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5289 lines (4217 loc) · 90.4 KB

File metadata and controls

5289 lines (4217 loc) · 90.4 KB

Translations for Italian (it)

Translation Key: ok


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: yes


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Translation Key: no


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: cancel


translated (by human 👀) as:


Translation Key: new_marker

New marker

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Nuovo marcatore

Translation Key: title


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: description


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: question_delete_marker

Do you really want to delete this marker?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi davvero eliminare questo indicatore?

Translation Key: gps_coordinates

GPS coordinates

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Coordinate GPS

Translation Key: coordinates_copied_to_clipboard

Coordinates copied to clipboard

translated (by human 👀) as:

Coordinate copiate negli appunti

Translation Key: untitled


translated (by human 👀) as:

Senza Titolo

Translation Key: all


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: new_folder

Add folder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiungi cartella

Translation Key: modify_folder

Modify folder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Modificare la cartella

Translation Key: confirmation_message_delete_folder

Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All markers associated to this folder will be deleted permanently!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa cartella? Tutti i marcatori associati a questa cartella verranno eliminati in modo permanente!

Translation Key: failed_create_folder_already_exists

Failed to create new folder, it already exists

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impossibile creare una nuova cartella, esiste già

Translation Key: failed_rename_folder_already_exists

Failed to rename the folder, the destination name already exists

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impossibile rinominare la cartella, esiste già il nome del destinatario

Translation Key: latitude


translated (by human 👀) as:


Translation Key: longitude


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: import_file1

Import markers

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marcatori di importazione

Translation Key: file_import_successfull

File imported successfully

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

File importato con successo

Translation Key: file_import_failed

File import failed

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Importazione file non riuscita

Translation Key: location_services

Location services

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Servizi di localizzazione

Translation Key: location_services_disabled

Location services are disabled. To get your current location you must enable them.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

I servizi di localizzazione sono disattivati. Per ottenere la posizione corrente è necessario abilitarle.

Translation Key: could_not_find_address

Could not find address

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impossibile trovare l'indirizzo

Translation Key: searching


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ricerca in corso...

Translation Key: search


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: share_via

Share via

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Condividi via

Translation Key: import_file_confirmation

Do you want to import the content of this file?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi importare il contenuto di questo file?

Translation Key: folder_name

Folder name

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Nome cartella

Translation Key: save


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: confirmation_message_delete_markers

Are you sure you want to delete the selected markers?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sei sicuro di voler eliminare i marcatori selezionati?

Translation Key: share


translated (by human 👀) as:


Translation Key: processing_data

Processing data...

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Elaborazione dati...

Translation Key: confirmation_message_save_modifications

You have unsaved modifications, do you want to save them?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Hai modifiche non salvate, vuoi salvarli?

Translation Key: map_type

Map type

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Tipo di mappa

Translation Key: feedback_caption

Found a problem? Have an idea of improvement?
Send me an email :-)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Trovato un problema? Hai un'idea di miglioramento? 
 ricevere una email :-)

Translation Key: send_email

Send email...

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Invia email...

Translation Key: rating_caption

You like the app?
Rate it 5 stars :-)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ti piace l'applicazione? 
 Vota it 5 stelle :-)

Translation Key: meters


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: km


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: feet


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: miles


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: marker_details_copied_to_clipboard

Marker details copied to clipboard

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Dettagli Marker copiato negli appunti

Translation Key: do_not_show_again

Do not show again

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Non mostrare più

Translation Key: sou_metric_option

Metric (Kilometers/Meters)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Metric (chilometri / metri)

Translation Key: sou_imperial_option

Imperial (Miles/Feet)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Imperial (Miglia / piedi)

Translation Key: delete_folder

Delete folder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Eliminare la cartella

Translation Key: opening_location_failed

Could not find the place

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impossibile trovare il posto

Translation Key: could_not_start_a_map_app

Could not find another map application

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impossibile trovare un'altra applicazione mappa

Translation Key: new_marker_hint_text

Move the map around to place your marker where you want and click OK to place it.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Spostate la mappa intorno di inserire il vostro segnalino dove vuoi e fare clic su OK per posizionarlo

Translation Key: imported_marker

Imported marker

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marcatore Importati

Translation Key: settings


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: display_zoom_buttons

Display zoom buttons

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Pulsanti visualizzazione zoom

Translation Key: decimal_degrees_5_digits

Decimal degrees

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Gradi decimali

Translation Key: degrees_decimal_minutes_3_digits

Degrees decimal minutes

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Gradi minuti decimali

Translation Key: degrees_minutes_seconds

Degrees minutes seconds

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Gradi minuti secondi

Translation Key: coordinates_format

Coordinates format

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Formato Coordinate

Translation Key: faq_help


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

FAQ / Aiuto

Translation Key: folders


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: language


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: coordinates


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: contextual


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: always


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: crosshair_display

Crosshair display

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Display Crosshair

Translation Key: coordinates_window

Coordinates window

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Finestra Coordinate

Translation Key: latitude_short


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: longitude_short


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: fast_marker_add_mode

Marker instant adding mode

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marker instant mode aggiungendo

Translation Key: advanced


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: display_settings


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: actions_settings


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: language_and_units

Language and units

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Lingua e unità

Translation Key: x_markers

%1$s markers

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

%1$s marcatori

Translation Key: marker_x

Marker %1$d

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marker %1$d

Translation Key: waiting_for_location

Waiting for location...

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

In attesa di posizione...

Translation Key: faq_help_caption

Open the help page and see the FAQ

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aprire la pagina di aiuto e vedere la FAQ

Translation Key: upcoming_features


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: upcoming_features_caption

View the list of upcoming features for the next app version

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Guarda l'elenco dei prossimi funzionalità per la prossima versione app

Translation Key: help_and_feedback

Help & Feedback

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Feedback & Aiuto

Translation Key: about


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: share_snapshot_title


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: share_snapshot_description

Share a snapshot of the map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Condividi un'istantanea della mappa

Translation Key: all_markers_and_folders

All markers and folders

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Tutti i marcatori e le cartelle

Translation Key: message_thank_you_for_donation

Thank you for your donation! This donation badge grants you access to premium features :-)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Grazie per la vostra donazione! Questa donazione concede distintivo di accedere a :-)

Translation Key: default_folder

Default folder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cartella di default

Translation Key: sync_options

Sync options

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Opzioni di sincronizzazione

Translation Key: never


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: select_sync_folder

Select folder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Selezionare la cartella

Translation Key: premium_access_unlocked_message

Premium access available! You currently have access to premium features.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Accesso Premium disponibile! Attualmente hai accesso alle funzioni premium.

Translation Key: file_options

File options

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Opzioni del file

Translation Key: cloud_sync

Cloud sync

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cloud Sync

Translation Key: sync_this_file_on_the_cloud

Sync this map file on the cloud

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sincronizza questo map file sulla nuvola

Translation Key: create_local_map_file

Create local map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Creare cartina

Translation Key: create_local_map_file_description

Create a new map file locally

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Creare un nuovo file di mappa locale

Translation Key: create_cloud_map_file

Create cloud map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Creare nuvola mappa

Translation Key: create_cloud_map_file_description

Create a map file on the cloud

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Creare un file di carta sulla nuvola

Translation Key: rename


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: rename_description

Rename the map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Rinominare la mappa

Translation Key: enter_new_maps_name

Enter the new map's name

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Inserire il nuovo nome del mappa

Translation Key: folder_creation_failed_name_empty

Could not create folder: name empty

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impossibile creare la cartella: nome vuota

Translation Key: message_thank_you_for_premium_paid

Thank you for purchasing the Map Marker Premium upgrade :-)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Grazie per aver acquistato Map Marker aggiornamento :-)

Translation Key: premium


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: premium_options_title_text

Upgrade to premium and take full advantage of Map Marker features!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiornamento a premio e sfruttare Map Marker caratteristiche!

Translation Key: premium_options_title_text_blocking

Sorry, you need the premium upgrade to access this feature. Upgrade to premium and take full advantage of Map Marker features!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Spiacenti, è necessario l'aggiornamento premium per accedere a questa funzione. Aggiornamento a premio e sfruttare Map Marker caratteristiche!

Translation Key: troubleshooting


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Risoluzione dei problemi

Translation Key: troubleshooting_description

Open a list of actions to solve possible problems

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aprire un elenco di azioni per risolvere i possibili problemi

Translation Key: test_internet

Test internet

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Test di internet

Translation Key: test_internet_description

Checks that the app has access to internet

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Verifica che l'applicazione ha accesso ad internet

Translation Key: open_google_play_services_details

GP Services (app)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

GP Services (app)

Translation Key: open_google_play_services_details_description

Open the details of the currently installed Google Play Services app

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aprire i dettagli delle attualmente Google Play Services app

Translation Key: open_google_play_services_store

GP Services (store)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

GP Services (negozio)

Translation Key: open_google_play_details

Google Play (app)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Play (app)

Translation Key: contact_support

Contact support

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Contatta il supporto

Translation Key: contact_support_description

Write an email to support with the details of your problem

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Scrivere email per sostenere con i dettagli del vostro problema

Translation Key: network_test_succeeded

Network test succeeded

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Test di rete riuscito

Translation Key: network_test_failed

Network test failed

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Test di rete fallita

Translation Key: share_cloud_folder

Share cloud map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Condividi nuvola mappa

Translation Key: share_cloud_folder_description

Open the cloud map folder to view its properties and share it with other people

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aprire la cartella di cloud mappa per visualizzare le proprietà e condividere con altre persone

Translation Key: view_history

View history/Restore

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Visualizza cronologia / Restore

Translation Key: view_history_description

View history of modifications to the cloud folder and select a version to restore to

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Visualizza cronologia delle modifiche alla cartella nuvola e selezionare una versione da ripristinare a

Translation Key: create_map_file

Create map file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Creare file di mappa

Translation Key: create_map_file_description

Create a new map file locally or on the cloud

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Creare un nuovo file mappa localmente o sulla nuvola

Translation Key: open_cloud_map_file

Open cloud map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Open Cloud mappa

Translation Key: open_cloud_map_file_description

Open a map file from the cloud

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aprire un file di mappa dalla nube

Translation Key: permission_rationale_location

Map Marker needs the permission to access your location in order to display it on the map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Map Marker ha bisogno il permesso di accedere alla tua posizione per poter visualizzare sulla mappa

Translation Key: open_app_settings

Open settings

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impostazioni Aperte

Translation Key: no_map_folder_found_on_the_cloud

No map folder found on the cloud

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Nessuna mappa cartella trovata sulla nuvola

Translation Key: auto_sync

Auto sync

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sincronizzazione automatica

Translation Key: choose_a_version_to_restore_from

Choose a version to restore to

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Scegliere una versione da ripristinare a

Translation Key: message_sync_error_occured

A sync error occurred. Please try again.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Si è verificato un errore di sincronizzazione. Riprova, per favore.

Translation Key: message_sync_error_occured_network

A sync error occurred: network error. Please try again.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Si è verificato un errore di sincronizzazione: errore di rete. Riprova, per favore.

Translation Key: message_sync_error_occured_conflict

A sync error occurred: conflict, another device was performing the sync at the same time. Please try again.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Si è verificato un errore di sincronizzazione: il conflitto, un altro dispositivo si esibiva la sincronizzazione allo stesso tempo. Riprova, per favore.

Translation Key: phone_number

Phone number

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Numero di telefono

Translation Key: permission_rationale_phone

Map Marker needs the permission to make calls on your device

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Map Marker ha bisogno il permesso di effettuare chiamate sul dispositivo

Translation Key: navigation_options

Navigation options

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Opzioni navigazione

Translation Key: geo_navigation_description

Open the marker location in this app

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aprire il percorso marcatore in questa applicazione

Translation Key: share_selected_marker_text_description

Share the selected marker as plain text into another app

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Condividi il marker selezionato come testo normale in un'altra applicazione

Translation Key: x_markers_in_y_folders

%1$d markers in %2$d folders

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

%1$d marcatori %2$d cartelle

Translation Key: message_sync_error_occured_db_downgrade

A sync error occurred: the cloud data has been updated with a more recent version of the app. You must update Map Marker on this device to sync.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Si è verificato un errore di sincronizzazione: i dati della nube è stato aggiornato con una versione più recente dell'applicazione. È necessario Map Marker su questo dispositivo per la sincronizzazione.

Translation Key: call_phone_number

Call phone number

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Il numero di telefono delle chiamate

Translation Key: dial_phone_number

Dial phone number

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Comporre il numero di telefono

Translation Key: text_phone_number

Text phone number

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Il numero di telefono Text

Translation Key: default_navigation_action

Default navigation action

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Azione navigazione predefinita

Translation Key: ask


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: what_is_the_premium_upgrade

What is the premium upgrade?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Qual è l'aggiornamento premium?

Translation Key: message_thank_you_for_purchase2

Thank you for your purchase!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Grazie per il vostro acquisto!

Translation Key: browse


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: organize


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: search_failed

Search failed

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ricerca non riuscita

Translation Key: search_failed_network_error

Search failed, network error

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cerca fallito, errore di rete

Translation Key: details


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: sync_error_snackbar_message

Sync error

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

errore di sincronizzazione

Translation Key: file_overwrite_confirmation_message

The file already exists, do you want to overwrite it?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Il file esiste già, vuoi sovrascrivere?

Translation Key: browse_organize_empty_state_text

You will see the list of your markers here. You currently have no markers in the selected folder(s). You can add a new marker by clicking the button below.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vedrete la lista dei tuoi marcatori qui. Al momento ci sono marcatori nella cartella selezionata (s). È possibile aggiungere un nuovo marker facendo clic sul pulsante qui sotto.

Translation Key: google_search_finished_empty

No search results

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Nessun risultato trovato

Translation Key: map_type_open_street_map

Open Street Map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Open Street Map

Translation Key: offline_maps

Offline maps

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

mappe offline

Translation Key: obtain_offline_map_files_faq_title

How to do it?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Come farlo?

Translation Key: obtain_offline_map_files_faq_description

Click here to open the web page explaining how to obtain those maps.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Clicca qui per aprire la pagina web che spiega come ottenere queste mappe.

Translation Key: settings_credits_option_title


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: settings_credits_option_description

Copyright and legal mentions

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Diritto d'autore e menzioni legali

Translation Key: credits_text

Legal mentions for other map data than Google Maps:


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Menzioni legali per gli altri dati della mappa che Google Maps : 

Translation Key: manage_map_files

Manage map files

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Gestire file mappa

Translation Key: map_files

Map files

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

file mappa

Translation Key: delete_map_file

Delete map file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Elimina file di mappa

Translation Key: delete_map_file_description_local

This action will delete the map file from this device

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Questa azione elimina il file mappa da questo dispositivo

Translation Key: delete_map_file_confirmation_local

This action will delete the map file from your device forever. All the markers inside that file will be lost. Are you sure?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Questa azione elimina il file mappa dal dispositivo per sempre. Tutti gli indicatori all'interno di tale file verranno persi. Sei sicuro?

Translation Key: delete_map_file_confirmation_cloud

This action will delete the map file from your device forever. All changes not yet synced to the cloud will be lost. The cloud folder will not be affected by this action and you will have to delete it manually. Are you sure?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Questa azione elimina il file mappa dal dispositivo per sempre. Tutte le modifiche non ancora sincronizzati al cloud andranno perse. La cartella nube non saranno colpiti da questa azione e si dovrà eliminarlo manualmente. Sei sicuro?

Translation Key: marker_saved_in_a_non_visible_folder

Marker saved in a non visible folder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marker salvato in una cartella non visibile

Translation Key: outdated_cloud_sync_confirmation_question

Your changes have not been synced recently. Make sure you keep your cloud copy up to date. Do you want to sync now?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Le modifiche non sono state sincronizzate recente. Assicurarsi di mantenere il vostro cielo copia aggiornata. Vuoi sincronizzare ora?

Translation Key: outdated_local_sync_confirmation_question

The markers of this map file are currently only saved on this device. It is recommended to save your markers on the cloud to avoid losing them. Do you want to save them to the cloud now?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

I marcatori di questo file mappa vengono attualmente salvate solo su questo dispositivo. Si consiglia di salvare i marcatori sulla nuvola per evitare di perderle. Vuoi salvarli nel cloud ora?

Translation Key: sync_method_choice_question

Do you want to sync this map file? With manual you will need to sync manually every time. With automatic (recommended) you will select a destination cloud folder and the sync to the cloud will start automatically every time the app enters background.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi sincronizzare questo file mappa? Con manuale è necessario sincronizzare manualmente ogni volta. Con automatica (consigliata) si seleziona una cartella di destinazione nuvola e la sincronizzazione al cloud si avvia automaticamente ogni volta che l'applicazione entra sfondo.

Translation Key: automatic


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: manual


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: new_polyshape_hint_text

Move the map around to place the points, click '+' to add a point, click '-' to remove a point and switch points with the previous/next buttons. Finally click save to save the shape.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Spostare la mappa per posizionare i punti, fare clic su '+' per aggiungere un punto, fare clic su '-' per rimuovere un punto e punti di commutazione con i tasti precedente / successivo. Infine scegliere Salva per salvare la forma.

Translation Key: poly_points_invalid_message

There are not enough points to create the shape. Create more points and try again.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Non ci sono abbastanza punti per creare la forma. Creare più punti e riprovare.

Translation Key: measured_distance_x

Distance: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Distanza: %s

Translation Key: measured_perimeter_x_measured_area_y

Perimeter: %1$s
Area: %2$s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Perimetrali: %1$s 
 Area: %2$s

Translation Key: extra_information

Extra information

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ulteriori informazioni

Translation Key: insert


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: replace_title

Replace title

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sostituire titolo

Translation Key: replace_description

Replace description

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sostituire descrizione

Translation Key: unit_of_distance

Unit of distance

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Unità di distanza

Translation Key: unit_of_area

Unit of area

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Unità di superficie

Translation Key: uoa_metric_option

Metric (%s)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Internazionale ( %s )

Translation Key: uoa_imperial_option

Imperial (%s)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Imperiale ( %s )

Translation Key: uoa_metric_option_hint


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: uoa_imperial_option_hint

Square yard/Square rod(rd²)/Acre/Square mile(mi²)/Township

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Square yard/Square rod(rd²)/Acre/Square mile(mi²)/Township

Translation Key: uoa_square_meter_abreviation

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Translation Key: uoa_are_abreviation


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: uoa_hectare_abreviation


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: uoa_square_kilometer_abreviation


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: uoa_square_yard_abreviation

Square yard

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Square yard

Translation Key: uoa_square_rod_abreviation


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: uoa_acre_abreviation


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: uoa_township_abreviation


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: uoa_square_mile_abreviation


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: images


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: fit_in_x_by_y_square

Fit in a %1$sx%2$s square

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Montare in un %1$s x %2$s piazza

Translation Key: sync_data_volume_disabled


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: sync_data_volume_up_to_x

Up to %s per sync

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Fino a %s per la sincronizzazione

Translation Key: sync_data_volume_unlimited


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: retry


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: add_image

Add image

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiungi immagine

Translation Key: from_camera

From camera

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

dalla macchina fotografica

Translation Key: from_gallery

From gallery

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

dalla galleria

Translation Key: importing_image

Importing image…

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Importazione di immagini...

Translation Key: offline_mapsforge_beta

Offline (Mapsforge BETA)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Offline ( Mapsforge BETA )

Translation Key: export_failed

Export failed

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Export fallita

Translation Key: export_succeeded

Export succeeded

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Export riuscito

Translation Key: export_choice_kmz


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: export_choice_kml


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: importing_file

Importing file…

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

L'importazione di file...

Translation Key: show_warning_icon_for_sync

Show warning icon for sync

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Mostra icona di avviso per la sincronizzazione

Translation Key: general


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: toilets


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Servizi igienici

Translation Key: food


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: stores


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: land_activities

Land activities

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

attività a terra

Translation Key: water_activites

Water activies

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

activies acqua

Translation Key: winter_activites

Winter activies

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Attivitá invernali

Translation Key: transport


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: health


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: entertainment


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: services


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: business


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Attività commerciale

Translation Key: government


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: religious


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: accessibility


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: select_icon

Select icon

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Selezionare l'icona

Translation Key: icon_and_color

Icon and color

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Icona e colore

Translation Key: generic


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: message_beta_tester_badge

Beta tester badge: thank you for being a beta tester! This badge will disappear only upon uninstalling the app or clearing the app data. This badge also allows you to have no ads on the app.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Beta tester distintivo: grazie per essere un beta tester! Questo distintivo scomparirà solo disinstallare l'applicazione o cancellare i dati delle applicazioni. Questo badge consente anche di avere nessun annuncio sulla app.

Translation Key: translation_contribution_title

Contribute to translations

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Contribuire alle traduzioni

Translation Key: translation_contribution_description

You understand English and want to help with translations? Click here

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Si capisce l'inglese e vuole aiutare con traduzioni? Clicca qui

Translation Key: change_marker_color_and_icon_to_dest_folder_question

The destination folder's color or icon is different. Do you want to update the marker color and icon?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

il colore o l'icona della cartella di destinazione è diversa. Vuoi aggiornare il colore e l'icona marcatore?

Translation Key: add_color

Add color

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiungere colore

Translation Key: google_md

Google Material Icons

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Material Icons

Translation Key: select_action

Selection action

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

l'azione di selezione

Translation Key: move_to_left

Move to left

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Spostare a sinistra

Translation Key: move_to_right

Move to right

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Spostare a destra

Translation Key: rotate_to_left

Rotate to left

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ruota a sinistra

Translation Key: rotate_to_right

Rotate to right

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ruota a destra

Translation Key: delete_image

Delete image

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Elimina immagine

Translation Key: from_local_file

From local file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Da file locale

Translation Key: export_format_choice_question

What format to you want to use to export?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Che formato si desidera utilizzare per l'esportazione?

Translation Key: export_choice_csv


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: export_choice_kml_details

Standard Google Earth format. Cannot contain media.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Standard Google Earth formato. Non può contenere supporti.

Translation Key: export_choice_kmz_details

Google Earth zipped format. Can contain media.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Zip Google Earth formato. Può contenere supporti.

Translation Key: export_choice_csv_details

Standard text spreadsheet format. Cannot contain media. Cannot contain lines or polygons.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Formato foglio di testo standard. Non può contenere supporti. Non può contenere linee o poligoni.

Translation Key: marker_as_plain_text

Marker as plain text

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marker come testo normale

Translation Key: marker_as_file

Marker as file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marker in formato

Translation Key: add_custom_field

Add custom field

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiungi campo personalizzato

Translation Key: folder_info


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: folder_custom_fields

Custom fields

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Campi personalizzati

Translation Key: custom_field_name

Field name

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Nome del campo

Translation Key: delete_custom_field

Delete field

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Elimina campo

Translation Key: custom_field_attributes


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: new_custom_field

New custom field

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Nuovo campo personalizzato

Translation Key: modify_custom_field

Modify custom field

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Modifica il campo personalizzato

Translation Key: field_info

Field info

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Informazioni sul campo

Translation Key: select_field_type

Select field type

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona il tipo di campo

Translation Key: field_type_boolean

Boolean (True or False)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Booleano (vero o falso)

Translation Key: default_value

Default value

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Valore di default

Translation Key: field_type_date


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: field_type_email


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: field_type_text


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: field_type_multi_choice

Multiple choice

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Scelta multipla

Translation Key: duplicates_are_not_allowed

Duplicates are not allowed

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

I duplicati non sono ammessi

Translation Key: field_type_phone


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: field_type_weblink

Web link

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

collegamento web

Translation Key: creation_date

Creation date

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Data di creazione

Translation Key: poi_options

POI Options

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Opzioni POI

Translation Key: delete_poi

Delete POI

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Elimina PDI

Translation Key: used_by_folders

Used by folders

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Usato da cartelle

Translation Key: edit_field

Edit field

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Modifica campo

Translation Key: reorder_fields

Reorder fields

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Riordina i campi

Translation Key: apply_folder_fields_to_child_pois_message

Pick the fields you want to apply to this folder's POIs

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona i campi che desideri applicare ai POI di questa cartella

Translation Key: apply_folder_fields_to_moved_pois_message

The destination folder has different field values. Pick the fields you want to apply to moved POIs.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

La cartella di destinazione ha valori di campo diversi. Seleziona i campi che desideri applicare ai POI spostati.

Translation Key: update_color

Update color

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiorna colore

Translation Key: update_pin_icon

Update pin icon

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Icona del pin di aggiornamento

Translation Key: add_field_if_missing_x

Add field if missing: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiungi campo se mancante: %s

Translation Key: remove_field_if_present_x

Remove field if present: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Rimuovi campo se presente: %s

Translation Key: update_field_name_if_different_x

Update field name if different: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiorna il nome del campo se diverso: %s

Translation Key: more_options

More options…

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Più opzioni…

Translation Key: folder_options

Folder options

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Opzioni cartella

Translation Key: decimal_accuracy

Decimal accuracy

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Precisione decimale

Translation Key: copy


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: help_me_cta

Do you want to click here? ^‿^

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi cliccare qui? ^ ^ ‿

Translation Key: floating_marker_titles_text_size

Text size

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Dimensione del testo

Translation Key: search_failed_x

Search failed => %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ricerca fallita => %s

Translation Key: search_source_gps

Google Places Search API

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

API di ricerca di Google Places

Translation Key: search_source_here

Here Places Search API

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Here Places Search API

Translation Key: special_thanks_title

Special thanks

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ringraziamenti speciali

Translation Key: special_thanks_description

A special thank you to the people who helped me

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Un ringraziamento speciale alle persone che mi hanno aiutato

Translation Key: thank_you_message

Special thanks to the people who worked hard to help with the app translations:
…And also those who declined mention

Also, thank you to all the users who gave me feedback over the years and continuously helped me make the app better.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Un ringraziamento speciale alle persone che hanno lavorato duramente per aiutare con le traduzioni delle app:
... E anche quelli che hanno rifiutato di parlare

Inoltre, grazie a tutti gli utenti che mi hanno dato feedback nel corso degli anni e che mi hanno aiutato a migliorare continuamente l'app.

Translation Key: marker_search_result_text_create_marker

Create marker

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Crea un pennarello

Translation Key: ios_premium_restore_dialog_cta_restore_purchases

Restore Purchases

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ripristinare gli acquisti

Translation Key: react_webapp_log_in_title

Log in

translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: react_webapp_log_in_message

To continue, you need to log in with your cloud account. Click the "log in" button below to log in.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Per continuare, è necessario accedere con il proprio account cloud. Fai clic sul pulsante "accedi" qui sotto per accedere.

Translation Key: react_app_use_cloud_account_x

Use cloud account: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Usa account cloud: %s

Translation Key: react_app_use_other_cloud_account

Use other cloud account

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Usa un altro account cloud

Translation Key: react_app_choices_list_cannot_be_empty

The choices list cannot be empty

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

L'elenco delle scelte non può essere vuoto

Translation Key: react_app_empty_choices_are_not_allowed

Empty choices are not allowed

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Non sono consentite scelte vuote

Translation Key: react_app_custom_field_name_cannot_be_empty

The name of the custom field cannot be empty

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Il nome del campo personalizzato non può essere vuoto

Translation Key: search_delete_duplicates_title

Remove duplicates

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Rimuovi i duplicati

Translation Key: search_delete_duplicates_description

Search and delete duplicates

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cerca ed elimina i duplicati

Translation Key: deleted_x_duplicates

Deleted %d duplicates

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Soppressione %d duplicati

Translation Key: switch_search_source_button_hint_text

Would you prefer to search from another source?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Preferiresti cercare da un'altra fonte?

Translation Key: switch_search_source_button_text

Change source

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cambia sorgente

Translation Key: places_search_sources_config_how_to_description

Wondering how to configure search sources? Click here.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi sapere come configurare le origini di ricerca? Clicca qui.

Translation Key: settings_places_search_sources_section_title

Places search sources

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Luoghi fonti di ricerca

Translation Key: action_add_or_configure_search_source

Add or configure search source

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiungi o configura la fonte di ricerca

Translation Key: select_search_source

Select search source

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona la fonte di ricerca

Translation Key: enter_value_for_field_x

Enter value for field "%s"

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Immettere il valore per il campo "%s"

Translation Key: search_source_test_success_message

The search source configuration test succeeded! The search with this search source should now work.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Il test di configurazione dell'origine della ricerca è riuscito! La ricerca con questa fonte di ricerca dovrebbe ora funzionare.

Translation Key: search_source_test_error_message

Warning: the search source configuration test failed. The search with this search source might not work.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Attenzione: il test di configurazione dell'origine della ricerca non è riuscito. La ricerca con questa origine di ricerca potrebbe non funzionare.

Translation Key: short_search_source_gps

Google Places Search

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Places Search

Translation Key: short_search_source_here


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: places_search_sources_config_how_to_title2


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: search_source_disclaimer_text

The default search experience is not optimal, but it works without configuration.

If you use search a lot, it is strongly recommended to configure a third party search source to benefit from better search results.

It should only take a little bit of your time and will allow you to benefit from much better search results for free.

Click the "Change source" button and then the "Tutorial" option to learn more.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

L'esperienza di ricerca predefinita non è ottimale, ma funziona senza configurazione.

Se si utilizza molto la ricerca, si consiglia vivamente di configurare una fonte di ricerca di terze parti per beneficiare di risultati di ricerca migliori.

Dovrebbe richiedere solo un po 'del tuo tempo e ti permetterà di beneficiare gratuitamente di risultati di ricerca molto migliori.

Fai clic sul pulsante "Cambia sorgente" e quindi sull'opzione "Tutorial" per saperne di più.

Translation Key: search_source_android_geocoder

Integrated Android Street Addresses Finder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Integrated Android Street Addresses Finder

Translation Key: short_search_source_android_geocoder

Android Geocoder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Android Geocoder

Translation Key: search_source_ios_geocoder

Integrated iOS Street Addresses Finder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Integrated iOS Street Addresses Finder

Translation Key: short_search_source_ios_geocoder

iOS Geocoder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

iOS Geocoder

Translation Key: search_source_bing

Microsoft Bing Places Search

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Microsoft Bing Places Search

Translation Key: short_search_source_bing


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: confirmation_message_delete_sub_folder

This folder has sub-folders. Do you want to delete the sub-folders as well? All markers associated to the deleted folders will be deleted permanently!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Questa cartella ha sottocartelle. Vuoi eliminare anche le sottocartelle? Tutti i marker associati alle cartelle eliminate verranno eliminati definitivamente!

Translation Key: delete_folder_choice_folder_only

Delete folder only

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Elimina solo cartella

Translation Key: delete_folder_choice_folder_plus_sub_folders

Delete folder + sub-folders

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Elimina cartella + sottocartelle

Translation Key: confirmation_message_delete_folder_batch

Are you sure you want to delete these folders? All markers associated to these folders will be deleted permanently!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sei sicuro di voler eliminare queste cartelle? Tutti i marker associati a queste cartelle verranno eliminati definitivamente!

Translation Key: confirmation_message_delete_sub_folder_batch

At least one of the folders to delete has sub-folders. Do you want to delete the sub-folders as well? All markers associated to the deleted folders will be deleted permanently!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Almeno una delle cartelle da eliminare ha sottocartelle. Vuoi eliminare anche le sottocartelle? Tutti i marker associati alle cartelle eliminate verranno eliminati definitivamente!

Translation Key: create_sub_folder

Create sub-folder

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Crea sottocartella

Translation Key: sub_folder_created

Sub-folder created

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sottocartella creata

Translation Key: error_cant_move_folder_to_descendant

You cannot move a folder to one of its descendants.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Non è possibile spostare una cartella in uno dei suoi discendenti.

Translation Key: root_folder_name


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: current_map_title


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Carta geografica

Translation Key: action_select_folders

Select folders

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona le cartelle

Translation Key: no_search_source_configured_text

No search source is configured at the moment. In order to be able to search, you need to configure a third party search source.

It should only take a little bit of your time and will allow you to access search results for free.

Click the "Change source" button and then the "Tutorial" option to learn more.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Nessuna fonte di ricerca è configurata al momento. Per poter cercare, è necessario configurare una fonte di ricerca di terze parti.

Dovrebbe richiedere solo un po 'del tuo tempo e ti consentirà di accedere ai risultati della ricerca gratuitamente.

Fare clic sul pulsante "Cambia sorgente" e quindi sull'opzione "Tutorial" per saperne di più.

Translation Key: map_type_google_maps_plan

Google Maps (Plan)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Maps (Piano)

Translation Key: map_type_google_maps_plan_idm

Google Maps (Plan + Indoor)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Maps (Piano + Interno)

Translation Key: map_type_google_maps_satellite

Google Maps (Satellite)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Maps (Satellite)

Translation Key: map_type_google_maps_terrain

Google Maps (Terrain)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Maps (Terreno)

Translation Key: map_type_google_maps_hybrid

Google Maps (Hybrid)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Maps (ibrido)

Translation Key: last_sync_x

Last sync:

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ultima sincronizzazione:

Translation Key: add_offline_map_file_title

Add offline map file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Aggiungi file mappa offline

Translation Key: offline_map_file_import_succeeded

Offline map file import succeeded

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Importazione file mappa offline riuscita

Translation Key: offline_map_file_import_failed_x

Offline map file import failed:

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Importazione del file mappa offline non riuscita:

Translation Key: no_offline_file_selected_message

The offline maps folder is empty. In order to use offline maps, open the settings and add at least one offline map file.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

La cartella delle mappe offline è vuota. Per utilizzare le mappe offline, apri le impostazioni e aggiungi almeno un file mappa offline.

Translation Key: image_compression

Image compression

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Compressione delle immagini

Translation Key: image_max_size

Image max size

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Dimensione massima dell'immagine

Translation Key: image_full_size

Image full size

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Immagine a grandezza naturale

Translation Key: image_saving

Image saving

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Salvataggio dell'immagine

Translation Key: base_map_pin_size

Base map pin size

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Dimensione pin mappa di base

Translation Key: size_tiny


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: size_small


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: size_normal


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: size_large


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: size_huge


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: import_format_choice_question

What format to you want to use to import?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Che formato vuoi usare per importare?

Translation Key: map_file_summary_x_folders_x_markers

%1$s folders and %2$s markers

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

%1$s cartelle e %2$s pennarelli

Translation Key: open_x

Open '%s'

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Apri '%s'

Translation Key: sync_option_google_drive_limited_title

Google Drive - limited access

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Drive - accesso limitato

Translation Key: sync_option_google_drive_limited_description

This limits the app to only access files created by the app itself on your Google Drive. Pick this option if you plan to sync only from your Google account without collaborators. If in doubt, pick this option, you can easily change your mind later.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ciò limita l'app ad accedere solo ai file creati dall'app stessa sul tuo Google Drive. Scegli questa opzione se prevedi di sincronizzare solo dal tuo account Google senza collaboratori. In caso di dubbio, scegli questa opzione, potrai facilmente cambiare idea in seguito.

Translation Key: sync_option_google_drive_full_title

Google Drive - full access

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Google Drive - pieno accesso

Translation Key: sync_option_google_drive_full_description

This grants the app full access to your Google Drive. Pick this option if you plan to collaborate with other Google accounts.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ciò garantisce all'app l'accesso completo al tuo Google Drive. Scegli questa opzione se prevedi di collaborare con altri account Google.

Translation Key: sync_data_volume_limit_mobile

Mobile data volume limit

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Limite del volume di dati mobili

Translation Key: sync_data_volume_limit_default

Default data volume limit

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Limite del volume di dati predefinito

Translation Key: cloud_auth_error_message

Authentication failed, please try again.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Autenticazione fallita. Per favore riprovare.

Translation Key: message_sync_error_data_volume_limit2

The sync was aborted because it was exceeding the allowed data volume limit. To increase or change the limit, go to the settings.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

La sincronizzazione è stata interrotta perché stava superando il limite del volume di dati consentito. Per aumentare o modificare il limite, vai alle impostazioni.

Translation Key: sync_option_dropbox_limited_title

Dropbox - limited access

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Dropbox - accesso limitato

Translation Key: sync_option_dropbox_limited_description

This limits the app to only access an app-dedicated Dropbox folder. If in doubt, pick this option, you can easily change your mind later.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ciò limita l'app ad accedere solo a una cartella Dropbox dedicata all'app. In caso di dubbio, scegli questa opzione, potrai facilmente cambiare idea in seguito.

Translation Key: sync_option_dropbox_full_title

Dropbox - full access

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Dropbox - pieno accesso

Translation Key: sync_option_dropbox_full_description

This grants the app full access to your Dropbox. Pick this option if you want the app to find files in your entire Dropbox.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ciò garantisce all'app l'accesso completo al tuo Dropbox. Scegli questa opzione se desideri che l'app trovi i file nell'intero Dropbox.

Translation Key: enter_access_code_hint_text

Enter access code

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Inserisci il codice di accesso

Translation Key: offline_map_files

Offline map files

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

File mappa offline

Translation Key: x_files

%s files

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

%s file

Translation Key: clear_offline_map_files_action

Clear offline map files

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cancella i file delle mappe offline

Translation Key: clear_offline_map_files_confirmation_message

This will remove all offline map files from the app's internal storage, do you want to proceed?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Questo rimuoverà tutti i file delle mappe offline dalla memoria interna dell'app, vuoi procedere?

Translation Key: invalid_format

Invalid format

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Formato non valido

Translation Key: places_search_over_hint_text

Type more to refine your search

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Digita altro per perfezionare la ricerca

Translation Key: places_search_not_started_hint_text

You can search for places with "%s". This search requires an internet connection.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Puoi cercare luoghi con "%s". Questa ricerca richiede una connessione a Internet.

Translation Key: apply_parent_folder_fields

Apply parent folder fields

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Applica i campi della cartella principale

Translation Key: rating_option_title

Rate the app

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Valuta l'app

Translation Key: help_me_message_2022

Hey, thank you for your curiosity!

I used to have an ad banner here and I decided to try something different and replace it with this simple message…

I made this app on my free time as a hobby, additionally to having a full time job, and it turns out it became a side project on which I have spent a lot of time since early 2014.

I hope you like the app and find it useful. I made it in a way that you can still do everything without paying, it might just take a little bit more work. You are free to import or export the data manually, so you never really have to pay, it's just that cloud sync is more convenient.

If you like the app, please support it: you don't have to spend money for that, any of those gestures helps:
- talk about the app to people around you
- rate the app to recommend it on the store
- purchase the premium upgrade (will remove the bottom banner)

If you do not like the app, please email me (from the "about" section) and let me know how I can improve it. I've come this far thanks to the feedback of many users who told me about what they missed or didn't like, and I reply to every single email, so don't be shy!

And finally, thank you for reading this :-)


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ehi, grazie per la tua curiosità!

Avevo un banner pubblicitario qui e ho deciso di provare qualcosa di diverso e sostituirlo con questo semplice messaggio...

Ho realizzato questa app nel mio tempo libero come hobby, oltre ad avere un lavoro a tempo pieno, e si è scoperto che è diventato un progetto collaterale su cui ho dedicato molto tempo dall'inizio del 2014.

Spero che l'app ti piaccia e la trovi utile. L'ho fatto in modo che tu possa ancora fare tutto senza pagare, potrebbe richiedere solo un po' più di lavoro. Sei libero di importare o esportare i dati manualmente, quindi non devi mai pagare, è solo che la sincronizzazione cloud è più conveniente.

Se ti piace l'app, supportala: non devi spendere soldi per questo, nessuno di questi gesti aiuta:
- parla dell'app con le persone intorno a te
- valuta l'app per consigliarla sullo store
- acquista l'upgrade premium (rimuoverà il banner in basso)

Se non ti piace l'app, inviami un'e-mail (dalla sezione "informazioni") e fammi sapere come posso migliorarla. Sono arrivato fin qui grazie al feedback di tanti utenti che mi hanno raccontato cosa si sono persi o cosa non gli è piaciuto, e rispondo ad ogni singola email, quindi non essere timido!

E infine, grazie per aver letto questo :-)


Translation Key: sync_error_missing_media_file

The sync was aborted because the following file could you be found: %s. To resolve this, you can either restore the missing file manually or change the app's settings to not download media during sync.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

La sincronizzazione è stata interrotta perché è possibile trovare il seguente file: %s. Per risolvere questo problema, puoi ripristinare manualmente il file mancante o modificare le impostazioni dell'app per non scaricare file multimediali durante la sincronizzazione.

Translation Key: sync_media_policy_setting_title

Sync media download policy

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sincronizza la politica di download dei media

Translation Key: sync_media_policy_setting_option_download_immediately

Download all media during sync

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Scarica tutti i media durante la sincronizzazione

Translation Key: sync_media_policy_setting_option_download_later

Download media after sync when needed

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Scarica i file multimediali dopo la sincronizzazione quando necessario

Translation Key: auto_sync_description

Sync with the cloud automatically when changes are detected

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sincronizza automaticamente con il cloud quando vengono rilevate modifiche

Translation Key: search_delete_duplicates_select_attributes_hint_text

Select the attributes to consider when eliminating duplicates. If all attributes are selected, only strictly identical duplicate entries will be removed. If no attributes are selected, duplicate entries with the same location will be removed, regardless of their other attributes.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona gli attributi da considerare quando elimini i duplicati. Se vengono selezionati tutti gli attributi, verranno rimosse solo le voci duplicate rigorosamente identiche. Se non vengono selezionati attributi, le voci duplicate con la stessa posizione verranno rimosse, indipendentemente dagli altri attributi.

Translation Key: action_delete_duplicates

Delete duplicates

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Elimina i duplicati

Translation Key: searching_for_duplicates

Searching for duplicates…

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ricerca di duplicati...

Translation Key: duplicates_deletion_confirmation_message

Found %d duplicates. Are you sure you want to delete those duplicates?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Trovato %d duplicati. Sei sicuro di voler eliminare quei duplicati?

Translation Key: poi_attribute_icon


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: poi_attribute_color


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: enable_log_file_title

Enable log file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Abilita file di registro

Translation Key: enable_log_file_description

Start writing app execution events history to the log file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Inizia a scrivere la cronologia degli eventi di esecuzione dell'app nel file di registro

Translation Key: disable_log_file_title

Disable log file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Disabilita il file di registro

Translation Key: disable_log_file_description

Stop writing app execution events history to the log file, and delete the log file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Interrompi la scrittura della cronologia degli eventi di esecuzione dell'app nel file di registro ed elimina il file di registro

Translation Key: export_log_file_title

Export log file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Esporta file di registro

Translation Key: export_log_file_description

Export the log file so that it can be shared for debugging purposes

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Esportare il file di registro in modo che possa essere condiviso per scopi di debug

Translation Key: rendering_performance

Rendering performance settings

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impostazioni delle prestazioni di rendering

Translation Key: max_number_of_drawn_pois

Maximum number of drawn POIs

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Numero massimo di POI estratti

Translation Key: max_number_of_drawn_floating_marker_titles

Maximum number of drawn floating marker titles

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Numero massimo di titoli di marker mobili disegnati

Translation Key: old_map_data_options_title

Access old map data

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Accedi ai vecchi dati della mappa

Translation Key: old_map_data_options_description

See options to access map data from the older versions of Map Marker.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vedi le opzioni per accedere ai dati della mappa dalle versioni precedenti di Map Marker.

Translation Key: migrating_map_data

Migrating map data…

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Migrazione dei dati della mappa...

Translation Key: map_data_migration_succeeded

Map data migration succeeded: you should now be able to use your old map data on this new version of Map Marker.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Migrazione dei dati della mappa riuscita: ora dovresti essere in grado di utilizzare i tuoi vecchi dati della mappa su questa nuova versione di Map Marker.

Translation Key: map_data_migration_failed

Map data migration failed: access to your old map data is not possible on this new version of Map Marker.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Migrazione dei dati della mappa non riuscita: l'accesso ai dati della tua vecchia mappa non è possibile su questa nuova versione di Map Marker.

Translation Key: post_migration_hint_text

Note that the old map data remains unchanged and will remain on your device until you uninstall the app. Uninstalling the app will delete all Map Marker app data from your device. If you want to use the old version of Map Marker, you can follow instructions available by clicking on the option below.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Tieni presente che i vecchi dati della mappa rimangono invariati e rimarranno sul tuo dispositivo fino alla disinstallazione dell'app. La disinstallazione dell'app eliminerà tutti i Map Marker dati dell'app dal tuo dispositivo. Se desideri utilizzare la vecchia versione di Map Marker, puoi seguire le istruzioni disponibili facendo clic sull'opzione di seguito.

Translation Key: view_instructions_to_use_the_old_map_marker_description

This will open a help center link explaining how you can install the old version of Map Marker without losing your app data.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Si aprirà un collegamento al Centro assistenza che spiega come installare la vecchia versione di Map Marker senza perdere i dati dell'app.

Translation Key: view_instructions

View instructions

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Visualizza le istruzioni

Translation Key: action_see_more

See more

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vedi altro

Translation Key: purchase_permanent_premium

Purchase permanent premium

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Acquista premio permanente

Translation Key: purchase_pending_message

Purchase pending

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Acquisto in attesa

Translation Key: purchase_failed_message

Purchase failed: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Acquisto non riuscito: %s

Translation Key: data_backup_reminder_title

Data backup

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Backup dei dati

Translation Key: data_backup_reminder_x_days_ago_message

Last backup was %s days ago

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

L'ultimo backup è stato %s giorni fa

Translation Key: run_data_migration_again

Run data migration again

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Esegui di nuovo la migrazione dei dati

Translation Key: run_data_migration_again_description

Select an old map on which to run the data migration again

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona una vecchia mappa su cui eseguire nuovamente la migrazione dei dati

Translation Key: old_map_data_re_migration_succeeded

Old map data re-migration succeeded!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

La migrazione dei dati della vecchia mappa è riuscita!

Translation Key: old_map_data_re_migration_failed

Old map data re-migration failed:

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

La migrazione dei dati della vecchia mappa non è riuscita:

Translation Key: action_open_and_migrate_v2_cloud_map_title

Open and migrate a V2 cloud map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Apri ed esegui la migrazione di una mappa cloud V2

Translation Key: action_open_and_migrate_v2_cloud_map_description

Migrate a legacy cloud map from Map Marker V2 (app version from before 2023) and open it as a new cloud map

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Esegui la migrazione di una mappa cloud legacy da Map Marker V2 (versione dell'app precedente al 2023) e aprila come nuova mappa cloud

Translation Key: migrating_legacy_v2_cloud_map

Migrating legacy V2 cloud map…

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Migrazione della mappa cloud V2 legacy…

Translation Key: hint_select_v2_map_to_migrate

Select the V2 map to migrate

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona la mappa V2 da migrare

Translation Key: legacy_v2_cloud_map_migration_result_message_success

Legacy V2 cloud map migration succeeded!

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Migrazione della mappa cloud legacy V2 riuscita!

Translation Key: legacy_v2_cloud_map_migration_result_message_fail_x

Legacy V2 cloud map migration failed:

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Migrazione della mappa cloud legacy V2 non riuscita:

Translation Key: loading_file

Loading file…

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Caricamento file...

Translation Key: zipping_file_x

Zipping file: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

File compresso: %s

Translation Key: unzipping_file_x

Unzipping file: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

File di decompressione: %s

Translation Key: share_or_export_title

Share or export

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Condividi o esporta

Translation Key: marker_as_file_description2

Export the selected marker as a file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Esporta il marcatore selezionato come file

Translation Key: export_as_file

Export as file

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Esporta come file

Translation Key: sucessfully_saved_to_device_files

Successfully saved to device files

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Salvataggio riuscito nei file del dispositivo

Translation Key: file_export_intention_question

How do you want to use the exported file?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Come vuoi utilizzare il file esportato?

Translation Key: folders_added_x

Folders added: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cartelle aggiunte: %s

Translation Key: folders_modified_x

Folders modified: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cartelle modificate: %s

Translation Key: folders_deleted_x

Folders deleted: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cartelle eliminate: %s

Translation Key: markers_added_x

Markers added: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marcatori aggiunti: %s

Translation Key: markers_modified_x

Markers modified: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marcatori modificati: %s

Translation Key: markers_deleted_x

Markers deleted: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Marcatori eliminati: %s

Translation Key: new_circle_hint_text

Select the center or the edge of the circle with the toolbar buttons and move the map around to adjust. Finally, click save to save the shape.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona il centro o il bordo del cerchio con i pulsanti della barra degli strumenti e sposta la mappa per regolarla. Infine, fai clic su Salva per salvare la forma.

Translation Key: radius_x

Radius: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Raggio: %s

Translation Key: preferred_display_theme

Display theme (dark / light)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Tema del display (scuro/chiaro)

Translation Key: preferred_display_theme_dark

Dark theme

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Tema scuro

Translation Key: preferred_display_theme_light

Light theme

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Tema chiaro

Translation Key: preferred_display_theme_use_system

Use system settings

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Usa le impostazioni di sistema

Translation Key: nav_navigation_description

Enter navigation mode in this app to get directions to the marker

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Accedere alla modalità di navigazione in questa applicazione per ottenere le indicazioni per il marcatore

Translation Key: marker_direction


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: distance_to_x

Distance to %1$s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Distanza al %1$s

Translation Key: import_marker_from_text_confirmation_message

Do you want to try and import a marker from the following text data?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi provare a importare un marcatore dai seguenti dati di testo?

Translation Key: do_you_enjoy_the_app_question

Do you enjoy the app?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ti piace l'app?

Translation Key: would_you_like_to_give_comments_on_how_to_improve

Would you like to send me an email to tell me how I could improve the app?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ti piacerebbe mandarmi un email per dirmi come potrei migliorare l'app?

Translation Key: rate_the_app_message

If you like my app you can reward me by taking the time to give a good rating :-)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Se ti piace la mia app che mi può premiare prendendo il tempo di dare un buon rating :-)

Translation Key: app_rating_prompt_yes_option_text

Yes, take me to the app page

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Sì, portami alla pagina dell'app

Translation Key: app_rating_prompt_later_option_text

Maybe later, remind me

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Magari più tardi, ricordamelo

Translation Key: app_rating_prompt_never_option_text

No thanks, don't ask again

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

No grazie, non chiedere più

Translation Key: openmoji


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: file_export_save_option_question_web

Select an option to save the exported file.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Seleziona un'opzione per salvare il file esportato.

Translation Key: action_save_as

Save as

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Salva come

Translation Key: file_export_save_as_forced_web

The exported file is large and must be saved with 'Save as'.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Il file esportato è di grandi dimensioni e deve essere salvato con 'Salva con nome'.

Translation Key: unconstrained


translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Non vincolato

Translation Key: x_seconds

%s seconds

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

%s secondi

Translation Key: x_minutes

%s minutes

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

%s minuti

Translation Key: x_minutes_y_seconds

%1$s minutes %2$s seconds

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

%1$s minuti %2$s secondi

Translation Key: location_track_recording

Location track recording

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Registrazione della traccia della posizione

Translation Key: setting_minimum_location_accuracy

Minimum location accuracy

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Precisione minima della posizione

Translation Key: setting_minimum_distance_interval

Minimum distance interval

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Intervallo di distanza minima

Translation Key: setting_minimum_time_interval

Minimum time interval

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Intervallo di tempo minimo

Translation Key: starting_new_track_recording

Starting new track recording

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Avvio della registrazione di una nuova traccia

Translation Key: ongoing_track_recording

Ongoing track recording

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Registrazione della traccia in corso

Translation Key: time_started_x

Started time: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ora di inizio: %s

Translation Key: ongoing_track_recordings

Ongoing track recordings

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Registrazioni di brani in corso

Translation Key: finish_track_recording_confirmation_message

Do you want to finish and save this track?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi terminare e salvare questa traccia?

Translation Key: track_x

Track %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Traccia %s

Translation Key: grant_permission_confirmation_message

Do you want to grant this permission?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi concedere questa autorizzazione?

Translation Key: grant_hint_text_forever_denied

If you want to grant this permission, go to this application's permissions settings under your system settings.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Se desideri concedere questa autorizzazione, vai alle impostazioni delle autorizzazioni di questa applicazione nelle impostazioni di sistema.

Translation Key: background_permission_leave_disabled_hint_message

If you leave this permission disabled, track recording will only work while the app is visible in the foreground.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Se lasci questa autorizzazione disabilitata, la registrazione della traccia funzionerà solo mentre l'app è visibile in primo piano.

Translation Key: notification_permission_asking_message

The app will need to display a notification in order to remain active in the background while recording a track.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

L'app dovrà visualizzare una notifica per rimanere attiva in background durante la registrazione di una traccia.

Translation Key: save_x_unsaved_tracks_question

The track(s) recording (%s) was interrupted before it could be saved. Do you want to save it now?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

La registrazione della traccia (%s) è stata interrotta prima di poter essere salvata. Vuoi salvarlo adesso?

Translation Key: delete_unsaved_tracks_forever_question

Do you want to delete the unsaved track(s) recording forever?

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Vuoi eliminare per sempre la registrazione delle tracce non salvate?

Translation Key: empty_track_discarded_message

This track had no points recorded and has simply been discarded.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Questa traccia non aveva punti registrati ed è stata semplicemente scartata.

Translation Key: settings_privacy_info_title

Privacy information

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Informativa sulla privacy

Translation Key: settings_privacy_info_description

View information about privacy

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Visualizza l'informativa sulla privacy

Translation Key: display_on_app_start

Display on start

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Visualizzazione all'avvio

Translation Key: bg_location_prominent_prompt_with_privacy_link_x_text

This app collects location data to enable the feature of 'tracks recording' even when the app is closed or not in use.

This location data collection is used exclusively to record tracks into your markers, and only occurs when you have explicitly initiated a track recording.

You can find more general information about privacy in the privacy policy available at the following link:

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Questa app raccoglie dati sulla posizione per abilitare la funzione di "registrazione delle tracce" anche quando l'app è chiusa o non in uso.

Questa raccolta dei dati sulla posizione viene utilizzata esclusivamente per registrare le tracce nei tuoi marcatori e avviene solo quando hai avviato esplicitamente la registrazione della traccia.

Puoi trovare informazioni più generali sulla privacy nella privacy policy disponibile al seguente link:

Translation Key: track_editing_hint_text

Switch points with the previous/next buttons, move the map around to place the points and click '-' to remove a point. Finally click save to save the edited track.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Cambia punto con i pulsanti precedente/successivo, sposta la mappa per posizionare i punti e fai clic su "-" per rimuovere un punto. Infine fai clic su Salva per salvare la traccia modificata.

Translation Key: duration_x

Duration: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Durata: %s

Translation Key: minimum_speed_x

Minimum speed: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Velocità minima: %s

Translation Key: minimum_moving_speed_x

Minimum moving speed: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Velocità minima di spostamento: %s

Translation Key: maximum_speed_x

Maximum speed: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Velocità massima: %s

Translation Key: average_speed_x

Average speed: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Velocità media: %s

Translation Key: altitude_variation_x

Altitude variation: %s

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Variazione altitudinale: %s

Translation Key: track_details

Track details

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Tieni traccia dei dettagli

Translation Key: distance


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: speed


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: altitude


translated (by machine 🤖) as:


Translation Key: x_hours_y_minutes_z_seconds

%1$s hours %2$s minutes %3$s seconds

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

%1$s ore %2$s minuti %3$s secondi

Translation Key: circle_radius

Circle radius

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Raggio del cerchio

Translation Key: enter_circle_radius_with_units_x

Enter circle radius (%s)

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Inserisci il raggio del cerchio (%s)

Translation Key: use_premium_code_title

Use premium code

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Utilizza il codice premium

Translation Key: use_premium_code_description

Activate the premium from a code generated from another device

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Attiva il premium da un codice generato da un altro dispositivo

Translation Key: hint_enter_premium_code

Enter premium code

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Inserisci il codice premium

Translation Key: premium_activation_failed_reason_x

Failed to activate the premium:

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Impossibile attivare il premio:

Translation Key: hint_for_guest_premium_access

You've activated the guest premium access on this device

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Hai attivato l'accesso premium ospite su questo dispositivo

Translation Key: generate_premium_code_title

Generate premium code

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Genera codice premium

Translation Key: generate_premium_code_description

Generate a premium code to activate the premium on one of your other devices

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Genera un codice premium per attivare il premium su uno dei tuoi altri dispositivi

Translation Key: premium_code_generated_hint_message_x

Premium code successfully generated: %s
Use this code from your other device to activate the premium there.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Codice Premium generato con successo: %s
Usa questo codice dall'altro tuo dispositivo per attivare lì il premium.

Translation Key: recovery_safe_setup_title

Recovery: safe setup

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Ripristino: configurazione sicura

Translation Key: recovery_safe_setup_description

Creates a new empty map and applies safe settings to prevent further crashes

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Crea una nuova mappa vuota e applica impostazioni sicure per prevenire ulteriori arresti anomali

Translation Key: recovery_safe_setup_applied_message

The safe setup was applied and will be effective on next launch, you can now exit the app and terminate it.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

La configurazione sicura è stata applicata e sarà effettiva al prossimo avvio, ora puoi uscire dall'app e chiuderla.

Translation Key: recovery_export_data_title

Recovery: export data

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Recupero: esportare i dati

Translation Key: recovery_export_data_description

Export locally available map data

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Esporta i dati cartografici disponibili localmente

Translation Key: recovery_export_partial_warning_message

Warning: the recovery export will be partial, at least one cloud media file is missing, will not be downloaded and will be replaced with an empty file during the export.

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Attenzione: l'esportazione del ripristino sarà parziale, manca almeno un file multimediale cloud, non verrà scaricato e verrà sostituito con un file vuoto durante l'esportazione.

Translation Key: search_source_tomtom

Tomtom Places Search

translated (by machine 🤖) as:

Tomtom Places Search

Translation Key: short_search_source_tomtom


translated (by machine 🤖) as:
