ChronosLab is a MATLAB package implementing Classical AMG. It leverages on C/C++ source codes called from MATLAB through a MEX interface to speedup the more time consuming kernels.
Multigrid methods are considered scalable or optimal because they can efficiently solve a linear system with N unknowns using O(N) computational effort. This optimality is achieved through the use of two complementary processes: smoothing and coarse-grid correction. Smoothing involves the application of a smoother, such as Gauss-Seidel, which is a simple iterative method. Coarse-grid correction involves transferring information to a coarser grid through restriction, solving the system of equations on the coarse grid, and then transferring the solution back to the finer grid through interpolation. Generally speaking, smoothing reduces high-frequency errors, while coarse-grid correction eliminates low-frequency errors.
The key ingredients of a classical AMG are:
- smoothing: a simple iterative method to dump high-frequency errors;
- test space computation: an approximation of the near null kernel, i.e., the set of vectors associated to low-frequency errors;
- coarsening: the process of identifying which fine nodes become coarse;
- prolongation: the operator transferring information from a coarse to a fine grid.
The package is organized as follows. In the source folder, there are:
- amg: it contains the main recursive kernel;
- coarsen: with all the possible coarsening strategies;
- prolong: it allows for the computation of the interpolation operator;
- smoother: with several effective smoothers;
- tspace: it collects all the functionalities to approximate the near null space;
- utils: with some generic functions;
- driver: a simple driver.
Moreover, there is the compileAll.m file, useful to create all the MEX objects. It has to be run just once.
In the example folder, two test cases are provided. They are:
- mech: a simple structural problem;
- lapl: a simple flow problem.
This folder contains also initChronosLab.m, a file to setup the path to run ChronosLab. It has to be called each time MATLAB is opened.
The main contributors to this package are:
- Carlo Janna ([email protected] and [email protected]), associate professor at University of Padova and president and chief scientific officer of M3E S.r.l. (via Giambellino 7, 35129 Padova, Italy);
- Andrea Franceschini ([email protected]), assistant professor at University of Padova.
The parameters needed to set-up the AMG preconditioner in ChronosLab are the following:
- problem type can be either mech or lapl and denotes the origin of the linear system at hand. The first one sets the default for mechanical problems, the second one for system arising from the discretization of Laplace equations.
- tspace_ntv is the number of test vector (approximation of the near kernel) of the problem at hand. In general the size of the test space equals the size of the test space that is given as input but can be overwritten by the user through tspace_ntv. If there is no test space as input, the default value is 1.
- tspace_iter is the number of iterations of SRQCG (Simultaneous minimization of the Rayleight Quotient though CG). By default the number of iterations is 0.
- smooth_type defines the type of smoother that is used. Possible values are jacobi, ligthFSAI, mediumFSAI, heavyFSAI and nestFSAI. The first one is the simple Jacobi preconditioner. Those from light to heavy denote different FSAI set-up from the cheapest and less accurate to the more expensive and more accurate. The last one denotes a novel type to compute FSAI that is recommended for highly ill-conditioned problems.
- coars_tau is the strength of connection threshold that is used for coarsening. In case of mech problems, the symmetric strength of connection is used with default 0.01. In case of lapl problems, the classical strength of connection is used with default 0.25.
- prolo_smooth is a parameter used only for mech problems and can take value none if the prolongation is not improved by smoothing, smooth if the prolongation is smoothed and emin if the prolongation is improved by energy minimization. The default value is emin.
There are other parameters in ChronosLab that an advanced user can access to better tune the AMG set-up on the problem at hand. These parameters and their meaning can be found by inspecting the main driver in each folder (e.g. coarsen.m in the folder coarsen, tspace.m in the folder tspace, etc.). Moreover the FSAI smoother can be also used as stand-alone preconditioner.
Here two examples of input file. The first one for a structural problem:
<problem type="mech"/>
while the next is for linear system arising from the Laplace equation:
<problem type="lapl"/>
ChronosLab is an open source software under the MIT license and can be freely downloaded and modified, provided the changes are distributed under the same license. See the details in LICENSE.
If you use ChronosLab in your research, please cite it. A few overview references are provided here for your convenience:
- C. Janna, A. Franceschini, J. B. Schroder, L. Olson (2023). Parallel Energy-Minimization Prolongation for Algebraic Multigrid. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45 (5), A2561-A2584.
- G. Isotton, M. Frigo, N. Spiezia, C. Janna (2021). Chronos: a general purpose classical AMG solver for high performance computing. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (5), C335-C357.
- A. Franceschini, V. A. P. Magri, G. Mazzucco, N. Spiezia, C. Janna (2019). A robust adaptive algebraic multigrid linear solver for structural mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 352, 389-416.
- V. A. Paludetto Magri, A. Franceschini, C. Janna (2019). A novel algebraic multigrid approach based on adaptive smoothing and prolongation for ill-conditioned systems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (1), A190-A219.
Finally, please note that this software is provided "as is", without any guarantees or warranties of any kind. The user assumes all risk for any damage or data loss resulting from the use of this software.
Please, report the bugs either opening an issue on Github or emailing the details to one of the authors.