This document contains some examples of test cases for each feature implemented on the backend.
- Create disposable emails to create accounts and verify them. You can use to generate the emails and verify them;
- Test the REST API with Swagger UI provided in the link of the deployed server;
- Test the REST API using Postman (if you feel comfortable with this).
- Outcome Fail means the test case as no effect in the database, so no changes are done in the data. An error message should be returned;
- Outcome Success means that the test case was successful and had an effect in the database, so this change/effect should be visible on the database. E.g.: If a user is registered successfully, you should be able to login, and be seen using the GET /users API;
- When testing something make sure only one aspect of the test is failing the requirements;
- “Logged in” means that a valid access token is being sent in the Authorization header;
- Nonrestricted API will have a marker -> (not restricted);
- A user can login successfully only if the email is verified.
- This is the possible test cases when accessing a restricted API;
- The only unrestricted APIs are: POST /login, POST /register, GET /user/confirm_email/{token}, POST/user/resend_email;
- Fail cases mean that you cannot access the app data and you’ll receive an error message regarding the authentication token;
- This cases should override any potential success outcome from a restricted API.
Test Case | Outcome |
Send an Authorization header field containing: Bearer <access_token>. This token is valid, not expired, from a verified user | Success |
Not send the access token | Fail |
Access token is expired | Fail |
Invalid token (e.g.: "asdf", "gnvindgins", something not returned from POST /login) | Fail |
(weird case) Valid token, but the user was deleted | Fail |
Service: POST /login
Test Case | Outcome |
Login an already registered and verified User with the correct username and password | Success |
Login an already registered and verified User with correct email and password | Success |
Login an already registered User with correct email and password, with email unverified | Fail |
Login an already registered and verified User with correct email/username and wrong password | Fail |
Login a User with non-existing email | Fail |
Login a User with non-existing username | Fail |
Service: POST /register
Test Case | Outcome |
Register a User with all fields present in the request body and valid (not empty, username and email are unique, email is a valid one) ones | Success |
Register a User with terms and conditions checked (=True) | Success |
Register User without sending Authorization Header with token | Success |
Register a User with terms and conditions unchecked (=False) | Fail |
Register a User with username and email from an already existing User | Fail |
Register a User with one of the these fields missing from the request body: name, username, email, terms_and_conditions, password | Fail |
Register a User with one of the these fields empty from the request body: name, username, email, terms_and_conditions, password | Fail |
Register a User with invalid email (invalid does not respect e.g.: {A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _,-}@{A-Z, a-z, 0-9}.{A-Z, a-z, 0-9}) | Fail |
Service: PUT /user/change_password
Test Case | Outcome |
Change password to a different password from the current one | Success |
Change password to a password equal to the current one | Fail |
Change password to an empty password | Fail |
Change password to a password with white spaces | Fail |
Service: PUT /user
Test Case | Outcome |
TBD | Success |
Change username to a username already being used by another User | Fail |
Service: POST /user/resend_email
Test Case | Outcome |
Email in request body is an email from an existing user which is unverified | Success |
Email in request body does not belong to a registered User | Fail |
Email in request body is from a Verified User | Fail |
Service: POST /user/refresh
Test Case | Outcome |
Refresh token in Authorization field is the refresh token returned on login response | Success |
Refresh token in Authorization field is not valid or without Bearer | Fail |
Refresh token in the Authorization field is expired | Fail |
No Refresh token is given in the Authorization field after Bearer | Fail |
Service: POST /mentorship_relation/send_request
Test Case | Outcome |
A User1 sends a request to a User2 which is not currently involved in a mentorship relation and has the email verified | Success |
A User1 sends a request to a User2 which is in involved in a mentorship relation and has the email verified | Fail |
A User1 sends a request to a non existing User2 (user_id does not match any user in database) | Fail |
A User1 sends a request to a User2 which is not involved in a mentorship relation and has the email verified. But the User1 is involved in a current mentorship relation | Fail |
A User1 sends a request to itself User1 | Fail |
A User1 sends a request to a User2, which does not have its email verified | Fail |
Service: DELETE /mentorship_relation/{request_id}
Test Case | Outcome |
A user that creates a mentorship request X deletes this mentorship request X | Success |
A user that creates a mentorship request X deletes this mentorship request X (without token being sent in Authorization Header) | Fail |
A user that did not create mentorship request X tries to deletes mentorship request X | Fail |
A user that tries to delete mentorship request X that does not exist (i.e., request_id does not exist in the system) | Fail |
Service: PUT /mentorship_relation/{request_id}/accept
Test Case | Outcome |
Assuming User1 sent request X to User2, User2 accepts this request, while User2 is NOT involved in a current mentorship relation | Success |
Assuming User1 sent request X to User2, User2 accepts this request, while User2 is involved in a current mentorship relation | Fail |
Assuming User1 sent request X to User2, User1 accepts this request | Fail |
User1 accepts a mentorship relation which the User1 is not involved with | Fail |
Service: PUT /mentorship_relation/{request_id}/reject
Test Case | Outcome |
Having User1 sending a request to User2, User2 rejects this request | Success |
Having User1 sending a request to User2, User1 rejects this request | Fail |
User1 rejects a mentorship relation which the User1 is not involved with | Fail |
Service: PUT /mentorship_relation/{request_id}/cancel
Test Case | Outcome |
User1 (sent the request) cancels a mentorship relation that it is currently involved with User2 (the relation is in an ACCEPTED state) | Success |
User2 (received the request) cancels a mentorship relation that it is currently involved with User1 (the relation is in an ACCEPTED state) | Success |
User1 cancel a mentorship relation which the User1 is not involved with | Fail |
Service: PUT /mentorship_relation/{request_id}/task/{task_id}/complete
Test Case | Outcome |
Logged in user completes task from an existing request in the ACCEPTED state, that involves the user (as a mentor or as a mentee) | Success |
Logged in user tries to complete a task whose id does not exist, from an existing request in the ACCEPTED state, that involves the user (as a mentor or as a mentee) | Fail |
Logged in user tries to complete a task which has already been completed, from an existing request in the ACCEPTED state, that involves the user (as a mentor or as a mentee) | Fail |
Logged in user tries to complete a task, from an existing request in the ACCEPTED state, that does not involve the user (neither as a mentor nor as a mentee) | Fail |
Not logged in user (invalid token) tries to complete a task, from an existing request in the ACCEPTED state | Fail |
Logged in user tries to complete a task, with an invalid request (not an integer) | Fail |
Logged in user tries to complete a task which is invalid (not an integer), from an existing request in the ACCEPTED state | Fail |
Logged in user tries to complete a task from an non existing request for this relationship (The request doesn't exist in any other relationship) | Fail |
Logged in user tries to complete a task from an non existing request (The request exists in a different relationship) | Fail |
Logged in user tries to complete a task from a request which is not in the ACCEPTED state (as a mentor or as a mentee) | Fail |
Only admin users have access to this.
Service: POST /admin/new
Test Case | Outcome |
An Admin User assigns admin role to a non-admin user ( both users should have email verified) | Success |
A User which is not an Admin assigns admin role to any user (does not matter if the user being assigned is admin or not) | Fail |
A User which is not an Admin assigns admin role to itself | Fail |
An Admin User assigns admin role to a non-existent User | Fail |
Service: POST /admin/remove
Test Case | Outcome |
Revoking an admin user which is an admin, when the current user is an admin | Success |
Revoking a non-admin user, when the current user is an admin | Fail |
Revoking a non-existent user | Fail |
Revoke self the admin role when self is the only admin | Fail |
Revoke self the admin role when self is not the only admin | Success |
Revoking an admin user, when the current user is not an admin | Fail |
Service: GET /admins
Test Case | Outcome |
An Admin User with valid access returns all assigned non-admin user which are now admins | Success |
A User which is not an admin requests to return all assigned non-admin user | Fail |
An Admin User tries to find a non-admin user , when returns all admin users | Fail |
An Admin User returns self details | Fail |
Service: POST /mentorship_relation/{relation_id}/task
Test Case | Outcome |
Create a task for a relation, in the accepted state, between logged user and another user | Success |
Creating a task without a description (either empty or not in the request body at all) | Fail |
Create a task when a logged user is not involved in the relation | Fail |
Create a task if relation state is different than accepted | Fail |
Service: GET /user/confirm_email/{token}
Test Case | Outcome |
Verification token entered is one sent on users registered email entered within 24 hrs | Success |
Verification token of already confirmed users account entered | Success |
Verification token of un-confirmed users account entered after 24 hrs of email being sent | Fail |
Incorrect verification token entered in request body | Fail |