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What is this

In a world where changing jobs and managers is not an infrequent thing, I wanted so have something easy to refer to that lays out the basics of who I am as a report and coworker. Credit goes to @kaibot3000 for the inspiration and format of this readme (and for a couple points, just straight up copy paste because they were perfectly written).


  • Dive in: I have a tendency to dive in with two feet into the deep end of the pool.
  • If I see it, I fix it: I believe in addressing problems as I see them whenever possible.
  • Speak up, Speak out: Related to previous, if I see a problem that I can't fix, I will speak up about it. This includes things like organization level dysfunction and/or lack of diversity and inclusion.
  • Team work makes the dream work: I prefer to work in collaboration. I believe strongly in the benefits of pair programming.
  • Life long learning: I have so much to learn.
  • Structure allows for expansion: structure in this sense can be anything from development processes to proper documentation or developing a clear plan to execute from. These structures support growth and development and are worth investing in.
  • Psychological Safety is key: we do our best work when we feel safe to be fully ourselves.
  • Equity is a Human Issue: racial justice is a human rights issue, not a political issue, and I am committed to carrying forth this work in all areas of my life.
  • Life is short, so enjoy it: I am a hedonist at heart, and humor is not optional.


from my manager

  • Direct and actionable feedback about how my actions affect them and others so I can improve
  • Guidance on internal politics (For example, I need to know when I'm pushing too hard or not enough, pissing people off, or caring about the wrong things)
  • Help setting work-specific goals
  • I respond well to managers who trust in my abilities.
  • I enjoy challenges that are beyond my current skillset if I feel I have support and the resources to succeed.

from my teammates

  • Direct and actionable feedback about how my actions affect them so I can improve
  • Honest code review so I can improve as an engineer and contribute meaningfully (I want to hear when there's a better way to do something, and why)
  • Thoughtfulness around communication style

from my peers (outside my team)

  • Direct and actionable feedback about how my actions affect them so I can improve

from my employer/upper management

  • Direct communication about where we are and where we want to go
  • Acknowledgement of areas of growth
  • Leading by example
  • Sincerely inviting feedback


  • I work in PST time zone
  • I am not a morning person
  • I tend to be at my best mental acuity between 10am and 2pm PST
  • I have a grade-school child that will require my attention now and then
  • I have a puppy that demands my attention now and then


I tend to err on the side of over-communication vs under. I believe strongly that most conversations should happen out in the open, even at the risk of cluttering up slack channels. This is doubly true for fully distributed teams, and triply true for mistakes (even if it makes me very uncomfortable on the inside to own up to making them).


  • I appreciate direct, forthright communication.
  • I also like to have a sense of humor.
  • There's a reason I'm not a professional actor/poker player - My face is an open book. So I don't even try to lie or dissemble, even when it's politically expedient to do so.
  • I believe that everyone, at all times, is doing the best they can given what they know. I try to remember that when communicating, tho I don't always succeed.
  • Reminders of the previous point are always welcome.


  • Slack is the best medium for quick conversations.
  • Zoom is best for more complex conversations and for pair programming.
  • Email is just a step above a phone call.
  • Microsoft Teams is the bane of my existence. (j/k)
  • For conversations that are emotionally laden, real-time with visual feedback is prefereble (ie zoom or in person). It is easy to misinterpret intention via text-only formats.


  • I have a strong preference for having a clear agenda for meetings of more than 4 people, ideally communicated in writing ahead of the meeting
  • I believe meetings with one person facilitating a meeting and being responsible for time management and getting through an agenda makes for much more effective and productive meetings.

Feedback and Recognition

  • I always welcome feedback. I prefer that it be actionable and specific, and delivered as soon as possible. Even if I don't say so, I thank you for providing feedback. I consider it a gift and an act of generosity.
  • For critical/constructive feedback, I prefer private communication vs in a group setting. But I prefer a group setting over withholding feedback altogether.
  • I appreciate recognition for good work, and I try to recognize others' work.


In an effort to normalize chronic illness and mental challenges at work, I'm including these sections here.


I have had a long-term, ongoing struggle with chronic illness in the form of Lyme disease. For me that primarily involves:

  • recurrent fevers and migrating body pain
  • frequent migraines/headaches
  • frequent nausea
  • brain fog and word recall issues
  • bouts of insomnia
  • chronic fatigue

I am doing what I can to address this, and while well-meaning, suggestions of treatments/remedies are not generally helpful. I do appreciate understanding for not being at my best at times, and needing to take some time for self-care now and then. I may resist doing so, because I'm still unlearning the capitalist expectation of constant productivity.


I'm an introvert with a form of social anxiety that has me replay social interactions after the fact and pick apart my behavior (often in the middle of the night). It's one of the reason why feedback is so important to me, because it gives me a reality check. Crowds/large groups are especially difficult. Spending all day in an office surrounded by people is deeply exhausting.

things I can do to recharge:

  • sing or play music
  • get out in nature
  • exercise