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Releases: apache/echarts


12 Dec 14:23
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4.6.0-rc.1 Pre-release
release: upgrade zrender in package-lock.


18 Nov 08:02
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  • [Feature] Add roundCap option for round corners on bar series width polar coordinate system. #11393 (Wenli Zhang)

  • [Feature] Add event brushEnd for brush component #11285(Jian Cui)

  • [Feature] Add friction option in force layout of graph. #11276 (Yi Shen)

  • [Feature] Add ignoreFoceLayout option in the graph links. #11445 (TYzzt)

  • [Feature] Add axisType in the indicator of radar series. #11324(zifix)

  • [Feature] Add clip option in candllestick series. #11529 (Yi Shen)

  • [Fix] Fix lots of label positioning issues in SVG renderer. ecomfe/zrender#519 (Shuang Su)

  • [Fix] Fix interval issues related to category axis tick. Like areaStyle.color is incorrect in #10948, xAxis.axisTick.interval is calculated incorrectly in #11176 . #11186 (foolzhang)

  • [Fix] Fix bar series can't display on the log axis. #11472(SnailSword)

  • [Fix] Fix tooltip may be covered by the canvas when -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch on iOS 13. ecomfe/zrender#522 (Shuang Su)

  • [Fix] Fix some of labels on category axis may disappear forever after chart resized. #11536 (Shuang Su)

  • [Fix] Fix brush drag gets stuck when the mouse leaves the chart area. #11516 (Shuang Su)

  • [Fix] Fix image symbol may disappear forever after legend toggled. #11515 (Feng Yu)

  • [Fix] Fix changing from 'scroll' type to 'plain' type not work bug in legend. #11504 (Feng Yu)

  • [Fix] Optimize layout and bar width of bar series on time axis and value axis. Make the barMaxWidth has higher priority than barWidth. Add barMinWidth for bar series on time axis and value axis. #11479 (Wenli Zhang, Shuang Su)

  • [Fix] Fix title of toolbox icon may be cut by the container. #11456 (Wenli Zhang)

  • [Fix] Fix precision issue in the ticks calculating. #11488 (Wenli Zhang)

  • [Fix] Fix rotate property of label not work in tree series. #11457 (Deqing Li)

  • [Fix] Fix edge won't disappear after collapsed if the id is duplicated in tree series. #11447 (Deqing Li)

  • [Fix] Fix data disappear when updating with dataset in gauge series. #11373 (Wenli Zhang)

  • [Fix] Fix gradient on bar leaked to label in SVG Renderer. (Wenli Zhang)


08 Nov 10:03
Choose a tag to compare
4.5.0-rc.2 Pre-release
release: 4.5.0-rc.2


07 Nov 15:15
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4.5.0-rc.1 Pre-release
fix: add rc.1 to version


15 Oct 07:01
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  • [Feature] Add option clip for line, bar, lines, scatter and custom series,
    which prevents the shapes overflow the area of the coordinate system. And support setting
    filterMode on toolbox.dataZoom. Fix #9200, #10224, #10748, #11086.

  • [Feature] Support "select all" and "reverse select" buttons in legend. See legend.selector for details.

  • [Feature] Provide echarts.graphic.registerShape and echarts.graphic.getShapeClass.
    The registered shape classes can be used in custom series and graphic component.

  • [Feature] Support show border style on legend item. Support setting itemStyle on legend. Fix #7340.

  • [Feature] Support expansion animation for data update, support pie-series.animationTypeUpdate. Fix #11029.

  • [Feature] Support setting rippleEffect.color in effectScatter.

  • [Feature] Support using BaiduMap API version 3.0 in bmap by option bmap.mapStyleV2.

  • [Fix] Fix that the stacked bar exceed zoom limit.
    Fix #7534, #7672, #7732, #7872, #8069, #8520, #8935, #8955, #9200, #9237, #9847, #10359, #10518, #10972.

  • [Fix] Fix that sometimes when using "toolbox dataZoom" it can not return to the original state. Fix #11055.

  • [Fix] Fix the texture pattern rendering in map and geo. And Fix that the the shadow of them are different between canvas renderer and SVG renderer. Fix #11055, #5429.

  • [Fix] Fix that data does not rendered after a NaN value in candlestick. Fix #11101.

  • [Fix] Fix geo.label.formatter does not work. Fix #8489.

  • [Fix] Fix the hover style incorrect in custom series. Fix #11103.

  • [Fix] Fix that tree root node disappears after roaming. Fix #10291, #10986, #10164, #9580, #9256, #9216.

  • [Fix] Fix that SVG renderer should render normally despite hover layer set. Fix #11054.

  • [Fix] Add dispose checking for chart instance.


29 Sep 09:20
Choose a tag to compare
4.4.0-rc.1 Pre-release
update package-lock.json for 4.4.0-rc.1


16 Sep 07:57
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  • [Feature] Sankey diagram enhancement:
    Add left/right node align, right in sankey diagram.
    Support user to specify the depth of the node.
    Enhance sankey node tooltip formatter.
    Add depth layout info for each node.

  • [Feature] Support callback in series.symbol. Contributed by PR #9664 originally.

  • [Feature] Enhance Pie chart:
    Support minShowLabelAngle. Contributed by PR #8997 originally.
    Support label rotate in pie chart. Fix #10045.

  • [Feature] Support backgroundColor for connected charts in toolbox. toolbox.feature.saveAsImage.connectedBackgroundColor can be used to set the background color. Fix #10099.

  • [Feature] Enhance toolbox:
    Enable to set text style of toolbox.
    Support tooltip for toolbox. Fix #10202.

  • [Feature] Enhance dataZoom:
    Normalize illegal range setting and get accurate start/end/startValue/endValue in 'dataZoom' event.

  • [Feature] Add dimensionNames and encode info to callback parameters of formatters. Fix #10248 and Close #10250.

  • [Feature] Funnel enhancement:
    series.label.position support to set rightTop, rightBottom, leftTop, leftBottom. And fix style in funnel text position.

  • [Fix] Support mouse event in iOS when css transform used. Fix #9434, #8326, #5009, #5921.

  • [Fix] Use a clearer warning message when initing dom without size. Fix #10478.

  • [Fix] Fix that the rgba opacity does not work in SVG renderer. Fix #9014

  • [Fix] Enhance funnel chart label display policy PR #8759

  • [Fix] Fix the highlight/downplay of pie graphic.

  • [Fix] Fix the mouse pointer in force graph. Fix #7764, contributed by PR #9134.

  • [Fix] Fix that symbol and symbolSize and opacity does not work in series[i]-graph.categories[i]. Fix #8009 and #5969, contributed by PR #9171.

  • [Fix] Fix that does not work in the gauge. Fix #9194, contributed by PR #9195.

  • [Fix] Fix a display error when the first data item is '-' in radar. Fix 8962.

  • [Fix] Fix polygon rendering bug when the first value is NaN. Fix #8962, contributed by PR #9162.

  • [Fix] Fix text truncate bug in treemap when using SVG renderer.

  • [Fix] Fix that label.rotate does not work in graph. Fix #9182, contributed by PR #9210.

  • [Fix] Fix the rich content hiding bug and confine bug in tooltip. Fix ecomfe/echarts-for-weixin#360, ecomfe/echarts-for-weixin#347.

  • [Fix] Fix that callback function params.color is incorrect in sunburst area. Fix #8952, contributed by PR #9238.

  • [Fix] Fix that when axisLabel.interval of a category axis is set as 0, all labels are displayed regardless of overlap. Fix #9589.

  • [Fix] Fix sub-pixel in markLine. Move subPixelOptimize to zrender. Fix #9598.

  • [Fix] Fix that when doing clear on click handler error is thrown. Fix #9649.

  • [Fix] Fix that false value in data items effect subsequent items in visualMap. Fix #8799.

  • [Fix] Enhance hoverStyle and highlight/downplay API. Support keep highlighted when changing style (e.g., setOption or hoverLink). Fix the highlight conflict.

  • [Fix] Fix radar line disappear on hover when there is empty value in data.

  • [Fix] Fix that geo map panning not working on Edge browser. Fix #9479.

  • [Fix] Fix map label bugs:
    Fix map rich label missing when missing data.
    Fix map label miss to enter formatter when missing data.
    Fix #9682.

  • [Fix] Enable triggerEvent for label of angleAxis. Fix #9765.

  • [Fix] Fix that the hover style bugs of graph:
    Fix that the hover style is disabled by focusNodeAdjacency in graph.
    Fix that the line label can not be returned to its original opacity after "focusNodeAdjacency".

  • [Fix] Lift the axis line arrow over splitLine and tick.

  • [Fix] Fix that the scrollable legend pager does not work when the target index is illegal. Fix #7568.

  • [Fix] Exclude padding from tooltip position, since it's included in clientWidth. Contributed by PR #9750.

  • [Fix] Fix barWidth calculation when stack on multiple polars. Fix #9626.

  • [Fix] Loop to find the first non-NaN angle for clipPath in pie.

  • [Fix] Fix line width in singleAxis. Fix #9965.

  • [Fix] Fix the label bounding rect calculation error when rich used (e.g., containLabel: true while axisLabel has rich).

  • [Fix] Part of emphasis in sunburst do not work. Fix #9563, constributed by PR #9993.

  • [Fix] Add seriesId in pieselectchanged. Fix #9830.

  • [Fix] Fix that axis name align does not work. Fix #9901.

  • [Fix] Fix taht the strange label position when the pie chart series data value is null. Fix #10088.

  • [Fix] Do not create an anchor element if you don't need to in SaveAsImage. Contributed by PR #10132.

  • [Fix] Fix that axisLabel dost not display correctly in radar. Fix #9282, contributed by PR #10036.

  • [Fix] Fix that bar chart is abnormal when filterMode of dataZoom is 'empty'. Fix #9882.

  • [Fix] Fix series.label.formatter callback bug. Fix #10248, contributed by PR #10250.

  • [Fix] Fix that the last axis labels are duplicated. Fix #10304.

  • [Fix] Fix that setting emphasis.lineStyle.type as solid dose not work. Fix #9704, close #10129.

  • [Fix] Fix that if some negetive numbers or strings existing in the dimensions array, the corresponding line will not show. Fix #10343.

  • [Fix] Fix that when '0' existing in dimentions the chart do not work. Make backward compat when dimention is a number-like string. Fix #9363, contributed by PR #9388.

  • [Fix] Fix hover style on textStroke bug in custom series.

  • [Fix] Fix graph bug when data is number typed. Fix #10485.

  • [Fix] Fix that axisPointer label padding does not work. Fix #10569.

  • [Fix] Add dimIndex for callback formatter in radar. Close #10403, #10180, contributed PR #10437.

  • [Fix] Prevent treamap from using hover layer by default. Fix #10521. Ref #10635.

  • [Fix] Update pointer when type is none. Fix #10570.

  • [Fix] Enhance circular layout: based on symbol size and fix overlap when some value are very smaller than the max value. Fix #10462, Close #10615.

  • [Fix] Support click and tooltip in bar large mode. Fix #10699.


08 Sep 08:49
Choose a tag to compare
4.3.0-rc.2 Pre-release
fix: update package-lock.json, otherwise npm i always throw error in …

…mv xxx/.staging/zrender-47e24bd8/node_modules/@babel/code-frame


30 Aug 07:35
Choose a tag to compare
4.3.0-rc.1 Pre-release
Fix package-lock.json


21 Mar 10:27
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  • [Fix] Fix text cache problem. See #9190, #9597, #9762.

  • [Fix] Fix that in some case re-setOption in event handler throws error. See #9649.

  • [Fix] Fix that geo region problem causes showTip abnormal. See #9156.

  • [Fix] Fix that stacked bars are over cartesian in some cases. See #9346.

  • [Fix] Fix that legend is not able to scroll when the space is not enough to contain one item. See #6743, #8971, #9471.

  • [Fix] Fix that the centered pie label might has some bias on some angles. See #9657.

  • [Fix] Fix that Geo map panning is not working on MS Edge browser See #9479.

  • [Fix] Fix that label dispaly problem in map series. See #9682.

  • [Fix] Fix that visualMap: false set on data items makes subsequent items abnormal. See #8799.

  • [Fix] When axisLabel.interval of a category axis is set as 0, all labels show regardless of overlap. See #9589.

  • [Fix] Fix grid(cartesian) did not render when both containLabel and used.

  • [Fix] Fix license statement.

  • [Fix] rich text boundingRect bug.