diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 8fb03f4..c12fd06 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -17,27 +17,65 @@ Molecule KubeVirt Plugin
:target: LICENSE
:alt: Repository License
-Molecule KubeVirt Plugin is designed to allow use [KubeVirt](https://kubevirt.io/) containers for provisioning test resources.
+Molecule KubeVirt Plugin is designed to allow use of KubeVirt_ containers for provisioning test resources.
**Very alpha version - All configuration fields and behaviours may be subject to breaking changes**
-.. _usage:
+.. _`KubeVirt`: https://kubevirt.io
+Molecule-kubevirt enables running ansible roles tests in a kubernetes cluster.
-Ansible molecule-kubevirt runners require:
+To use this plugin, you'll need to set the ``driver`` and ``platform``
+variables in your ``molecule.yml``. Here's a simple example using a home made centos docker image for KubeVirt:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ driver:
+ name: kubevirt
+ platforms:
+ - name: instance
+ image: quay.io/jseguillon/kubevirt-images:centos-7-x86_64-genericcloud-2009
+This driver also requires molecule to access Kubernetes API. See test-rolebinding_ file.
+.. _`test-rolebinding`: /tools/test-rolebinding.yaml
+This driver supports Ansible 2, 3 and 4.
+Ansible 2 requires install of comunity.kubevirt plus strict python requirements pinning:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ ansible-galaxy install git+https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general.git
+ python3 -m pip install openshift==0.11.2 kubernetes==11.0.0
+**No depedency required for Ansible >= 3**
+Get access to a Kubernetes cluster then install KubeVirt for `kind `_ or `minkube `_ or `cloud providers `_
-- ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
-- ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto
-- ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes.git
-Also need access to a Kubernetes cluster, via user kubeconfig or ServiceAccount. Minimum authorizations:
-- ClusterRole [`kubevirt.io:edit`](https://kubevirt.io/user-guide/#/installation/authorization?id=kubevirt-default-rbac-clusterroles)
-- POST and EGT on Services
+Testing nginx ansible role with KubeVirt, via github actions: `jseguillon/ansible-role-nginx `_
-.. _get-involved:
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