diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03c1ba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +static/* +coverage/* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c81269 --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintrc.json @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +{ + "env": { + "es6": true, + "node": true + }, + "extends": "eslint:recommended", + "parserOptions": { + "sourceType": "module" + }, + "rules": { + // possible errors + "no-extra-parens": "error", + "no-prototype-builtins": "error", + "no-template-curly-in-string": "error", + "no-unsafe-negation": "error", + + // best practices + "accessor-pairs": "error", + "array-callback-return": "error", + "block-scoped-var": "error", + "consistent-return": "error", + "curly" : "error", + "default-case": "error", + "dot-notation": "error", + "eqeqeq": "error", + "no-else-return": "error", + "no-empty-function": "error", + "no-eq-null": "error", + "no-eval": "error", + 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a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef6f304 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +node_modules +presets.json +presets/ +cache +settings.json +static/tts +.idea +.ntvs_analysis.dat +obj/ +*.njsproj +*.sln +*.pem +*.crt +*.pfx +*.key +.vscode/ +static/docs/webRootSetting.js +api/swagger/production.swagger.yaml +coverage/* +localDatabase/* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..790eba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Shimizu + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of +the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, +subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS +FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR +COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99cf66a --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,964 @@ +SWAGGER SONOS API +================= + +** This project was inspired by [https://github.com/jishi/node-sonos-http-api](https://github.com/jishi/node-sonos-http-api). +However it is implemented in a very different way and its usage is different, so it is not compatable with node-sonos-http-api. +Many thanks to [jishi](https://github.com/jishi) for the excellent work on node-sonos-http-api, sonos-discovery, and the initial idea of a REST API for interacting with sonos + +**This application requires node 4.0.0 or higher!** + +# Table of contents +- [Introduction](#introduction) +- [Installation instructions](#installation-instructions) +- [Configuration](#configuration) +- [Swagger](#swagger) +- [Players and zones](#players-and-zones) +- [API usage](#api-usage) + - [/players](#players) + - [/players/{playerName}](#playersplayername) + - [/players/{playerName}/state](#playersplayernamestate) + - [/players/{playerName}/nowplaying](#playersplayernamenowplaying) + - [/players/{playerName}/queue](#playersplayernamequeue) + - [/zones](#zones) + - [/zones/{zoneName}](#zoneszonename) + - [/zones/{zoneName}/state](#zoneszonenamestate) + - [/zones/{zoneName}/nowplaying](#zoneszonenamenowplaying) + - [/zones/{zoneName}/queue](#zoneszonenamequeue) + - [/zones/{zoneName}/members](#zoneszonenamemembers) + - [/zones/{zoneName}/members/{roomName}](#zoneszonenamemembersroomname) + - [/search](#search) + - [/favourites](#favourites) + - [/favourites/{favourite}](#favouritesfavourite) + - [/swagger](#swagger-1) + +Introduction +------------ +This is a REST API for interacting with a sonos system. It uses a swagger (or open api specification as it is now known) file to document the api as well as control behaviour in the code. +It tries to follow a design pattern for the api where the URL describes the resource being acted on, and you use different http verbs on the URL to control what happens when the it is called. + +For instance when interacting with the queue on the bedroom player +When you want to view the queue you would call +GET /players/bedroom/queue +When you want to add something to the queue you would call +PATCH /players/bedroom/queue +When you want to replace the whole queue you would call +POST /players/bedroom/queue +When you want to delete the queue you would call +DELETE /players/bedroom/queue + +By default, all calls are synchronous, so when you make a call to change something, it will only return once the change has been made. +This can be overridden by passing a paramater async=true in the query string. +Obviously if you pass this, then you will not know if the call has worked or not, but you will get a response back + +It includes [swagger-ui](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui) to provide interactive documentation when the server is running + + +Installation instructions +------------------------- + +Once you have cloned this repository, start by installing the dependencies. +Run the following command from the directory where this has been cloned to: + +`npm install --production` + +This will download the necessary dependencies. + +The program writes to the local filesystem while it is running, so the following directories must be writable by the user running the program + +./localDatabase +./api/swagger +./static/tts + +You can start the server by running + +`npm start` + +When it is running, you can see full documentation for the API and try different calls by going to http://localhost:10010/docs/ + +Configuration +------------- +You can override the default configuration and set custom values by copying settings.json.example to setting.json and putting values in there. +Available options are +- port - this is the port the service runs on +- staticWebRootPath - this is a full path to a static site that will be served and anouncements will be downloaded to +- ttsProvider - which text to speach provider to use - currently available ones are google and voicerss +- webRoot - this is the full URL that content will be served from. This needs to be set for announcemnts and swagger-ui to work correctly and should be set to your ip address eg +- databasePath - path to keep database files. Currently only used by iplayer search +- voicerssApiKey - this is an api key that is used to access [http://www.voicerss.org/](http://www.voicerss.org/). You must sign up for a key on that website for access + +Example: +``` +{ + "settings": { + "webRoot": "", + } +} +``` + +Swagger +------- +[Swagger](http://swagger.io/) is a framework for documenting APIs. It is now officially known as open api specificaton so you may also see reference to that in places + +This program has a swagger file in ./api/swagger/swagger.yaml. +You can see the swagger file when it is running by going to [http://localhost:10010/swagger/](http://localhost:10010/swagger/) + +If you want to edit a swagger file, you can use [swagger editor](http://editor.swagger.io) or another tool like [stoplight](https://stoplight.io/). +Each endpoint in the file has an x-swagger-router-controller attribute that defines which controller file (in ./api/controllers) is associated with the endpoint. +The operationId attribute specifies which function in the controller file is called when the endpoint is called. + +This all happens using the [swagger-restify-mw](https://github.com/apigee-127/swagger-restify) framework + +All documentation is included in the swagger file, and even most of this readme is generated from it using [swagger-markdown](https://github.com/syroegkin/swagger-markdown) + +Players and zones +----------------- +Within this API, players refer to individual sonos players and zones refer to a group of one or more players. +Most operations behave the same on players and zones - ie if you change whats playing on a player, then it also changes what is playing in the zone. +The exception to this is volume where you can change the volume on an individual player or for the whole zone. + + +# API Usage + +SONOS SWAGGER API +================= + + +**Version:** 0.9 + +### /players +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get all players + +**Description:** This gets information about all players currently discovered + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/players' +``` + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +### /players/{playerName} +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get individual player + +**Description:** This gets the details of an individual player + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom' +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The player name | Yes | string | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +### /players/{playerName}/state +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get player state + +**Description:** This gets the status of an individual player + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state' +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The player name | Yes | string | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***PUT*** +**Summary:** set player state + +**Description:** This endpoint is used to to change the status of a player. The available states you can change are + +* volume - can either set the volume to an absolute value by passing a number, or relative by passing in a string prefixed by + or - +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"volume": 10}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"volume": "+5"}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` + +* mute - can be either mute on or mute off +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"mute": "mute on"}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* trackNo - used to skip to a specific track +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"trackNo": 5}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* elapsedTime - used to skip to a time in the current track +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"elapsedTime": 5}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* playbackState - used to set playback state - can be either play, pause or toggle +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"playbackState": "play"}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* repeat - used to set repeat mode - can be either all, one or none +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": {"repeat": "none"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* shuffle - used to set shuffle mode - can be either shuffle on or shuffle off +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": {"shuffle": "shuffle on"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* crossfade - used to set crossfade mode - can be either crossfade on or crossfade off +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": {"crossfade": "crossfade on"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/favourite - used to play a sonos favourite. Returns a 404 error if favourite not found +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"favourite": "BBC Radio 1"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/playlist - used to play a sonos playlist. Returns a 404 error if playlist not found +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"playlist": "test playlist"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/clip - plays a clip and then resumes playback (apart from when playing from spotify connect). The clip must be in the directory static/clips/ +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"clip":""}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/text - says some text and then resumes playback (apart from when playing from spotify connect) +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"text":"hello world"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/next - skips to the next track +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"skip":"next"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/previous - skips to the previous track +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"skip":"previous"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/linein - sets input to be linein of a specified player +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"lineinSource":"kitchen"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/artistTopTracks - plays the top tracks of the first artist returned by a spotify search +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"artistTopTracks":"blink 182"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/artistRadio - plays the artist radio of the first artist returned by a spotify search +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"artistRadio":"blink 182"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/song - plays the first song returned by a spotify search +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"song":"all the small things"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The player name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 201 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +### /players/{playerName}/nowplaying +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get player now playing + +**Description:** This gets details of the currently playing track + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/nowplaying" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***POST*** +**Summary:** set player now playing + +**Description:** This is used to set the currently playing track or radio. +The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item returned from a search result + +Example call +``` +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"-d '{"title": "The Animal In Me","artist": "The Animal In Me","album": "The Animal In Me","imageUrl": "https://i.scdn.co/image/37eff75cf19923b7dc796ba374515dbe45098c14","type": "artist","uri": "x-sonosapi-radio:spotify%3aartistRadio%3a6hyAYqBdxyramm4W9TB7R0?sid=9&flags=8300&sn=5","metadata": "\n The Animal In Me radioobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast.#artistRadio\n SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/nowplaying" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 201 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +### /players/{playerName}/queue +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get player queue + +**Description:** This gets the details of the current queue + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue?detailed=true" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| detailed | query | Flag to indicate if detailed information should be returned. Default is false | No | boolean | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***PATCH*** +**Summary:** add to player queue + +**Description:** This is used to add an individual item to the current queue. +The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item returned from a search result + +Example call +``` +curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"uri": "x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1D3ODoXHBLpdxolZRHWV1j?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5","metadata": "object.item.audioItem.musicTrackSA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***DELETE*** +**Summary:** clear player queue + +**Description:** This is used to clear the current queue + +Example call +``` +curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***POST*** +**Summary:** replace playerqueue + +**Description:** This replaces the current queue with specified tracks. +The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item returned from a search result + +Example call +``` +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"uri": "x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1D3ODoXHBLpdxolZRHWV1j?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5", "metadata": "object.item.audioItem.musicTrackSA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| playerName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 201 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +### /zones +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get all zones + +**Description:** This gets information about all zones currently discovered + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/zones' +``` + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +### /zones/{zoneName} +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get individual zone + +**Description:** This gets the details of an individual zone + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom' +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +### /zones/{zoneName}/state +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get zone state + +**Description:** This gets the status of an individual zone + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state' +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***PUT*** +**Summary:** set zone state + +**Description:** This endpoint is used to to change the status of a zone. The available states you can change are + +* volume - can either set the volume to an absolute value by passing a number, or relative by passing in a string prefixed by + or - +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"volume": 10}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"volume": "+5"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` + +* mute - can be either mute on or mute off +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"mute": "mute on"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* trackNo - used to skip to a specific track +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"trackNo": 5}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* elapsedTime - used to skip to a time in the current track +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"elapsedTime": 5}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* playbackState - used to set playback state - can be either play, pause or toggle +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"playbackState": "play"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* repeat - used to set repeat mode - can be either all, one or none +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": {"repeat": "none"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* shuffle - used to set shuffle mode - can be either shuffle on or shuffle off +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": {"shuffle": "shuffle on"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* crossfade - used to set crossfade mode - can be either crossfade on or crossfade off +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": {"crossfade": "crossfade on"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/favourite - used to play a sonos favourite. Returns a 404 error if favourite not found +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"favourite": "BBC Radio 1"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/playlist - used to play a sonos playlist. Returns a 404 error if playlist not found +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"playlist": "test playlist"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/clip - plays a clip and then resumes playback (apart from when playing from spotify connect). The clip must exist in static/clips directory +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"clip":""}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/text - says some text and then resumes playback (apart from when playing from spotify connect) +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"text":"hello world"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/next - skips to the next track +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"skip":"next"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/zones/state" +``` +* currentTrack/previous - skips to the previous track +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"skip":"previous"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/linein - sets input to be linein of a specified player +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"lineinSource":"kitchen"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/artistTopTracks - plays the top tracks of the first artist returned by a spotify search +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"artistTopTracks":"blink 182"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/artistRadio - plays the artist radio of the first artist returned by a spotify search +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"artistRadio":"blink 182"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` +* currentTrack/song - plays the first song returned by a spotify search +``` +curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": {"song":"all the small things"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 201 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +### /zones/{zoneName}/nowplaying +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get zone now playing + +**Description:** This gets details of the currently playing track + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/nowplaying" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***POST*** +**Summary:** set zone now playing + +**Description:** This is used to set the currently playing track or radio. +The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item returned from a search result + +Example call +``` +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"-d '{"title": "The Animal In Me","artist": "The Animal In Me","album": "The Animal In Me","imageUrl": "https://i.scdn.co/image/37eff75cf19923b7dc796ba374515dbe45098c14","type": "artist","uri": "x-sonosapi-radio:spotify%3aartistRadio%3a6hyAYqBdxyramm4W9TB7R0?sid=9&flags=8300&sn=5","metadata": "\n The Animal In Me radioobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast.#artistRadio\n SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/nowplaying" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 201 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +### /zones/{zoneName}/queue +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get zone queue + +**Description:** This gets the details of the current queue + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue?detailed=true" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| detailed | query | Flag to indicate if detailed information should be returned. Default is false | No | boolean | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***PATCH*** +**Summary:** add to zone queue + +**Description:** This is used to add an individual item to the current queue. +The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item returned from a search result + +Example call +``` +curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"uri": "x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1D3ODoXHBLpdxolZRHWV1j?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5","metadata": "object.item.audioItem.musicTrackSA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***DELETE*** +**Summary:** clear zone queue + +**Description:** This is used to clear the current queue + +Example call +``` +curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***POST*** +**Summary:** replace zone queue + +**Description:** This replaces the current queue with specified tracks. +The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item returned from a search result + +Example call +``` +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"uri": "x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1D3ODoXHBLpdxolZRHWV1j?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5", "metadata": "object.item.audioItem.musicTrackSA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | The zone name | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 201 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +### /zones/{zoneName}/members +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get zone members + +**Description:** This gets all members of the zone +Example call + ``` + curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/members" + ``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | | Yes | string | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +##### ***POST*** +**Summary:** add zone member + +**Description:** This adds a player to a zone +Example call +``` +curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ + "player": "kitchen" +}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/members" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | +| body | body | | No | | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 201 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +### /zones/{zoneName}/members/{roomName} +--- +##### ***DELETE*** +**Summary:** remove zone member + +**Description:** This removes a member from a zone +Example call +``` +curl -X DELETE -d '' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/members/kitchen" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| zoneName | path | | Yes | string | +| roomName | path | | Yes | string | +| async | query | | No | boolean | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| 202 | default asynchronous result | +| default | error result | + +### /search +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get search results from a music service + +**Description:** This is used to search different music services. + +The service paramater controls which service to search. Currently implemented services are +* library +* spotify +* iplayer + +The type paramater controls what type to search for. This may vary accross services, but currently implemented for library and spotify services are +* song +* album +* artist + +For spotify, the type can also be specifed as artisttoptracks and it returns results which play the top tracks by the artist. + +For iplayer, this returns on demand programmes and the search types implemented are +* title +* synopsis + +For iplayer, the available list of programmes is refreshed every 24 hours, so the first time it is called, or if the data has not been refreshed for more than 24 hours, it may take a long time to run. You can force a refresh by calling + +The limit paramater allows you to limit the number of results returned. This defaults to 20 if not specified. + +The offset paramater allows you to page through results. This defaults to 0 if not specified. + +The returned results include an array of items. Each item in the array can be used as input to add to queue or set now playing endpoints. If the results returned are a radio stream then it can only be added to now playing. +Note - spotify retruns a radio stream for artist so can only be added to now playing + +Also included are links to next and previous results when more than the limit are returned to allow easy paging through the results, and details of the number of results returned and available. + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/search?service=spotify&type=song&q=blue' +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| service | query | The service to search | Yes | string | +| type | query | The type of search to perform - can be song, album, artist | Yes | string | +| q | query | The term to search for | Yes | string | +| offset | query | Used when multiple pages of results are returned to show results starting at offset | No | integer | +| limit | query | How many search items to return | No | integer | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +### /favourites +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get favourites from sonos + +**Description:** This returns a list of favourites from sonos + +Example call +``` +curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/favourites' +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| detailed | query | Used to specify if return just the names of the favourites or full details. Defaults to false | No | boolean | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +### /favourites/{favourite} +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Summary:** get individual favourite + +**Description:** This gets details of an individual favourite. +Example call +``` +curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/favourites/6%20Music/" +``` + +**Parameters** + +| Name | Located in | Description | Required | Type | +| ---- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ---- | +| favourite | path | | Yes | string | + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| 200 | successful result | +| default | error result | + +### /swagger +--- +##### ***GET*** +**Description:** Gets the swagger definiton + +**Responses** + +| Code | Description | +| ---- | ----------- | +| default | | diff --git a/api/config/default.yaml b/api/config/default.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..964d338 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/config/default.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# swagger configuration file +# values in the swagger hash are system configuration for swagger-node +swagger: + fittingsDirs: [ fittings, node_modules ] + defaultPipe: null + swaggerControllerPipe: swagger_controllers # defines the standard processing pipe for controllers + # values defined in the bagpipes key are the bagpipes pipes and fittings definitions + # (see https://github.com/apigee-127/bagpipes) + bagpipes: + _router: + name: swagger_router + mockMode: false + mockControllersDirs: [ mocks ] + controllersDirs: [ controllers ] + controllersInterface: auto-detect + _swagger_validate: + name: swagger_validator + # pipe for all swagger-node controllers + swagger_controllers: + - onError: error_logger + - swagger_cors + - swagger_security + - swagger_params_parser + - _swagger_validate + - express_compatibility + - _router + # pipe to serve swagger (endpoint is in swagger.yaml) + swagger_raw: + - swagger_cors + - swagger_raw +# any other values in this file are just loaded into the config for application access... \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/controllers/favourites.js b/api/controllers/favourites.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17da6b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/favourites.js @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('favourite.js'); +const favourites = require('../helpers/favourites'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); + +function getFavourites(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const detailed = ctx.request.swagger.params.detailed.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + const player = discovery.getAnyPlayer(); + + return favourites.getFavourites(player, detailed); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function getFavourite(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const favouriteToLookFor = ctx.request.swagger.params.favourite.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + const player = discovery.getAnyPlayer(); + + return favourites.getFavourite(player, favouriteToLookFor); + }) + .then((results) => { + if (results) { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + } + + throw new Error('favourite not found'); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'favourite not found') { + const response = { + code: 'favourite.not.found', + message: `cant find favourite ${favouriteToLookFor}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getFavourite, + getFavourites +}; diff --git a/api/controllers/playerNowPlaying.js b/api/controllers/playerNowPlaying.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cdf487 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/playerNowPlaying.js @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('nowplaying.js'); +const nowPlaying = require('../helpers/nowPlaying'); +const playpause = require('../helpers/playpause'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); +const players = require('../helpers/players'); + +function getPlayerNowPlaying(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + let player; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return nowPlaying.getNowPlaying(player); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function setPlayerNowPlaying(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + const async = ctx.request.swagger.params.async.value; + const uri = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.uri; + const metadata = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.metadata; + let player; + + if (async) { + const response = { + message: 'OK' + }; + + commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 202, response, next); + } + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return nowPlaying.setNowPlaying(player, uri, metadata); + }) + .then(() => { + return playpause.play(player); + }) + .then(() => { + return nowPlaying.getNowPlaying(player); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 201, results, next, async); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next, async); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getPlayerNowPlaying, + setPlayerNowPlaying +}; diff --git a/api/controllers/playerQueue.js b/api/controllers/playerQueue.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa22e7d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/playerQueue.js @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('queue.js'); +const queue = require('../helpers/queue'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); +const players = require('../helpers/players'); + + +function addToPlayerQueue(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + const async = ctx.request.swagger.params.async.value; + const uri = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.uri; + const metadata = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.metadata; + const enqueAsNext = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.enqueAsNext; + const desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued; + + let player; + + if (async) { + const response = { + message: 'OK' + }; + + commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 202, response, next); + } + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return queue.addToQueue(player, uri, metadata, enqueAsNext, desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 201, results, next, async); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next, async); + }); +} + +function replacePlayerQueue(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + const async = ctx.request.swagger.params.async.value; + const uri = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.uri; + const metadata = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.metadata; + const enqueAsNext = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.enqueAsNext; + const desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued; + let player; + + if (async) { + const response = { + message: 'OK' + }; + + commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 202, response, next); + } + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return queue.replaceQueue(player, uri, metadata, enqueAsNext, desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next, async); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next, async); + }); +} + +function clearPlayerQueue(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + const async = ctx.request.swagger.params.async.value; + let player; + + if (async) { + const response = { + message: 'OK' + }; + + commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 202, response, next); + } + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return queue.clearQueue(player); + }) + .then(() => { + const response = { + message: 'OK' + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, response, next, async); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next, async); + }); +} + +function getPlayerQueue(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + const detailed = ctx.request.swagger.params.detailed.value; + let player; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return queue.getQueue(player, detailed); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + addToPlayerQueue, + clearPlayerQueue, + getPlayerQueue, + replacePlayerQueue +}; diff --git a/api/controllers/playerState.js b/api/controllers/playerState.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0ba5ef --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/playerState.js @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('zoneDetail.js'); +const players = require('../helpers/players'); +const playpause = require('../helpers/playpause'); +const volume = require('../helpers/volume'); +const mute = require('../helpers/mute'); +const seek = require('../helpers/seek'); +const nextprevious = require('../helpers/nextprevious'); +const favourite = require('../helpers/favourite'); +const playlist = require('../helpers/playlist'); +const playmode = require('../helpers/playmode'); +const linein = require('../helpers/linein'); +const clip = require('../helpers/clip'); +const say = require('../helpers/say'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); +const searchHelper = require('../helpers/search'); +const _ = require('lodash'); + +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); + +function setPlayerState(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const settings = ctx.request.settings; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + const async = ctx.request.swagger.params.async.value; + + const requestedFavorite = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.favourite'); + const requestedPlaylist = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.playlist'); + const requestedClip = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.clip'); + const requestedText = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.text'); + const requestedSkip = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.skip'); + const requestedSource = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.source'); + const requestedLineinSource = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.lineinSource'); + + const requestedVolume = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'volume'); + const requestedMute = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'mute'); + const requestedTrackNumber = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'trackNo'); + const requestedTime = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'elapsedTime'); + const requestedPlaybackState = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'playbackState'); + + const requestedRepeatMode = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'playMode.repeat'); + const requestedShuffleMode = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'playMode.shuffle'); + const requestedCrossfadeMode = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'playMode.crossfade'); + const requestedArtistTopTracks = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.artistTopTracks'); + const requestedArtistRadio = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.artistRadio'); + const requestedSong = _.get(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value, 'currentTrack.song'); + + const clipVolume = 20; + + let player; + + if (async) { + const response = { + message: 'OK' + }; + + commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 202, response, next); + } + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + if (requestedVolume) { + return volume.setVolume(player, requestedVolume); + } + if (requestedMute) { + return mute.setMuteStatus(player, requestedMute); + } + if (requestedTrackNumber) { + return seek.trackSeek(player, requestedTrackNumber); + } + if (requestedTime) { + return seek.timeSeek(player, requestedTime); + } + if (requestedPlaybackState) { + return playpause.setPlaybackState(player, requestedPlaybackState); + } + if (requestedRepeatMode) { + return playmode.setRepeatStatus(player, requestedRepeatMode); + } + if (requestedShuffleMode) { + return playmode.setShuffleStatus(player, requestedShuffleMode); + } + if (requestedCrossfadeMode) { + return playmode.setCrossfadeStatus(player, requestedCrossfadeMode); + } + if (requestedFavorite) { + return favourite.playFavourite(player, requestedFavorite); + } + if (requestedPlaylist) { + return playlist.playPlaylist(player, requestedPlaylist); + } + if (requestedClip) { + return clip.playClip(player, requestedClip); + } + if (requestedText) { + return say.playText(player, requestedText, 'en-GB', clipVolume, ctx.request.settings); + } + if (requestedSkip === 'next') { + return nextprevious.next(player); + } + if (requestedSkip === 'previous') { + return nextprevious.previous(player); + } + if (requestedSource) { + return linein.setLinein(player, requestedLineinSource); + } + if (requestedArtistRadio) { + const service = 'spotify'; + + return searchHelper.playArtistRadio(player, requestedArtistRadio, service, settings); + } + if (requestedArtistTopTracks) { + const service = 'spotify'; + + return searchHelper.playArtistTopTracks(player, requestedArtistTopTracks, service, settings); + } + if (requestedSong) { + const service = 'spotify'; + + return searchHelper.playSong(player, requestedSong, service, settings); + } + + return null; + }) + .then(() => { + return players.getPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 201, results.state, next, async); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + if (error.message === 'favourite not found') { + const response = { + code: 'favourite.not.found', + message: `cant find favourite ${requestedFavorite}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + if (error.message === 'Playlist not found') { + const response = { + code: 'playlist.not.found', + message: `cant find playlist ${requestedPlaylist}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function getPlayerState(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + + return players.getPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results.state, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getPlayerState, + setPlayerState +}; + diff --git a/api/controllers/players.js b/api/controllers/players.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..238a5e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/players.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('players.js'); +const players = require('../helpers/players'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); + +function getPlayers(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.getPlayers(discovery); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function getPlayer(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.playerName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + + return players.getPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'player not found') { + const response = { + code: 'player.not.found', + message: `cant find player ${playerName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getPlayer, + getPlayers +}; diff --git a/api/controllers/search.js b/api/controllers/search.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40dfe4b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/search.js @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('search.js'); +const searchHelper = require('../helpers/search'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); + +function search(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const settings = ctx.request.settings; + const service = ctx.request.swagger.params.service.value; + const type = ctx.request.swagger.params.type.value; + const query = ctx.request.swagger.params.q.value; + const offset = ctx.request.swagger.params.offset.value; + const limit = ctx.request.swagger.params.limit.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + const player = discovery.getAnyPlayer(); + + return searchHelper.search(player, service, type, query, offset, limit, settings); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + search +}; diff --git a/api/controllers/zoneMembers.js b/api/controllers/zoneMembers.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa11f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/zoneMembers.js @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('zoneDetail.js'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); +const players = require('../helpers/players'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); + +function getZoneMembers(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + + return zones.getZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results.members, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function addZoneMember(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value.player; + const async = ctx.request.swagger.params.async.value; + + if (async) { + const response = { + message: 'OK' + }; + + commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 202, response, next); + } + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + + const zone = discovery.getPlayer(zoneName); + const player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return zones.addMemberToZone(discovery, zone, player); + }) + .then(() => { + return zones.getZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 201, results.members, next, async); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + commonFunctions.createResponse(ctx, 404); + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function removeZoneMember(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + const playerName = ctx.request.swagger.params.roomName.value; + const async = ctx.request.swagger.params.async.value; + + if (async) { + const response = { + message: 'OK' + }; + + commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 202, response, next); + } + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + + return players.isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayer) => { + if (!isValidPlayer) { + throw new Error('player not found'); + } + if (zoneName === playerName) { + throw new Error('cant remove a player from its own zone'); + } + + const zone = discovery.getPlayer(zoneName); + const player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return zones.removeMemberFromZone(discovery, zone, player); + }) + .then(() => { + return zones.getZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results.members, next, async); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next, async); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + addZoneMember, + getZoneMembers, + removeZoneMember +}; diff --git a/api/controllers/zoneNowPlaying.js b/api/controllers/zoneNowPlaying.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c76a53 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/zoneNowPlaying.js @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('nowplaying.js'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); +const _ = require('lodash'); +const playerNowPlaying = require('./playerNowPlaying'); + +function getZoneNowPlaying(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + _.set(ctx.request.swagger.params, 'playerName.value', zoneName); + + return playerNowPlaying.getPlayerNowPlaying(ctx, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function setZoneNowPlaying(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + _.set(ctx.request.swagger.params, 'playerName.value', zoneName); + + return playerNowPlaying.setPlayerNowPlaying(ctx, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getZoneNowPlaying, + setZoneNowPlaying +}; diff --git a/api/controllers/zoneQueue.js b/api/controllers/zoneQueue.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3ac968 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/zoneQueue.js @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('queue.js'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); +const playerQueue = require('./playerQueue'); +const _ = require('lodash'); + +function addToZoneQueue(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + _.set(ctx.request.swagger.params, 'playerName.value', zoneName); + + return playerQueue.addToPlayerQueue(ctx, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function replaceZoneQueue(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + _.set(ctx.request.swagger.params, 'playerName.value', zoneName); + + return playerQueue.replacePlayerQueue(ctx, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function clearZoneQueue(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + _.set(ctx.request.swagger.params, 'playerName.value', zoneName); + + return playerQueue.clearPlayerQueue(ctx, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function getZoneQueue(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + _.set(ctx.request.swagger.params, 'playerName.value', zoneName); + + return playerQueue.getPlayerQueue(ctx, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + addToZoneQueue, + replaceZoneQueue, + clearZoneQueue, + getZoneQueue +}; diff --git a/api/controllers/zoneState.js b/api/controllers/zoneState.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14829ab --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/zoneState.js @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('zoneState.js'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); +const _ = require('lodash'); +const playerState = require('./playerState'); + +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); + +function setZoneState(ctx, next) { + logger.debug(`params ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(ctx.request.swagger.params.body.value)}`); + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + _.set(ctx.request.swagger.params, 'playerName.value', zoneName); + + return playerState.setPlayerState(ctx, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function getZoneState(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + + _.set(ctx.request.swagger.params, 'playerName.value', zoneName); + + return playerState.getPlayerState(ctx, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getZoneState, + setZoneState +}; + diff --git a/api/controllers/zones.js b/api/controllers/zones.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3b4c31 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/controllers/zones.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('zones.js'); +const zones = require('../helpers/zones'); +const commonFunctions = require('../helpers/commonFunctions'); + +function getZones(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.getZones(discovery); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +function getZone(ctx, next) { + const discovery = ctx.request.discovery; + const zoneName = ctx.request.swagger.params.zoneName.value; + + zones.areZonesDiscovered(discovery) + .then(() => { + return zones.isValidZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((isValidZone) => { + if (!isValidZone) { + throw new Error('zone not found'); + } + + return zones.getZone(discovery, zoneName); + }) + .then((results) => { + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 200, results, next); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error(error); + if (error.message === 'zone not found') { + const response = { + code: 'zone.not.found', + message: `cant find zone ${zoneName}` + }; + + return commonFunctions.sendResponse(ctx, 404, response, next); + } + + return commonFunctions.errorHandler(ctx, error, next); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getZone, + getZones +}; diff --git a/api/fittings/error_logger.js b/api/fittings/error_logger.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..072c871 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/fittings/error_logger.js @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +'use strict'; + +const debug = require('debug')('swagger:json_error_handler'); +const util = require('util'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('app.js'); + +/* eslint no-unused-vars: off, camelcase:off, no-mixed-operators: off*/ +module.exports = function create(fittingDef, bagpipes) { + return function error_handler(context, next) { + if (!util.isError(context.error)) { + return next(); + } + + const err = context.error; + let log; + let body; + + logger.error(util.inspect(context.error, false, null)); + + if (!context.statusCode || context.statusCode < 400) { + if (context.response && context.response.statusCode && context.response.statusCode >= 400) { + context.statusCode = context.response.statusCode; + } else if (err.statusCode && err.statusCode >= 400) { + context.statusCode = err.statusCode; + delete err.statusCode; + } else { + context.statusCode = 500; + } + } + + try { + if (context.statusCode === 500 && !fittingDef.handle500Errors) { + return next(err); + } + + context.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; + Object.defineProperty(err, 'message', { + enumerable: true + }); + if (fittingDef.includeErrStack) { + Object.defineProperty(err, 'stack', { + enumerable: true + }); + } + + delete context.error; + + return next(null, JSON.stringify(err)); + } catch (err2) { + log = context.request && ( + context.request.log || context.request.app && context.request.app.log + ) || context.response && context.response.log; + + body = { + message: 'unable to stringify error properly', + stringifyErr: err2.message, + originalErrInspect: util.inspect(err) + }; + context.statusCode = 500; + + debug('jsonErrorHandler unable to stringify error: ', err); + if (log) { + log.error(err2, 'onError: json_error_handler - unable to stringify error', err); + } + + return next(null, JSON.stringify(body)); + } + }; +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/clip.js b/api/helpers/clip.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6f25b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/clip.js @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +'use strict'; +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/clip.js'); +const nowPlaying = require('./nowPlaying'); +const playPause = require('./playpause'); +const seek = require('./seek'); +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const util = require('util'); + +function setTrackAndPosition(player, track, seconds) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return seek.trackSeek(player, track); + }) + .then(() => { + return seek.timeSeek(player, seconds); + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + + +function playClip(player, clip) { + const initialState = player.state; + const initialMediaInfo = { + avTransportUri: player.avTransportUri, + avTransportUriMetadata: player.avTransportUriMetadata + }; + + let announceFinished; + let afterPlayingStateChange; + + function onTransportChange(state) { + logger.debug(`playback state switched to ${state.playbackState}`); + if (state.playbackState === 'PLAYING') { + logger.debug('announcement started'); + afterPlayingStateChange = announceFinished; + } + + if (state.playbackState !== 'STOPPED') { + return; + } + + if (afterPlayingStateChange instanceof Function) { + logger.debug('announcement finished because of STOPPED state identified'); + afterPlayingStateChange(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return nowPlaying.setNowPlaying(player, clip, ''); + }) + .then(() => { + player.on('transport-state', onTransportChange); + + return playPause.playAsync(player); + }) + .then(() => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + announceFinished = resolve; + }); + }) + .then(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportChange); + + return nowPlaying.setNowPlaying(player, initialMediaInfo.avTransportUri, initialMediaInfo.avTransportUriMetadata); + }) + .then(() => { + if (!commonFunctions.isRadioOrLineIn(initialMediaInfo.avTransportUri) && initialState.trackNo > 0) { + logger.debug('not a stream so setting position'); + + return setTrackAndPosition(player, initialState.trackNo, initialState.elapsedTime); + } + + return 1; + }) + .then(() => { + if (initialState.playbackState === 'PLAYING') { + return playPause.play(player); + } + + return 1; + }) + .catch((err) => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportChange); + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + playClip +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/commonFunctions.js b/api/helpers/commonFunctions.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a52fe9b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/commonFunctions.js @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +'use strict'; +const util = require('util'); + + +function sendResponse(ctx, statusCode, response, next, async) { + if (async) { + return true; + } + ctx.headers = { + 'Content-Type': 'application/json' + }; + ctx.statusCode = statusCode; + + return next(null, response); +} +function errorHandler(ctx, error, next, async) { + const response = { + message: error.message, + stack: error.stack, + code: 'error' + }; + + sendResponse(ctx, 500, response, next, async); +} + +function checkReturnStatus(status) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (status.statusCode === 200 && status.statusMessage === 'OK') { + return; + } + throw new Error(`bad response : ${status.statusMessage}`); + }); +} + +function returnFullObject(object) { + return util.inspect(object, false, null); +} + +function isRadioOrLineIn(uri) { + return uri.startsWith('x-sonosapi-stream:') || + uri.startsWith('x-sonosapi-radio:') || + uri.startsWith('pndrradio:') || + uri.startsWith('x-sonosapi-hls:') || + uri.startsWith('x-rincon-stream:') || + uri.startsWith('x-sonos-htastream:') || + uri.startsWith('x-sonosprog-http:') || + uri.startsWith('x-rincon-mp3radio:'); +} + +const types = { + array: '[object Array]', + boolean: '[object Boolean]', + get: (prop) => { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(prop); + }, + number: '[object Number]', + object: '[object Object]', + string: '[object String]' +}; + +module.exports = { + checkReturnStatus, + sendResponse, + errorHandler, + isRadioOrLineIn, + returnFullObject, + types +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/favourite.js b/api/helpers/favourite.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a63948 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/favourite.js @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +'use strict'; + +const playPause = require('./playpause'); +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const favourites = require('../helpers/favourites'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:favourite'); + +function playFavourite(player, requestedFavourite, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 30000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return favourites.getFavourite(player, requestedFavourite); + }) + .then((results) => { + if (results) { + debug('calling playPause.pause()'); + + return playPause.pause(player); + } + throw new Error('favourite not found'); + }) + .then(() => { + debug('calling player.coordinator.replaceWithFavorite()'); + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + + return player.coordinator.replaceWithFavorite(requestedFavourite); + }) + .then((result) => { + changeStateResult = result; + if (result) { + debug('waiting for state change'); + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + } + + return true; + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + if (changeStateResult) { + debug('calling checkReturnStatus()'); + + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + } + + debug('currently playing'); + + return 'currently playing'; + }) + .then((result) => { + if (result === 'currently playing') { + debug('favourite already playing so not doing anything'); + + return true; + } + debug('calling playPause.play()'); + + return playPause.play(player); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in playFavourite() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + playFavourite +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/favourites.js b/api/helpers/favourites.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fcb8af --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/favourites.js @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +'use strict'; + +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const debug = require('debug')('test:helpers:checkValidPlayer'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const _ = require('lodash'); + +function getFavourites(player, detailed) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + debug('calling player.system.getFavorites()'); + + return player.system.getFavorites(); + }) + .then((result) => { + if (detailed) { + return result; + } + + return result.map((favourite) => { + return { + title: favourite.title + }; + }); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`got error : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }); +} + +function getFavourite(player, favouriteToLookFor) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + debug('calling player.system.getFavorites()'); + + return player.system.getFavorites(); + }) + .then((result) => { + return _.find(result, (favourite) => { + return favouriteToLookFor.toLowerCase() === favourite.title.toLowerCase(); + }); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`got error : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }); +} +module.exports = { + getFavourite, + getFavourites +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/linein.js b/api/helpers/linein.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8bb4b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/linein.js @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +'use strict'; +const nowPlaying = require('./nowPlaying'); +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:linein'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); + + +function setLinein(player, sourcePlayerName, timeout) { + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (sourcePlayerName) { + debug('calling getPlayer()'); + + return player.system.getPlayer(decodeURIComponent(sourcePlayerName)); + } + + return player; + }) + .then((lineinSourcePlayer) => { + const uri = `x-rincon-stream:${lineinSourcePlayer.uuid}`; + + debug('calling setNowPlaying()'); + + return nowPlaying.setNowPlaying(player, uri, '', promiseTimeout); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + setLinein +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/music_services/iplayerStations.js b/api/helpers/music_services/iplayerStations.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f612aa --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/music_services/iplayerStations.js @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +const stations = { + national: [ + { + name: 'BBC Radio 1', + channelId: 'radio1' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio 1Xtra', + channelId: '1xtra' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio 2', + channelId: 'radio2' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio 3', + channelId: 'radio3' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio 4', + channelId: 'radio4' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio 4 Extra', + channelId: 'radio4' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio 5 Live', + channelId: 'fivelive' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio 5 live sports extra', + channelId: 'sportsextra' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio 6 music', + channelId: '6music' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Asian Network', + channelId: 'asiannetwork' + }, + { + name: 'BBC World Service', + channelId: 'worldservice' + } + ], + regional: [ + { + name: 'BBC Radio Foyle', + channelId: 'radiofoyle' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Scotland', + channelId: 'radioscotland' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Nan Gaidheal', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_nan_gaidheal' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Ulster', + channelId: 'radioulster' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Wales', + channelId: 'radiowales' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Cymru', + channelId: 'radiocymru' + } + ], + local: [ + { + name: 'BBC Radio Cumbria', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_cumbria' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Newcastle', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_newcastle' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Tees', + channelId: 'bbc_tees' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Lancashire', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_lancashire' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Merseyside', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_merseyside' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Manchester', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_manchester' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Leeds', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_leeds' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Sheffield', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_sheffield' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio York', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_york' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Humberside', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_humberside' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Lincolnshire', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_lincolnshire' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Nottingham', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_nottingham' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Leicester', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_leicester' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Derby', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_derby' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Stoke', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_stoke' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Shropshire', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_shropshire' + }, + { + name: 'BBC WM 95.6', + channelId: 'bbc_wm' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Coventry & Warwickshire', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_coventry_warwickshire' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_hereford_worcester' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Northampton', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_northampton' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Three Counties Radio', + channelId: 'bbc_three_counties_radio' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Cambridgeshire', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_cambridge' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Norfolk', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_norfolk' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Suffolk', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_suffolk' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Essex', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_essex' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio London', + channelId: 'bbc_london' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Kent', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_kent' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Surrey', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_surrey' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Sussex', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_sussex' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Oxford', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_oxford' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Berkshire', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_berkshire' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Solent', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_solent' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Gloucestershire', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_gloucestershire' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Wiltshire', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_wiltshire' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Bristol', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_bristol' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Somerset', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_somerset_sound' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Devon', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_devon' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Cornwall', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_cornwall' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Guernsey', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_guernsey' + }, + { + name: 'BBC Radio Jersey', + channelId: 'bbc_radio_jersey' + } + ] +}; + +module.exports = { + stations +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/music_services/iplayer_on_demand.js b/api/helpers/music_services/iplayer_on_demand.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61762ee --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/music_services/iplayer_on_demand.js @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +'use strict'; + +const rp = require('request-promise'); +const xml2js = require('xml-to-json-promise'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const _ = require('lodash'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/iplayer_on_damand.js'); +const stations = require('./iplayerStations').stations; + +function getFeed(channelId) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return rp(`http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/availability/${channelId}.xml`); + }) + .then((data) => { + return xml2js.xmlDataToJSON(data); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.statusCode === 404) { + logger.error(`cant get feed for ${channelId}`); + } else { + logger.error(error); + } + + return null; + }); +} + +function refreshChannel(station, iplayerProgramDB) { + const currentDate = new Date(); + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return iplayerProgramDB.removeAsync({ + channelId: station.channelId + }, { + multi: true + }); + }) + .then(() => { + return getFeed(station.channelId); + }) + .then((data) => { + if (data) { + return Promise.map(data.schedule.entry, (entry) => { + const availabilityStart = new Date(entry.availability[0].$.start); + const availabilityEnd = new Date(entry.availability[0].$.end); + + if (availabilityStart < currentDate && availabilityEnd > currentDate) { + const dataToInsert = { + channelId: station.channelId, + pid: entry.$.pid, + service: station.name, + synopsis: entry.synopsis[0], + title: entry.title[0], + imageUrl: entry.images[0].image[0], + broadcast: entry.broadcast[0].$.start, + duration: entry.broadcast[0].$.duration, + streamingLink: _.get(_.find(entry.links[0].link, (link) => { + return link.$.transferformat === 'hls'; + }), '_') + }; + + return iplayerProgramDB.insertAsync(dataToInsert); + } + + return null; + }); + } + + return null; + }); +} + +function refreshAllChannels(iplayerProgramDB, refreshSettingsDB) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return Promise.map(stations.national, (station) => { + return refreshChannel(station, iplayerProgramDB); + }); + }) + .then(() => { + return Promise.map(stations.regional, (station) => { + return refreshChannel(station, iplayerProgramDB); + }); + }) + .then(() => { + return Promise.map(stations.local, (station) => { + return refreshChannel(station, iplayerProgramDB); + }); + }) + .then(() => { + return refreshSettingsDB.findAsync({ + refreshType: 'iplayerOnDemand' + }); + }) + .then((result) => { + if (result.length > 0) { + return refreshSettingsDB.updateAsync({ + refreshType: 'iplayerOnDemand' + }, { + refreshType: 'iplayerOnDemand', + lastRefresh: new Date() + }); + } + + return refreshSettingsDB.insertAsync({ + refreshType: 'iplayerOnDemand', + lastRefresh: new Date() + }); + }); +} + +function refreshIfNeeded(iplayerProgramDB, refreshSettingsDB) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return refreshSettingsDB.findAsync({ + refreshType: 'iplayerOnDemand' + }); + }) + .then((result) => { + // Only refresh if last refresh was more than 24 hours ago + + if (result.length > 0) { + const lastRefreshTime = new Date(result[0].lastRefresh); + const yesterday = new Date(); + + yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); + if (lastRefreshTime < yesterday) { + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + // Forec a refresh if it has never happened + return true; + }) + .then((doRefresh) => { + if (doRefresh === true) { + return refreshAllChannels(iplayerProgramDB, refreshSettingsDB); + } + + return null; + }); +} + +function search(player, type, query, offset, limit, settings) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return refreshIfNeeded(settings.dbSettings.iplayerProgramDB, settings.dbSettings.refreshSettingsDB); + }) + .then(() => { + const queryRegExp = new RegExp(query, 'i'); + let iplayerQuery; + + switch (type) { + case 'title': + iplayerQuery = { + title: { + $regex: queryRegExp + } + }; + break; + case 'synopsis': + iplayerQuery = { + synopsis: { + $regex: queryRegExp + } + }; + break; + default: + throw new Error('this search has not been implemented yet'); + } + + return settings.dbSettings.iplayerProgramDB.findAsync(iplayerQuery); + }) + .then((data) => { + const uniqueResults = _.uniqWith(data, (entry, otherValue) => { + return _.isEqual({ + title: entry.title, + synopsis: entry.synopsis + }, { + title: otherValue.title, + synopsis: otherValue.synopsis + }); + }); + const sortedResults = _.sortBy(uniqueResults, ['title', 'station', 'broadcast']); + const offsetResults = _.slice(sortedResults, offset || 0, limit + offset || 20); + const searchResults = _.map(offsetResults, (result) => { + return { + uri: result.streamingLink.replace('http://', 'x-rincon-mp3radio://'), + title: result.title, + type: 'iplayer stream', + metadata: `${result.title}object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_`, + synopsis: result.synopsis, + station: result.service, + broadcast: result.broadcast, + duration: parseInt(result.duration) + }; + }); + const results = { + returned: searchResults.length, + start: offset || 0, + total: sortedResults.length, + items: searchResults + }; + + if (offset > 0) { + results.previous = `${settings.webroot}/search?service=iplayer&type=${type}&q=${query}&limit=${limit}&offset=${(offset - limit < 0 ? 0 : offset - limit)}`; + } + if (offset + searchResults.length < sortedResults.length) { + results.next = `${settings.webroot}/search?service=iplayer&type=${type}&q=${query}&limit=${limit}&offset=${(offset + limit)}`; + } + + return results; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + search, + refreshAllChannels +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/music_services/library.js b/api/helpers/music_services/library.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b560e6d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/music_services/library.js @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +'use strict'; + +const _ = require('lodash'); +const util = require('util'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/music_services/library.js'); + + +function tidyArray(items) { + const newItems = []; + const myDefault = { + album: '', + artist: '', + imageUrl: '', + metadata: '', + title: '', + uri: '' + }; + + _.forEach(items, (item) => { + const newItem = _.defaults(_(item) + .omit(_.isNull) + .value(), myDefault); + + newItem.albumTrackNumber = parseInt(item.albumTrackNumber); + newItem.imageUrl = item.albumArtUri; + newItems.push(newItem); + }); + + return newItems; +} + + +function search(player, type, query, offset, limit, settings) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + let sonosQuery; + + switch (type) { + case 'song': + sonosQuery = `A:TRACKS: ${query}`; + break; + case 'artist': + sonosQuery = `A:ARTIST: ${query}`; + break; + case 'album': + sonosQuery = `A:ALBUM: ${query}`; + break; + default: + throw new Error('this search has not been implemented yet'); + } + + return player.browse(sonosQuery, offset, limit); + }) + .then((data) => { + const items = _.map(data.items, (value) => { + return _.assign(value, { + type + }); + }); + const result = { + items: tidyArray(items), + returned: parseInt(data.numberReturned), + start: parseInt(offset) || 0, + total: parseInt(data.totalMatches) + }; + + if (offset > 0) { + result.previous = `${settings.webroot}/search?service=library&type=${type}&q=${query}&limit=${limit}&offset=${(offset - limit < 0 ? 0 : offset - limit)}`; + } + if (offset + parseInt(data.numberReturned) < parseInt(data.totalMatches)) { + result.next = `${settings.webroot}/search?service=library&type=${type}&q=${query}&limit=${limit}&offset=${(offset + limit)}`; + } + + return result; + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + search +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/music_services/spotify.js b/api/helpers/music_services/spotify.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccd9159 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/music_services/spotify.js @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +'use strict'; + +const SpotifyWebApi = require('spotify-web-api-node'); +const _ = require('lodash'); +const util = require('util'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/music_services/spotify.js'); + +const spotifyDef = { + country: '&market=', + metastart: { + album: '0004206cspotify%3aalbum%3a', + artist: '000c206cspotify%3aartistRadio%3a', + song: '00032020spotify%3atrack%3a', + artisttoptracks: '000e206cspotify%3aartistTopTracks%3a' + }, + object: { + album: 'container.album.musicAlbum', + artist: 'item.audioItem.audioBroadcast.#artistRadio', + song: 'item.audioItem.musicTrack', + artisttoptracks: 'container.playlistContainer' + }, + parent: { + album: '00020000album:', + artist: '00052064spotify%3aartist%3a', + song: '00020000track:', + artisttoptracks: '00052064spotify%3aartist%3a' + } +}; + + +let sid = ''; +let serviceType = ''; + +function getURI(type, id) { + const accountSN = '5'; + + switch (type) { + case 'album': + return `x-rincon-cpcontainer:0004206cspotify%3aalbum%3a${id}`; + case 'song': + return `x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a${id}?sid=${sid}&flags=8224&sn=${accountSN}`; + case 'artist': + return `x-sonosapi-radio:spotify%3aartistRadio%3a${id}?sid=${sid}&flags=8300&sn=${accountSN}`; + case 'artisttoptracks': + return `x-rincon-cpcontainer:000e206cspotify%3aartistTopTracks%3a${id}`; + default: + throw new Error('URI type not defined in getURI'); + + } +} + +function getServiceToken() { + return `SA_RINCON${serviceType}_X_#Svc${serviceType}-0-Token`; +} + + +function getMetadata(type, id, name, title) { + const token = getServiceToken(); + const parentUri = spotifyDef.parent[type] + name; + const objectType = spotifyDef.object[type]; + let metaTitle = title; + + if (type !== 'station') { + metaTitle = `${title} radio`; + } + + return ` + ${metaTitle}object.${objectType} + ${token}`; +} + +function getReturnResults(data, type) { + const items = []; + let itemsReturned = 0; + let MetadataID = ''; + + if (data.total > 0) { + data.items.forEach((item) => { + const itemResult = {}; + + itemResult.title = item.name; + if (type === 'song') { + itemResult.artist = item.artists[0].name; + itemResult.album = item.album.name; + itemResult.imageUrl = item.album.images[0].url; + itemResult.albumTrackNumber = item.track_number; + } + if (type === 'album') { + itemResult.artist = item.artists[0].name; + itemResult.album = item.name; + itemResult.imageUrl = item.images[0].url; + } + if (type === 'artist') { + itemResult.artist = item.name; + itemResult.album = item.name; + itemResult.imageUrl = _.get(item, 'images[0].url', ''); + itemResult.artistId = item.id; + } + if (type === 'artisttoptracks') { + itemResult.artist = item.name; + itemResult.album = item.name; + itemResult.imageUrl = _.get(item, 'images[0].url', ''); + itemResult.artistId = item.id; + } + itemResult.type = type; + itemResult.uri = getURI(type, encodeURIComponent(item.id)); + MetadataID = spotifyDef.metastart[type] + encodeURIComponent(item.id); + itemResult.metadata = getMetadata(type, MetadataID, item.name.toLowerCase(), item.name); + items.push(itemResult); + itemsReturned += 1; + }); + } + const result = { + items, + returned: itemsReturned, + total: data.total + }; + + return result; +} + +function search(player, type, query, offset, limit, settings) { + const spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebApi(); + const options = { + limit, + market: 'GB', + offset + }; + + sid = player.system.getServiceId('Spotify'); + serviceType = player.system.getServiceType('Spotify'); + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + switch (type) { + case 'song': + return spotifyApi.searchTracks(`track:${query}`, options); + case 'artist': + return spotifyApi.searchArtists(`artist:${query}`, options); + case 'artisttoptracks': + return spotifyApi.searchArtists(`artist:${query}`, options); + case 'album': + return spotifyApi.searchAlbums(`album:${query}`, options); + default: + throw new Error('this search has not been implemented yet'); + } + }) + .then((data) => { + switch (type) { + case 'song': + return getReturnResults(data.body.tracks, 'song'); + case 'artist': + return getReturnResults(data.body.artists, 'artist'); + case 'artisttoptracks': + return getReturnResults(data.body.artists, 'artisttoptracks'); + case 'album': + return getReturnResults(data.body.albums, 'album'); + default: + throw new Error('this search has not been implemented yet'); + } + }) + .then((result) => { + result.start = parseInt(offset); + if (offset > 0) { + result.previous = `${settings.webroot}/search?service=spotify&type=${type}&q=${query}&limit=${limit}&offset=${(offset - limit < 0 ? 0 : offset - limit)}`; + } + if (offset + result.returned < result.total) { + result.next = `${settings.webroot}/search?service=spotify&type=${type}&q=${query}&limit=${limit}&offset=${(offset + limit)}`; + } + + return result; + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + search +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/mute.js b/api/helpers/mute.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8ccb99 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/mute.js @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +'use strict'; + +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:mute'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const state = require('./state'); + + +function setMuteStatus(player, muteStatus, timeout) { + let muteChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onMuteChange(status) { + debug(`mute status changed in onMuteChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (muteChanged instanceof Function && status.previousMute !== status.newMute) { + muteChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (currentState.mute === muteStatus) { + debug('already at requested state so not doing anything'); + throw new Error('already at state'); + } + player.on('mute-change', onMuteChange); + if (muteStatus === 'mute on') { + debug('calling player.mute'); + + return player.mute(); + } + if (muteStatus === 'mute off') { + debug('calling player.unMute'); + + return player.unMute(); + } + + throw new Error(`invalid mutestatus : ${muteStatus}`); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('got return status - waiting for onMuteChange'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + muteChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + debug('checking return status'); + + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.message === 'already at state') { + return; + } + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('mute-change', onMuteChange); + }); +} + +function setGroupMuteStatus(player, muteStatus, timeout) { + let muteChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onMuteChange(status) { + debug(`mute status changed in onMuteChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (muteChanged instanceof Function && status.previousMute !== status.newMute) { + muteChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return state.simplifyPlayer(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (currentState.groupState.mute === muteStatus) { + debug('already at requested state so not doing anything'); + throw new Error('already at state'); + } + player.on('group-mute', onMuteChange); + if (muteStatus === 'mute on') { + debug('calling player.coordinator.mute'); + + return player.coordinator.muteGroup(); + } + if (muteStatus === 'mute off') { + debug('calling player.coordinator.unMute'); + + return player.coordinator.unMuteGroup(); + } + + throw new Error(`invalid mutestatus : ${muteStatus}`); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('got return status - waiting for onMuteChange'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + muteChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + debug('checking return status'); + + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.message === 'already at state') { + return; + } + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('group-mute', onMuteChange); + }); +} + + +module.exports = { + setGroupMuteStatus, + setMuteStatus +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/nextprevious.js b/api/helpers/nextprevious.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..120e25f --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/nextprevious.js @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +'use strict'; +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const state = require('./state'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:nextPrevious'); + +function next(player, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (commonFunctions.isRadioOrLineIn(currentState.currentTrack.uri)) { + throw new Error('cant skip to next in current state'); + } + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + debug('calling player.coordinator.nextTrack()'); + + return player.coordinator.nextTrack(); + }) + .then((result) => { + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in next() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +function previous(player, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (commonFunctions.isRadioOrLineIn(currentState.currentTrack.uri)) { + throw new Error('cant skip to previous in current state'); + } + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + debug('calling player.coordinator.previousTrack()'); + + return player.coordinator.previousTrack(); + }) + .then((result) => { + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in previous() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + next, + previous +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/nowPlaying.js b/api/helpers/nowPlaying.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e2728b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/nowPlaying.js @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +'use strict'; +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:nowPlaying'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); + +function getNowPlaying(player) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + debug('getting player.state.currentTrack'); + const currentState = player.state.currentTrack; + + currentState.uriMetadata = player.avTransportUriMetadata; + currentState.avTransportUri = player.avTransportUri; + + return currentState; + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }); +} + +function setNowPlaying(player, uri, metadata, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + debug('calling player.coordinator.setAVTransport()'); + + return player.coordinator.setAVTransport(uri, metadata); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('waiting for state change'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .then(() => { + return getNowPlaying(player); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getNowPlaying, + setNowPlaying +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/players.js b/api/helpers/players.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d97264 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/players.js @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +'use strict'; + +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:players'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const state = require('./state'); +const _ = require('lodash'); + +function isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (discovery.zones.length === 0) { + throw new Error('No system has yet been discovered'); + } + + return; + }) + .then(() => { + const player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + if (typeof player === 'undefined') { + return false; + } + + return true; + }); +} + + +function getPlayers(discovery) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (discovery.zones.length === 0) { + throw new Error('No system has yet been discovered'); + } + + return; + }) + .then(() => { + const player = discovery.getAnyPlayer(); + + return player.system.zones; + }) + .then((returnedZones) => { + const rooms = _.map(returnedZones, (value) => { + return value.members; + }); + + return _.flatten(rooms); + }) + .then((rooms) => { + return Promise.all(_.map(rooms, (room) => { + return state.simplifyPlayer(room); + })); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in getPlayers() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }); +} + +function getPlayer(discovery, playerName) { + let player; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (discovery.zones.length === 0) { + throw new Error('No system has yet been discovered'); + } + + return; + }) + .then(() => { + return isValidPlayer(discovery, playerName); + }) + .then((isValidPlayerResult) => { + if (!isValidPlayerResult) { + throw new Error(`${playerName} is not a valid player`); + } + player = discovery.getPlayer(playerName); + + return state.simplifyPlayer(player); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in getPlayers() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getPlayer, + getPlayers, + isValidPlayer +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/playlist.js b/api/helpers/playlist.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..006f505 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/playlist.js @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +'use strict'; +const playPause = require('./playpause'); +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:playlist'); + + +function playPlaylist(player, playlistName, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + debug('calling playPause.pause()'); + + return playPause.pause(player); + }) + .then(() => { + debug('calling player.coordinator.replaceWithPlaylist()'); + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + + return player.coordinator.replaceWithPlaylist(playlistName); + }) + .then((result) => { + changeStateResult = result; + debug('waiting for state change'); + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .then(() => { + debug('calling playPause.play()'); + + return playPause.play(player); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in playFavourite() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + playPlaylist +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/playmode.js b/api/helpers/playmode.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59e4402 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/playmode.js @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +'use strict'; +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:playmode'); +const state = require('./state'); + +function setRepeatStatus(player, requestedState, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (requestedState !== 'all' && requestedState !== 'none' && requestedState !== 'one') { + throw new Error(`invalid repeat status : ${requestedState}`); + } + debug('calling state.getPlayerState()'); + + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (currentState.playMode.repeat === requestedState) { + debug(`already at status ${requestedState} so exiting`); + + throw new Error('already at requested status'); + } + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + debug(`calling player.coordinator.repeat(${requestedState})`); + + return player.coordinator.repeat(requestedState); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('waiting for state change'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.message === 'already at requested status') { + return true; + } + debug(`error in setRepeatStatus() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +function setShuffleStatus(player, requestedState, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (requestedState !== 'shuffle on' && requestedState !== 'shuffle off') { + throw new Error(`invalid shuffle status : ${requestedState}`); + } + + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (currentState.playMode.shuffle === requestedState) { + debug(`already at status ${requestedState} so exiting`); + + throw new Error('already at requested status'); + } + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + if (requestedState === 'shuffle on') { + debug('calling player.coordinator.shuffle(true)'); + + return player.coordinator.shuffle(1); + } + debug('calling player.coordinator.shuffle(false)'); + + return player.coordinator.shuffle(0); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('waiting for state change'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.message === 'already at requested status') { + return true; + } + debug(`error in setShuffleStatus() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +function setCrossfadeStatus(player, requestedState, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (requestedState !== 'crossfade on' && requestedState !== 'crossfade off') { + throw new Error(`invalid crossfade status : ${requestedState}`); + } + + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (currentState.playMode.crossfade === requestedState) { + debug(`already at status ${requestedState} so exiting`); + + throw new Error('already at requested status'); + } + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + if (requestedState === 'crossfade on') { + debug('calling player.coordinator.crossfade(true)'); + + return player.coordinator.crossfade(1); + } + debug('calling player.coordinator.crossfade(false)'); + + return player.coordinator.crossfade(0); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('waiting for state change'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.message === 'already at requested status') { + return true; + } + debug(`error in setCrossfadeStatus() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + setCrossfadeStatus, + setRepeatStatus, + setShuffleStatus +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/playpause.js b/api/helpers/playpause.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c49fc24 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/playpause.js @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +'use strict'; +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:playpause'); +const state = require('./state'); + + +function play(player, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (currentState.playbackState === 'play') { + debug('already playing so not doing anything'); + throw new Error('already playing'); + } + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + debug('calling player.coordinator.play()'); + + return player.coordinator.play(); + }) + .then((result) => { + changeStateResult = result; + + if (player.coordinator.state.playbackState !== 'PLAYING') { + debug('currently not playing so waiting for state change'); + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + } + debug('currently playing so not waiting for state change'); + + return true; + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.message === 'already playing') { + return; + } + debug(`error in play() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +function playAsync(player) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + debug('calling player.coordinator.play()'); + + return player.coordinator.play(); + }) + .then((changeStateResult) => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in play() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }); +} + +function pause(player, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (currentState.playbackState === 'pause') { + debug('already paused so not doing anything'); + throw new Error('already paused'); + } + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + debug('calling player.coordinator.pause()'); + + return player.coordinator.pause(); + }) + .then((result) => { + changeStateResult = result; + + if (player.coordinator.state.playbackState === 'PLAYING') { + debug('currently playing so waiting for state change'); + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + } + debug('currently not playing so not waiting for state change'); + + return true; + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.message === 'already paused') { + return; + } + debug(`error in pause() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +function getPlaystate(player) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return player.coordinator.state.playbackState; + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in getPlaystate() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +function togglePlayPause(player) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (player.coordinator.state.playbackState === 'PLAYING') { + debug('currently playing so calling pause()'); + + return pause(player); + } + debug('currently not playing so calling play()'); + + return play(player); + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in playpause() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +function setPlaybackState(player, playbackState) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (playbackState === 'pause') { + debug('calling pause()'); + + return pause(player); + } else if (playbackState === 'play') { + debug('calling play()'); + + return play(player); + } else if (playbackState === 'toggle') { + debug('calling togglePlayPause()'); + + return togglePlayPause(player); + } + + throw new Error('invalid playback state'); + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in playpause() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getPlaystate, + pause, + play, + playAsync, + setPlaybackState, + togglePlayPause +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/queue.js b/api/helpers/queue.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7b0075 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/queue.js @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +'use strict'; +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const playPause = require('./playpause'); +const nowPlaying = require('./nowPlaying'); +const seek = require('./seek'); +const state = require('./state'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:queue'); +const _ = require('lodash'); + +function simplify(items) { + return items + .map((item) => { + return { + album: item.album, + albumArtUri: item.albumArtUri, + artist: item.artist, + title: item.title + }; + }); +} + +function getQueue(player, detailed) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + const queue = player.coordinator.getQueue(); + + return queue; + }) + .then((result) => { + if (detailed) { + return result; + } + + return simplify(result); + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in getQueue() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +function addToQueue(player, uri, metadata, desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued, enqueAsNext) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return player.coordinator.addURIToQueue(uri, metadata, enqueAsNext, desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued); + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in addToQueue() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +function addMultipleItemsToQueue(player, items) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + const remapedItems = []; + + _.forEach(items, (item) => { + remapedItems.push([item.uri, item.metadata]); + }); + + return remapedItems; + }) + .then((remapedItems) => { + return player.coordinator.addMultipleURIsToQueue(remapedItems, ''); + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in addMultipleItemsToQueue() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +function clearQueue(player) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return player.coordinator.clearQueue(); + }) + .then((result) => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(result); + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in clearQueue() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +function replaceQueue(player, uri, metadata) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return clearQueue(player); + }) + .then(() => { + return addToQueue(player, uri, metadata); + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in replaceQueue() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +function replaceQueueAndPlay(player, uri, metadata) { + let returnData; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return replaceQueue(player, uri, metadata); + }) + .then((result) => { + returnData = result; + + return state.getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((currentState) => { + if (currentState.type === 'track') { + return playPause.pause(player); + } + + return true; + }) + .then(() => { + const nowPlayinguri = 'x-rincon-queue:RINCON_000E58C4373C01400#0'; + + debug('calling setNowPlaying()'); + + return nowPlaying.setNowPlaying(player, nowPlayinguri, ''); + }) + .then(() => { + return playPause.play(player); + }) + .then(() => { + return returnData; + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in replaceQueue() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} +function addToQueueAndPlay(player, uri, metadata) { + let returnData; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return addToQueue(player, uri, metadata, player.state.trackNo + 1, true); + }) + .then((result) => { + returnData = result; + + return playPause.pause(player); + }) + .then(() => { + const nowPlayinguri = 'x-rincon-queue:RINCON_000E58C4373C01400#0'; + + debug('calling setNowPlaying()'); + + return nowPlaying.setNowPlaying(player, nowPlayinguri, ''); + }) + .then(() => { + return seek.trackSeek(player, returnData.firsttracknumberenqueued); + }) + .then(() => { + return playPause.play(player); + }) + .then(() => { + return returnData; + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in replaceQueue() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +function replaceQueueWithMultipleItems(player, items) { + const initialState = player.state; + let returnData; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return clearQueue(player); + }) + .then(() => { + return addMultipleItemsToQueue(player, items); + }) + .then((result) => { + returnData = result; + if (initialState.playbackState === 'PLAYING') { + return playPause.play(player); + } + + return 1; + }) + .then(() => { + return returnData; + }) + .catch((err) => { + debug(`Error in replaceQueue() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(err)}`); + throw err; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + addToQueue, + clearQueue, + getQueue, + replaceQueue, + replaceQueueAndPlay, + addMultipleItemsToQueue, + replaceQueueWithMultipleItems, + addToQueueAndPlay +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/say.js b/api/helpers/say.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8989ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/say.js @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +'use strict'; +const clip = require('./clip'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const util = require('util'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/say.js'); +const voicerss = require('./tts_services/voicerss'); +const google = require('./tts_services/google'); + +function playText(player, text, language, volume, settings) { + const apiKey = settings.voicerssApiKey; + const ttsProvider = settings.ttsProvider; + const staticWebRootPath = settings.staticWebRootPath; + const webRoot = settings.webRoot; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + switch (ttsProvider) { + case 'voicerss': + return voicerss; + case 'google': + return google; + default: + throw new Error('this service has not been implemented yet'); + } + }) + .then((serviceImplemntation) => { + return serviceImplemntation.downloadTTS(text, language, apiKey, staticWebRootPath); + }) + .then((filename) => { + const downloadUrl = `${webRoot}/static/tts/${filename}`; + + return clip.playClip(player, downloadUrl); + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + + +module.exports = { + playText +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/search.js b/api/helpers/search.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad4d4ca --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/search.js @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +'use strict'; + +const spotify = require('./music_services/spotify'); +const library = require('./music_services/library'); +const iplayer = require('./music_services/iplayer_on_demand'); +const nowPlaying = require('./nowPlaying'); +const playpause = require('./playpause'); +const queue = require('./queue'); +const util = require('util'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/search.js'); + +function search(player, service, type, query, offset, limit, settings) { + let defaultedOffset = offset; + let defaultedLimit = limit; + + if (typeof offset === 'undefined') { + defaultedOffset = 0; + } + + if (typeof limit === 'undefined') { + defaultedLimit = 20; + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + switch (service) { + case 'spotify': + return spotify; + case 'library': + return library; + case 'iplayer': + return iplayer; + default: + throw new Error('this service has not been implemented yet'); + } + }) + .then((serviceImplemntation) => { + return serviceImplemntation.search(player, type, query, defaultedOffset, defaultedLimit, settings); + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +function playArtistRadio(player, artist, service, settings) { + const type = 'artist'; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return search(player, service, type, artist, 0, 1, settings); + }) + .then((results) => { + return nowPlaying.setNowPlaying(player, results.items[0].uri, results.items[0].metadata); + }) + .then(() => { + return playpause.play(player); + }); +} + +function playArtistTopTracks(player, artist, service, settings) { + const type = 'artisttoptracks'; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return search(player, service, type, artist, 0, 1, settings); + }) + .then((results) => { + return queue.replaceQueueAndPlay(player, results.items[0].uri, results.items[0].metadata); + }); +} + +function playSong(player, artist, service, settings) { + const type = 'song'; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return search(player, service, type, artist, 0, 1, settings); + }) + .then((results) => { + return queue.addToQueueAndPlay(player, results.items[0].uri, results.items[0].metadata); + }); +} +module.exports = { + search, + playArtistRadio, + playArtistTopTracks, + playSong +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/seek.js b/api/helpers/seek.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5a85b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/seek.js @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +'use strict'; +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:seek'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); + + +function timeSeek(player, seconds, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + + return player.coordinator.timeSeek(seconds); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('waiting for state change'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in timeSeek() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +function trackSeek(player, track, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(status) { + debug(`status changed in onTransportStateChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + if (trackChanged instanceof Function) { + trackChanged(); + } + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + player.on('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + + return player.coordinator.trackSeek(track); + }) + .tap((result) => { + debug('waiting for state change'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + if (error.message === 'already at requested status') { + return true; + } + debug(`error in trackSeek() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('transport-state', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + + +module.exports = { + timeSeek, + trackSeek +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/sleep.js b/api/helpers/sleep.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31406ed --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/sleep.js @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +'use strict'; +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const util = require('util'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/sleep.js'); + + +function sleep(player, timestamp) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (/^\d+$/.test(timestamp) || timestamp.toLowerCase() === 'off') { + return player.coordinator.sleep(timestamp); + } + // Broken input + throw new Error(`bad timestamp : ${timestamp}`); + }) + .then((result) => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(result); + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + sleep +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/state.js b/api/helpers/state.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd56e10 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/state.js @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +'use strict'; + +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:state'); +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const _ = require('lodash'); + +function getPlayerState(player) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + const results = _.cloneDeep(player.state); + + debug(`node-sonos-discovery state : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(results)}`); + + if (results.mute) { + results.mute = 'mute on'; + } else { + results.mute = 'mute off'; + } + + if (results.playMode.shuffle) { + results.playMode.shuffle = 'shuffle on'; + } else { + results.playMode.shuffle = 'shuffle off'; + } + + if (results.playMode.crossfade) { + results.playMode.crossfade = 'crossfade on'; + } else { + results.playMode.crossfade = 'crossfade off'; + } + + if (results.playbackState === 'PLAYING') { + results.playbackState = 'play'; + } else { + results.playbackState = 'pause'; + } + debug(`new state returned : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(results)}`); + + return results; + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in getPlayerState() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }); +} + +function simplifyPlayer(player) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return getPlayerState(player); + }) + .then((playerState) => { + const zone = { + uuid: player.coordinator.uuid, + zoneName: player.coordinator.roomName + }; + const groupState = { + volume: player.groupState.volume + }; + + if (player.groupState.mute) { + groupState.mute = 'mute on'; + } else { + groupState.mute = 'mute off'; + } + + return { + coordinator: zone, + groupState, + playerName: player.roomName, + state: playerState, + uuid: player.uuid + }; + }); +} + +function simplifyPlayers(players) { + return Promise.all(players.map((player) => { + return simplifyPlayer(player); + })); +} + +function simplifyZone(zone) { + return simplifyPlayer(zone.coordinator) + .then((result) => { + return simplifyPlayers(zone.members) + .then((players) => { + let returnResult = result; + + returnResult.members = players; + returnResult.state.mute = returnResult.groupState.mute; + returnResult.state.volume = returnResult.groupState.volume; + returnResult.zoneName = result.playerName; + returnResult.members = _.map(returnResult.members, (member) => { + return { + playerName: member.playerName, + state: member.state, + uuid: member.uuid + }; + }); + returnResult = _.pick(returnResult, 'zoneName', 'state', 'members', 'uuid'); + + return returnResult; + }); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + getPlayerState, + simplifyPlayer, + simplifyZone +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/tts_services/google.js b/api/helpers/tts_services/google.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b463f72 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/tts_services/google.js @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +'use strict'; +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/say.js'); +const rp = require('request-promise'); +const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs')); +const util = require('util'); +const crypto = require('crypto'); +const path = require('path'); + + +function downloadFile(uri, filename) { + const options = { + encoding: null, + uri + }; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return rp(options); + }) + .then((response) => { + return fs.writeFileAsync(filename, response); + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +function downloadTTS(phrase, language, apiKey, staticWebRootPath) { + const ttsRequestUrl = `http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?client=tw-ob&tl=${language}&q=${encodeURIComponent(phrase)}`; + + // Construct a filesystem neutral filename + const hashedFilename = crypto.createHash('sha1'). + update(phrase). + digest('hex'); + const filename = `${hashedFilename}-${language}.mp3`; + const filepath = path.resolve(staticWebRootPath, 'tts', filename); + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + // Check if file exists + try { + return fs.statSync(filepath).isFile(); + } catch (err) { + return false; + } + }) + .then((fileExists) => { + if (!fileExists) { + return downloadFile(ttsRequestUrl, filepath); + } + + return 1; + }) + .then(() => { + return filename; + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + downloadTTS +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/tts_services/voicerss.js b/api/helpers/tts_services/voicerss.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b993337 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/tts_services/voicerss.js @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +'use strict'; +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('helpers/say.js'); +const rp = require('request-promise'); +const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs')); +const util = require('util'); +const crypto = require('crypto'); +const path = require('path'); + + +function downloadFile(uri, filename) { + const options = { + encoding: null, + uri + }; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return rp(options); + }) + .then((response) => { + return fs.writeFileAsync(filename, response); + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +function downloadTTS(phrase, language, apiKey, staticWebRootPath) { + // Use voicerss tts translation service to create a mp3 file + const ttsRequestUrl = `http://api.voicerss.org/?key=${apiKey}&f=22khz_16bit_mono&hl=${language}&src=${phrase}`; + // Construct a filesystem neutral filename + const hashedFilename = crypto.createHash('sha1'). + update(phrase). + digest('hex'); + const filename = `${hashedFilename}-${language}.mp3`; + const filepath = path.resolve(staticWebRootPath, 'tts', filename); + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + // Check if file exists + try { + return fs.statSync(filepath).isFile(); + } catch (err) { + return false; + } + }) + .then((fileExists) => { + if (!fileExists) { + return downloadFile(ttsRequestUrl, filepath); + } + + return 1; + }) + .then(() => { + return filename; + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.error(util.inspect(err, null, false)); + throw err; + }); +} + +module.exports = { + downloadTTS +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/volume.js b/api/helpers/volume.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28d8223 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/volume.js @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +'use strict'; +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:volume'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); + +function setVolume(player, requestedVolume, timeout) { + let muteChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onVolumeChange(status) { + debug(`volume status changed in onVolumeChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + muteChanged(); + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + player.on('volume-change', onVolumeChange); + + return player.setVolume(requestedVolume); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('got return status - waiting for onMuteChange'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + muteChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + debug('checking return status'); + + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('volume-change', onVolumeChange); + }); +} + + +function setGroupVolume(player, requestedVolume, timeout) { + let muteChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onVolumeChange(status) { + debug(`volume status changed in onVolumeChange ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(status)}`); + muteChanged(); + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + player.on('group-volume', onVolumeChange); + + return player.coordinator.setGroupVolume(requestedVolume); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('got return status - waiting for onMuteChange'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + muteChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + debug('checking return status'); + + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + player.removeListener('group-volume', onVolumeChange); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + setGroupVolume, + setVolume +}; diff --git a/api/helpers/zones.js b/api/helpers/zones.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17ba6f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/helpers/zones.js @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +'use strict'; + +const commonFunctions = require('./commonFunctions'); +const state = require('./state'); +const debug = require('debug')('helpers:zones'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const _ = require('lodash'); + + +function rinconUri(player) { + return `x-rincon:${player.uuid}`; +} + +function getZones(discovery) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (discovery.zones.length === 0) { + throw new Error('No system has yet been discovered'); + } + + return; + }) + .then(() => { + const player = discovery.getAnyPlayer(); + + return Promise.all(_.map(player.system.zones, (zone) => { + return state.simplifyZone(zone); + })); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in getZones() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }); +} + +function isMemberOfZone(zone, player) { + const thisZone = _.find(zone.system.zones, (searchZone) => { + return searchZone.coordinator.roomName === zone.roomName; + }); + + return _.some(thisZone.members, (room) => { + return room.roomName === player.roomName; + }); +} + +function addMemberToZone(discovery, zone, player, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 30000; + + function onTransportStateChange(newState) { + _.forEach(newState, (individualState) => { + if (individualState.coordinator.roomName === zone.roomName && + trackChanged instanceof Function && + isMemberOfZone(zone, player)) { + trackChanged(); + } + }); + } + + if (isMemberOfZone(zone, player)) { + debug(`${player.roomName} is already a member of ${zone.roomName}`); + + return Promise.resolve(); + } + + discovery.on('topology-change', onTransportStateChange); + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + debug('about to add player to zone'); + + return player.setAVTransport(rinconUri(zone)); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('waiting for state change'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in addMemberToZone() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + discovery.removeListener('topology-change', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +function removeMemberFromZone(discovery, zone, player, timeout) { + let trackChanged; + let changeStateResult; + const promiseTimeout = timeout || 20000; + + function onTransportStateChange(newState) { + _.forEach(newState, (individualState) => { + if (individualState.coordinator.roomName === zone.roomName && + trackChanged instanceof Function && + !isMemberOfZone(zone, player)) { + trackChanged(); + } + }); + } + + if (!isMemberOfZone(zone, player)) { + debug(`${player.roomName} is not a member of ${zone.roomName}`); + + return Promise.resolve(); + } + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + discovery.on('topology-change', onTransportStateChange); + debug('about to remove player from group'); + + return player.becomeCoordinatorOfStandaloneGroup(); + }) + .then((result) => { + debug('waiting for state change'); + changeStateResult = result; + + return new Promise((resolve) => { + trackChanged = resolve; + }); + }) + .timeout(promiseTimeout) + .then(() => { + return commonFunctions.checkReturnStatus(changeStateResult); + }) + .catch(Promise.TimeoutError, (error) => { + debug(`got error ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + throw new Error(`timeout waiting for state change : ${error}`); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in removeMemberFromZone() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }) + .finally(() => { + discovery.removeListener('topology-change', onTransportStateChange); + }); +} + +function isValidZone(discovery, zoneName) { + let player; + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (discovery.zones.length === 0) { + throw new Error('No system has yet been discovered'); + } + + return; + }) + .then(() => { + player = discovery.getAnyPlayer(); + const zoneNames = _.map(player.system.zones, (zone) => { + return zone.coordinator.roomName.toLowerCase(); + }); + + return zoneNames.indexOf(zoneName.toLowerCase()) > -1; + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in getZones() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }); +} + +function getZone(discovery, zoneName) { + const player = discovery.getAnyPlayer(); + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return _.find(player.system.zones, (zone) => { + return zone.coordinator.roomName.toLowerCase() === zoneName.toLowerCase(); + }); + }) + .then((zone) => { + return state.simplifyZone(zone); + }) + .catch((error) => { + debug(`error in getZones() : ${commonFunctions.returnFullObject(error)}`); + + throw error; + }); +} + +function areZonesDiscovered(discovery) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + if (discovery.zones.length === 0) { + throw new Error('No system has yet been discovered'); + } + + return; + }); +} +module.exports = { + addMemberToZone, + areZonesDiscovered, + getZone, + getZones, + isValidZone, + removeMemberFromZone +}; diff --git a/api/swagger/swagger.yaml b/api/swagger/swagger.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d5735c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/swagger/swagger.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3380 @@ +swagger: '2.0' +info: + version: '0.9' + title: SONOS SWAGGER API + description: '' +host: localhost +schemes: + - http +consumes: + - application/json +produces: + - application/json +paths: + /players: + get: + operationId: getPlayers + summary: get all players + tags: + - Players + description: |- + This gets information about all players currently discovered + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/players' + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/playersResult' + examples: + application/json: + - coordinator: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + groupState: + volume: 22 + mute: false + roomName: Bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 22 + mute: false + trackNo: 0 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: STOPPED + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + - coordinator: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + groupState: + volume: 22 + mute: false + roomName: Kitchen + state: + currentTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 22 + mute: false + trackNo: 0 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: STOPPED + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + uuid: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + - coordinator: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + groupState: + volume: 17 + mute: false + roomName: James bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Lil Wayne + title: >- + Sucker For Pain (with Wiz Khalifa, Imagine Dragons, Logic + & Ty Dolla $ign feat. X Ambassadors) + album: >- + Sucker For Pain (with Logic & Ty Dolla $ign feat. X + Ambassadors) + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a4dASQiO1Eoo3RJvt74FtXB%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 243 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a4dASQiO1Eoo3RJvt74FtXB?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + type: track + stationName: '' + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + https://i.scdn.co/image/78d07d2361fce8f76216a2b3eddcf1f0e05e82b6 + nextTrack: + artist: Fall Out Boy + title: Fourth Of July + album: American Beauty/American Psycho + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a3CBWtVFHhxeaHVm4VverBG%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 224 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a3CBWtVFHhxeaHVm4VverBG?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + https://i.scdn.co/image/a7e0ad744b844d7743f2a99f82012af0b41e2d5a + volume: 17 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 14 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:14' + playbackState: PAUSED_PLAYBACK + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: true + crossfade: false + uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: players + '/players/{playerName}': + parameters: + - name: playerName + in: path + description: The player name + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getPlayer + summary: get individual player + tags: + - Players + description: |- + This gets the details of an individual player + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom' + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/player' + examples: + application/json: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: 'Now Playing: Talk Tonight - Oasis' + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 28 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 120 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:02:00' + playbackState: PLAYING + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: players + '/players/{playerName}/state': + parameters: + - name: playerName + in: path + description: The player name + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getPlayerState + summary: get player state + tags: + - Players + description: |- + This gets the status of an individual player + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state' + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/state' + examples: + application/json: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: 'Now Playing: Talk Tonight - Oasis' + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 28 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 120 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:02:00' + playbackState: PLAYING + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + put: + operationId: setPlayerState + summary: set player state + tags: + - Players + description: >- + This endpoint is used to to change the status of a player. The available + states you can change are + + + * volume - can either set the volume to an absolute value by passing a + number, or relative by passing in a string prefixed by + or - + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"volume": 10}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"volume": "+5"}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + + * mute - can be either mute on or mute off + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"mute": "mute on"}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * trackNo - used to skip to a specific track + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"trackNo": 5}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * elapsedTime - used to skip to a time in the current track + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"elapsedTime": 5}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * playbackState - used to set playback state - can be either play, pause + or toggle + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"playbackState": + "play"}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * repeat - used to set repeat mode - can be either all, one or none + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": + {"repeat": "none"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * shuffle - used to set shuffle mode - can be either shuffle on or + shuffle off + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": + {"shuffle": "shuffle on"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * crossfade - used to set crossfade mode - can be either crossfade on or + crossfade off + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": + {"crossfade": "crossfade on"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/favourite - used to play a sonos favourite. Returns a 404 + error if favourite not found + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"favourite": "BBC Radio 1"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/playlist - used to play a sonos playlist. Returns a 404 + error if playlist not found + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"playlist": "test playlist"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/clip - plays a clip and then resumes playback (apart from + when playing from spotify connect). The clip must be in the directory + static/clips/ + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"clip":""}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/text - says some text and then resumes playback (apart + from when playing from spotify connect) + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"text":"hello world"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/next - skips to the next track + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"skip":"next"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/previous - skips to the previous track + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"skip":"previous"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/linein - sets input to be linein of a specified player + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"lineinSource":"kitchen"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/artistTopTracks - plays the top tracks of the first + artist returned by a spotify search + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"artistTopTracks":"blink 182"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/artistRadio - plays the artist radio of the first artist + returned by a spotify search + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"artistRadio":"blink 182"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/song - plays the first song returned by a spotify search + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"song":"all the small things"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/players/bedroom/state" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/stateInput' + responses: + '201': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/state' + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: playerState + '/players/{playerName}/nowplaying': + parameters: + - name: playerName + in: path + description: The zone name + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getPlayerNowPlaying + summary: get player now playing + tags: + - Players + description: |- + This gets details of the currently playing track + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/nowplaying" + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/nowPlayingResult' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + post: + operationId: setPlayerNowPlaying + summary: set player now playing + tags: + - Players + description: >- + This is used to set the currently playing track or radio. + + The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item + returned from a search result + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"-d '{"title": "The + Animal In Me","artist": "The Animal In Me","album": "The Animal In + Me","imageUrl": + "https://i.scdn.co/image/37eff75cf19923b7dc796ba374515dbe45098c14","type": + "artist","uri": + "x-sonosapi-radio:spotify%3aartistRadio%3a6hyAYqBdxyramm4W9TB7R0?sid=9&flags=8300&sn=5","metadata": + "\n The Animal In Me + radioobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast.#artistRadio\n + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/nowplaying" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + type: object + properties: + uri: + type: string + metadata: + type: string + responses: + '201': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/nowPlayingResult' + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: playerNowPlaying + '/players/{playerName}/queue': + parameters: + - name: playerName + in: path + description: The zone name + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getPlayerQueue + summary: get player queue + tags: + - Players + description: |- + This gets the details of the current queue + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue?detailed=true" + ``` + parameters: + - name: detailed + in: query + description: >- + Flag to indicate if detailed information should be returned. Default + is false + required: false + type: boolean + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + type: array + description: successful result + items: + type: object + properties: + uri: + type: string + albumArtURI: + type: string + title: + type: string + artist: + type: string + album: + type: string + examples: + application/json: + - uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a0AvV49z4EPz5ocYN7eKGAK?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=3 + albumArtURI: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a0AvV49z4EPz5ocYN7eKGAK%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d3 + title: No Diggity + artist: Blackstreet + album: Another Level + - uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a5OQGeJ1ceykovrykZsGhqL?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=3 + albumArtURI: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a5OQGeJ1ceykovrykZsGhqL%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d3 + title: Breathless + artist: The Corrs + album: In Blue + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + patch: + operationId: addToPlayerQueue + summary: add to player queue + tags: + - Players + description: >- + This is used to add an individual item to the current queue. + + The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item + returned from a search result + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"uri": + "x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1D3ODoXHBLpdxolZRHWV1j?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5","metadata": + "object.item.audioItem.musicTrackSA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/queueRequest' + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + type: object + description: successful result + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + delete: + operationId: clearPlayerQueue + summary: clear player queue + tags: + - Players + description: >- + This is used to clear the current queue + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + post: + operationId: replacePlayerQueue + summary: replace playerqueue + tags: + - Players + description: >- + This replaces the current queue with specified tracks. + + The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item + returned from a search result + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"uri": + "x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1D3ODoXHBLpdxolZRHWV1j?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5", + "metadata": "object.item.audioItem.musicTrackSA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/queueRequest' + responses: + '201': + description: successful result + schema: + type: object + description: successful result + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: playerQueue + /zones: + get: + operationId: getZones + summary: get all zones + tags: + - Zones + description: |- + This gets information about all zones currently discovered + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/zones' + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/zonesResult' + examples: + application/json: + - uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + coordinator: + uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: >- + You are listening to Edith Bowman at Breakfast on Virgin + Radio UK + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 28 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 627 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:10:27' + playbackState: PLAYING + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: Bedroom + coordinator: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + groupState: + volume: 28 + mute: false + members: + - uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: >- + You are listening to Edith Bowman at Breakfast on + Virgin Radio UK + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 28 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 627 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:10:27' + playbackState: PLAYING + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: Bedroom + coordinator: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + groupState: + volume: 28 + mute: false + - uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + coordinator: + uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Panic! At The Disco + title: Victorious + album: Death Of A Bachelor + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a6od5hFv9IT5JHc7NEF9HRv%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 178 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a6od5hFv9IT5JHc7NEF9HRv?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + type: track + stationName: '' + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + https://i.scdn.co/image/a1e4ed2942e4a9b4fce5d654cb28fc30ceb968ef + nextTrack: + artist: Panic! At The Disco + title: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time + album: Death Of A Bachelor + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a2fh3bZ8jZhMxOcfESE9nQY%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 213 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2fh3bZ8jZhMxOcfESE9nQY?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + https://i.scdn.co/image/a1e4ed2942e4a9b4fce5d654cb28fc30ceb968ef + volume: 17 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: STOPPED + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: James bedroom + coordinator: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + groupState: + volume: 17 + mute: false + members: + - uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Panic! At The Disco + title: Victorious + album: Death Of A Bachelor + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a6od5hFv9IT5JHc7NEF9HRv%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 178 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a6od5hFv9IT5JHc7NEF9HRv?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + type: track + stationName: '' + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + https://i.scdn.co/image/a1e4ed2942e4a9b4fce5d654cb28fc30ceb968ef + nextTrack: + artist: Panic! At The Disco + title: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time + album: Death Of A Bachelor + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a2fh3bZ8jZhMxOcfESE9nQY%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 213 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2fh3bZ8jZhMxOcfESE9nQY?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + https://i.scdn.co/image/a1e4ed2942e4a9b4fce5d654cb28fc30ceb968ef + volume: 17 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: STOPPED + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: James bedroom + coordinator: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + groupState: + volume: 17 + mute: false + - uuid: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + coordinator: + uuid: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: >- + You are listening to Edith Bowman at Breakfast on Virgin + Radio UK + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 21 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 626 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:10:26' + playbackState: PLAYING + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: Kitchen + coordinator: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + groupState: + volume: 21 + mute: false + members: + - uuid: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: >- + You are listening to Edith Bowman at Breakfast on + Virgin Radio UK + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 21 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 626 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:10:26' + playbackState: PLAYING + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: Kitchen + coordinator: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + groupState: + volume: 21 + mute: false + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: zones + '/zones/{zoneName}': + parameters: + - name: zoneName + in: path + description: The zone name + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getZone + summary: get individual zone + tags: + - Zones + description: |- + This gets the details of an individual zone + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom' + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/zone' + examples: + application/json: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: 'Now Playing: Talk Tonight - Oasis' + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 28 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 120 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:02:00' + playbackState: PLAYING + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: zones + '/zones/{zoneName}/state': + parameters: + - name: zoneName + in: path + description: The zone name + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getZoneState + summary: get zone state + tags: + - Zones + description: |- + This gets the status of an individual zone + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state' + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/state' + examples: + application/json: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: 'Now Playing: Talk Tonight - Oasis' + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 28 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 120 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:02:00' + playbackState: PLAYING + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + put: + operationId: setZoneState + summary: set zone state + tags: + - Zones + description: >- + This endpoint is used to to change the status of a zone. The available + states you can change are + + + * volume - can either set the volume to an absolute value by passing a + number, or relative by passing in a string prefixed by + or - + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"volume": 10}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"volume": "+5"}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + + * mute - can be either mute on or mute off + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"mute": "mute on"}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * trackNo - used to skip to a specific track + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"trackNo": 5}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * elapsedTime - used to skip to a time in the current track + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"elapsedTime": 5}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * playbackState - used to set playback state - can be either play, pause + or toggle + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json -d '{"playbackState": + "play"}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * repeat - used to set repeat mode - can be either all, one or none + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": + {"repeat": "none"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * shuffle - used to set shuffle mode - can be either shuffle on or + shuffle off + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": + {"shuffle": "shuffle on"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * crossfade - used to set crossfade mode - can be either crossfade on or + crossfade off + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"playMode": + {"crossfade": "crossfade on"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/favourite - used to play a sonos favourite. Returns a 404 + error if favourite not found + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"favourite": "BBC Radio 1"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/playlist - used to play a sonos playlist. Returns a 404 + error if playlist not found + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"playlist": "test playlist"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/clip - plays a clip and then resumes playback (apart from + when playing from spotify connect). The clip must exist in static/clips + directory + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"clip":""}}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/text - says some text and then resumes playback (apart + from when playing from spotify connect) + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"text":"hello world"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/next - skips to the next track + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"skip":"next"}}' "http://localhost:10010/players/zones/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/previous - skips to the previous track + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"skip":"previous"}}' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/linein - sets input to be linein of a specified player + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"lineinSource":"kitchen"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/artistTopTracks - plays the top tracks of the first + artist returned by a spotify search + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"artistTopTracks":"blink 182"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/artistRadio - plays the artist radio of the first artist + returned by a spotify search + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"artistRadio":"blink 182"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + + * currentTrack/song - plays the first song returned by a spotify search + + ``` + + curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"currentTrack": + {"song":"all the small things"}}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/state" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/stateInput' + responses: + '201': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/state' + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: zoneState + '/zones/{zoneName}/nowplaying': + parameters: + - name: zoneName + in: path + description: The zone name + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getZoneNowPlaying + summary: get zone now playing + tags: + - Zones + description: |- + This gets details of the currently playing track + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/nowplaying" + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/nowPlayingResult' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + post: + operationId: setZoneNowPlaying + summary: set zone now playing + tags: + - Zones + description: >- + This is used to set the currently playing track or radio. + + The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item + returned from a search result + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"-d '{"title": "The + Animal In Me","artist": "The Animal In Me","album": "The Animal In + Me","imageUrl": + "https://i.scdn.co/image/37eff75cf19923b7dc796ba374515dbe45098c14","type": + "artist","uri": + "x-sonosapi-radio:spotify%3aartistRadio%3a6hyAYqBdxyramm4W9TB7R0?sid=9&flags=8300&sn=5","metadata": + "\n The Animal In Me + radioobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast.#artistRadio\n + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/nowplaying" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + type: object + properties: + uri: + type: string + metadata: + type: string + responses: + '201': + description: successful result + schema: + type: object + description: successful result + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: zoneNowPlaying + '/zones/{zoneName}/queue': + parameters: + - name: zoneName + in: path + description: The zone name + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getZoneQueue + summary: get zone queue + tags: + - Zones + description: |- + This gets the details of the current queue + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue?detailed=true" + ``` + parameters: + - name: detailed + in: query + description: >- + Flag to indicate if detailed information should be returned. Default + is false + required: false + type: boolean + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + type: array + description: successful result + items: + type: object + properties: + uri: + type: string + albumArtURI: + type: string + title: + type: string + artist: + type: string + album: + type: string + examples: + application/json: + - uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a0AvV49z4EPz5ocYN7eKGAK?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=3 + albumArtURI: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a0AvV49z4EPz5ocYN7eKGAK%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d3 + title: No Diggity + artist: Blackstreet + album: Another Level + - uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a5OQGeJ1ceykovrykZsGhqL?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=3 + albumArtURI: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a5OQGeJ1ceykovrykZsGhqL%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d3 + title: Breathless + artist: The Corrs + album: In Blue + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + patch: + operationId: addToZoneQueue + summary: add to zone queue + tags: + - Zones + description: >- + This is used to add an individual item to the current queue. + + The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item + returned from a search result + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"uri": + "x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1D3ODoXHBLpdxolZRHWV1j?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5","metadata": + "object.item.audioItem.musicTrackSA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/queueRequest' + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + type: object + description: successful result + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + delete: + operationId: clearZoneQueue + summary: clear zone queue + tags: + - Zones + description: >- + This is used to clear the current queue + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + type: object + description: successful result + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + post: + operationId: replaceZoneQueue + summary: replace zone queue + tags: + - Zones + description: >- + This replaces the current queue with specified tracks. + + The input should be passed in the body of the request and be an item + returned from a search result + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' {"uri": + "x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1D3ODoXHBLpdxolZRHWV1j?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5", + "metadata": "object.item.audioItem.musicTrackSA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token"}' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/queue" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/queueRequest' + responses: + '201': + description: successful result + schema: + type: object + description: successful result + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: zoneQueue + '/zones/{zoneName}/members': + parameters: + - name: zoneName + in: path + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getZoneMembers + summary: get zone members + tags: + - Zones + description: |- + This gets all members of the zone + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/members" + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/membersResult' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + post: + operationId: addZoneMember + summary: add zone member + tags: + - Zones + description: |- + This adds a player to a zone + Example call + ``` + curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ + "player": "kitchen" + }' "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/members" + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + - name: body + in: body + schema: + type: object + properties: + player: + type: string + required: + - player + example: + player: james bedroom + responses: + '201': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/membersResult' + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: zoneMembers + '/zones/{zoneName}/members/{roomName}': + parameters: + - name: zoneName + in: path + required: true + type: string + - name: roomName + in: path + required: true + type: string + delete: + operationId: removeZoneMember + summary: remove zone member + tags: + - Zones + description: >- + This removes a member from a zone + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X DELETE -d '' + "http://localhost:10010/zones/bedroom/members/kitchen" + + ``` + parameters: + - name: async + in: query + type: boolean + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/membersResult' + '202': + description: default asynchronous result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/ok' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: zoneMembers + /search: + get: + operationId: search + summary: get search results from a music service + tags: + - Search + description: >- + This is used to search different music services. + + + The service paramater controls which service to search. Currently + implemented services are + + * library + + * spotify + + * iplayer + + + The type paramater controls what type to search for. This may vary + accross services, but currently implemented for library and spotify + services are + + * song + + * album + + * artist + + + For spotify, the type can also be specifed as artisttoptracks and it + returns results which play the top tracks by the artist. + + + For iplayer, this returns on demand programmes and the search types + implemented are + + * title + + * synopsis + + + For iplayer, the available list of programmes is refreshed every 24 + hours, so the first time it is called, or if the data has not been + refreshed for more than 24 hours, it may take a long time to run. You + can force a refresh by calling + + + The limit paramater allows you to limit the number of results returned. + This defaults to 20 if not specified. + + + The offset paramater allows you to page through results. This defaults + to 0 if not specified. + + The returned results include an array of items. Each item in the array + can be used as input to add to queue or set now playing endpoints. If + the results returned are a radio stream then it can only be added to now + playing. + + Note - spotify retruns a radio stream for artist so can only be added to + now playing + + + Also included are links to next and previous results when more than the + limit are returned to allow easy paging through the results, and details + of the number of results returned and available. + + + Example call + + ``` + + curl -X GET + 'http://localhost:10010/search?service=spotify&type=song&q=blue' + + ``` + parameters: + - name: service + in: query + description: The service to search + required: true + type: string + - name: type + in: query + description: 'The type of search to perform - can be song, album, artist' + required: true + type: string + - name: q + in: query + description: The term to search for + required: true + type: string + - name: offset + in: query + description: >- + Used when multiple pages of results are returned to show results + starting at offset + required: false + type: integer + - name: limit + in: query + description: How many search items to return + required: false + type: integer + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/searchResult' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: search + /favourites: + get: + operationId: getFavourites + summary: get favourites from sonos + tags: + - Favourites + description: |- + This returns a list of favourites from sonos + + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET 'http://localhost:10010/favourites' + ``` + parameters: + - name: detailed + in: query + description: >- + Used to specify if return just the names of the favourites or full + details. Defaults to false + required: false + type: boolean + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/favouritesResult' + default: + description: error result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/errorResponse' + x-swagger-router-controller: favourites + '/favourites/{favourite}': + parameters: + - name: favourite + in: path + required: true + type: string + get: + operationId: getFavourite + summary: get individual favourite + tags: + - Favourites + description: |- + This gets details of an individual favourite. + Example call + ``` + curl -X GET "http://localhost:10010/favourites/6%20Music/" + ``` + responses: + '200': + description: successful result + schema: + $ref: '#/definitions/favourite' + default: + description: error result + x-swagger-router-controller: favourites + /swagger: + get: + operationId: GET_swagger + tags: + - Swagger + description: Gets the swagger definiton + responses: + default: + description: '' + x-swagger-pipe: swagger_raw +definitions: + player: + title: player + type: object + properties: + coordinator: + type: object + properties: + uuid: + type: string + zoneName: + type: string + groupState: + type: object + properties: + volume: + type: integer + mute: + type: string + '': + type: string + playerName: + type: string + state: + $ref: '#/definitions/state' + uuid: + type: string + example: + coordinator: + uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + zoneName: Bedroom + groupState: + volume: 0 + mute: mute on + playerName: James bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: The Rolling Stones + title: Get Off My Cloud + album: 'Forty Licks [Disc 1]' + duration: 176 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/14%20Get%20Off%20My%20Cloud.mp3 + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: Butthole Surfers + title: Sweat Loaf + album: Locust Abortion Technician + duration: 358 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/01%20-%20Sweat%20Loaf.mp3 + volume: 17 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle on + crossfade: crossfade on + uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + state: + title: state + type: object + properties: + currentTrack: + type: object + properties: + artist: + type: string + title: + type: string + album: + type: string + duration: + type: integer + uri: + type: string + type: + type: string + stationName: + type: string + nextTrack: + type: object + properties: + artist: + type: string + title: + type: string + album: + type: string + duration: + type: integer + uri: + type: string + volume: + type: integer + mute: + type: string + trackNo: + type: integer + elapsedTime: + type: integer + elapsedTimeFormatted: + type: string + playbackState: + type: string + playMode: + type: object + properties: + repeat: + type: string + shuffle: + type: string + crossfade: + type: string + example: + currentTrack: + artist: The Rolling Stones + title: Get Off My Cloud + album: 'Forty Licks [Disc 1]' + duration: 176 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/14%20Get%20Off%20My%20Cloud.mp3 + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: Butthole Surfers + title: Sweat Loaf + album: Locust Abortion Technician + duration: 358 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/01%20-%20Sweat%20Loaf.mp3 + volume: 9 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle on + crossfade: crossfade on + searchResult: + title: searchResult + type: object + description: successful result + properties: + returned: + type: integer + start: + type: integer + total: + type: integer + items: + type: array + items: + type: object + properties: + uri: + type: string + title: + type: string + artist: + type: string + album: + type: string + albumTrackNumber: + type: + - integer + - 'null' + imageUrl: + type: string + type: + type: string + metadata: + type: string + synopsis: + type: string + station: + type: string + broadcast: + type: string + duration: + type: integer + required: + - uri + - title + - type + - metadata + previous: + type: string + next: + type: string + required: + - returned + - start + - total + example: + items: + - title: Mr. Blue Sky + artist: Electric Light Orchestra + album: Out of the Blue + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/6e4bfaca5c09f0f480a51ac3b851e411b7338eb2' + albumTrackNumber: 13 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2RlgNHKcydI9sayD2Df2xp?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Mr. Blue Sky radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: 'Blue [Da Ba Dee]' + artist: Eiffel 65 + album: 'Blue [da ba dee] [2009 Remixes]' + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/8c074f2a8eebc27bc034c07ddd563053b918d843' + albumTrackNumber: 7 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a3UCDrOA37BBdcExyIpN3Xj?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue [Da Ba Dee] radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Still Falling For You - Jonas Blue Remix + artist: Ellie Goulding + album: Still Falling For You (Jonas Blue Remix) + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/fa66f40185626231236c0f8beea576f21ae9e866' + albumTrackNumber: 1 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a0SwjtkL3kzjZeJo9YrWUAH?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Still Falling For You - Jonas Blue Remix radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Christmas + artist: Michael Bublé + album: Christmas (Deluxe Special Edition) + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/91c2445c170390988d8010c45abb5c9d4c2db174' + albumTrackNumber: 11 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a0QUxMKYur7kAtauLnmyBCc?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Christmas radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Orchid + artist: The White Stripes + album: Get Behind Me Satan + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ac718619172b6b864a19a909f05b9c4f94c455d6' + albumTrackNumber: 1 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1PCA097woCMSDvZPUVeRI7?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Orchid radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Monday - 2011 Total Version + artist: New Order + album: TOTAL + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/66592439e1b15a0ad718aaf99be7c539f66af1c1' + albumTrackNumber: 8 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a5rvY5aFTSvQAo2VNUR1Fxy?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Monday - 2011 Total Version radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Jeans + artist: Lana Del Rey + album: Born To Die - The Paradise Edition + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/d0b1088e6172acbe186bd7cdb47b099d252261ff' + albumTrackNumber: 3 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a4RyK6N4IQ85xxLgguQAFH5?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Jeans radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Christmas + artist: Elvis Presley + album: Christmas Hits + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/2cffda0efefb495da2db0d7043166621526ffd35' + albumTrackNumber: 15 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2trWYvBwj0DV2JF3e2Y0d1?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Christmas radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: BLUE + artist: Troye Sivan + album: Blue Neighbourhood (Deluxe) + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/398e274e8b7cf908636f14af46e224e696196f9d' + albumTrackNumber: 15 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a0W2YQYzdW7EDKt17DfR8TV?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + BLUE radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Notes + artist: Meek Mill + album: DC4 + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/04d983667863b05517687f2bf0e4d3004dd7266c' + albumTrackNumber: 8 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a7Gs3otHnZDq514kFHf0nx7?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Notes radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue (Da Ba Dee) + artist: Eiffel 65 + album: Europop + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/53a1ca4270ed9df62ea3fc0924caa49772409e6d' + albumTrackNumber: 4 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a5FgtdSf7I5lClThz2ptWvl?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue (Da Ba Dee) radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Lights + artist: Jorja Smith + album: Blue Lights + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/61f085ef5bd1c8d00bf47c252ddbfd9f4b14b1ce' + albumTrackNumber: 1 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2h1htUS8h2oYq63385ZApR?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Lights radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue + artist: Beyoncé + album: 'BEYONCÉ [Platinum Edition]' + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/98be8968e1c29e6ef80831c5867733d2e687b508' + albumTrackNumber: 14 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2LjkT4gu5wO4JdeEYl0fMY?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Behind Blue Eyes + artist: Limp Bizkit + album: Greatest Hitz (UK/Japan Version) + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/95e07602fe458bb439b5a3f9ee78f6a245ce7712' + albumTrackNumber: 13 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a54rZnh93otfFvkG37BkY39?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Behind Blue Eyes radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Black and Blue + artist: Rory Butler + album: Black and Blue + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/0d62cdbde82532f40bbfa1221b7c3bb5d6446129' + albumTrackNumber: 1 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a02FOUinYxp3SWmFApdYGTu?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Black and Blue radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue in Green + artist: Miles Davis + album: Kind Of Blue (Legacy Edition) + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/dd695d8a18d33640f2abca4588ef36a8ac1811a6' + albumTrackNumber: 3 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a0aWMVrwxPNYkKmFthzmpRi?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue in Green radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Forever In Blue Jeans + artist: Neil Diamond + album: You Don't Bring Me Flowers + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/2243a147c2bd56362d245d026ef146d3aaf34beb' + albumTrackNumber: 2 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1HNVGw472sKr3TeiECwmIH?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Forever In Blue Jeans radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Pale Blue Eyes + artist: The Velvet Underground + album: The Velvet Underground + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/cc224b49c62de883afd35d12f73701b4589bcbbf' + albumTrackNumber: 4 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a1cG560wZP0s6fs1nsEVtQw?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Pale Blue Eyes radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Sky + artist: CAZZETTE + album: Blue Sky (ft. Laleh) + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/200042113b6dafcc45bb030529d70ffd2c8e714d' + albumTrackNumber: 1 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a6v9sCNj1KY3wblGJAohxX2?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Sky radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + - title: Blue Christmas + artist: Elvis Presley + album: Elvis' Christmas Album + imageUrl: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/d8ec333974abb5987719025a55a7395a22becb79' + albumTrackNumber: 5 + type: song + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a3QiAAp20rPC3dcAtKtMaqQ?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=5 + metadata: >- + + Blue Christmas radioobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack + SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token + returned: 20 + total: 169596 + start: 0 + next: >- + + queueRequest: + title: queueRequest + type: object + description: successful result + properties: + uri: + type: string + metadata: + type: string + enqueAsNext: + type: boolean + desiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued: + type: integer + errorResponse: + title: errorResponse + type: object + description: error result + properties: + code: + type: string + message: + type: string + description: + type: string + errors: + type: array + items: + type: object + properties: + error: + type: string + message: + type: string + '': + type: string + example: + code: not.implemnted.yet + message: not implemented yet + description: not implemented yet + errors: + - error: not implemnted yet + message: not implemented yet + playersResult: + title: playersResult + type: array + items: + $ref: '#/definitions/player' + example: + - coordinator: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + groupState: + volume: 0 + mute: false + roomName: Bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 0 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 0 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle off + crossfade: crossfade off + uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + - coordinator: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + groupState: + volume: 0 + mute: false + roomName: Kitchen + state: + currentTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 0 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 0 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle off + crossfade: crossfade off + uuid: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + - coordinator: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + groupState: + volume: 0 + mute: false + roomName: James bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 0 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 0 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle off + crossfade: crossfade off + uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + membersResult: + title: membersResult + type: array + items: + $ref: '#/definitions/member' + stateInput: + title: stateInput + type: object + properties: + currentTrack: + type: object + properties: + favourite: + type: string + playlist: + type: string + clip: + type: string + text: + type: string + skip: + type: string + source: + type: string + lineinSource: + type: string + artistTopTracks: + type: string + artistRadio: + type: string + song: + type: string + '': + type: string + volume: + type: + - integer + - string + mute: + type: string + enum: + - mute on + - mute off + trackNo: + type: integer + elapsedTime: + type: integer + playbackState: + type: string + enum: + - play + - pause + - toggle + playMode: + type: object + properties: + repeat: + type: string + enum: + - all + - one + - none + shuffle: + type: string + enum: + - shuffle on + - shuffle off + crossfade: + type: string + enum: + - crossfade on + - crossfade off + '': + type: string + example: + currentTrack: + favourite: '' + playlist: '' + clip: '' + text: '' + skip: previous + volume: 22 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 0 + elapsedTime: 0 + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle off + crossfade: crossfade off + zone: + title: zone + type: object + properties: + zoneName: + type: string + state: + $ref: '#/definitions/state' + members: + type: array + items: + $ref: '#/definitions/member' + uuid: + type: string + example: + zoneName: Bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: The Rolling Stones + title: Get Off My Cloud + album: 'Forty Licks [Disc 1]' + duration: 176 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/14%20Get%20Off%20My%20Cloud.mp3 + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: Butthole Surfers + title: Sweat Loaf + album: Locust Abortion Technician + duration: 358 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/01%20-%20Sweat%20Loaf.mp3 + volume: 9 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle on + crossfade: crossfade on + members: + - playerName: James bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: The Rolling Stones + title: Get Off My Cloud + album: 'Forty Licks [Disc 1]' + duration: 176 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/14%20Get%20Off%20My%20Cloud.mp3 + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: Butthole Surfers + title: Sweat Loaf + album: Locust Abortion Technician + duration: 358 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/01%20-%20Sweat%20Loaf.mp3 + volume: 17 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle on + crossfade: crossfade on + uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + - playerName: Bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: The Rolling Stones + title: Get Off My Cloud + album: 'Forty Licks [Disc 1]' + duration: 176 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/14%20Get%20Off%20My%20Cloud.mp3 + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: Butthole Surfers + title: Sweat Loaf + album: Locust Abortion Technician + duration: 358 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/01%20-%20Sweat%20Loaf.mp3 + volume: 1 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle on + crossfade: crossfade on + uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + nowPlayingResult: + title: nowPlayingResult + type: object + description: successful result + properties: + artist: + type: string + title: + type: string + album: + type: string + albumArtUri: + type: string + duration: + type: integer + uri: + type: string + type: + type: string + stationName: + type: string + absoluteAlbumArtUri: + type: string + uriMetadata: + type: string + avTransportUri: + type: string + example: + artist: The Animal In Me + title: We Don't Talk Anymore + album: We Don't Talk Anymore + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a2wTSNikJDa988ppmb1L1bH%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d7 + duration: 220 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2wTSNikJDa988ppmb1L1bH?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=7 + type: track + stationName: '' + absoluteAlbumArtUri: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/e4ccfd7ed272b9e668f84fc01c2fc3c621d3d370' + uriMetadata: '' + avTransportUri: 'x-rincon-queue:RINCON_000E585394A801400#0' + favouritesResult: + title: favouritesResult + type: array + description: successful result + items: + type: object + properties: + uri: + type: string + title: + type: string + metadata: + type: string + albumArtUri: + type: string + example: + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s24939?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: BBC Radio 1 + metadata: >- + BBC + Radio + 1object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s20277?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: BBC Radio 1Xtra + metadata: >- + BBC + Radio + 1Xtraobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s24940?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: BBC Radio 2 + metadata: >- + BBC + Radio + 2object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s24941?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: BBC Radio 3 + metadata: >- + BBC + Radio + 3object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s25419?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: BBC Radio 4 + metadata: >- + BBC + Radio + 4object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s6839?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: BBC Radio 4 Extra + metadata: >- + BBC + Radio 4 + Extraobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s24943?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: BBC Radio 5 live + metadata: >- + BBC + Radio 5 + liveobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s44491?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: BBC Radio 6 Music + metadata: >- + BBC + Radio 6 + Musicobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s45579?sid=254&flags=32&sn=0' + title: Kerrang! Radio + albumArtUri: 'http://d1i6vahw24eb07.cloudfront.net/s45579q.gif' + metadata: >- + Kerrang! + Radioobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-rincon-mp3radio://*/R4' + title: proxy radio 4 + metadata: >- + proxy + radio + 4object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-rincon-mp3radio://*/R6' + title: proxy radio 6 + metadata: >- + proxy + r6object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s190122?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: 'SomaFM: Folk Forward' + albumArtUri: 'http://cdn-radiotime-logos.tunein.com/s190122q.png' + metadata: >- + SomaFM: Folk + Forwardobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s200662?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: TeamRock Radio + albumArtUri: 'http://cdn-radiotime-logos.tunein.com/s200662q.png' + metadata: >- + TeamRock + Radioobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + - uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: Virgin Radio UK + albumArtUri: 'http://cdn-radiotime-logos.tunein.com/s266113q.png' + metadata: >- + Virgin Radio + UKobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + zonesResult: + title: zonesResult + type: array + description: successful result + items: + $ref: '#/definitions/zone' + example: + - uuid: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + coordinator: + uuid: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 19 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: STOPPED + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: Kitchen + coordinator: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + groupState: + volume: 19 + mute: false + members: + - uuid: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 19 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: STOPPED + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: Kitchen + coordinator: RINCON_000E585394A801400 + groupState: + volume: 19 + mute: false + - uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + coordinator: + uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Fall Out Boy + title: Thriller - Live From Hammersmith Palais + album: Infinity On High (Deluxe Edition) + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a69H6lMNa5c10vN43tBDjt5%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 212 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a69H6lMNa5c10vN43tBDjt5?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + type: track + stationName: '' + absoluteAlbumArtUri: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/182f82994a6b8e3f866649ded4dbecdb7f9f5d1d' + nextTrack: + artist: Fall Out Boy + title: 'This Ain''t A Scene, It''s An Arms Race' + album: Infinity On High (Deluxe Edition) + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a2GD8Ia7rtJzfgTIy20TaRI%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 212 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2GD8Ia7rtJzfgTIy20TaRI?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + absoluteAlbumArtUri: 'https://i.scdn.co/image/182f82994a6b8e3f866649ded4dbecdb7f9f5d1d' + volume: 19 + mute: false + trackNo: 3 + elapsedTime: 65 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:01:05' + playbackState: PAUSED_PLAYBACK + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: true + crossfade: false + roomName: James bedroom + coordinator: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + groupState: + volume: 19 + mute: false + members: + - uuid: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Fall Out Boy + title: Thriller - Live From Hammersmith Palais + album: Infinity On High (Deluxe Edition) + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a69H6lMNa5c10vN43tBDjt5%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 212 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a69H6lMNa5c10vN43tBDjt5?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + type: track + stationName: '' + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + https://i.scdn.co/image/182f82994a6b8e3f866649ded4dbecdb7f9f5d1d + nextTrack: + artist: Fall Out Boy + title: 'This Ain''t A Scene, It''s An Arms Race' + album: Infinity On High (Deluxe Edition) + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-spotify%3aspotify%253atrack%253a2GD8Ia7rtJzfgTIy20TaRI%3fsid%3d9%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d9 + duration: 212 + uri: >- + x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2GD8Ia7rtJzfgTIy20TaRI?sid=9&flags=8224&sn=9 + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + https://i.scdn.co/image/182f82994a6b8e3f866649ded4dbecdb7f9f5d1d + volume: 19 + mute: false + trackNo: 3 + elapsedTime: 65 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:01:05' + playbackState: PAUSED_PLAYBACK + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: true + crossfade: false + roomName: James bedroom + coordinator: RINCON_5CAAFD23191C01400 + groupState: + volume: 19 + mute: false + - uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + coordinator: + uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 25 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: STOPPED + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: Bedroom + coordinator: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + groupState: + volume: 25 + mute: false + members: + - uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Virgin Radio UK + title: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + albumArtUri: >- + /getaa?s=1&u=x-sonosapi-stream%3as266113%3fsid%3d254%26flags%3d8224%26sn%3d0 + duration: 0 + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + type: radio + stationName: Virgin Radio UK + absoluteAlbumArtUri: >- + + nextTrack: + artist: '' + title: '' + album: '' + albumArtUri: '' + duration: 0 + uri: '' + volume: 25 + mute: false + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: STOPPED + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: false + crossfade: false + roomName: Bedroom + coordinator: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + groupState: + volume: 25 + mute: false + member: + title: member + type: object + properties: + playerName: + type: string + state: + type: object + properties: + currentTrack: + type: object + properties: + artist: + type: string + title: + type: string + album: + type: string + duration: + type: integer + uri: + type: string + type: + type: string + stationName: + type: string + nextTrack: + type: object + properties: + artist: + type: string + title: + type: string + album: + type: string + duration: + type: integer + uri: + type: string + volume: + type: integer + mute: + type: string + trackNo: + type: integer + elapsedTime: + type: integer + elapsedTimeFormatted: + type: string + playbackState: + type: string + playMode: + type: object + properties: + repeat: + type: string + shuffle: + type: string + crossfade: + type: string + uuid: + type: string + example: + playerName: Bedroom + state: + currentTrack: + artist: Senseless Things + title: Hold It Down + album: Empire Of The Senseless + duration: 263 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/04%20-%20Hold%20It%20Down.mp3 + type: track + stationName: '' + nextTrack: + artist: The Rolling Stones + title: Get Off My Cloud + album: 'Forty Licks [Disc 1]' + duration: 176 + uri: >- + x-file-cifs://ripley/music/V/Various%20Artists/stomp/14%20Get%20Off%20My%20Cloud.mp3 + volume: 1 + mute: mute off + trackNo: 1 + elapsedTime: 0 + elapsedTimeFormatted: '00:00:00' + playbackState: pause + playMode: + repeat: none + shuffle: shuffle on + crossfade: crossfade on + uuid: RINCON_000E58C4373C01400 + favourite: + title: favourite + type: object + properties: + uri: + type: string + title: + type: string + albumArtUri: + type: string + metadata: + type: string + example: + uri: 'x-sonosapi-stream:s266113?sid=254&flags=8224&sn=0' + title: Virgin Radio UK + albumArtUri: 'http://cdn-radiotime-logos.tunein.com/s266113q.png' + metadata: >- + Virgin Radio + UKobject.item.audioItem.audioBroadcastSA_RINCON65031_ + ok: + title: ok + type: object + example: + message: OK diff --git a/app.js b/app.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..babcbd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +'use strict'; +const path = require('path'); +const SwaggerExpress = require('swagger-express-mw'); +const express = require('express'); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('app.js'); +const SonosDiscovery = require('sonos-discovery'); +const util = require('util'); +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs')); +const discovery = new SonosDiscovery(); +const startupHelpers = require('./startupHelpers'); + + +// Store settings so they can be easily accessed +const settings = startupHelpers.loadConfig(); + +logger.debug(settings); + +// Create tts directory if it does not exist +const ttsDir = path.resolve(settings.staticWebRootPath, 'tts'); + +startupHelpers.createTtsDirectory(ttsDir) + .then(() => { + return startupHelpers.createDatabaseDirectory(settings.databasePath); + }) + .then(() => { + settings.dbSettings = startupHelpers.loadDatabases(settings); + + return null; + }) + .then(() => { + // Write a file with webroot in it so that swagger ui loads the swagger document + const webRootSettingPath = path.resolve(settings.staticWebRootPath, 'docs', 'webRootSetting.js'); + const webRootSettingContents = `var webRoot = "${settings.webRoot}";`; + + return fs.writeFileAsync(webRootSettingPath, webRootSettingContents); + }) + .then(() => { + // Replace the host in swagger file with webroot so that it can be used in swagger-ui + // Note - this creates a new file production.swagger.yaml which is used to control the program + return startupHelpers.createRunningSwaggerFile(settings.webRoot); + }) + .then(() => { + const app = express(); + const config = { + appRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, './api'), + swaggerFile: path.resolve(__dirname, './api/swagger/production.swagger.yaml'), + validateResponse: true + }; + + SwaggerExpress.create(config, (err, swaggerExpress) => { + if (err) { + throw err; + } + + // Serve /docs from ./static/docs folder - path in request is added to directory below + app.use('/docs', express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, 'static/docs'))); + // Serve /static from ./static folder + app.use('/static', express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, 'static'))); + + // Inject discovery and settings into request + app.use((req, res, next) => { + req.discovery = discovery; + req.settings = settings; + next(); + }); + + // Inject discovery and settings into request + app.use((req, res, next) => { + logger.debug(`request came into ${req.method} ${req.url}`); + next(); + }); + + // Install middleware + swaggerExpress.register(app); + // Install response validation listener (this will only be called if there actually are any errors or warnings) + swaggerExpress.runner.on('responseValidationError', (validationResponse) => { + // Log response validation errors... + logger.error(util.inspect(validationResponse.errors, false, null)); + }); + app.listen(settings.port); + logger.info('The server has started'); + }); + }) + .catch((error) => { + return logger.error('Error occurred : ', error); + }); diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc47742 --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +{ + "name": "swagger-sonos-api", + "version": "0.9.0", + "description": "A swagger based node app for controlling a Sonos system with HTTP requests", + "scripts": { + "start": "node app.js", + "eslint": "eslint ." + }, + "author": "Anthony Brown ", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "https://github.com/antxxxx/sonos-swagger-api.git" + }, + "dependencies": { + "bluebird": "^3.4.6", + "debug": "^2.3.3", + "express": "^4.14.0", + "feedparser-promised": "^1.1.1", + "fs-extra": "^1.0.0", + "js-yaml": "^3.7.0", + "lodash": "^4.17.4", + "log4js": "^1.0.1", + "nconf": "^0.8.4", + "nedb": "^1.8.0", + "request": "^2.79.0", + "request-promise": "^1.0.2", + "sonos-discovery": "https://github.com/jishi/node-sonos-discovery/archive/v1.4.1.tar.gz", + "spotify-web-api-node": "^2.3.6", + "swagger-express-mw": "^0.7.0", + "sway": "^1.0.0", + "xml-to-json-promise": "0.0.3" + }, + "engines": { + "node": ">=4.0.0", + "npm": "^2.0.0" + }, + "main": "app.js", + "license": "MIT", + "devDependencies": { + "eslint": "^3.11.1" + } +} diff --git a/settings.json.example b/settings.json.example new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c64ee86 --- /dev/null +++ b/settings.json.example @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "settings": { + "port": 10010, + "webRoot": "http://localhost:10010", + "announceVolume": 40 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/startupHelpers.js b/startupHelpers.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec37e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/startupHelpers.js @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +'use strict'; + +const Promise = require('bluebird'); +const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs-extra')); +const log4js = require('log4js'); +const logger = log4js.getLogger('startupHelpers.js'); +const path = require('path'); +const sway = require('sway'); +const yaml = require('js-yaml'); +const _ = require('lodash'); +const nconf = require('nconf'); +const Datastore = require('nedb'); + +function filePathExists(filePath) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + fs.stat(filePath, (err, stats) => { + if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') { + return resolve(false); + } else if (err) { + return reject(err); + } + if (stats.isFile() || stats.isDirectory()) { + return resolve(true); + } + + return resolve(true); + }); + }); +} + +function createTtsDirectory(ttsDir) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return filePathExists(ttsDir); + }) + .then((ttsExists) => { + if (!ttsExists) { + return fs.mkdirAsync(ttsDir); + } + + return null; + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.warn(`Could not create tts directory ${ttsDir}, please create it manually for all features to work.`); + logger.warn(`Error : ${err}`); + + return null; + }); +} + +function createDatabaseDirectory(databaseDir) { + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return filePathExists(databaseDir); + }) + .then((ttsExists) => { + if (!ttsExists) { + return fs.mkdirAsync(databaseDir); + } + + return null; + }) + .catch((err) => { + logger.warn(`Could not create database directory ${databaseDir}, please create it manually for all features to work.`); + logger.warn(`Error : ${err}`); + + return null; + }); +} + +function createRunningSwaggerFile(webRoot) { + // This copies swagger.yaml to production.swagger.yaml and replaces host and schemes if necessary + // It also validates the new swagger file to make sure it is all ok + const orignalSwaggerFile = path.resolve(__dirname, './api/swagger/swagger.yaml'); + const runtimeSwaggerFile = path.resolve(__dirname, './api/swagger/production.swagger.yaml'); + let swaggerJsonObject; + + + return Promise.resolve() + .then(() => { + return fs.readFileAsync(orignalSwaggerFile, 'utf8'); + }) + .then((fileContents) => { + return yaml.safeLoad(fileContents); + }) + .then((swaggerObject) => { + swaggerJsonObject = swaggerObject; + swaggerJsonObject.host = webRoot.replace(/http(s)*:\/\//, ''); + if (webRoot.startsWith('https')) { + swaggerJsonObject.schemes = ['https']; + } + + return sway.create({ + definition: swaggerJsonObject + }); + }) + .then((swaggerObj) => { + const result = swaggerObj.validate(); + let errors = result.errors; + let warnings = result.warnings; + + if (_.isEmpty(errors)) { + errors = null; + } + + if (_.isEmpty(warnings)) { + warnings = null; + } + logger.warn(errors, warnings); + if (errors) { + throw errors; + } + + return fs.writeFileAsync(runtimeSwaggerFile, yaml.safeDump(swaggerJsonObject)); + }) + .catch((error) => { + logger.error('Error occurred modifying swagger file:', error); + + throw error; + }); +} + +function loadConfig() { + // Load settings and set defaults + nconf.file(path.resolve(__dirname, './settings.json')); + nconf.defaults({ + settings: { + port: 10010, + staticWebRootPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'static'), + ttsProvider: 'google', + webRoot: 'http://localhost:10010', + databasePath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'localDatabase') + } + }); + + // Store settings so they can be easily accessed + return nconf.get('settings'); +} + +function loadDatabases(settings) { + const iplayerPodcastDB = Promise.promisifyAll(new Datastore({ + filename: path.resolve(settings.databasePath, 'iplayerPodcastDB.json'), + autoload: true + })); + const refreshSettingsDB = Promise.promisifyAll(new Datastore({ + filename: path.resolve(settings.databasePath, 'refreshSettingsDB.json'), + autoload: true + })); + const iplayerProgramDB = Promise.promisifyAll(new Datastore({ + filename: path.resolve(settings.databasePath, 'iplayerProgramDB.json'), + autoload: true + })); + const dbSettings = { + iplayerPodcastDB, + refreshSettingsDB, + iplayerProgramDB + }; + + return dbSettings; +} +module.exports = { + createRunningSwaggerFile, + createTtsDirectory, + createDatabaseDirectory, + loadConfig, + loadDatabases +}; diff --git a/static/clips/sample_clip.mp3 b/static/clips/sample_clip.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41f76bd Binary files /dev/null and b/static/clips/sample_clip.mp3 differ diff --git a/static/docs/css/print.css b/static/docs/css/print.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54b6516 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/docs/css/print.css @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +.swagger-section pre code{display:block;padding:.5em;background:#f0f0f0}.swagger-section pre .clojure .built_in,.swagger-section pre .lisp .title,.swagger-section pre .nginx .title,.swagger-section pre .subst,.swagger-section pre .tag .title,.swagger-section pre code{color:#000}.swagger-section pre .addition,.swagger-section pre .aggregate,.swagger-section pre .apache .cbracket,.swagger-section pre .apache .tag,.swagger-section pre .bash .variable,.swagger-section pre .constant,.swagger-section pre .django .variable,.swagger-section pre .erlang_repl .function_or_atom,.swagger-section pre .flow,.swagger-section pre .markdown .header,.swagger-section pre .parent,.swagger-section pre .preprocessor,.swagger-section pre .ruby .symbol,.swagger-section pre .ruby .symbol .string,.swagger-section pre .rules .value,.swagger-section pre .rules .value .number,.swagger-section pre .smalltalk .class,.swagger-section pre .stream,.swagger-section pre .string,.swagger-section pre .tag .value,.swagger-section pre .template_tag,.swagger-section pre .tex .command,.swagger-section pre .tex .special,.swagger-section pre .title{color:#800}.swagger-section pre .annotation,.swagger-section pre .chunk,.swagger-section pre .comment,.swagger-section pre .diff .header,.swagger-section pre .markdown .blockquote,.swagger-section pre .template_comment{color:#888}.swagger-section pre .change,.swagger-section pre .date,.swagger-section pre .go 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Potser no teniu la configuració de control d'accés apropiada.", + "Please specify the protocol for":"Si us plau, especifiqueu el protocol per a", + "Can't read swagger JSON from":"No es pot llegir el JSON de swagger des de", + "Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI":"Finalitzada la càrrega del recurs informatiu. Renderitzant Swagger UI", + "Unable to read api":"No es pot llegir l'api", + "from path":"des de la ruta", + "server returned":"el servidor ha retornat" +}); diff --git a/static/docs/lang/el.js b/static/docs/lang/el.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcd1ffd --- /dev/null +++ b/static/docs/lang/el.js @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +'use strict'; + +/* jshint quotmark: double */ +window.SwaggerTranslator.learn({ + "Warning: Deprecated":"Προειδοποίηση: Έχει αποσυρθεί", + "Implementation Notes":"Σημειώσεις Υλοποίησης", + "Response Class":"Απόκριση", + "Status":"Κατάσταση", + "Parameters":"Παράμετροι", + "Parameter":"Παράμετρος", + "Value":"Τιμή", + "Description":"Περιγραφή", + "Parameter Type":"Τύπος Παραμέτρου", + "Data Type":"Τύπος Δεδομένων", + "Response Messages":"Μηνύματα Απόκρισης", + "HTTP Status Code":"Κωδικός Κατάστασης HTTP", + "Reason":"Αιτιολογία", + "Response Model":"Μοντέλο Απόκρισης", + "Request URL":"URL Αιτήματος", + "Response Body":"Σώμα Απόκρισης", + "Response Code":"Κωδικός Απόκρισης", + "Response Headers":"Επικεφαλίδες Απόκρισης", + "Hide Response":"Απόκρυψη Απόκρισης", + "Headers":"Επικεφαλίδες", + "Try it out!":"Δοκιμάστε το!", + "Show/Hide":"Εμφάνιση/Απόκρυψη", + "List Operations":"Λίστα Λειτουργιών", + "Expand Operations":"Ανάπτυξη Λειτουργιών", + "Raw":"Ακατέργαστο", + "can't parse JSON. 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Μπορεί να μην έχει κατάλληλες ρυθμίσεις για access-control-origin.", + "Please specify the protocol for":"Παρακαλώ προσδιορίστε το πρωτόκολλο για", + "Can't read swagger JSON from":"Αδυναμία ανάγνωσης swagger JSON από", + "Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI":"Ολοκλήρωση Φόρτωσης Πληροφορικών Πόρου. 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It may not have the appropriate access-control-origin settings.", + "Please specify the protocol for":"Please specify the protocol for", + "Can't read swagger JSON from":"Can't read swagger JSON from", + "Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI":"Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI", + "Unable to read api":"Unable to read api", + "from path":"from path", + "server returned":"server returned" +}); diff --git a/static/docs/lang/es.js b/static/docs/lang/es.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13fa015 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/docs/lang/es.js @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +'use strict'; + +/* jshint quotmark: double */ +window.SwaggerTranslator.learn({ + "Warning: Deprecated":"Advertencia: Obsoleto", + "Implementation Notes":"Notas de implementación", + "Response Class":"Clase de la Respuesta", + "Status":"Status", + "Parameters":"Parámetros", + "Parameter":"Parámetro", + "Value":"Valor", + "Description":"Descripción", + "Parameter Type":"Tipo del Parámetro", + "Data Type":"Tipo del Dato", + "Response Messages":"Mensajes de la Respuesta", + "HTTP Status Code":"Código de Status HTTP", + "Reason":"Razón", + "Response Model":"Modelo de la Respuesta", + "Request URL":"URL de la Solicitud", + "Response Body":"Cuerpo de la Respuesta", + "Response Code":"Código de la Respuesta", + "Response Headers":"Encabezados de la Respuesta", + "Hide Response":"Ocultar Respuesta", + "Try it out!":"Pruébalo!", + "Show/Hide":"Mostrar/Ocultar", + "List Operations":"Listar Operaciones", + "Expand Operations":"Expandir Operaciones", + "Raw":"Crudo", + "can't parse JSON. 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Tal vez no tiene la configuración de control de acceso de origen (access-control-origin) apropiado.", + "Please specify the protocol for":"Por favor, especificar el protocola para", + "Can't read swagger JSON from":"No se puede leer el JSON de swagger desde", + "Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI":"Finalizada la carga del recurso de Información. Mostrando Swagger UI", + "Unable to read api":"No se puede leer la api", + "from path":"desde ruta", + "server returned":"el servidor retornó" +}); diff --git a/static/docs/lang/fr.js b/static/docs/lang/fr.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..388dff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/docs/lang/fr.js @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +'use strict'; + +/* jshint quotmark: double */ +window.SwaggerTranslator.learn({ + "Warning: Deprecated":"Avertissement : Obsolète", + "Implementation Notes":"Notes d'implémentation", + "Response Class":"Classe de la réponse", + "Status":"Statut", + "Parameters":"Paramètres", + "Parameter":"Paramètre", + "Value":"Valeur", + "Description":"Description", + "Parameter Type":"Type du paramètre", + "Data Type":"Type de données", + "Response Messages":"Messages de la réponse", + "HTTP Status Code":"Code de statut HTTP", + "Reason":"Raison", + "Response Model":"Modèle de réponse", + "Request URL":"URL appelée", + "Response Body":"Corps de la réponse", + "Response Code":"Code de la réponse", + "Response Headers":"En-têtes de la réponse", + "Hide Response":"Cacher la réponse", + "Headers":"En-têtes", + "Try it out!":"Testez !", + "Show/Hide":"Afficher/Masquer", + "List Operations":"Liste des opérations", + "Expand Operations":"Développer les opérations", + "Raw":"Brut", + "can't parse JSON. 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Il se peut que les réglages access-control-origin ne soient pas appropriés.", + "Please specify the protocol for":"Veuillez spécifier un protocole pour", + "Can't read swagger JSON from":"Impossible de lire le JSON swagger à partir de", + "Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI":"Chargement des informations terminé. Affichage de Swagger UI", + "Unable to read api":"Impossible de lire l'api", + "from path":"à partir du chemin", + "server returned":"réponse du serveur" +}); diff --git a/static/docs/lang/geo.js b/static/docs/lang/geo.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..609c20d --- /dev/null +++ b/static/docs/lang/geo.js @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +'use strict'; + +/* jshint quotmark: double */ +window.SwaggerTranslator.learn({ + "Warning: Deprecated":"ყურადღება: აღარ გამოიყენება", + "Implementation Notes":"იმპლემენტაციის აღწერა", + "Response Class":"რესპონს კლასი", + "Status":"სტატუსი", + "Parameters":"პარამეტრები", + "Parameter":"პარამეტრი", + "Value":"მნიშვნელობა", + "Description":"აღწერა", + "Parameter Type":"პარამეტრის ტიპი", + "Data Type":"მონაცემის ტიპი", + "Response Messages":"პასუხი", + "HTTP Status Code":"HTTP სტატუსი", + "Reason":"მიზეზი", + "Response Model":"რესპონს მოდელი", + "Request URL":"მოთხოვნის URL", + "Response Body":"პასუხის სხეული", + "Response Code":"პასუხის კოდი", + "Response Headers":"პასუხის ჰედერები", + "Hide Response":"დამალე პასუხი", + "Headers":"ჰედერები", + "Try it out!":"ცადე !", + "Show/Hide":"გამოჩენა/დამალვა", + "List Operations":"ოპერაციების სია", + "Expand Operations":"ოპერაციები ვრცლად", + "Raw":"ნედლი", + "can't parse JSON. 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Potrebbe non avere le impostazioni di controllo accesso origine (access-control-origin) appropriate.", + "Please specify the protocol for":"Si prega di specificare il protocollo per", + "Can't read swagger JSON from":"Impossibile leggere JSON swagger da:", + "Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI":"Lettura informazioni risorse termianta. Swagger UI viene mostrata", + "Unable to read api":"Impossibile leggere la api", + "from path":"da cartella", + "server returned":"il server ha restituito" +}); diff --git a/static/docs/lang/ja.js b/static/docs/lang/ja.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cbeb37 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/docs/lang/ja.js @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +'use strict'; + +/* jshint quotmark: double */ +window.SwaggerTranslator.learn({ + "Warning: Deprecated":"警告: 廃止予定", + "Implementation Notes":"実装メモ", + "Response Class":"レスポンスクラス", + "Status":"ステータス", + "Parameters":"パラメータ群", + "Parameter":"パラメータ", + "Value":"値", + "Description":"説明", + "Parameter Type":"パラメータタイプ", + "Data Type":"データタイプ", + "Response Messages":"レスポンスメッセージ", + "HTTP Status Code":"HTTPステータスコード", + "Reason":"理由", + "Response Model":"レスポンスモデル", + "Request URL":"リクエストURL", + "Response Body":"レスポンスボディ", + "Response Code":"レスポンスコード", + "Response Headers":"レスポンスヘッダ", + "Hide Response":"レスポンスを隠す", + "Headers":"ヘッダ", + "Try it out!":"実際に実行!", + "Show/Hide":"表示/非表示", + "List Operations":"操作一覧", + "Expand Operations":"操作の展開", + "Raw":"未加工", + "can't parse JSON. 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Może on nie mieć odpowiednich ustawień access-control-origin.", + "Please specify the protocol for":"Proszę podać protokół dla", + "Can't read swagger JSON from":"Nie można odczytać swagger JSON z", + "Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI":"Ukończono Ładowanie Informacji o Zasobie. 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Возможно, проблема с настройками доступа", + "Please specify the protocol for":"Пожалуйста, укажите протокол для", + "Can't read swagger JSON from":"Не получается прочитать swagger json из", + "Finished Loading Resource Information. Rendering Swagger UI":"Загрузка информации о ресурсах завершена. 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Only inner html, title-attribute and value-attribute are going to translate. + * + */ +window.SwaggerTranslator = { + + _words:[], + + translate: function(sel) { + var $this = this; + sel = sel || '[data-sw-translate]'; + + $(sel).each(function() { + $(this).html($this._tryTranslate($(this).html())); + + $(this).val($this._tryTranslate($(this).val())); + $(this).attr('title', $this._tryTranslate($(this).attr('title'))); + }); + }, + + _tryTranslate: function(word) { + return this._words[$.trim(word)] !== undefined ? this._words[$.trim(word)] : word; + }, + + learn: function(wordsMap) { + this._words = wordsMap; + } +}; diff --git a/static/docs/lang/zh-cn.js b/static/docs/lang/zh-cn.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3af61ad --- /dev/null +++ b/static/docs/lang/zh-cn.js @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +'use strict'; + +/* jshint quotmark: double */ +window.SwaggerTranslator.learn({ + "Warning: Deprecated":"警告:已过时", + "Implementation Notes":"实现备注", + "Response Class":"响应类", + "Status":"状态", + "Parameters":"参数", + "Parameter":"参数", + "Value":"值", + "Description":"描述", + "Parameter Type":"参数类型", + "Data Type":"数据类型", + "Response Messages":"响应消息", + "HTTP Status Code":"HTTP状态码", + "Reason":"原因", + "Response Model":"响应模型", + "Request URL":"请求URL", + "Response Body":"响应体", + "Response Code":"响应码", + "Response Headers":"响应头", + "Hide Response":"隐藏响应", + "Headers":"头", + "Try it out!":"试一下!", + "Show/Hide":"显示/隐藏", + "List Operations":"显示操作", + "Expand Operations":"展开操作", + "Raw":"原始", + "can't parse JSON. 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