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File metadata and controls

133 lines (109 loc) · 6.85 KB

Introduction and sample usage

This is a header-only C++20 library for parsing command line arguments. Following is a sample usage:

#include <args_parser.h>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    ArgsParser args_parser{}; // to create an instance

    // call add_arg method to add an argument and make it mandatory
    // (by setting is_optional=false)
    args_parser.add_arg("log_path", "Log file path for app", false);

    // call an overload and pass default value 
    // (hence, implicitly, make it an optional argument)
    args_parser.add_arg("timeout", 60, "Timeout for the app (seconds)"); 

    // add an argument, whose value is expected to be a list of values.
    // Nothing different here because of that, just add as usual
    args_parser.add_arg("ids", "Allowed ids");

    // done adding the arguments, let's parse the command line arguments
    const auto parsed_args = args_parser.parse(argc, argv);

    // Now, let's extract the stored values
    std::cout << "log_path is:[" << parsed_args.get("log_path") << "]\n";
    std::cout << "timeout is:[" << parsed_args.get<int>("timeout") << "]\n";
    std::cout << "Allowed ids:\n";
    // notice the different function call to get the list (get_list instead of get)
    for (auto id: parsed_args.get_list<int>("ids")) { 
        std::cout << id << "\n";

    return 0;

Executing the app with command line arguments

$ ./cmake-build-debug/ArgsParser --ids=2,4,89 --log_path=new_log_file --timeout=7000
log_path is:[new_log_file]
timeout is:[7000]
Allowed ids:

Adding arguments

  1. add_arg method adds arguments. It has 2 overloads:

    i. bool add_arg(std::string arg, T default_value, std::string description) adds an argument with default value, hence making it implicitly optional. Supported types for default values are: all numerics, bool, char and std::string (and any type which is used to construct std::string)

    ii. bool add_arg(std::string arg, std::string description, bool is_optional = false) adds an argument where it can be explicitly marked optional. It is mandatory by default.

  2. If an argument is marked mandatory (is_optional = false), it must be passed as command line arguments. Otherwise, parse method will throw std::invalid_argument exception.

  3. add_arg method returns true iff argument was added successfully. In case the argument was added previously, it returns false.

Parsing arguments

ArgsParser::parse method returns an instance of ArgsParser::ParsedArgs which contains the parsed values. It stored the values in a std::map<std::string, std::string> and parses values when needed. Following are the cases when it throws std::invalid_argument exception:

  1. When passed arguments are not in expected format. Expected format is: --arg=value or --arg=value1,value2,value3 (It is not mandatory to use , as a separator for lists but same separator must be used in get_list method). So, following formats are NOT acceptable:

    i) -arg=value // it is supposed to start with '--'

    ii) -arg==value // It must contain just one '='

    iii) --arg:value // separator is '=' and not ':'

  2. If a command line argument was not added but passed at runtime, parse method will raise std::invalid_argument exception

  3. bool arguments must be passed as either true or false, e.g. --enable=true or --raise=false, any other formats like T, True etc. are NOT acceptable

Extracting values for arguments

There are following 3 methods to extract an argument's value:

  1. T get(const std::string &arg) const noexcept(false) extracts an argument's value and converts into type T. But if the argument is not found in configured set of arguments, or if the value can't be converted to type T, it will throw std::invalid_argument exception
  2. std::optional<T> get_opt(const std::string &arg) const noexcept extracts an argument's value and converts into type T. But if the argument is not found in configured set of arguments, or if the value can't be converted to type T, then it returns std::nullopt and never throws an exception.
  3. std::vector<T> get_list(const std::string &arg, const std::string &sep = ",") const extracts the values and converts to type T and returns them in an instance of std::vector<T>. Allowed types for T are: all numerics, bool, char and std::string (and any type which is used to construct std::string)

Description of added arguments

Try --help, help or just -h to get the list of expected arguments and in this case, app will output the description and then, it will exit :

$ ./cmake-build-debug/ArgsParser --help
Following is the list of configured arguments for ./cmake-build-debug/ArgsParser:
        Description: Allowed ids, Optional: [false]
        Description: Log file path for app, Optional: [false]
        Description: Timeout for the app (seconds), Optional: [true], Default value: [60]
        Description: To print this message

Few examples

  1. If an argument is NOT optional, then it must be passed while running the app. Otherwise, the parse method will raise exception
$ ./cmake-build-debug/ArgsParser
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
  what():  Mandatory argument [ids] not passed in arguments. Try --help
Aborted (core dumped)
  1. Expected format is: --arg=value, blank space around arg and value is stripped, otherwise any other change in this format is not an acceptable and parse method will raise an std::invalid_argument exception
$ ./cmake-build-debug/ArgsParser --ids=2,4,89 --log_path=new_log_file --timeout=7000
log_path is:[new_log_file]
timeout is:[7000]
Allowed ids:
  1. In the sample example, timeout is being extracted as an int (parsed_args.get<int>("timeout")). So if the value of timeout can't be converted to an int, exception will be thrown. Use get_opt method which returns std::nullopt instead of throwing an exception:
$ ./cmake-build-debug/ArgsParser --ids=2,4,89 --log_path=new_log_file --timeout=60m
log_path is:[new_log_file]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
  what():  Invalid string [60m] to convert to numeric type
Aborted (core dumped)

Installing the library

Since this is a header-only library, user just needs to copy the header into its project and use it.