For more information about ASPNET Core SignalR check out SignalR ASPNET Core Integration.
If you are using the ABP starter template SignalR is already implemented and you can skip to step 2
Follow the installation steps here
Add the Abp.AppFactory.Sync NuGet Package to your Web.Core project
Add Abp.AppFactory.Sync as a dependency to you WebCoreModule
[DependsOn( ...,
public class ExampleWebCoreModule : AbpModule
If Abp.AppFactory.Interfaces 1.3.0 or greater is already included in your Application project then skip to step 4
- Add the Abp.AppFactory.Interfaces NuGet Package to your Application project
- Add the Abp.AppFactory.AsyncCrudAppServiceBase NuGet Package to your Application project
- In
replace AbpCommonHub with SyncHub:
using Abp.AppFactory.Sync;
public void Configure(...)
app.UseSignalR(routes =>
- Inherit AsyncCrudAppServiceBase on all your crud AppServices
using Abp.AppFactory
public class ExampleAppService : AsyncCrudAppServiceBase<Example, ExampleDto>
public DataAppService(
IRepository<Data, int> repository,
ISyncHub syncHub,
) : base(repository, syncHub)
- If overriding Create, Update or Delete methods be sure to either call the base method or call Sync() when you update your entities
public override Task<ExampleDto> Update(ExampleDto input)
return base.Update(input);
/// OR
public override async Task Delete(EntityDto<int> input)
await Sync();
- Add the Abp.AppFactory.SyncedPagedListingComponentBase file to your shared folder in your Angular project
- Extend components with SyncedPagedListingComponentBase
export class ExampleComponent extends SyncedPagedListingComponentBase<ExampleDto> {
injector: Injector,
) {
super(injector, ExampleDto);
- If overriding ngOnInit be sure to call the super method
ngOnInit() {
- Now when an entity is added or updated all related pages will refresh their data