I am from kathmandu, Nepal
I am pursuing my undergraduate in computer science and Information Technology
- Web Development(mainly Backend through django)
- Data Science
- Machine Learning and Aritifical Intelligence
- C
- C++
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Python
- GIT/GitHub
- Stop-watchI made this simple and easy stop-watch by using vanilla js , HTML and CSS
- QR code I made this project through python by importing modules name pyqrcode
- TO-Do-App I make this project through the help of html, css and javascript
- linkedIn : (https://www.linkedin.com/in/anishanayaju26)
- Twitter : (https://twitter.com/anishanayaju_26)
- Github : (https://github.com/anishaxtha)
- Instragram : (https://www.instagram.com/anishaxtha08)