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Ethereum FlightSurety Dapp

Ethereum FlightSurety Dapp is a flight delay insurance for passengers.

  • Managed as a collaboration between multiple airlines
  • The passengers purchase insurance prior to flight
  • If flight is delayed due to airline fault, passengers are paid 1.5X the amount they paid for the insurance
  • Oracles provide flight status information
  • The smart contract is upgradable
  • The smart contract securely requests and receives information from oracles
  • Airlines registration implements multi-party consensus

This is the 4th project from the Udacity - Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Program

flight surety dapp1


The repository contains:

  • contracts: Back-end ethereum smart contracts (deployable from Truffle)
  • test: Back-end mocha unit testing (executable from Truffle)
  • src/server: Back-end NodeJs oracle server App (executable from Webpack)
  • src/dapp: Front-end javascript/web3.js dApp (executable from Webpack)


Compatible with:

  • Truffle v5.3.7 (core: 5.3.7)
  • Solidity v0.8.5 (solc-js)
  • Node v16.2.0
  • Web3.js v1.3.6
  • Ganache CLI v6.12.2 (ganache-core: 2.13.2)


npm install

truffle compile

Develop Back-End

To deploy the smart contracts locally with 50 account with default 5000 ether per account:

ganache-cli -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat" -a 50 -e 5000

truffle migrate

To test it:

npm run test or truffle test ./test/FlightSurety.test.js

To run the oracles:

npm run server

Develop Front-End

To use the dApp:

truffle migrate

npm run dapp

To view the dApp:


User Interface

Successful flight credit insurance withdraw

flight surety dapp2

The accepted result from the oracles is STATUS_CODE_LATE_AIRLINE (20)

flight surety oracle
