- Downloading models from behind the great china firewall added through their matterportvr.cn server
- New auto-serve option to start server and optionally launch browser (with fix for Windows browsers)
- Sample Auto PY to EXE config added for standalone executable generation
support for default command line options
- Disable SSL verification for easier proxy use
- Extended encoding support (matterport unicode scaping embedded JS on non-english pages)
- Download static files/photos using graphql data as old keys not reliable
- New expiry code defeat and fix some expiry dates also not replaced
- JS network proxy to leave most code unmodified but still redirect
- Downloading of plugins and other advanced matterport features like floor plan sq/ft and other settings
- VR support
- Lower cpu usage during initial capture
- Ability to set the directory for downloads
- Further download progress details
- No-tilde in path to assist non-windows platform downloads
- Save copy of matterport-dl.py and the JS Proxy next to the model for enhanced compatibility.