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Health Services Samples

This repository contains a set of individual Android Studio projects to help you get started writing Health Services apps on Wear OS.

Read below for a description of each sample.

Note: The Health Services API is in alpha release, meaning that APIs may be added, removed, or changed. We do not recommend developing a production app against the API at the current time, or making plans that depend on the API becoming stable or widely available at a specific time.

Note: Many of these sample apps make use of fragments which have some drawbacks. For new apps, we now recommend using Wear Compose for your UI.



Demonstrates receiving background data updates from Health Services using PassiveMonitoringClient.


Demonstrates receiving goal notifications in the background from Health Services using PassiveMonitoringClient.


Demonstrates receiving receiving rapid data updates in the foreground using MeasureClient.


Demonstrates managing an exercise experience using the ExerciseClient API.