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139 lines (118 loc) · 4.91 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (118 loc) · 4.91 KB

Federation Metadata

  1. The system must be configured with the location of a public federation metadata file.

    1. Metadata is represented using a Protocol Buffer structure.
    syntax = "proto2";
    package Aquae.Metadata;
    option java_package           = "";
    option java_outer_classname   = "Metadata";
    option java_multiple_files    = false;
    option java_string_check_utf8 = true;
    option java_generic_services  = false;
    1. All communicating systems must share the same version of the federation metadata.
    message Validity {
      optional string version = 1;
      optional string validFrom = 2; // string of RFC-3339
      optional string validTo = 3;
    message Endpoint {
      optional string hostname = 1; // must be a domain name, a dotted quad IPv4 or an IPv6 enclosed in square brackets.
      optional int32  port_number = 2;
    // DSA contains the parties (from/to), the consent requirements, the identity/confidence attributes, parameters, return values, what the purpose is (lo-level), when (if citizen is present, recurrance etc.), validity dates, justification (hi-level scope), legal basis, how (Aquae network?)
    // Parties that cannot decrypt the data do not need to be in the DSA.
    // Identity bridge server does require being in the DSA and the other two parties must agree on this choice
    // TODO: we will need to include clauses in the agreement that people will not attempt to get access to this data (cannot store it even if they can due to bad crypto)
    // TODO: does the final DA that processes the identity need to be part of the same DSA as the identity bridge?
    // Is the relationship between SP <-> QS and QS <-> DA the same DSA? Or do you need one each?
    message SharingLink {
      optional string nodeFrom = 2;
      optional string nodeTo = 3;
      message Question { optional string queryName = 1; } // TODO: query params should NOT contain PII
      message Answer { optional string queryName = 1; } // TODO: return values should be in here
      message UnencryptedIdentity { repeated MatchingSpec.IdFields identityFields = 1; }
      message EncryptedIdentity { }
      message ConfidenceAttributes { repeated string types = 1; }
      oneof what {
        Question question = 4;
        Answer answer = 5;
        UnencryptedIdentity uid = 6;
        EncryptedIdentity eid = 7;
        ConfidenceAttributes con = 8;
        // TODO: do we need both identity fields?
    message DSA {
      repeated SharingLink link = 1;
      optional string justification = 2; // TODO be more clear about what this is
      optional Validity validity = 3;
      optional string scope = 4;
      optional string legalBasis = 5;
      oneof requiredPermission {
        ConsentRequirement consent = 6;
        OnDemandRequirement onDemand = 7;
        TransparencyRequirement transparency = 8;
      oneof recurrance {
        DoesNotRecur oneShot = 9;
      message DoesNotRecur {
      message ConsentRequirement {
        // Requires user to give explicit consent through a consent server
        optional Endpoint consentServer = 1;
      message OnDemandRequirement {
        // SP can execute query when other business process dictate that it's required (i.e. legacy form, user unaware of Aquae)
      message TransparencyRequirement {
        // Requires user to have seen the query plan and a record of this from consent/transparency server
        optional Endpoint transparencyServer = 1; // TODO: node name
    // TODO: Query contains the identity/confidence attributes, parameters, return values
    message QuerySpec {
      optional string name = 1;
      repeated ImplementingNode node = 2;
      repeated Choice choice = 3;
    message MatchingSpec {
      enum IdFields {
        SURNAME = 1;
        POSTCODE = 2;
        YEAR_OF_BIRTH = 3;
        INITIALS = 4;
        HOUSE_NUMBER = 6;
        DATE_OF_BIRTH = 7;
      repeated IdFields required = 1;
      repeated IdFields disambiguators = 2;
      repeated string confidenceBuilders = 3;
    message ImplementingNode {
      optional string nodeId = 1;
      optional MatchingSpec matchingRequirements = 2; // Can be empty
    message Choice {
      repeated string requiredQuery = 1;
    message Node {
      optional string name = 1; // Can be any valid UTF-8 string.
      optional Endpoint location = 2;
      optional bytes certificate = 3; // X509 certificate in DER format
    message ConfidenceAttribute {
      optional string name = 1;
      optional string description = 2;
      // TODO: confirm if type model is required
    message Federation {
      optional Validity validity = 1;
      repeated Node node = 2;
      repeated DSA agreement = 3;
      repeated QuerySpec query = 4;
      repeated ConfidenceAttribute confidenceAttribute = 5;