Want to leave your mark? We are happy to accept contributions to Nxtensions.
If you find a bug in the source code or a mistake in the documentation, you can help us by submitting an issue to our GitHub Repository. Even better, you can submit a Pull Request with a fix.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for Nxtensions, you can [start a discussion in the Ideas category or create a Feature Request issue in our repository.
Nxtensions uses Yarn to manage dependencies. To contribute, make sure that you have Yarn installed on your machine.
git clone https://github.com/nxtensions/nxtensions.git
cd nxtensions
Nxtensions uses Nx. To build a project in the workspace run:
nx build <project-name>
Note: If you don't have Nx installed globally you can run
yarn nx build <project-name>
To build any project affected by the changes made in the workspace run:
nx affected:build
To test a project in the workspace run:
nx test <project-name>
To test any project affected by the changes made in the workspace run:
nx affected:test
To lint a project in the workspace run:
nx lint <project-name>
To test any project affected by the changes made in the workspace run:
nx affected:build
Make sure to first search for an existing issue in the issue tracker before submitting a new one. Your problem might have already been reported and has been resolved.
In order for us to be able to troubleshoot and fix your issue as quickly as possible, please make sure to provide detailed information about the environment and the steps you performed to reproduce it. Providing a minimal reproduction would allow us to quickly confirm the bug and will save us from spending time trying to guess and reproduce the problem.
When the information is not sufficient and minimal reproduction has not been provided, we will insist on providing one in order to save maintainers time and enablem them to solve more issues.
Please follow the following guidelines when submitting a PR:
- Make sure the affected projects build successfully (
nx affected:build
). - Make sure the unit tests of the affected projects pass (
nx affected:test
). - Make sure the affected projects pass the linting (
nx affected:lint
). - This is a Commitizen friendly repository, just do
git add
and executeyarn commit
to create a commit following our commit guidelines.