Please note, use the applicable tag, when cloning, and release version when getting the latest depth compute library files for the embedded system. As of writing, version 5.0.0 of the release is available as well as tag v5.0.0.
Note, all actities below are assuming to be done in a base folder.
- CMake
- Glog v0.6.0
- Libwebsockets v3.1
- Protocol Buffers v3.9.0
Dependencies are included as submodules and are built, installed and linked during cmake-time of the project.
- To install and link Glog library use cmake flag:
- To install and link Websockets library use cmake flag:
- To install and link Protobuf library use cmake flag:
Build and Install Dependencies manually (OPTIONAL) [Click]
- Glog:
pushd .
git clone --branch v0.6.0 --depth 1
cd glog
mkdir build_0_6_0 && cd build_0_6_0
sudo cmake --build . --target install
- Libwebsockets (OPTIONAL, only if not using submodules):
pushd .
git clone --branch v3.1-stable --depth 1
cd libwebsockets
mkdir build_3_1 && cd build_3_1
sudo cmake --build . --target install
- Protobuf (OPTIONAL, only if not using submodules):
pushd .
git clone --branch v3.9.0 --depth 1
cd protobuf
mkdir build_3_9_0 && cd build_3_9_0
sudo cmake --build . --target install
cd ../..
If you do not use the submodules and have installed the dependencied (Protobuf, Libwebsockets) manually, run the following export command:
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/glog;/opt/protobuf;/opt/websockets"
Please note, ensure you are using the intended branch.
git clone --branch v5.0.0 --depth 1
cd libaditof
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
See here for details on the cmake options.
- Doxygen
- Graphviz
sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz
In order to generate the doxygen documentation you must compile the sdk in the following way:
cmake -DWITH_DOC=on ..
make -j4 doc
After compilation, the documentation can be found at this path: