This stage is meant to sharpen your comprehension of IDS technologies and core ideas. It is linking you to every source that could be of help while learning about the IDS. If you are looking for a general overview of IDS and its functionalities you should start with some of our documents:
Visual Overview of the IDS – Here you can find a visual representation of the IDS architecture that helps you and your business to understand the basic setup of the IDS. Learn more
IDSA Rulebook – This document is meant for businesses and individuals who are building or using data-driven business models. This rulebook outlines a common governance framework and specifies the functional, technical, operational, and legal agreements to operate securely in the IDS. Learn more
IDS and GAIA-X Position Paper – The European initiative GAIA-X and the International Data Spaces share the vision of proliferating data sovereignty in a trusted data ecosystem. Nevertheless, some main differences exist. This position paper explains the relation of the International Data Spaces Reference Architecture Model and the principles and architecture of the European Imitative GAIA-X. Learn more
IDS Use Case Overview – The purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with an overview of the practical application of the IDS architecture in various industries. The use cases which are gathered in this document are real-life examples of IDS industry partners and include a short problem statement, description of the targets, results, and benefits. Learn more
New Business Models for Data Spaces Grounded in Data Sovereignty - This paper applies business frameworks and methods to the IDS perspective and gives some concrete use-case examples of early adopters for governance, participants, and support service providers. Learn more
IDS Standard (DIN SPEC 27070) – The DIN SPEC 27070 is a confidential document that specifies the technical requirements and the reference architecture of a Security Gateway for the exchange of industry data and services. Based on the principles of data sovereignty, the Security Gateway facilitates secure exchange of data and allows providing and using trustworthy data services. Request access to document
Introduction to Data Spaces – Here is a brief summary of how International Data Spaces work and an overview of their minimum viable structure. Learn more
IDS Glossary – In this glossary, the most important terms of the IDS, the services, and tools are defined (e.g., Clearing House, Data Provider, Data Sovereignty). Learn more
Dataspace Connector - This is the documentation explaining the technical steps for deployment of the Dataspace Connector. Learn more
If you feel that you need some additional support, you can consider the following workshop offerings. IDS Basic Training “Data sovereignty and International Data Spaces” – This hands-on training is designed for professionals from various industries, IT and software development specialists, and executive managers who would like to understand the structure of the IDS architecture, its technologies, services, and roles. The training lasts one full day and is offered upon request by the Fraunhofer Academy in Dortmund, Germany. Learn more
IDS Lab – IDS Lab offers interactive training for a uniform understanding of the International Data Spaces architecture and software. Seminars and further trainings are offered. Learn more