The current version is emacs24 install it using sudo apt-get install emacs24
C-f Forward one character C-n Next line
C-b Back one character C-p Previous line
C-a Beginning of line M-f Forward one word M-a Previous sentence M-v Previous screen M-< Beginning of buffer
C-e End of line M-b Back one word M-e Next sentence C-v Next screen M-> End of buffer
C-u 3 C-p Back 3 lines C-u 10 C-f Forward 10 characters M-1 M-0 C-f Forward 10 characters C-u C-n Forward 4 lines C-u C-u C-n Forward 16 lines C-u C-u C-u C-n Forward 64 lines
the control key is the main thing here also, secondary key is alt next screen; cv, previous screen mv
v is for view - c is control c - l : center the text around the cursor
move lines: c-p previous c-n next
Move chars in the same line c-f forward c-b backward
move words in the same line: a-f a-b
each line ends with a newline, that char is how the lines are stored in the files, as seperated
**** Meta is used to operate on units defined by the language (words, sentences, paras etc) Control is used for the basic units - characters, lines etc
e is for end, a is for append/beginning c-a beginning of line, c-e end of line //as in line 75 a-a beginning of sentence, a-e end of sentence //sentence is where the fullstop is for eg
where the cursor is located - known as the point
**most of the commands have a repeat count c-u <number> then command
this is called prefix argument because the argument is types before the command
but prefix arguments can also be used as a flag by some other commands to edit their behaviour
recall, c-v was to go up or down a screenful, but if you give it a flag, it becomes exactly like c-u <number> c-n
c-g is to quit - use if emacs is forzen, a command is taking too long to execute etc
c-x is for command related to windows, files, buffers and related things so: c-x 1 kills all windows, and keeps only 1
type 25 ‘a’s using c-u 25 a
In emacs, the cursor is not fine, it is a block, covering one character and it beaves as if it is on the left hand side of the rectangular block
######## DELETING
delete chars: del -> delete the char before the pointer, also, c-d - this deletes the highlighted block effectively
delete words: M-<del>, or M-d delete words
delete lines c-k kill from cursor to end of line m-k kill from cursor to end of sentence
you can do selections using C-space after you have marked your text, you can process it in any way - delete it, capitalize it etc
again, delete 3 lines: c-u 3 c-k yanking is c-y yanking is pasting, killing is cutting, deleteing is deleting copying is m-k
get back deleted stuff using undo
you have several clipboards so to speak so, cut line 1 using c-k now, line 2 using c-k
to paste line 1, use c-y (will paste line 2), now, do m-y to get line 1 repeat to get older lines
Undoing is c / also, c-x u also, c _
########## FILES open a file c-x c-f filename
save a file c-x c-s
you can create a new file by searching for an empty file and editing it and saving it
opening multiple files –> each file is sotred in an object called “buffer” finding a file makes a new buffer in emacs
get a list of buffers using c-x c-b get rid of the list by c-x 1
there can only be one active buffer, if you to switch to editing another file, use c-x c-f filename or simply,
c-x b here, type the name of the file you want to switch to
go to message buffer: c-x b Messages
if you dont type the exact name, it creats a new buffer with the wrong name
the changes in a file is saved in that buffer to save the buffer without visiting it, do: c-x s to save the file, go to it, c-x c-s
so, save buffers and not files, they are easier
c-x is for “Extended” you can extend the command set to create custom shortcuts
c-z is to suspend emacs temporarily c x c c is to close emacs
resume it using %emacs (the emacs process has shifted in the background with c-z)
There are many C-x commands. Here is a list of the ones you have learned:
C-x C-f Find file C-x C-s Save file C-x s Save some buffers C-x C-b List buffers C-x b Switch buffer C-x C-c Quit Emacs C-x 1 Delete all but one window C-x u Undo C-/ Undo
arguments that are used even less are named.
eg: m-x replace-string <return/enter> it replaces the occurances after the cursor
emacs autosaves your files they begin and end with # so:
to recover the auto-save file, m-x recover-file <return>
######### GUI components
The mode line has the filename, the scrollbar status there are editing modes also
there is text-mode, funamental mode etc
m-x to change to funamental mode
view the documentation on your current mode
c-h m
recall c-l is to realign the text
auto fill more wraps a long line to a new line m - x auto-fill-mode
auto-fill-mode is a minor mode
########## Searching
c-s for forward search c-r for reverse search
Multiple windows
to move the line with the cursor to the top - c-l c-l to get it to bottom, one more c-l to where it was, one more c-l
C-x 2 splits the windows in 2 c-x 3 splits them in 2 windows, vertically split
to scroll the other window without changing to that window c m v
c-x o –> move to the other window
to get rid of the other window, c-x 1
(If you had typed C-x 1 in the bottom window, that would get rid of the top one. Think of this command as “Keep just one window–the window I am already in.”)
what “frames” mean to emacs is “windows” for everyone else
you can create a frame: m-x make-frame delete it by: m-x delete-frame
basic help: c-h c <command name>
>> Type C-h c C-p.
The message should be something like this:
C-p runs the command previous-line more help: c-h k c-p
help on a function: c-h f fnname eg: c h f previous_line
difference b/w c-y and m-y
Tuhdo EMACS mini tutorial
emacs is a programming platform, not just a text editor
em - emacs emw - emacs –no-window
every interaction is a function execution - when you press a key, the `self-insert-command` is executed
normal function or macros: care about them if you want to modify existing behavious
commands - interactiev functions
M-x is bound to execute-extended-command
c-x c-f is find-file Hence, you can either do c-x c-f or do: m-x find-file
for prefixes of commands are c-x, m-x etc - they come before the commands if you want to check all the commands that use c-x as a prefix for example, do: c-x “c-h”
c-g executes `keyboard-quit`
“o” is used in built-in tools such as dired, ibuffer etc
c-x prefix is for the defaults, global bindings etc c-c prefix is for the usr to define c-u 2 is same as c-2
m-x info OR c-h i is for the information manual, the official documentation
point is the current cursor
find-file-at-point –> if your point is on a filepath, you can open it using Mx ffap
Ido mode interactively do things
mx ido-mode this makes the prompt interactive by providing options as you open the file for eg
Helm helps in autocompletion and narrowing
c-x c-s executes save-buffer you can also do the same with m-x save buffer
save as is m-x write-file or c-x c-w
c-x k kills the buffer c-x k <name> works too
only one major mode can be active at a time, this is used for syntax highlighting etc
there are many minor modes
you can have a lot of buffers, including email buffers etc
c x c-b executes list-buffers
you can instead use the ibuffer which is superior set the keybinding to that: (global-set-key (kdb “C-x C-b”) ‘ibuffer)
write this in the scratch buffer and M-x eval-buffer for the setup to take effect
you can open a lot of files by using wildcards eg: c-x c-f *.c
you can have a lot files open at once, say you have open thousands of c files and thousands of lisp files
you can do c-x c-b to open the list of buffers, (assuming you have the ibuffer mode on)
now, you can apply filters to the list of buffers.
the prefix “/” is used to group all the filtering commands in ibuffer you can a list of major modes that the buffers exist in using TAB
ibuffer is for interactive buffer
when you open it, all the buffers are listed under Default now, lets group them into 2 groups - 1 for c and 1 for lisp /m <name of mode> then, you see all the modes that belong to <name of mode>, group them using /g <name of group>
// removes the filter
c-x o executes the other window command c-x 1 closes the buffer that doesnt have the point, the other buffer to close the active buffer, c-x 0
the astrisk near the name of the buffer mark means that buffer has been modified
in the ibuffer prompt, pressing g refershes the list
you can mark buffers using m then, a to view the marked buffers c-x s to save the marked buffers c-x d to close the marked buffers c-x v to discard the changes in the marked buffers
unmark it using `u`
also, can open it using ret, e,
dont forget to bind the c-x c-b to ibuffer
quit by q, there are many other commands: /m add a filter by major mode /n filter by buffer name /c filter by buffer content f filter by filename / remove all filters
group commands: /g create groups from filters tab move to the next filter group /\ remove all active filter group /x delete previously saved groups
sorting commands: s a sort by alphabet s f by filename s v last viewing time s s size s m majot modes
exactly similar to the buffer management commands is the bookmark management commands. the differrence is that the prefix is not c-x but c-x r hence, to list the bookmarks, we do c-x r l
to create a new bookmark, c-x r m (m for mark) i just created a bookmark! it is used to go back to a place in code, just like what a bookmark does!
reiterating - c-f forward one char c-b backward one char c-n next line c-p previous line c-a beginning of line c-e end of line m-f forward one word m-b backward one word c-v page down m-v page up m-a beginning of sentance m-e end of sentance c-l recenter screen m < move to start of buffer m > end of buffer
these are the recommanded keybindings, not necessarily on by default
c-m f bings to `forward-sexp` that moves forward over a balanced expression
c-m b is `backward-sexp` backward one balanced expression - example brackets
c-m-k kills the expression kill-sexp c-m-t for transposing expression c-m spc - mark the expression, put mark after the following expr
kill == cut for emacs c-d cut a char at point c-k kill the line from the point to the end m-k kill the sentence
also works in terminal! so, you type a command and decide that it is wrong, do a c-a to go to the beggining and then c-k to terminate it
in emacs, del is your backspace
auto complete also works, like in sublime text, to autocomple words, you say TAB, here, it is m-/ m-; comment, uncomment
when you kill something, it is put into the kill ring insert the most recently killed content by c-y yank is paste in emacs
c-y to paste the most recent thing. then, m-y to cycle thru the earlier cut things
c-h v kill-ring shows the value of the kill-ring - all the content stored in it
you can have bookmarks inside the editor. this can be done by marking the regions, use c-spc to mark places
c-spc twice to mark a place, you can mark multiple places and then, to back to them, use c-u c-spc
when you select a region: c-w to cut it m-w to copy it c-y to paste it
when you pasted the stuff, to go back to original place, use c-u spc this is possible because emacs puts a mark on the place just before you copied/pasted/yanked
c-x c-x is bound to exchange-point-and-mark so, you can mark at A, and then scroll down or up to another mark and then, do c-x c-x to select the region between your last mark and the current cursor place
again, c-u c-spc to go back to the previous region
emacs stores buffer marks in a list, enabling you to cycle thru the marks easily
mark rings are local to each buffer
there is also a global mark ring, access it using: c-x c-spc instead of c-u c-spc
i just closed the pc without saving the file, then, when i reopened emacs, i got the prompt asking if i would like to restore my session, the command was m-x restore-session after i opened this particular file with out using the restore-session, i could do m-x restore-this-file or something to get it back
searching c-s incremental search - invokes isearch-forward c-r isearch-backward isearch can be performed anywhere, on the ibuffer too
when searching, you can move to the end of the word by c-w say, you want to search for hello world place your pointer at h, c-s c-w, you’ll get hello into the prompt, again, c-w you’ll get world as well
you can visit the previously searched content using c-s m-p(or n) c-s c-s is regex search
feed symbol(word etc) at point to search using m-s .
m-s o is for `occur` m-s h . highlight-symbol-at-point - this stays highlighted m-s h l highlight-lines-matching-regexp m-s h r highlight accoring to regexp m-s h-u unhighlight regexp
occur shows all the matched strings in a seperate buffer called as occur m-s o (either in the isearch or outside it) so, you search using c-s <symbols> and you find there are thousands of entries, do: m-s o to get them in a seperate buffer m-g n/p goes to the next or previous matches
or you can always use c-x z to repeat previous command that is, press z to get the matches
in the occur buffer, you can do c-p, c-n to go to the previous and next entries. o opens the match at the point e is for occur-edit-mode then, you can edit anywhere in the occur buffer. c-o opens the line but keeps the cursor in the occur buffer g refreshes the buffer in case of any updates to file contents c-> end of buffer c-< start of buffer
for any help, use c-h m to view the documentation on your current mode pokemon string replace m-% executes query-replace it asks for : string to be replaced string to replace
use ! to replace all mathces
this works only for text below the cursor, not below it, remember you can do ‘y’ to interactively replace, n to reject that repeat instance
you can search in multiple buffers as well using multi-occur here, enter the buffers, you can view the list of buffers using c-x c-b and type them in… shows the matches in each buffer and total matches as well
m-x rgrep allows you to run the external grep command
you get the result in the grep buffer, you can move around in it using m-g p/n
you can paste by c-s-v as well, and c-y is always there
**OQ (currently rgrep is not working, bash not found, FIX!)
grep buffer has its own shortcuts for scrolling, opening matched files etc
as, always, once in the grep buffer, you can do c-h m to get the help on the shortcuts
the modeline is the grey line near the bottom that shows the emcasLearnings.txt name, line number etc (Text) is the major mode emcasLearnings.txt is the buffer name -UUU is the charset - UTF-8 it means
– is not modified % if read only but modified %% read only, not modified
F1 is the selected frame name there can be two emacs windows on your pc, then they will have different names
in the gui version, there is only a dash, the frames are there only in the terminal version
it is: cs:ch-fr buf pos line (major minor) hence, cs chatset is u –> utf-8 ch - buffer is modified fr - it is frame one fr - emcasLearnings.txt is the current buffer active pos - Bot incicates i am at the bottom, otherwise you’ll get a percentage there line - L576 Text - major mode
MiniBuffer The small area at the bottom of the emacs screen they read the arguments from the user there
everything is a function - find-file is as well, it asks for arguments in the minibuffer.
find-file is an interactive function aka command
when inputting in the minibuffer, use m-p/n for previous or next argument from your history
m-r searches for the input that matches the supplied regexp
minibuffer can be used with outputs as well - it also serves the role of the echo area
frame in emacs - an application window you can have seperate frames to hold different parts of emacs, eg you can ask your minibuffer to go in a seperate frame
example the function - find-file-other-frame (c-x 5 f) opens the file in other frame
this opens another frame on top of this one:/ i was expecting to have it open in another window
c-x 5 is the prefix for `different frame` related stuff so: c-x 5 c-f opens a file in another frame c-x 5 c-o opens another frame c-x 5 0 kill the frame with pointer c-x 5 1 kill other frames c-x 5 2 create other frame c-x 5 r open file for read only in another frame
we can split the frame area into multiple areas called “windows” a frame can be divided into as many windows as required
c-x 2 is for split-window-below c-x 3 is for split-window-right
if you do both, you’ll have three windows
each window can hold a buffer c-x o is to cycle thru the windows, bound to `other-window`
in emacs, <next> is PageDown and <prior> is PageUp M-<next>/<prior> is used to `scroll-other-window` the “other-window” is the one you visit when you do c-x o
you can cycle the other window by m-pgdown
so, c-x 3/4 opens another window with same buffer but: c-x 4 is the common prefix for opening things in other buffer
c-x 4 c-f find-file-other-window and move cursor there c-x 4 c-o display-buffer - this asks for a buffer from the buffer list and opens it in another window c-x 4 0 kill other buffer and window
c-x 4 b switch the current buffer in another window and give it another name
c x 4 c clone the current buffer and give it another name
c x 4 d – open a dired (directory edit?) buffer in another window dired is a builtin file manager in emacs
c x 4 m – compose mail other window
c-x 4 r open read only file other window
m-<next>/<prior> - scroll other window
Dont forget: if you want to know all the key bindings that have c-x 4 as their prefix, you can do c-x 4 c-h!
all these keysbindings - eg: c-x 4 d are bound to functions eg: c-x 4 is bound to `dired-other-window` which is a 2 line fn:
;;;###autoload (define-key ctl-x-4-map “d” ‘dired-other-window) ;;;###autoload (defun dired-other-window (dirname &optional switches) “"Edit" directory DIRNAME. Like `dired’ but selects in another window.” (interactive (dired-read-dir-and-switches “in other window “)) (switch-to-buffer-other-window (dired-noselect dirname switches)))
recall, c-x 5 is the prefix for frame/(window) commands also, within each frame, you can have multiple windows open, that can be done using c-x 3 for example
c-x 4 is the prefix for opening things in another buffer (window) so:
c-x 4 c-f opens a file in another buffer c-x 4 c-o is for display-buffer, this selects a buffer and displays it in another window but does not move the cursor there
c-x 4 b opens a buffer in place of the current one, to open it in a new window, use c-x 4 b
c-x 4 d open dired in another window c-x 4 m compose mail in other window
in the terminal, if you try to do c-4 c-f it wont work, this is because you cant use control with digit keys, there you have to use: c-u 4 c-f
c-u c-f is by default 4 chars forward, and powers of 4 hence.
Dired ~~~~~ ~~~~~
c-x d - select the dir of your choice and start dired in that dir c-x 4 d - start dired in another window
once in dired, you dont need c-p/n etc, directly do p,n etc c-s works as usual
4 n moves the cursor 4 lines down
create new files using c-x c-f, new dir using + f or e or RET –> open current file at point o –> open file in another window this one is common eveywhere: c-o open file in another window but do not select that window
dired navigation - ^ goes to parent dir when ever you open a file, dired opens a buffer holding its parent dir
use ibuffer to manage buffers recall, /m to filter by mode name /g to group the filtered results
also, recall you can mark files, using m % m - mark all the files whose names match a supplied regexp % g - mark all the files whose contents match the supplied regexp same as using Grep
File management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
C - prompt for a location to cope the file at point R - prompt for a location to rename/move a file at point (same as mv in shell) H - prompt for a location to create a hard link S - symbolic link M - change permission bits for a file at point or marked files (chmod?)
//pratice this please//
i just discovered a new function and its binding c-x l showed me the lines in this file i check the function to which this keycombo is bound, by c-x c-h and i looked for c-x l there, it was bound to count-lines-page
I am not able to execute the bash functions, it says /usr/local/bin/bash? not found, (eg in dired, you can do !ls to execute ls for eg)
move onto a dir, and press i to insert its contents underneath the listting of the current entry this way, you can search for files in both the dirs now
you can save your direds in bookmarks and retrieve them later recall, the shortcut for the bookmark was c-x r <something>
registers ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
they are like cookies, they store bits of information that can be retrieved later they can be named only with a single character, so, a-zA-Z0-9
they can store text, screen layout, filename etc
to jump to a register, c-x r j <regname> so, the prefix is c-x r view all with c-x r c-h
c-x r w saves the window configuration - window-configuration-to-register c-x r f saves the frame configuration (multiple instances of emcas, and all their windows configuration) this is for frame-configuration-to-register
this asks for a name, type it and it is saved when you want to retrieve it, just do c-x r j <name> and the layout is restored
when you do m-/ for autocomplete, it shows the possible candidates from all the open buffers
Hence, you can switch between multiple projects with supreme ease. each configuration must be realted to a project
the prefix c-x 5 is for frames
copy text into register: c-x r s <regname> copy-to-register get it back: insert-register c-x r i <regname>
this works seamlessly you can save position of the point (cusor) as well using c-x r <spc> regname recall spc is the generic keyword for point, it is used to mark when killing/yanking as well some character
you can save number into the register as well c-u number c-x r n regname increment it by: c-u number c-x r + regname
Macros ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
they are used to record your actions in emacs and play them back later f3 OR c-x ( - start recording a macro f4 OR c-x ) - end recording a macro f4 OR c-x e - play back a macro
when you want to repeat anything 5 time, you do c-u 5 <something> if you want to repeat it till the end of file, you do c-u 0 <somehting>
to apply it to a region, select it and then do: c-x c-k r
they macros is saved in the keyboard macro ring - there is only one macro ring defined for all the buffers
c-x c-k == macro commands
********************************* I just installed my first third party file in emacs. there wasnt much of installation really, it was just downloading and putting it in the right place i first cloned the git repo, got the file, put it in .emacs.d/list and added that path to the emacs load-path and imported the file the file defined a mode, which i set to on
i did this in the .emacs file which wasnt there, so, i created it the entire content of that file as of now:
(add-to-list ‘load-path’ “~/.emacs.d/lisp”) (require ‘simpleclip) (simpleclip-mode 1)
that’s it
the .emacs file is the code that is executed when emacs loads, it can be placed in either: ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el
this mode helps copy the external clipboard contents into emacs using super
recall : change mode using m-x modename
after installating this package, simpleclip, i can copy in and out of emacs this doesnt work in the terminal instance(emw) but does in the gui version
super-C to copy, super-V to paste
continuing with the tutorial:
aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd aaaaabbbbbbbccccccdddddd
was transformed to:
aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd aaaaa bbbbbbb cccccc dddddd
using macros
to seperate this into seperate groups of chars, we use macros using the terminal version didnt accept the c-u 0 f4 command, nor does it take in the simpleclip thingy it does actually, just that it is: C-<insert> for copy S-<delete> for cut S-<insert> for paste
which isn’t that bad frankly
the macros are powerful and in need of extreme text manipulations, you can combine them with registers and all sorts of complex searches, repalces etc to get the right thing working make sure to place the point to the correct place before you stop recording, then, you’ll just need to press f4 and not move the cursor each time
c-x c-k c-k execute the keyboard macro which is at the head of the ring (the last macro) c-x c-k c-n next macro, c-p for previous macro
**whenever you have repetitive editing tasks, think of using macros you can also use them where you only have to enter one keyboard input and everything else is repetative and the input is simple eg, numbers starting from 0 to 100
you can save macros and bind them to key as well (which lasts for the duration of the session) you can load your macros using (load-file “~/.emacs.d/macros”) in your emacs.init, this loads the single file,
you can edit your macro as well: c-x c-k c-e view all the keyboard bindings for macros using c-x c-k c-h
you can create macros to open some files, change dir also
Version Control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c - x v is the prefix for all version control things use c - x v c-h to view the listing
version control is useless here, do it in the terminal or use, magit which makes this process better
you can put code in scratch, and run m-x eval buffer this processed the entire scratch buffer,
so, if you have this in your scratch for eg:
(require ‘package) (add-to-list ‘package-archives ‘(“melpa” . “”) t)
you can do m-x eval-buffer then, m-x list-package
here, you’ll get all the packages that can be installed use c-s to search for the one you need them mark it for installation using i, then press x to install
once it is done, it would have added functions which you can execute using m-x fn_name you can also bind keys to it for easy access in the future
then, add this into scratch:
(add-hook ‘c-mode-common-hook (lambda () (when (derived-mode-p ‘c-mode ‘c++-mode ‘java-mode ‘asm-mode) (ggtags-mode 1))))
what this does is, whenever the c-mode, c++-mode or java-mode is on, also start the ggtags mode
another example: (add-hook ‘dired-mode-hook ‘ggtags-mode)
this activates the dired-mode-hook when the ggtags-mode is on
also, you should’t use .emacs, but .emacs.d/init.el as then, you’ll be able to put it on github
ggtags helps you find files very quickly even in a large repo by creating an index database of all the files
each pacakge has its set of functions and keybindings that
what does c-m do? *OQ
open file in another window: c-x 4 c-f
we can try out elisp code by getting the intrepreter by: m-x ielm
Racket, Clojure are both lisp dialects
things to understand in lisp: anything in a list is an atom, it cant be broken down more, it is the smallest piece of data
list contains atoms, anything that is in the paranthesis is a list
list can be used either as code for porcessing something or as data to be processed
atom aka datatypes numbers, (int and float) string “hello” NIL or () – null symbol - reference to something, keyword
each symbol has: print name (its name as string) value function (its function defination, if its a fn) property-list (list of key, value pairs)
buffer-file-name is both a funciton and a variable
checking the symbol-value of any symbol: (symbol-value ‘buffer-file-name) this would return NIL since this buffer isn’t associated with any other file yet
ELEMENTS IN A list are seperated with a whitespace
(…) is list that has code you want executed ‘(…) is list with data - then it becomes similar to the list in python, java etc
‘(1 2 3) is a list of 3 numbers
’() an empty list, an atom
‘(if a b c) a list that holds 4 symbols - if, a, b, c
(if a b c) is an if expression
’(+ 1 2) is a list with 4 symbols - +, 1, 2
(+ 1 2) is a function call(+ is a function) with 1, 2 as arguments
hence, both data and code are lists code can be data, data can be code
to avoid confusion, lists with data are called lists and lists with code are called lisp form
’(…) for creating data and (…) for creating code; you hold things in ‘(…) and you process things in (…)
lisp forms are of three types:
function form - (+ 1 2) is a function form, 1, 2 are the parameters to the + function if the first element is a valid function, the function will be called along with everything else as arguments
the inner most parts are executed before the outer ones OR OR args are evaluated from left to right ??
(+ 1 (+ 2 3) (* 3 4) (/ 4 2))
becomes - (+ 2 3) –> 5, rest 12, 2 finally: (+ 1 5 12 2) so, output: 20
special form- it has special evaluation rules and/or syntax eg: if then else
(if condition ;; condition is a valid Lisp form …do something if true… …do something if false…)
if is not a function since we have evaluate the conditions and take action accoring to it
most forms are functions, except if, and, or etc
macro form- macro form is a function, but different. when you call a macro, the macro generates lisp code, which is then executed
they are just functions without any syntax, so, they’ll get converted to correct syntax when you execute the micro
’(…) is syntatic sugar for what is under the hood just: (quote …)
bottomline : there are two things - lists (with data) and lisp forms. there are three kinds of lisp forms, (function form, special form, macro form). the first element in the form gets executed with the rest as parameters
all syntax errors in lisp come from: unbalanced paranethsis if you mess up the syntax rules you defined for your own language
this is the only syntax error, everything else is semantic errors like: using non existing variables, array index out of range etc
so, if you forget the ;, or the correct syntax of the if else loop, it is syntax error, if you mess the logic, it may result in semantic error
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Part III - Customizing and Extending Emacs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(message “how about%d” (+ 10 10)) would be evaulated to…you know what message is a function
to think about it, the if else conditional is also a function but it is handled by emacs in a different way, hence we call it special. `and` is also a special form. once emcas sees that the first element is `and`, it evaluates the rest of the elements from left to right till it encounters a false
you can also define your own mini syntax and enclose it as a macro the first element is created by the function defmacro, and if that is the case, emacs passes the rest of the list as data
those different forms are just under one category: function. Function form is a regular function; special form is a function with its own rule; macro form is a function that generates code.
Data is of two types: atomic - primitives such as a number, string, symbol, NIL non atomic - if you put ’ before the form, it becomes non atomic data
emacs also has array, hashtable etc
popular functions: For help on any function, use c-h f For help on any variable, use c-h v
you can install packages in two ways: m-x list-packages mark the ones you want with i, then x to install them put the initialization code in init.el if needed (eg, if you want to enable them on startup for eg) done this method automatically puts the required files in .emacs.d dir
open scratch pad and put the code linking to the package url in it and then, eval-buffer this also downloads the code and puts it in the .emacs.d folder you might want to put the init code into the init.el file
download the repo yourself, put the files in the correct dir, make sure the dir is in the emacs path and then put in the init.el code
- (setq [ symbol value ])
this is used to set the value of the setting parameter. think of it as an api for changing the settings.el file which holds the settings
eg: (setq global-mark-ring-max 50000)
can have multiple values, the last one is taken
- load
(load (substitute-in-file-name “$HOME/.emacs.d/module”))
this loads the file which is looked up in the load-file variable
the full syntax is: (load FILE &optional NOERROR NOMESSAGE NOSUFFIX MUST-SUFFIX)
- require
this is for installed packages. the feature must “load” itself, if it is not loaded, then the filename is loaded
(require FEATURE &optional FILENAME NOERROR)
example: to load the volatile-highlights package after installing it:
(require ‘volatile-highlights)
for any feature to be callable with the require function, it must have the “provide” function provided at the end of the file
- provide
use this function at the end of the file to make it a loadable module callable by require
eg: (provide ‘setup-editing)
as the last line of setup-editing will make be compatible with require and it wont be able to load with “load” anymore
- add-to-list
the full syntax is: (add-to-list list/var element)
so, to add to load-path, ~/.emacs.d/personal, we do:
(add-to-list ‘load-path “~/.emacs.d/personal”) ; add personal to load-path, ; so “load” function can search for files in it
- add-hook
a “hook” is a list of functions which are executed when some event happens consider this:
(add-hook ‘prog-mode-hook ‘linum-mode)
here, ‘prog-Mode-Hook is the hook which has the list of functions that need to be executed when the user enters the programming mode (the prog-mode is the root of all different programming modes like c-mode, asm-mode, emacs-lisp-mode, java-mode…), this mode is activated as well (linum-mode shows the line numbers)
- global-set-key
this command is used to bind a key to a function
example: (global-set-key (kbd “C-x C-b”) ‘ibuffer) ;; bind “C-x C-b” to ibuffer command (global-set-key “\C-x\C-b” ‘ibuffer) ;; bind “C-x C-b to ibuffer command, but modifier ;; keys must be escaped with the backslash (global-set-key [?\C-x?\C-b] ‘ibuffer) ;; use vector instead of a string vector is array in other lngs
to avoid escaping characters and all, use “kdb” function - it recorgnizes C-x, <f2>, left, right, up, down etc
local binding if defined, takes precedence over the global-key
- define-key
(define-key KEYMAP KEY DEF)
the define-key binds a DEF (usually a command) to a key sequence KEY
this is exactly the opposite of global-set-key, it bound the key to a function, here a function to a key
here, when the keys are pressed, emacs runs the associated functions KEYMAP stores the list of bindings from KEY and DEF
they are custom bindings for different modes
(define-key dired-mode-map (kdb “e”) ‘wdired-change-to-wdired-mode)
here, the key e is bound to ‘wdired-Change-To-Wdired-Mode here - the keymap is dired-mode-map note: most of the keymaps, have this suffix - “-mode-map”
- defalias
defalias is used to define an alias for command(function)
(defalias ‘yes-or-no-p’ ‘y-or-n-p) (defalias ‘list-buffers’ ‘ibuffer) ;; this would effectively remove all access to the vanilla list-buffers, (given you also set the global-set-key)
- mapc
this works like the map funciton works in python (mapc FUNCTION SEQUENCE)
maps calls the FUNCTION on each element of the sequence SEQUENCE (mapc ‘load(directory-filels “~/.emacs.d/custom” t “.*.el”))
hence, all the files in custom dir are loaded
- defun
this is a lisp macro that is used to define a function
(defun demo () (message “hello world” number string))
to make this funciton available in M-x:
(defun demo () (interactive) (message “hello world” number string))
interactive is a speacial form
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
recalling: c-m is the prefix for navigating pairs
c-m-f - forward-sexp - move forward over a balanced expression c-m-b - backward-sexp c-m-k - kills the sexp forward c-m-t - transpose-sexps c-m-spc - mark-sexp
reiterating - emacs loads one of the three when it loads - ~/.emacs ~/.emacs.d/init ~/.emacs.d/init.el
c-x c-e is for eval-last-sexp c-m-i - completion at point
as always, c-h f for functions, c-h v for variables
emacs has a package manager which gets the packages from the package archive. there are 3 package archives in emacs: built-in - limited/not up to date marmalade - used before melpa melpa - most packages, most recent packages
you need to add mepla to your init.el, it is not available by default, you need to add it
(require ‘package) (add-to-list ‘package-archives ‘(“melpa” . “”) t)
now, after it is added, use m-x list-package to list mark using i, delete using d, execute using x
U to update all packages f to filter packages h to display help
the settings should be in appropriate files so:
setup-editing.el for Editing group. setup-convenience.el for Convenience group. setup-files.el for Files group. setup-text.el for Text group. setup-data.el for Data group. setup-external.el for External group. setup-communication.el for Communication group. setup-programming.el for Programming group. setup-applications.el for Application group. setup-development.el for Development group. setup-environment.el for Environment group. setup-faces.el for Faces group. setup-help.el for Help group. setup-multimedia.el for Multimedia group. setup-local.el for Local group.
say you create a folder ~/.emacs.d/custom you can load that folder in your init using:
(mapc ‘load (directory-files “~/.emacs.d/custom” t “.*.el”))
and then importing/loading the files using
(require ‘setup-programming) (require ‘setup-text) (require ‘setup-local)
- workgroups2
it restores the work config when you want - the windows, buffers etc
c-c z is the default prefix
each window configuration is a workspace
view all the binding using c-c z c-h
there are multiple levels of key bindings: local, minor mode, major mode, global so, when we see the c-c z c-h, we view the minor mode keybindings there are no global bindings for c-c z (as can be seen with c-c z c-h or a little more info c-c z ?)
we can enter the settings config in setup-editing.el, use (provide ‘setup-editing) and load the module in the init file
- duplicate-thing
this is to duplicate the current line, selection etc
the key binded is m-x (c for copy) to make five copies, use c-u 5 m-c
- volatile-highlights
this will highlight for a few seconds the yanked region
- smartparens
this will smartly auto-assist with paraents etc if you try to put the config and load the init file, without installing the package first, we will get a load error that looks more like a warning just
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HELM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
the main purpose of helm is “incremental completion and selection narrowing framework”
prelude has heml, but it is not enabled by default
with helm: you enter the parts of the files you want to search for, these are called as patterns
navigate the mathces using the normal c-n, c-p change pages using c-v, m-v
mark the candidates using c-spc, select all with m-a c-c c-i to insert the marked candidates into the current buffer
c-t toggles horizontal mode
in vanilla emacs when opening files - press TAB to get list of candidates - in ido, list of candidates already there but TAB rotates the foremost one, completes it - in helm, the candidates are already there, no need of tabbing
on execution of the first helm command, you enter a helm session a dedicated helm session is always open
3 commands most important: TAB used to access the action menu
c-z executes helm-execute-persistent-action - an action you use without quitting the session
in some sessions, commands such as helm-find-files, helm-mini you can select more than one candidates and execute actions on them eg, grep, open
for help, use c-c ? –> this is the same as c-c c-h shows the functions bound to c-c prefix
c-c p is the prefix for projectile c-c z is the prefix for workspace
helm is awesome because you find the file first and then decide what to do with it again for eg: in vanilla emacs - c-x c-f opens a file lets say you decide midway that you want to open the file in another window - you c-g to cancel and then again execute c-x 4 c-f and redo the entire thing
in helm, you find the file first and the decide what to do with it
fuzzy matching is when you need to enter only initials for eg: driver/edac/i5100_edac.c you can enter dedi51
but in helm, you can only enter i51 and you can get the files that match the expression
operate on text on point - generally, it just cuts the selected region - here, the word is put into the editing buffer
m-n yanks the symbol at point
c-h is the prefix for helm so, c-h c-h or c-h ? lists all the helm functions
c-h f runs describe-function c-h v runs describe-variable
the helm buffer is be resized automatically if you use golden-ratio package
helm can help you master emacs with: (global-set-key (kbd “M-x”) ‘helm-M-x)
now, you can do this: type “li pa” this will show list-package as the top entry, beside it, it’s key combo, and on TAB, its help menu
some of the functions: helm-show-kill-ring shows the kill ring as well, rest all is the same safe to replace with default thingy:
(global-set-key (kdb “M-y”) ‘
you can view it even now by c-h v (used to describe varialbe) and type kill-ring. c-h f kill-ring just shows the details about the function
when you go to a which has a filepath, you can open it using c-x c-f which is bound to the `helm-find-files`.
you can search for files, and then use c-s to search in the listings
c-c h b
this will resume the previous helm session along with the previous patterns in prompt
allows you to view the content of both the local and global mark rings in a friendly interface
helm-register this shows the registers, ret or tab enters the value of the highlighted register
c-c h x
helm-surfraw c-c h s surfs google, stackoverflow etc
helm-google-suggest c-c h g gets search suggestions from Google
helm-calcul-expression c-c h c- calculate things
magit is a big and important package m-x magit-status –> git status once in the status buffer: s to stage files c c to commit, c-c c-c to save the commit msg b b to switch branches
P P to git push F F to git pull use TAB and not RET to select
use $ to view the raw git commands
Projectile with helm the ultimate combo, or so they promised. Let’s see!
prefix is c-c p recall helm has c-c h
The all in one command c-c p h
the above command will help you find a file, open it etc but before that, you need to switch to the project
c-c p p helm-projectile-switch-projectile
this is the entrance to all the projects next time, you dont have to cd to your project, just do helm-projectile-switch-project and select the name
this shows the projectile projects - projectile projects either are git repos, or have a .projectile file in them when you press RET on the selected entry, the action specified in the projectile-switch-project-action gets executed default is projectile-find-file. we can bind it to helm-projectile as this will open the project in another buffer, leaving the present one as it is
THE ONLY FIND FILE COMMAND YOU NEED NOW: helm-projectile-find-file c-c p f
this lists all the files in the project and you can start searching, grepping, renaming, deleting etc search for files, open multiple ones using m-space, c-c o open file in another window
use c-c r to open file as root
rename files using m-r cope files using m-c delete files using m-d
helm-projectile-find-dir - c-c p d opens dired in the current project
take a look at other commands using c-c p c-h
when you select a file, you can open it in a different window using c-c o it opens in a horizontal window split, you can change it to vertical using c-c | _____
to not kill the entire line after the mark, but only till the closing expression, do c-m-k _____
to go back to previous mark set, do c-u c-spc ______
we could go to any class using c-c c-j which shows the imenu if you click at the class, you can see the functions etc in it
using semantic-mode, to go to any function/dependency/class defination, use c-c h i or m-x helm-semantic-or-imenu forget c-c c-j, user c-c h i
if you want to delete a word [and you are many spaces or lines below it] do this: c-backspace it deletes the last word
to create a new virtualenv: cd ~/ENV virtualenv <name>
add entry in restart the terminal
if there is a link in the code/text that you want to open, move there and do c-x c-f enter
to select a region, either use ctrl-spc and then move lines or do just switch on the capslock and then navigate as ye wish
if at the current point, you want to insert another file, simply do “ctrl-x i” it will ask for a file to insert there
use this to print the lines of code in the project you just cloned from GH find . -name ‘*.php’ | xargs wc -l
now, if you see elastic_search in stores in fluentd plugin for deis it has:
cat << EOF >>
this can be broken down into {(cat << EOF) >> $FLUENTD_CONF} so, till EOF, we will read and then cat it which is put into the file addressed at FLUENT_CONF
this has the convience of not wrinting multiple lines in the cat statement itself i.e. cat “hello” >> $FLUENTD_CONF is okay for a word or two, not for a lot of text
Magit ~~~~~ ~~~~~
I –> start magit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
start with “m-x magit status” or “c-x g s” shows the magit-mode buffer here, you can do all sort of git stuff - commit, push etc
it shows a list of files under heading (Untracked, Unstaged changes, Staged changes) hitting <tab> on any file shows the diff M-S to show all, M-H to hide all
II –> select files for staging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at any file in the untracked files section, do s to stage it, i to ignore it, k to delete it (if the point is on the header, it will do the act for every file in the section
C-u S –> anywhere will stage everything (untracked files + changes in tracked files)
Unstaged changes: s –> stage the file S –> stage all changes u –> unstage U –> unstage allow
recall wishing that it was possible to commit only a part of the file magit allows that
expand everything - M-S then, navigate to the diff, press s to stage it
III –> commit staged files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
after deciding the files to stage, use c to write a commit message then, C-c C-c to commit the changes
IV –> push changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
General: ~~~~~~~~ l l –> view logs (to see more than 100 logs, do c-u e) ret on any commit in the log to view it a –> apply any commit to your current branch (cherry-pick) (wont commit) A –> this will apply and commit v –> revert commit on point
view the diff b/w commits mark first commit using “.” and go to 2nd one and do =
Terminal tips man, you can run loops on the terminal! so, the terminal is just a bash intrepreter you can write a script, and run it or you can run the individual lines directly on the terminal, it’s the same!
consider this, I had the wav vocab files from the phone and wanted to convert them to mp3
this works:
for f in *.wav; do lame –vbr-new -V 3 “$f” “${f%.wav}.mp3”; done
it will cycle thru the files and convert them!
when in a file, you can do “R” (captial r) to rename the file
the common place “cd” has a back button so, if you are going back and forth b/w two dirs, use this: “cd -”
I tried to search for how to expand everything in the tree when using c-x c-j (which is bound to direx:jump-to-directory) this is just one function of the file m2ym/direx-el which we are using (of course, it may be designed to be an entry point to the file and everything else might be providing utility to this one method but still…) i cannot figure out how to expand everything but, i did c-h m and this showed the help tab showing the active modes and there is a list of all the commands of direx with their key bindings
tree shows the normal files, to see all files (even hidden ones, starting with .) tree -a tree -d to print dirs tree -f to print full path prefix for each file
all this is from man tree, we should probably stop writing naaive tips like this now, level up!
I have some unsaved files and then I did tree -a nginx
- config
—nginx.conf -> [email protected]:1477455076 —#nginx.conf#
the text with nginx.conf shows [email protected]_number:some_number so, I did this: (mycroft) elk master*-> ps -ef | grep 3650 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD radar 3650 2250 0 09:53 pts/18 00:01:12 emacs radar 3738 3650 0 09:54 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/aspell -a -m -B –encoding=utf-8 radar 12149 10778 0 12:08 pts/19 00:00:00 grep 3650
pid - process id ppid - parent process id and sure enough, the process 3650 belongs to emacs
i added a file but it wasn;t getting displayed in the c-x c-j buffer so, i did m-x revert buffer and it was there (eval buffer did not work, that is to execute some code)
when doing c-c p f (to open files from this project) it will show the matches and recentf to go down, do c-o
open recently opened files using m-x helm-recentf
uptil now, I used to do tree and then write the info about each file when exploring a new project from now onwards, I do “git ls-files”. this will print them nicely in a list
to find the size of any particular file/dir, do this: du -sh <file/dir name> (disk usage –summarize –human-readable)
to redo the last search, press c-s twice
just installed elpy, had anand help me out
- installed virtualenvwrapper
now, all my virtual envs line in ~/.virtualenvs and to activate them, i need to do workon mycroft for eg
- in my init, i did (pyvenv-workon “mycroft”), so, i don’t need to start mycroft and then
start emacs, i can just start it on it’s own. just “em” in the terminal
- when on any function, it will show it’s argument signature
for eg: first_name = forms.CharField() when i am at closing bracket, it shows: CharField(max_length=None, ....)
- to jump to the source of any function defined in django for example
(or any where else, ) go that that keyword and do m-. to come back, do m-,
- to view the doc of any function, go there and do c-c c-d when on that function
recreating the envs, there are some problems (wrong setting of old virtualenv env variables)
rmrm ~/.virtualenvs mkvirtualenv –python=/usr/bin/python3 mycroft
and again i was getting this error: virtualenvwrapper.user_scripts could not run ”home/radar.virtualenvs/mycroft/bin/preactivate”: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
i looked at that file and saw what it contains #!/usr/local/bin/bash
this is incorrect. there is bash intrepreter there. this value is put there due to the ds’s dotfiles i changed it to point to /bin/bash i got /bin/bash from “which bash”
~~~~~~~~ to view the key bindings, use m-x helm-descbinds there you can see the bindings of all the active modes, you can ever narrow search
to view a list of flycheck (flake8) errors in a file, do m-x flycheck-list-errors it will open a new buffer
i did a SO search for navigating html using emacs, i got this answer: And if you’re using sgml-mode or its derivatives (e.g. html-mode): sgml-skip-tag-forward is an interactive compiled Lisp function in “sgml-mode.el’`. It is bound to C-c C-f
so, i did c-h m to see the active modes it showed sgml-html, so i went to the opening tag of the area i wanted to delete and <spc> c-c c-f and deleted the region
make a new environment using mkvirtualenv –python=/usr/bin/python3 <name>
so, i was pep8tifying scrapy. and in the tox file, i put this: ignore E501 this is the error code for extra long lines. we ignored it. and suddenly, i wasn’t getting the error in emacs as well! also, whoever writes code for scrapy won’t get the long line error warning!
this is because all the editors maybe use flake8 command line tool or some variant of it, which looks at the config and decides what to report. look at this:
type and after the ‘m’ in com, type TAB, it says pinging (Commerical) **OQ: what’s that man?
if you are at any symbol and you want to select it, do M-m to expand the selection, do M-m again. I just found this while using M-n to find the next occurrence of the symbol
I wanted to add a project to my account, that without using the frontend(irene) so, i put the aliases:
alias ak=’appknox’ alias akl=’appknox –host localhost:8000 –no-secure’
now, i can use “akl” for local testing also, to query random urls, I am using httpie
the views which have @token_required, they need authorization from the django-tokenapi
you can either use the GET or POST and send the user, token in the request parameters
or we can use the HTTP Basic Authorization how? by including the user and token in the Authorization header according to the basic access authentication scheme. To construct the Authorization header:
Combine user id and token into string “user:token” Encode resulting string using Base64 Prepend “Basic ” (including the trailing space) to the resulting Base64 encoded string
If, in the same request, you provide credentials via both request parameters and the Authorization header, the Authorization header will be used for authentication.
now, httpie (and requests which is used for our cli tool) both support basic auth out of the box so, i can simply do: http localhost:8000/api/projects –auth 5:4ih-cb4b672694981ab7311f
here, 5 is the user id and after the colon we have the token this is encoded in base64 by httpie and it looks like this in the request:
GET /api/projects HTTP/1.1 Accept: / Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Authorization: Basic NTo0aWgtY2I0YjY3MjY5NDk4MWFiNzMxMWY= //this is the base64 encoding Connection: keep-alive Host: localhost:8000 User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.9
eg: http –auth 5:4ih-cb4b672694981ab7311f :8000/api/signed_url http –auth 5:4ih-cb4b672694981ab7311f :8000/api/login username=darshanime password=test1234 -f (the -f flag is for serializing the command line data as form-fields. checking the docs for request.POST, we see that it returns
” A dictionary-like object containing all given HTTP POST parameters, providing that the request contains form data. ”
without the -f flag, the parameters are sent in the post body, which can be read by django using request.body
EMACS LISP ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
lisp is prefix notation so, the syntax is, (function_name arg1 arg2 arg3 … ) eg:
(+ x y z) (* (+ x y) y) (foo (+ 3 4) (+ 5 6))
infix notation: x+y+z (x+y)*y foo(3+4, 5+6)
lisp has lists –> (hello there) a list containing two symbols
(1 2 xyz) –> 2 numbers and a symbol () –> empty list
expression –> any piece of lisp code/datastructure
evaluating a lisp expression is effectively accessing the lisp object it refers to so, evaluating strings gives the same string back evaluating a function gives its value
eg: (global-set-key keysequence command) or, (global-set-key “M-?” ‘help-command) here, the args given to function global-set-key are “M-?” help-command
the quote on help-command is to not evaluate the function
if a symbol appears in the first position of a list, it’s the name of a function to execute else, it is a variable whoes values are retrived and passed to the function
to define a variable: (setq x ‘help-command) this sets the variable x to hold the symbol help-command (global-set-key “M-?” x)
‘expr is just shorthand for (quote expr) –> which when evaluated returns the expr
sexp –> symbolic expression (aka lisp expression)
to add an item to a list, (put ‘eval-expression ‘disabled-nil) here, we add the symbol
to search for all the emacs’s variables and functions that contain the word “delete”: M-x apropos RET delete RET
defining functions:
- defination begins with defun
(defun <function_name> ([parameter list]) … )
example: (defun hello_world () )
when you call a function, you pass it arguments. in the function defination, you define what parameters it expects.
having (interactive arg-descriptor) means the function can be invoked interactively i.e. using M-x command_name and thus via a keybinding too
to call any function (interactive or not), use (function arg …) as we already studied
so, functions:
(defun simple_echo (message) “this will simply echo the message” (interactive “p”) // here, the “p” has a special meaning (message))
`p` is for numeric prefix argument
another example of interactive: (interactive “P\nbFrobnicate buffer: “)
`P` is for rawprefix argument note, the P is there in the starting of the string
to make an argument optional, (defun simple_echo (&optional n) (interactive “p”)
lisp has “nil”, for falsey. as is () (nil = () effectively)
listp -> test wheater its argument is a list eg: (lispt 1) nil (lispt ()) t (lispt (1 2)) invalid function 1
(listp (cons 1 2)) t {cons is used to make lists}
(listp (list 2 3)) t
“t” is reserved keyword, it means truth
so: (if n (other-window n) (other-window 1))
can be reduced to: (other-window (if n n 1)) also eg: (if 1 “yup” “nope”) “yup”
hence: (if a a //if a is true, return a (if b b // ELSE, if b is true return b (if y y z))) // ELSE, if y is true, return y else z
(if a a b) ----> same as ----> (or a b) the or function evaluates each arg and returns the first non-nil value else returns nil
also, “and” evaluates each arg until it finds nil, if it does, it returns nil else it returns the last arg
so: (other-window (or n 1))
(defalias ‘function1 ‘function2) now, we can use function1 to refer to function2
~~~~ so, fundamental task of defining a function and binding it to a key:
(defun point-to-top() “move the cursor aka point to top of screen” (interactive) (move-to-window-line 0))
(global-set-key “M-q” ‘point-to-top)
(- n) returns -n, eg, (- 4) returns -4 and -1 is the negative integer (so, (- 1) is same as -1)
in UNIX - symbolic link or symlink is a file that refers to another file (it is just an alias for that file)
say, you can to execute a function whenever you open a new file. we can add the function to a list and call all the members of the list when the file is opened lets call the list “hook”
example: write-file-hooks is a list of functions that are executed by emacs after any buffer is saved post-command-hook is a list of functions that are called after every interactive command find-file-hooks –> called after a new file is visited
so, to make the file read-only when opening a symlink file:
(defun read-only-if-symlink () (if (file-symlink-p buffer-file-name) (progn (setq buffer-read-only t) (message “File is a symlink”))))
here note:
- we are using the inbuilt file-symlink-p function that takes the filename as the argument
the filename is stored in the buffer-file-name variable, defined by emacs the variable is a buffer-local variable, it has a different value in each buffer
((in lisp, functions that return true/false aka boolean predicate and end with a “p”))
- lisp allows only one expression in the “then” part of the if-then-else statement
(its like the if-else of java without the braces and no braces allowed) so, we use progn it is an expression that evaluates each of its subexpressions and returns the value of the last one
now, we can add the hook –> (add-hook ‘find-file-hooks ‘read-only-if-symlink)
we can also define nameless functions, using lambda in place of defun so,
(lambda () (if (file-symlink-p buffer-file-name) (progn (setq buffer-read-only t) (message “File is a symlink”))))
use it directly in the add-hooks sexp (add-hook ‘find-file-hooks ‘(lambda () (if (file-symlink-p buffer-file-name) (progn (setq buffer-read-only t) (message “File is a symlink”)))))
to remove functions from the hook -> (remove-hook ‘find-file-hooks ‘read-only-if-symlink)
to define local variables (aka temporary variables, with scope only in the present function), we use “let” example: (let ((var1 “var1”) (var2 “var2”)) (message var1) (message var2)) “var2”
here, we are defining two variables, var1 and var2 message is used to print the variables
but the output is only “var2”. **OQ: i wonder why
if-else in lisp: (if something: <what to do if true in one line> <what to do if false in one line>)
note the 2 types of indentation, one for if block, other for else block
so, lets write a function that visits the target file when you visit the symlink file program logic: check the file name, if it is nil –> say, not opening a file check if the file name is that of a symlink –> open the symlink else, say, cannot open the symlink
(defun visit-target-instead () “Replace this buffer with a buffer visiting the link target.” (interactive) (if buffer-file-name //the entire if-true, else-true lies inside the if paranthesis (let ((target (file-symlink-p buffer-file-name))) // the next if also lies in the paranthesis if defines 2 varialbes. one called target that is the buffer name and in the other defination, we visit a new file or give an error (if target (find-alternate-file target) (error “Not visiting a symlink”))) (error “Not visiting a file”)))
advice - they are like decorators, they get executed before/after a function is called (before advice gets executed before the function, after advice after)
syntax: (defadvice <name_of_function_to_advice> <list_of_args> &rest BODY)
eg: (defadvice switch-to-buffer (before existing-buffer activate compile) “when interactive, switch to existing buffers only” (interactive “b”))
the body of the advice has the docstring and it’s own interactive declaration to replace the of switch-to-buffer. the switch-to-buffer accepts any string as buffer-name argument. here, “b” means the name of existing buffers only.
so, we solved the problem using advice, by only changing the advice that’s too restrictive 🔝 to allow a new buffer, we do this: (interactive (list (read-buffer “switch to buffer: //read-buffer prompts the user for a buffer name, we are giving the (other-buffer) //read-buffer 2 args,default buffer to switch-which is what is returned by other-buffer here (null current-prefix-arg)))) // and a boolean stating wheat her to restrict to existing buffers. here, null returns true if arg is nil.
cooperating commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **from any place, M-u runs upcase-word, (as found out by c-h k M-u) use it to upercase commands
how to save info in one command and retrieve it in another?
- using variables
- using markers, symbol properties