Delhi, India
- B.Tech from Delhi Technological University, Delhi
- I am passionate about web development.
- I listen music as a hobby.
- I like to see political debates.
- Creator of TEDXDTU Web application.
- Developed the official website of TEDx DTU to display the details of the events and speakers.
- The platform also supports live streaming and payments for booking the events’ tickets.
- Technology Stack - NextJS, Firebase, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Razorpay API.
- Developed a Full Stack MERN blogging web application for posting the interview experiences.
- Implemented an API to allow users to read, post, delete, like and comment on the blogs.
- Technology Stack – ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, and Redux.
- Designed an idea management web app that allows users to add, edit and delete ideas.
- Allows users to form clusters of ideas and move ideas from one cluster to another.
- Technology Stack - ReactJS, CSS, and HTML.