Protocol buffers, are essentially a data format, much like JSON or XML in the sense that they store structured data which can be serialized or de-serialized by a wide number of different languages.
- Protobuf compiler is a standalone binary named
is requried byprotoc
compiler to generate Go code
$ go get -v -u{proto,protoc-gen-go}
If you are having issues with binary not found on your system make sure that both GOPATH and GOROOT are added to PATH. Also check following issue for more details.
Once protoc binary is installed we can create *.proto data definition; in this case that is message.proto file:
option go_package = "/greeting";
message Message {
string greet = 1;
Now we can compile structure using the protocol buffer compiler.
The protoc
compiler produces Go output when invoked with the go_out flag. The argument to the go_out flag is the directory where you want the compiler to write your Go output.
$ protoc --go_out=. message.proto
The compiler will read input file message.proto, and write output file message.pb.go to the out directory.
go run .