- a/jeff65/gold/lexer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-# jeff65 gold-syntax lexer
-# Copyright (C) 2017 jeff65 maintainers
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see .
-import re
-from . import ast
-from .grammar import Parser
-from antlr4.CommonTokenFactory import CommonTokenFactory
-from antlr4.Token import Token
-known_words = {
- # arithmetic operators
- '+': Parser.OPERATOR_PLUS,
- '-': Parser.OPERATOR_MINUS,
- '*': Parser.OPERATOR_TIMES,
- '/': Parser.OPERATOR_DIVIDE,
- # logical operators
- 'not': Parser.OPERATOR_NOT,
- 'and': Parser.OPERATOR_AND,
- 'or': Parser.OPERATOR_OR,
- # bitwise operators
- '>>': Parser.OPERATOR_SHR,
- '<<': Parser.OPERATOR_SHL,
- 'bitand': Parser.OPERATOR_BITAND,
- 'bitor': Parser.OPERATOR_BITOR,
- 'bitxor': Parser.OPERATOR_BITXOR,
- # comparison operators
- '!=': Parser.OPERATOR_NE,
- '==': Parser.OPERATOR_EQ,
- '<=': Parser.OPERATOR_LE,
- '>=': Parser.OPERATOR_GE,
- '<': Parser.OPERATOR_LT,
- '>': Parser.OPERATOR_GT,
- # assignment operators
- '=': Parser.OPERATOR_ASSIGN,
- # member access operators
- '.': Parser.OPERATOR_DOT,
- # pointer operators
- '@': Parser.OPERATOR_DEREF,
- '&': Parser.OPERATOR_REF,
- # statement leaders
- 'constant': Parser.STMT_CONSTANT,
- 'for': Parser.STMT_FOR,
- 'fun': Parser.STMT_FUN,
- 'if': Parser.STMT_IF,
- 'isr': Parser.STMT_ISR,
- 'let': Parser.STMT_LET,
- 'return': Parser.STMT_RETURN,
- 'use': Parser.STMT_USE,
- 'while': Parser.STMT_WHILE,
- # storage classes
- 'mut': Parser.STORAGE_MUT,
- 'stash': Parser.STORAGE_STASH,
- # assorted punctuation
- 'do': Parser.PUNCT_DO,
- 'else': Parser.PUNCT_ELSE,
- 'elseif': Parser.PUNCT_ELSEIF,
- 'end': Parser.PUNCT_END,
- 'endfun': Parser.PUNCT_ENDFUN,
- 'endisr': Parser.PUNCT_ENDISR,
- 'in': Parser.PUNCT_IN,
- 'then': Parser.PUNCT_THEN,
- 'to': Parser.PUNCT_TO,
- ':': Parser.PUNCT_COLON,
- ';': Parser.PUNCT_SEMICOLON,
- ',': Parser.PUNCT_COMMA,
- '->': Parser.PUNCT_ARROWR,
- # delimiters
- '/*': Parser.COMMENT_OPEN, # see also Lexer.__m_comment_open
- '*/': Parser.COMMENT_CLOSE, # see also Lexer.__m_comment_close
- '"': Parser.STRING_DELIM, # see also Lexer.__m_string_delim
- '(': Parser.PAREN_OPEN,
- ')': Parser.PAREN_CLOSE,
- '[': Parser.BRACKET_OPEN,
- ']': Parser.BRACKET_CLOSE,
- '{': Parser.BRACE_OPEN,
- '}': Parser.BRACE_CLOSE,
-# this class is way over-encapulated for a normal Python class, mostly as a
-# safeguard against antlr4 doing weird things like accessing members beginning
-# with underscores.
-class Lexer:
- # non-whitespace characters which can end tokens.
- __specials = re.escape(r'()[]{}:;.,"\@&')
- # matches one or more whitespace characters, including newlines
- __m_whitespace = re.compile(r'\s+', re.M)
- # matches a digit, followed by zero or more non-token-ending characters
- __m_numeric = re.compile(r'\d[^\s{}]*'.format(__specials))
- # matches a letter, followed by zero or more non-token-ending characters.
- # Note that as written, this will actually match numbers as well, but the
- # 'numeric' regex is always run first, which removes tokens beginning with
- # numbers.
- __m_word = re.compile(r'\w[^\s{}]*'.format(__specials))
- # match comment-open and comment-close characters, respectively. This must
- # be a separate rule from the sprinkle rule because a sprinkle prefixed
- # with a comment-open sequence starts a comment.
- # These have to agree with the values in known_words.
- __m_comment_open = re.compile(re.escape('/*'))
- __m_comment_close = re.compile(re.escape('*/'))
- # Matches either comment-open or comment-close
- __m_comment_nest = re.compile(r'{}|{}'.format(__m_comment_open.pattern,
- __m_comment_close.pattern))
- # matches a non-alphanumeric character, including a special, followed by
- # zero or more non-token-ending characters. Note that this means that only
- # one special can ever be consumed at a time, and they will always break
- # off into their own tokens, even when adjacent.
- __m_sprinkle = re.compile(r'[^\w\s][^\w\s{}]*'.format(__specials))
- # match the string escape character followed by one character, and string
- # delimiter, respectively. These have to agree with the values in
- # known_words.
- __m_str_escape = re.compile(r'\\.', re.M)
- __m_str_delim = re.compile(re.escape(r'"'))
- # matches characters that affect lexing of strings
- __m_str_control = re.compile(r'{}|{}'.format(__m_str_escape.pattern,
- __m_str_delim.pattern))
- def __init__(self, stream, name='', factory=None):
- self.__stream = stream
- self.__name = name
- self.__current = None
- self.__line = 0
- self.__column = 0
- self.__factory = factory or CommonTokenFactory.DEFAULT
- self.__comments = []
- self.__string_start = None
- # Interface functions for ANTLR4
- @property
- def _factory(self):
- return self.__factory
- def setTokenFactory(self, factory):
- self.__factory = factory # pragma: no cover
- def getInputStream(self):
- return self.__stream # pragma: no cover
- def getSourceName(self):
- return self.__name # pragma: no cover
- @property
- def line(self):
- return self.__line
- @property
- def column(self):
- return self.__column
- def nextToken(self) -> Token:
- # Advance to the next line if necessary
- if self.__current is None or self.__column >= len(self.__current):
- try:
- self.__current = next(self.__stream)
- self.__line += 1
- self.__column = 0
- except StopIteration:
- # If we're in comment mode or string mode, we are NOT expecting
- # this kind of behavior and will kick up a fuss.
- if len(self.__comments) == 1:
- raise ast.ParseError(
- "Premature end of input while parsing comment " +
- "starting at {}:{}".format(*self.__comments[0]))
- elif len(self.__comments) > 1:
- locs = ", ".join("{}:{}".format(line, column)
- for line, column in self.__comments)
- raise ast.ParseError(
- "Premature end of input while parsing nested " +
- "comments, starting at {}".format(locs))
- return self.__make_token(Parser.EOF, '<$EOF>')
- # Comment mode means that we parse until either a begin or end comment
- if len(self.__comments) > 0:
- m = self.__m_comment_nest.search(self.__current, self.__column)
- if not m:
- # the rest of the line is a comment
- token = self.__make_token(Parser.COMMENT_TEXT,
- self.__current[self.__column:],
- self.__column = len(self.__current)
- return token
- elif m.start() == self.__column:
- # the comment delimiter is right here!
- here = self.__here()
- token = self.__produce(Parser.MYSTERY, m, Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL)
- if token.type == Parser.COMMENT_OPEN:
- self.__comments.append(here)
- elif token.type == Parser.COMMENT_CLOSE:
- self.__comments.pop()
- return token
- else:
- # comment the text before the delimiter
- token = self.__make_token(Parser.COMMENT_TEXT,
- self.__current[self.__column:
- m.start()],
- self.__column = m.start()
- return token
- # String mode emits a sequence of STRING tokens, which will be
- # concatenated by the parser.
- if self.__string_start:
- m = self.__m_str_control.search(self.__current, self.__column)
- if not m:
- # the rest of the line is a string
- token = self.__make_token(Parser.STRING,
- self.__current[self.__column:])
- self.__column = len(self.__current)
- return token
- elif m.start() == self.__column:
- # the string control character is right here!
- token = self.__produce(Parser.MYSTERY, m)
- if token.type == Parser.STRING_DELIM:
- # ending a string produces another empty string token to be
- # concatenated.
- self.__string_start = None
- return self.__make_token(Parser.STRING, "")
- # it must be an escape character
- return self.__recast_token(token, Parser.STRING, token.text[1])
- else:
- # string the text before the control
- token = self.__make_token(Parser.STRING,
- self.__current[self.__column:
- m.start()])
- self.__column = m.start()
- return token
- # Whitespace is sent to the hidden channel
- m = self.__match_with(self.__m_whitespace)
- if m:
- return self.__produce(Parser.WHITESPACE, m, Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL)
- # this MUST be run before the word match, see above
- m = self.__match_with(self.__m_numeric)
- if m:
- return self.__produce(Parser.NUMERIC, m)
- # this MUST be run after the number match, see above
- m = self.__match_with(self.__m_word)
- if m:
- return self.__produce(Parser.IDENTIFIER, m)
- # comments require special handling. They can't be lumped in with
- # sprinkles because if a comment sequence begins what would otherwise
- # be a sprinkle, we switch into comment mode.
- m = self.__match_with(self.__m_comment_open)
- if m:
- self.__comments.append(self.__here())
- return self.__produce(Parser.COMMENT_OPEN, m, Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL)
- # non-alphanumeric words, mostly operators, delimiters, etc. We call
- # these "sprinkles" for whimsy value.
- m = self.__match_with(self.__m_sprinkle)
- if m:
- token = self.__produce(Parser.MYSTERY, m)
- if token.type == Parser.STRING_DELIM:
- # enter string mode, starting by emitting an empty string
- # token. The parser concatenates sequences of string tokens
- # automatically, so we can do this to allow for the fact that
- # we MUST emit a token but don't want to duplicate logic.
- self.__string_start = (token.line, token.column)
- return self.__recast_token(token, Parser.STRING, "")
- return token
- # We literally didn't match anything (???) so go ahead and emit an
- # OFFICIAL TOKEN OF MYSTERY containing the next character to the lucky
- # winner. Mystery tokens are a surefire way of putting the parser into
- token = self.__make_token(Parser.MYSTERY,
- self.__current[self.__column])
- self.__column += 1
- # (note that the prizes in question are parse errors. If you don't like
- # parse errors, then you may not enjoy this mode very much.)
- return token
- # Helper functions
- def __here(self):
- return (self.__line, self.__column)
- def __match_with(self, regex):
- return regex.match(self.__current, self.__column)
- def __produce(self, default_sym, match, channel=None) -> Token:
- # see if the symbol is in the table
- if match.group() in known_words:
- sym = known_words[match.group()]
- else:
- sym = default_sym
- token = self.__make_token(sym, match.group(), channel)
- self.__column = match.end()
- return token
- def __recast_token(self, token: Token, sym, text, channel=None) -> Token:
- return self.__factory.create(
- (self, self.__stream),
- sym,
- text,
- channel or token.channel,
- token.start, token.stop,
- token.line, token.column)
- def __make_token(self, sym, text, channel=None) -> Token:
- return self.__factory.create(
- (self, self.__stream),
- sym,
- text,
- channel or Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
- -1, -1, # start, stop
- self.__line,
- self.__column)
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/passes/simplify.py b/jeff65/gold/passes/simplify.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1e92bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jeff65/gold/passes/simplify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# jeff64 gold-syntax CST -> AST simplification
+# Copyright (C) 2018 jeff65 maintainers
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from .. import ast, pattern
+from ..grammar import T
+from ..pattern import Predicate as P
+from ... import parsing
+def require_token(t):
+ return P.require(lambda n, c: n.t == t)
+def token(t, key=None):
+ return P(key, lambda n, c: n.t == t)
+def unop(operator, sym):
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('expr', P('position'), children=[
+ token(operator), P('rhs'),
+ ]))
+ def name_unop(self, position, rhs):
+ return ast.AstNode(sym, position, children=[rhs])
+ return name_unop
+def binop(operator, sym):
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('expr', P('position'), children=[
+ P('lhs'), token(operator), P('rhs'),
+ ]))
+ def name_binop(self, position, lhs, rhs):
+ return ast.AstNode(sym, position, children=[lhs, rhs])
+ return name_binop
+def left_recursion(sym):
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode(sym, P('position'), children=[
+ ast.AstNode(sym, P.any(), children=[
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('children0')
+ ]),
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('children1'),
+ ]))
+ def collapse_left_recursion(self, position, children0, children1):
+ return ast.AstNode(sym, position, children=children0+children1)
+ return collapse_left_recursion
+class Simplify:
+ transform_attrs = False
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('expr', P.any(), children=[
+ P.any_node('node'),
+ ]))
+ def remove_single_expr(self, node):
+ return node
+ collapse_unit = left_recursion('unit')
+ collapse_block = left_recursion('block')
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('alist_inner', P('position'), children=[
+ ast.AstNode('alist_inner', P.any(), children=[
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('children0')
+ ]),
+ require_token(T.PUNCT_COMMA),
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('children1'),
+ ]))
+ def collapse_alist_inner(self, position, children0, children1):
+ return ast.AstNode('alist_inner', position,
+ children=children0+children1)
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('alist', P('position'), children=[
+ ast.AstNode('alist_inner', P.any(), children=[
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('children'),
+ ])
+ ]))
+ def collapse_alist(self, position, children):
+ return ast.AstNode('alist', position, children=children)
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('stmt_use', P('position'), children=[
+ require_token(T.STMT_USE),
+ P('unit_name'),
+ ]))
+ def collapse_stmt_use(self, position, unit_name):
+ return ast.AstNode('use', position, attrs={
+ 'name': unit_name.text,
+ })
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('stmt_constant', P('position'), children=[
+ require_token(T.STMT_CONSTANT),
+ ast.AstNode('declaration', P.any(), children=[
+ P('name'),
+ require_token(T.PUNCT_COLON),
+ P('ty'),
+ ]),
+ require_token(T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN),
+ P('rhs'),
+ ]))
+ def collapse_stmt_constant(self, position, name, ty, rhs):
+ return ast.AstNode('constant', position, attrs={
+ 'name': name.text,
+ 'type': ty,
+ }, children=[rhs])
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('stmt_let', P('position'), children=[
+ require_token(T.STMT_LET),
+ ast.AstNode('storage', P.any(), children=[
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('storage'),
+ ]),
+ ast.AstNode('declaration', P.any(), children=[
+ P('name'),
+ require_token(T.PUNCT_COLON),
+ P('ty'),
+ ]),
+ require_token(T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN),
+ P('rhs'),
+ ]))
+ def collapse_stmt_let(self, position, storage, name, ty, rhs):
+ return ast.AstNode('let', position, attrs={
+ 'name': name.text,
+ 'type': ty,
+ **{'storage': s.text for s in storage},
+ }, children=[rhs])
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('stmt_assign', P('position'), children=[
+ P('lhs'),
+ require_token(T.OPERATOR_ASSIGN),
+ P('rhs'),
+ ]))
+ def collapse_stmt_assign(self, position, lhs, rhs):
+ return ast.AstNode('set', position, children=[lhs, rhs])
+ # TODO: handle arguments, return values
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('stmt_fun', P('position'), children=[
+ require_token(T.STMT_FUN),
+ P('name'),
+ require_token(T.PAREN_OPEN),
+ P.any(), # plist
+ require_token(T.PAREN_CLOSE),
+ ast.AstNode('block', P.any(), children=[
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('body'),
+ ]),
+ require_token(T.PUNCT_ENDFUN),
+ ]))
+ def collapse_stmt_fun(self, position, name, body):
+ return ast.AstNode('fun', position, attrs={
+ 'name': name.text,
+ 'return': None,
+ 'args': [],
+ }, children=body)
+ @pattern.match(ast.AstNode('type_id', P.any(), children=[P('ty')]))
+ def simple_type(self, ty):
+ return ty.text
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('type_id', P('position'), children=[
+ token(T.OPERATOR_REF),
+ ast.AstNode('storage', P.any(), children=[
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('storage'),
+ ]),
+ P('ty'),
+ ]))
+ def ref_type(self, position, storage, ty):
+ return ast.AstNode('type_ref', position, attrs={
+ 'type': ty,
+ **{'storage': s.text for s in storage},
+ })
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('expr', P('position'), children=[token(T.NUMERIC, 'n')]))
+ def numeric(self, position, n):
+ try:
+ if n.text.startswith('0x'):
+ value = int(n.text[2:], 16)
+ elif n.text.startswith('0o'):
+ value = int(n.text[2:], 8)
+ elif n.text.startswith('0b'):
+ value = int(n.text[2:], 2)
+ else:
+ value = int(n.text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise parsing.ParseError(str(e))
+ return ast.AstNode('numeric', position, attrs={'value': value})
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('expr', P('position'), children=[
+ token(T.IDENTIFIER, 'id'),
+ ]))
+ def identifier(self, position, id):
+ return ast.AstNode('identifier', position, attrs={
+ 'name': id.text,
+ })
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('expr', P.any(), children=[
+ token(T.PAREN_OPEN), P('inner'), token(T.PAREN_CLOSE),
+ ]))
+ def drop_expr_parens(self, inner):
+ return inner
+ name_negate = unop(T.OPERATOR_MINUS, 'negate')
+ name_deref = unop(T.OPERATOR_DEREF, 'deref')
+ name_add = binop(T.OPERATOR_PLUS, 'add')
+ name_sub = binop(T.OPERATOR_MINUS, 'sub')
+ name_mul = binop(T.OPERATOR_TIMES, 'mul')
+ name_div = binop(T.OPERATOR_DIVIDE, 'div')
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('expr', P('position'), children=[
+ P('namespace'),
+ token(T.OPERATOR_DOT),
+ ast.AstNode('member', P.any(), children=[
+ P('member'),
+ ]),
+ ]))
+ def name_member_access(self, position, namespace, member):
+ return ast.AstNode('member_access', position, attrs={
+ 'member': member.text,
+ }, children=[namespace])
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('expr', P('position'), children=[
+ P('function'),
+ token(T.PAREN_OPEN),
+ ast.AstNode('alist', P.any(), children=[
+ P.zero_or_more_nodes('args'),
+ ]),
+ token(T.PAREN_CLOSE),
+ ]))
+ def name_call(self, position, function, args):
+ return ast.AstNode('call', position, attrs={
+ 'target': function,
+ }, children=args)
+ # Collapse left-recursion on strings. Note that the list we use to build
+ # the string is wrapped in another list to protect it from being spliced
+ # directly into the node children.
+ @pattern.match(ast.AstNode('string_inner', P.any(), children=[]))
+ def string_inner_empty(self):
+ return [[]]
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('string_inner', P.any(), children=[
+ P('string0'),
+ token(T.STRING, 'string1'),
+ ]))
+ def string_inner_segment(self, string0, string1):
+ string0.append(string1.text)
+ return [string0]
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('string_inner', P.any(), children=[
+ P('string0'),
+ token(T.STRING_ESCAPE, 'string1'),
+ ]))
+ def string_inner_escape(self, string0, string1):
+ string0.append(string1.text[1])
+ return [string0]
+ @pattern.match(
+ ast.AstNode('string', P('position'), children=[
+ require_token(T.STRING_DELIM),
+ P('value'),
+ require_token(T.STRING_DELIM),
+ ]))
+ def collapse_string(self, position, value):
+ return ast.AstNode('string', position, attrs={
+ 'value': "".join(value),
+ })
diff --git a/jeff65/gold/pattern.py b/jeff65/gold/pattern.py
index 78ecb68..cd19272 100644
--- a/jeff65/gold/pattern.py
+++ b/jeff65/gold/pattern.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
import enum
+import inspect
from collections import deque
from . import ast
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ def _decorate_transform(cls):
_, pattern, template = value
if isinstance(pattern, ast.AstNode):
- predicates = pattern.transform(analyser)
+ predicates = pattern.transform(analyser, always_list=True)
# do the non-recursive transform
predicates = [analyser.make_predicate(pattern)]
@@ -193,11 +194,10 @@ def any_node(cls, key=None, with_children=None):
def node(cls, pt, pp, pa, pcs, key=None):
def _node_predicate(node, captures):
- if not pt._match(node.t, captures):
- return False
- if not pp._match(node.position, captures):
- return False
- if not pa._match(node.attrs, captures):
+ if not (isinstance(node, ast.AstNode)
+ and pt._match(node.t, captures)
+ and pp._match(node.position, captures)
+ and pa._match(node.attrs, captures)):
return False
cq = deque(node.children)
pcq = deque(pcs)
@@ -210,11 +210,22 @@ def _node_predicate(node, captures):
return cls(key, _node_predicate)
- def require(cls, value, exc=None):
+ def require(cls, value_or_predicate, exc=None):
exc = exc or MatchError
+ if callable(value_or_predicate):
+ predicate = value_or_predicate
+ try:
+ value = inspect.getsource(value_or_predicate)
+ except OSError:
+ value = ''
+ else:
+ def predicate(v, c):
+ return v == value_or_predicate
+ value = value_or_predicate
def _p_require(v, captures):
- if value != v:
+ if not predicate(v, captures):
raise exc(f"Expected {value} got {v}")
return True
return cls(None, _p_require)
diff --git a/jeff65/parsing.py b/jeff65/parsing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66e272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jeff65/parsing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+# jeff65 parser generator
+# Copyright (C) 2018 jeff65 maintainers
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import attr
+import re
+import time
+from itertools import chain
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class TextSpan:
+ start_line = attr.ib()
+ start_column = attr.ib()
+ end_line = attr.ib()
+ end_column = attr.ib()
+ def __attrs_post_init__(self):
+ if self.start > self.end:
+ t = self.start_line
+ object.__setattr__(self, 'start_line', self.end_line)
+ object.__setattr__(self, 'end_line', t)
+ t = self.start_column
+ object.__setattr__(self, 'start_column', self.end_column)
+ object.__setattr__(self, 'end_column', t)
+ @property
+ def start(self):
+ return (self.start_line, self.start_column)
+ @property
+ def end(self):
+ return (self.end_line, self.end_column)
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return self.start < self.end
+ def __contains__(self, other):
+ return (
+ isinstance(other, TextSpan)
+ and self.start <= other.start
+ and other.end <= self.end)
+ @staticmethod
+ def cover(spans):
+ """Return a TextSpan covering all of the given spans.
+ The result is the shortest span t such that every given is contained in
+ it. Note that because TextSpans are always contiguous, there may exist
+ spans which are not contained in any of the given spans, but are
+ contained in the cover span.
+ """
+ return TextSpan(
+ *min(s.start for s in spans),
+ *max(s.end for s in spans))
+ def __str__(self):
+ start = f'{self.start_line}:{self.start_column}'
+ end = f'{self.end_line}:{self.end_column}'
+ return f'{start}-{end}'
+@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class Token:
+ t = attr.ib()
+ text = attr.ib()
+ channel = attr.ib(default=0, cmp=False)
+ span = attr.ib(default=None, cmp=False)
+ def _pretty(self, indent):
+ yield (indent, f'{self.t}={self.text!r} {self.span}')
+class ReStream:
+ """Regex-matchable stream."""
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ self.stream = iter(stream)
+ self.current = None
+ self.line = 0
+ self.column = 0
+ try:
+ self.advance_line()
+ except StopIteration:
+ self.current = ""
+ self.line = 1
+ def advance_line(self):
+ """Advance the stream position to the beginning of the next line."""
+ try:
+ self.current = next(self.stream)
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.line += 1
+ self.column = 0
+ def assure_line(self):
+ """Assures that at least one character remains in the current line."""
+ if self.column == len(self.current):
+ self.advance_line()
+ def match(self, regex):
+ """Match the given regex at the current stream position.
+ In order to actually advance the position, call ReStream.produce() with
+ the returned match object.
+ Returns a match object if successful, None otherwise.
+ """
+ self.assure_line()
+ return regex.match(self.current, self.column)
+ def produce(self, symbol, match, channel=CHANNEL_DEFAULT):
+ """Produce a token and advance the position."""
+ token = Token(symbol, match.group(), channel,
+ TextSpan(
+ self.line, self.column,
+ self.line, match.end()))
+ self.column = match.end()
+ return token
+ def rewind(self, token: Token):
+ """Rewinds by one token.
+ This may only be called if the last method to be called on the ReStream
+ object was the produce() call which returned the given token.
+ """
+ assert token.span.end == (self.line, self.column)
+ self.column = token.span.start_column
+ def produce_eof(self, symbol):
+ """Produce an EOF token."""
+ return Token(symbol, None, self.CHANNEL_ALL,
+ TextSpan(self.line, self.column, self.line, self.column))
+class Lexer:
+ def __init__(self, eof, rules):
+ """Create a lexer callable.
+ rules should be a list of tuples of one of the following forms:
+ (pattern, token_type)
+ (mode, pattern, token_type)
+ (mode, pattern, token_type, channel)
+ """
+ self.eof = eof
+ self.mode_rules = {}
+ for mptc in rules:
+ mode, channel = Parser.NORMAL_MODE, ReStream.CHANNEL_DEFAULT
+ if len(mptc) == 2:
+ pattern, tt = mptc
+ elif len(mptc) == 3:
+ mode, pattern, tt = mptc
+ else:
+ mode, pattern, tt, channel = mptc
+ rs = self.mode_rules.setdefault(mode, [])
+ rs.append((re.compile(pattern), tt, channel))
+ def __call__(self, stream: ReStream, mode: int) -> Token:
+ try:
+ stream.assure_line()
+ except StopIteration:
+ return stream.produce_eof(self.eof)
+ for regex, tt, channel in self.mode_rules[mode]:
+ m = stream.match(regex)
+ if m:
+ return stream.produce(tt, m, channel)
+ assert False, "no match!" # TODO: proper exception
+def _convert_lhs(lhs):
+ if not isinstance(lhs, Symbol):
+ return Symbol(lhs)
+ return lhs
+def _convert_rhs(rhs):
+ result = []
+ for sym in rhs:
+ if isinstance(sym, tuple):
+ # alternations are tuples
+ sym = frozenset(_convert_lhs(s) for s in sym)
+ elif isinstance(sym, frozenset):
+ # already converted
+ pass
+ else:
+ sym = frozenset({_convert_lhs(sym)})
+ result.append(sym)
+ return tuple(result)
+@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, repr=False)
+class Symbol:
+ value = attr.ib()
+ @property
+ def is_terminal(self):
+ # we represent bare nonterminals as strings
+ return not isinstance(self.value, str)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"`{self.value}"
+ def extend(self, start, end):
+ return ExtendedSymbol(self.value, start, end)
+ @property
+ def parent(self):
+ return Symbol(self.value)
+@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, repr=False)
+class ExtendedSymbol(Symbol):
+ start = attr.ib()
+ end = attr.ib()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"`{self.start}_{self.value!r}_{self.end}"
+@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, repr=False)
+class Rule:
+ lhs = attr.ib(converter=_convert_lhs)
+ rhs = attr.ib(converter=_convert_rhs)
+ prec = attr.ib(default=None)
+ rassoc = attr.ib(default=False)
+ mode = attr.ib(default=0) # Parser.NORMAL_MODE
+ pointer = attr.ib(default=None)
+ parent = attr.ib(default=None)
+ def with_pointer(self, pointer):
+ return attr.evolve(self, pointer=pointer)
+ @property
+ def next_symbols(self):
+ if self.pointer is None:
+ raise Exception('Rule has no pointer')
+ elif self.pointer == len(self.rhs):
+ return frozenset()
+ return self.rhs[self.pointer]
+ @property
+ def advanced(self):
+ if self.pointer is None:
+ raise Exception('Rule has no pointer')
+ elif self.pointer == len(self.rhs):
+ raise Exception('Rule cannot be advanced')
+ return self.with_pointer(self.pointer + 1)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ syms = []
+ for sym in self.rhs:
+ if len(sym) == 1:
+ syms.append(str(next(iter(sym))))
+ else:
+ alts = ' | '.join(str(s) for s in sym)
+ syms.append(f'({alts})')
+ if self.pointer is not None:
+ syms.insert(self.pointer, '.')
+ rhs = ' '.join(syms)
+ if self.prec is not None:
+ return f'{self.lhs} -> {rhs} ({self.prec})'
+ return f'{self.lhs} -> {rhs}'
+class ItemSet:
+ def __init__(self, grammar, items):
+ self.items = set(items)
+ # complete the itemset by repeatedly finding all of the productions
+ # which come after pointers in the set, and adding all the rules that
+ # produce them recursively.
+ while True:
+ old_size = len(self.items)
+ nexts = set(
+ s for s in chain.from_iterable(
+ r.next_symbols for r in self.items)
+ if not s.is_terminal)
+ self.items.update(
+ grammar.rules[r].with_pointer(0)
+ for r in grammar.find_rule_indices(nexts))
+ if len(self.items) == old_size:
+ break
+ @property
+ def next_symbols(self):
+ """Gets a list of possible next symbols."""
+ return set(chain.from_iterable(r.next_symbols for r in self.items))
+ def advance(self, symbol):
+ """Advances the itemset by the given symbol.
+ Returns a frozenset of items where items which can be advanced by the
+ given symbol have been, and items which cannot have been dropped.
+ """
+ return frozenset(
+ item.advanced for item in self.items
+ if symbol in item.next_symbols)
+ @property
+ def mode(self):
+ """Gets the lexer mode for this itemset."""
+ # A simple example of rules using lexer modes:
+ #
+ # R -> n S z (mode U)
+ # S -> x y (mode V)
+ #
+ # where n is a mode-0 token and x, y, z are mode U tokens. In this
+ # case, we want to accept n, shift to mode V, accept tokens x, y, z,
+ # then shift back to mode U. The itemsets for the above rules are:
+ #
+ # 0. R -> . n S z
+ #
+ # 1. R -> n . S z
+ # + S -> . x y
+ #
+ # 2. S -> x . y
+ #
+ # 3. S -> x y .
+ #
+ # 4. R -> n S . z
+ #
+ # 5. R -> n S z .
+ #
+ # Clearly, in set 0 we want mode U so we can get n, shifting us to set
+ # 1. The set stack is now [0, 1], and we want to be in mode V so we can
+ # get x for our lookahead.
+ #
+ # Now we shift set 2, making our set stack [0, 1, 2]. We still want
+ # mode V to get y. This lets us shift set 3, set stack [0, 1, 2, 3]. We
+ # still want mode V, so we can get z.
+ #
+ # At this point, we reduce by S, which makes our set stack [0, 1, 4].
+ # We don't get a new lookahead after a reduce, so we don't care about
+ # the mode.
+ #
+ # Then we shift by 5, set stack [0, 1, 4, 5]. At this point, we need to
+ # be back in mode U for whatever comes after R.
+ #
+ # From the above we can derive the following set-mode associations.
+ # Pairs marked (I) indicates that the mode has the same mode as the
+ # previous one on the stack (ignoring set 4, which doesn't really have
+ # a mode): 0=U, 1=V, 2=V (I), 3=V (I), 5=U
+ #
+ # In sets 0 and 1, we're at position 0 in a rule with the appropriate
+ # mode, so we assign the mode based on that. Set 2 can inherit. In set
+ # 5, we're at the end of a rule with the appropriate mode. Assigning
+ # based on that also assigns mode V to set 3, which is not necessary,
+ # but harmless.
+ #
+ # Therefore, we only care about rules where the pointer is at the
+ # beginning or end.
+ modes = {r.mode for r in self.items
+ if r.pointer == 0 or len(r.next_symbols) == 0}
+ # If there are no such rules, we can inherit. Note that we can't assign
+ # based on the rule that we're in the middle of, because then we'd be
+ # trying to assign mode U to set 1, which we're already assigning mode
+ # V to.
+ if len(modes) == 0:
+ return Parser.INHERIT_MODE
+ # If we end up with two rules giving us conflicting modes, we will
+ # consider that an error in the grammar.
+ assert len(modes) == 1, f"mode/mode conflict: {self.items}"
+ return modes.pop()
+class Grammar:
+ EMPTY = Symbol(object())
+ END = object()
+ def __init__(self, start_symbol, end_symbols, rules):
+ self.rules = rules
+ self.start_symbol = _convert_lhs(start_symbol)
+ self.end_symbols = frozenset(_convert_lhs(s) for s in end_symbols)
+ @property
+ def symbols(self):
+ ts = set()
+ for rule in self.rules:
+ ts.add(rule.lhs)
+ for syms in rule.rhs:
+ ts.update(syms)
+ return ts
+ def find_rule_indices(self, symbols):
+ """Returns a list of rule indices which produce the given symbols."""
+ return [k for k, r in enumerate(self.rules) if r.lhs in symbols]
+ def find_starting_rule_index(self):
+ """Finds the starting rule given the start symbol."""
+ starts = self.find_rule_indices([self.start_symbol])
+ if len(starts) == 0:
+ raise Exception('No starting rule found')
+ elif len(starts) > 1:
+ raise Exception('Multiple starting rules found')
+ elif len(self.rules[starts[0]].rhs) != 1:
+ raise Exception('Starting rule must have one token')
+ else:
+ return starts[0]
+ def build_firstsets(self):
+ """Builds the First sets for every extended symbol.
+ The First set is the set of all terminals which can grammatically
+ appear at the beginning of a given symbol.
+ """
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ firstsets = {}
+ # pre-populate with empty firstsets (for nonterminals) and identity
+ # firstsets (for terminals)
+ for sym in self.symbols:
+ if sym.is_terminal:
+ firstsets[sym] = {sym.parent}
+ else:
+ firstsets[sym] = set()
+ # 1. if V -> x, then First(V) contains x
+ # 2. if V -> (), then First(V) contains ()
+ nzrules = []
+ for rule in self.rules:
+ if len(rule.rhs) == 0:
+ firstsets[rule.lhs].add(self.EMPTY)
+ continue
+ for sym in rule.rhs[0]:
+ if sym.is_terminal:
+ firstsets[rule.lhs].update(firstsets[sym])
+ else:
+ # cache rules that rule 3 applies to in advance
+ nzrules.append(rule)
+ # 3. if V -> A B C, then First(V) contains First(A) - (). If First(A)
+ # contains (), then First(V) also contains First(B), etc. If A, B,
+ # and C all contain (), then First(V) contains ().
+ #
+ # Since rules can be (mutually) left-recursive, we may have to apply
+ # this rule multiple times to catch everything.
+ updated = True
+ count = 0
+ while updated:
+ count += 1
+ updated = False
+ for rule in nzrules:
+ # we know in advance that these rules begin with a nonterminal
+ # on the right-hand side, because they're the ones we cached
+ # when applied rules 1 & 2.
+ old_len = len(firstsets[rule.lhs])
+ for symbols in rule.rhs:
+ fs = frozenset(chain.from_iterable(
+ firstsets[s] for s in symbols))
+ if self.EMPTY not in fs:
+ firstsets[rule.lhs].update(fs)
+ break
+ firstsets[rule.lhs].update(fs - {self.EMPTY})
+ else:
+ firstsets[rule.lhs].add(self.EMPTY)
+ if len(firstsets[rule.lhs]) > old_len:
+ updated = True
+ end_time = time.perf_counter()
+ elapsed_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
+ print(f'Built firstsets ({count} cycles) in {elapsed_ms:.2f}ms')
+ return firstsets
+ def build_followsets(self):
+ """Builds the Follow sets for every extended symbol.
+ The Follow set is the set of all terminals which can grammatically
+ appear after the given symbol.
+ """
+ firstsets = self.build_firstsets()
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ followsets = {}
+ # pre-populate with empty followsets
+ for sym in self.symbols:
+ if sym == self.start_symbol:
+ followsets[sym] = {s.parent for s in self.end_symbols}
+ else:
+ followsets[sym] = set()
+ # suppose we have a rule R -> a*Db. Then we add First(b) to Follow(D).
+ for rule in self.rules:
+ for k in range(len(rule.rhs) - 1):
+ for s in rule.rhs[k]:
+ if not s.is_terminal:
+ for t in rule.rhs[k+1]:
+ followsets[s].update(firstsets[t])
+ # suppose we have a rule R -> a*D. Then we add Follow(R) to Follow(D).
+ # Because we can end up with irritating things like two follow sets
+ # mutually depending on each other, we've handled this by just applying
+ # the rule until we reach a fixed state.
+ updated = True
+ count = 0
+ while updated:
+ count += 1
+ updated = False
+ for rule in self.rules:
+ # empty rules don't tell us anything for this pass
+ if len(rule.rhs) == 0:
+ continue
+ for s in rule.rhs[-1]:
+ if not s.is_terminal:
+ old_len = len(followsets[s])
+ followsets[s].update(
+ followsets[rule.lhs])
+ if len(followsets[s]) > old_len:
+ updated = True
+ end_time = time.perf_counter()
+ elapsed_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
+ print(f'Built followsets ({count} cycles) in {elapsed_ms:.2f}ms')
+ return followsets
+ def build_parser(self, hidden=None, channel=ReStream.CHANNEL_DEFAULT):
+ print(f'Grammar has {len(self.rules)} rules')
+ start_time_t = time.perf_counter()
+ translation_table = TranslationTable(self)
+ extended_grammar = translation_table.build_extended_grammar()
+ modes = translation_table.build_modes()
+ followsets = extended_grammar.build_followsets()
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ # Build the action/goto table. This is what the parse function actually
+ # uses. In the action part of the table (where the input is a
+ # terminal), there are two possible actions: shift, and reduce. These
+ # are represented by an (action, index) tuple. In response to a reduce,
+ # the parser will execute a goto by providing a nonterminal as input.
+ # These are represented as integers.
+ agtable = {}
+ # copy the nonterminal entries in the translation table over as gotos
+ # and the terminal entries as shifts.
+ for (f, s), t in translation_table.items():
+ if s.is_terminal:
+ agtable[(f, s.value)] = ('shift', None, t)
+ else:
+ agtable[(f, s.value)] = t # goto
+ # construct the final sets by merging extended rules which are based on
+ # the same rule and have the same end point.
+ finalset_rules = [None] * len(translation_table.itemsets)
+ finalset_followsets = [set() for _ in translation_table.itemsets]
+ for rule in extended_grammar.rules:
+ if len(rule.rhs) == 0:
+ # if the rule has no rhs, then the starting point is the same
+ # as the ending point.
+ final = rule.lhs.start
+ else:
+ finals = {s.end for s in rule.rhs[-1]}
+ assert len(finals) == 1
+ final = finals.pop()
+ if finalset_rules[final] is not None:
+ assert finalset_rules[final] == rule.parent, (
+ f'reduce/reduce:\n' +
+ f' {finalset_rules[final]}\n' +
+ f' {rule.parent}')
+ finalset_rules[final] = rule.parent
+ finalset_followsets[final].update(followsets[rule.lhs])
+ # add the merged reductions to the table
+ for k, followset in enumerate(finalset_followsets):
+ for symbol in followset:
+ if (k, symbol.value) in agtable:
+ # This is a shift/reduce conflict. We decide how to resolve
+ # this based on the precedence of the rules involved.
+ # Note that the shift index is a state number, not a rule
+ # number. State numbers correspond to item sets. In
+ # particular, we're looking for the rule that has already
+ # been partially applied.
+ _, _, shift_index = agtable[(k, symbol.value)]
+ partials = [
+ i for i
+ in translation_table.itemsets[shift_index].items
+ if i.pointer > 0]
+ assert len(partials) == 1, 'shift/reduce (GENERATOR BUG)'
+ shift_rule = partials[0]
+ # If one of them is missing a precedence, go ahead and
+ # hard-fail.
+ assert shift_rule.prec is not None \
+ and finalset_rules[k].prec is not None, \
+ f'shift/reduce:\n {shift_rule}\n {finalset_rules[k]}'
+ # If the shifting rule is right-associative, then we should
+ # break ties in favour of the shift. Otherwise, in favour
+ # of the reduce. Note because we look at the shift rule's
+ # associativity for this decision, a right-associative rule
+ # will bind more tightly than a left-associative rule with
+ # the same precedence.
+ if (shift_rule.prec > finalset_rules[k].prec
+ or (shift_rule.rassoc
+ and shift_rule.prec == finalset_rules[k].prec)):
+ continue
+ # Check to see if this is actually the accept state
+ if finalset_rules[k].lhs == self.start_symbol \
+ and symbol in self.end_symbols:
+ agtable[(k, symbol.value)] = ('accept', None, None)
+ else:
+ agtable[(k, symbol.value)] = (
+ 'reduce',
+ finalset_rules[k].lhs.value,
+ len(finalset_rules[k].rhs))
+ # build the hidden-channel parsers
+ hidden_parsers = {
+ channel: aux_grammar.build_parser(channel=channel)
+ for channel, aux_grammar in (hidden or {}).items()
+ }
+ parser = Parser(agtable, modes, hidden_parsers, channel)
+ end_time = time.perf_counter()
+ elapsed_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
+ elapsed_t_ms = (end_time - start_time_t) * 1000
+ print(f'Built action/goto table ({len(agtable)} entries)',
+ f'in {elapsed_ms:.2f}ms')
+ print(f'Built parser in {elapsed_t_ms:.2f}ms total')
+ print(f'Symbols: {len(self.symbols)},',
+ f'States: {len(translation_table.itemsets)}')
+ return parser
+class TranslationTable:
+ """A table of itemset/state transitions."""
+ def __init__(self, grammar):
+ self.end_symbols = grammar.end_symbols
+ self.translation_table = {}
+ self.itemsets = []
+ self.itemset_index = {}
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ # The first item set is based around the start rule
+ start = grammar.find_starting_rule_index()
+ startitem = grammar.rules[start].with_pointer(0)
+ self.itemsets.append(ItemSet(grammar, {startitem}))
+ self.itemset_index[frozenset({startitem})] = 0
+ # next, we work our way down the itemsets, advancing them using the
+ # allowed productions. The resulting items are used to construct new
+ # itemsets. We also build the translation table as we go
+ current = 0
+ while current < len(self.itemsets):
+ for symbol in self.itemsets[current].next_symbols:
+ key = self.itemsets[current].advance(symbol)
+ if key in self.itemset_index:
+ itemset = self.itemset_index[key]
+ else:
+ itemset = len(self.itemsets)
+ self.itemset_index[key] = itemset
+ self.itemsets.append(ItemSet(grammar, key))
+ self.translation_table[(current, symbol)] = itemset
+ current += 1
+ end_time = time.perf_counter()
+ elapsed_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
+ print(f'Built {current} itemsets in {elapsed_ms:.2f}ms')
+ def items(self):
+ return self.translation_table.items()
+ def build_extended_grammar(self):
+ """Builds the extended rule set.
+ This produces a set of rules where each symbol sym has been replaced
+ with the triple (s0, sym, s1) where s0 is the state/itemset preceding
+ that symbol, and s1 is the state/itemset following it. If the rule can
+ be applied from multiple states (i.e. it shows up in multiple
+ itemsets), it will show up multiple times with different state numbers.
+ """
+ start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ extended_rules = set()
+ for current, itemset in enumerate(self.itemsets):
+ rules_to_process = list(itemset.items)
+ while len(rules_to_process) > 0:
+ rule = rules_to_process.pop()
+ if rule.pointer != 0:
+ continue
+ prev = None
+ state = current
+ rhs = []
+ abort = False
+ parent = rule.parent
+ if parent is None:
+ parent = rule
+ for k, symbols in enumerate(rule.rhs):
+ prev = state
+ states = {self.translation_table[(state, s)]
+ for s in symbols}
+ if len(states) == 1:
+ state = states.pop()
+ rhs.append(tuple(
+ s.extend(prev, state) for s in symbols))
+ continue
+ # our alternation goes to different places, so split
+ # the rule, and try again.
+ for s in symbols:
+ rhs = list(rule.rhs)
+ rhs[k] = s
+ rules_to_process.append(
+ attr.evolve(rule, rhs=rhs, parent=rule))
+ abort = True
+ break
+ if abort:
+ continue
+ try:
+ lhs = rule.lhs.extend(
+ current, self.translation_table[(current, rule.lhs)])
+ except KeyError:
+ lhs = rule.lhs.extend(current, Grammar.END)
+ start_symbol = lhs
+ extended_rules.add(
+ attr.evolve(rule, lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, pointer=None,
+ parent=parent.with_pointer(None)))
+ extended_grammar = Grammar(
+ start_symbol,
+ [s.extend(None, None) for s in self.end_symbols],
+ extended_rules)
+ end_time = time.perf_counter()
+ elapsed_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
+ sz = len(extended_rules)
+ print(f'Built extended grammar ({sz} rules) in {elapsed_ms:.2f}ms')
+ return extended_grammar
+ def build_modes(self):
+ """Builds the lexer mode table.
+ Depending on what rule we are currently following, we ask the lexer to
+ operate in different modes. Each itemset/state is associated with one
+ mode, that of the rule(s) which are currently in-progress.
+ """
+ return [s.mode for s in self.itemsets]
+class Parser:
+ def __init__(self, agtable, modes, hidden, channel):
+ self.agtable = agtable
+ self.modes = modes
+ self.hidden = hidden
+ self.channel = channel
+ def select_mode(self, set_stack):
+ return next((self.modes[s]
+ for s in reversed(set_stack)
+ if self.modes[s] != self.INHERIT_MODE),
+ def next_token_skip_hidden(self, stream, next_token, set_stack):
+ while True:
+ lookahead = next_token(stream, self.select_mode(set_stack))
+ if lookahead.channel == self.channel \
+ or lookahead.channel == ReStream.CHANNEL_ALL:
+ return lookahead
+ # When a token comes in on a channel other than the one we're
+ # handling, we delegate to another parser for that channel, which
+ # consumes the input. This is useful for things like comments,
+ # which can show up anywhere -- handling them in the main grammar
+ # would be impossible.
+ stream.rewind(lookahead)
+ p = self.hidden[lookahead.channel]
+ p(stream, next_token, lambda t, s, c, m: None)
+ def __call__(self, stream, next_token, make_node):
+ """Parses a given input.
+ This method may be called multiple times and does not modify the
+ object.
+ 'next_token' must be a callable which takes two arguments: the
+ 'stream', and an int for the mode, which is 0 initially. It must return
+ a Token.
+ 'make_node' must be a callable, which is called every time a reduction
+ is performed. It is passed three arguments: the nonterminal being
+ reduced, a span covering the tokens involved in the reduction, and an
+ iterable of the children of the reduction, which are a mix of Tokens
+ and values returned from make_node.
+ """
+ # start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ output = []
+ set_stack = [0]
+ lookahead = self.next_token_skip_hidden(stream, next_token, set_stack)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ action, sym, arg = self.agtable[(set_stack[-1], lookahead.t)]
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = [f"Got {lookahead.t} but expected one of:"]
+ for state, token in self.agtable:
+ if state == set_stack[-1]:
+ msg.append(f" {token}")
+ raise ParseError("\n".join(msg))
+ if action == 'shift':
+ output.append((lookahead, lookahead.span))
+ set_stack.append(arg)
+ lookahead = self.next_token_skip_hidden(
+ stream, next_token, set_stack)
+ elif action == 'reduce':
+ if arg > 0:
+ children, spans = zip(*output[-arg:])
+ span = TextSpan.cover(spans)
+ del output[-arg:]
+ del set_stack[-arg:]
+ else:
+ children = []
+ # Since we are reducing an empty rule, we know by [vigorous
+ # handwaving] that the lack-of-tokens we're trying to
+ # reduce is bounded on the left by the last item in the
+ # output stack (if present) and on the right by the
+ # lookahead token. Note that this approach may result in
+ # the span corresponding to a block of whitespace or a
+ # comment.
+ end = lookahead.span.start
+ if len(output) > 0:
+ start = output[-1][1].end
+ else:
+ start = end
+ span = TextSpan(*start, *end)
+ set_stack.append(self.agtable[(set_stack[-1], sym)])
+ output.append((make_node(sym, span, children,
+ self.modes[set_stack[-1]]),
+ span))
+ else:
+ assert action == 'accept'
+ break
+ assert len(output) == 1
+ # end_time = time.perf_counter()
+ # elapsed_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000
+ # TODO: log to debug log
+ # print(f'Parsed input in {elapsed_ms:.2f}ms')
+ return output[0][0]
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index ef117da..6de1f98 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index e387ab5..942c369 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
exclude =
- jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.py,
- jeff65/gold/grammar/GoldListener.py,
with-coverage = 1
@@ -12,15 +10,9 @@ cover-erase = 1
branch = True
-omit =
- jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.py
- jeff65/gold/grammar/GoldListener.py
exclude_lines =
pragma: no cover
def __repr__
raise NotImplementedError
-omit =
- jeff65/gold/grammar/Gold.py
- jeff65/gold/grammar/GoldListener.py
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index ba01f66..3268ed0 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- 'antlr4-python3-runtime>=4.5.2',
+ 'attrs>=18.1.0',
'console_scripts': [
diff --git a/tests/test_ast.py b/tests/test_ast.py
index 3f1f5a1..53a46cf 100644
--- a/tests/test_ast.py
+++ b/tests/test_ast.py
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
from jeff65 import gold
+from jeff65 import parsing
sys.stderr = sys.stdout
@@ -51,11 +53,11 @@ def test_comments_multiline():
def test_comments_unclosed():
- assert_raises(gold.ParseError, parse, "/* oh no")
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "/* oh no")
def test_comments_unopened():
- assert_raises(gold.ParseError, parse, "oh no */")
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "oh no */")
def test_nested_comment():
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ def test_nested_comment():
def test_nested_comments_unclosed():
- assert_raises(gold.ParseError, parse, "/* /* oh no")
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "/* /* oh no")
def test_comment_before_statement():
@@ -123,11 +125,30 @@ def test_parentheses_with_sign():
def test_unmatched_open_parentheses():
- assert_raises(gold.ParseError, parse, "constant x: u8 = (1 + 2")
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "constant x: u8 = (1 + 2")
def test_unmatched_close_parentheses():
- assert_raises(gold.ParseError, parse, "constant x: u8 = 1 + 2)")
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "constant x: u8 = 1 + 2)")
+def test_member_access():
+ a = parse("let a: u8 = foo.bar")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(
+ gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('member_access', None, attrs={
+ 'member': 'bar',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('identifier', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'foo',
+ }),
+ ]),
+ ]),
+ a.children[0])
def test_let_with_mut_storage_class():
@@ -174,8 +195,96 @@ def test_let_without_storage_class():
assert_equal(7, n.attrs['value'])
+def test_complex_type():
+ a = parse("let a: &u8 = 0")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(
+ gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': gold.ast.AstNode('type_ref', None, attrs={
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }),
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('numeric', None, attrs={
+ 'value': 0,
+ }),
+ ]),
+ a.children[0])
+@given(st.characters(('Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Lo')),
+ st.text(st.characters(blacklist_characters='()[]{}:;.,"\@&',
+ blacklist_categories=('Zs', 'Zl', 'Zp', 'Cc'))))
+def test_identifiers(name0, name):
+ name = name0 + name
+ a = parse(f"let a: u8 = {name}")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('identifier', None, attrs={
+ 'name': name,
+ })
+ ]), a.children[0])
+def test_numeric_hex_valid(n):
+ a = parse(f"let a: u8 = 0x{n:x}")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('numeric', None, attrs={
+ 'value': n,
+ })
+ ]), a.children[0])
+def test_numeric_hex_invalid():
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "let a: u8 = 0xcage")
+def test_numeric_oct_valid(n):
+ a = parse(f"let a: u8 = 0o{n:o}")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('numeric', None, attrs={
+ 'value': n,
+ })
+ ]), a.children[0])
+def test_numeric_oct_invalid():
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "let a: u8 = 0o18")
+def test_numeric_bin_valid(n):
+ a = parse(f"let a: u8 = 0b{n:b}")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('numeric', None, attrs={
+ 'value': n,
+ })
+ ]), a.children[0])
+def test_numeric_bin_invalid():
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "let a: u8 = 0b012")
def test_let_with_invalid_storage_class():
- assert_raises(gold.ParseError, parse, "let bogus a: u8 = 7")
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "let bogus a: u8 = 7")
def test_let_multistatement():
@@ -276,11 +385,11 @@ def test_array_multidimensional():
def test_array_unmatched_open_bracket():
- assert_raises(gold.ParseError, parse, "let x: [u8; 3] = [0, 1, 2")
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "let x: [u8; 3] = [0, 1, 2")
def test_array_unmatched_close_bracket():
- assert_raises(gold.ParseError, parse, "let x: [u8; 3] = 0, 1, 2]")
+ assert_raises(parsing.ParseError, parse, "let x: [u8; 3] = 0, 1, 2]")
def test_string_literal():
@@ -292,6 +401,15 @@ def test_string_literal():
assert_equal("this is a string", s.attrs['value'])
+def test_string_literal_with_space_after():
+ a = parse('let a: [u8; 5] = "this is a string" ')
+ assert_equal(1, len(a.children))
+ print(a.pretty())
+ s = a.children[0].children[0]
+ assert_equal('string', s.t)
+ assert_equal("this is a string", s.attrs['value'])
def test_string_multiline():
a = parse('''
let a: [u8; 5] = "this is a
@@ -315,39 +433,66 @@ def test_string_escaped():
def test_fun_call_empty():
- # a = parse("foo()")
- # assert_equal(1, len(a.statements))
- # c = a.statements[0]
- # assert_is_instance(c, ast.FunctionCallNode)
- # assert_equal("foo", c.fun.text)
- # assert_is_none(c.args)
- pass
+ a = parse("let a: u8 = foo()")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(
+ gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('call', None, attrs={
+ 'target': gold.ast.AstNode('identifier', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'foo',
+ }),
+ }, children=[]),
+ ]),
+ a.children[0])
def test_fun_call_one():
- # a = parse("foo(1)")
- # assert_equal(1, len(a.statements))
- # c = a.statements[0]
- # assert_is_instance(c, ast.FunctionCallNode)
- # assert_equal("foo", c.fun.text)
- # assert_equal("1", c.args.text)
- pass
+ a = parse("let a: u8 = foo(7)")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(
+ gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('call', None, attrs={
+ 'target': gold.ast.AstNode('identifier', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'foo',
+ }),
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('numeric', None, attrs={
+ 'value': 7,
+ }),
+ ]),
+ ]),
+ a.children[0])
def test_fun_call_many():
- # a = parse("foo(1, 2, 3)")
- # assert_equal(1, len(a.statements))
- # c = a.statements[0]
- # assert_is_instance(c, ast.FunctionCallNode)
- # assert_equal("foo", c.fun.text)
- # assert_equal("1", c.args.lhs.text)
- # assert_equal("2", c.args.rhs.lhs.text)
- # assert_equal("3", c.args.rhs.rhs.text)
- pass
+ a = parse('let a: u8 = foo(7, "hello")')
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(
+ gold.ast.AstNode('let', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'a',
+ 'type': 'u8',
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('call', None, attrs={
+ 'target': gold.ast.AstNode('identifier', None, attrs={
+ 'name': 'foo',
+ }),
+ }, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('numeric', None, attrs={
+ 'value': 7,
+ }),
+ gold.ast.AstNode('string', None, attrs={
+ 'value': "hello",
+ }),
+ ]),
+ ]),
+ a.children[0])
@@ -472,7 +617,19 @@ def test_isr_def():
def test_use():
a = parse("use mem")
+ print(a.pretty())
assert_equal(1, len(a.children))
u = a.children[0]
assert_equal('use', u.t)
assert_equal("mem", u.attrs['name'])
+def test_assign():
+ a = parse("fun foo() a = 7 endfun")
+ print(a.pretty())
+ assert_equal(
+ gold.ast.AstNode('set', None, children=[
+ gold.ast.AstNode('identifier', None, attrs={'name': 'a'}),
+ gold.ast.AstNode('numeric', None, attrs={'value': 7}),
+ ]),
+ a.children[0].children[0])