- Use tabs, not spaces.
- One tab is four spaces. Configure your editor of choice to reflect this.
- Don't leave trailing spaces on lines.
- Use, at most, one level of indentation. Do NOT do this:
mov ax, 5
mov bx, 5
mov ax, ax ; nop
Use descriptive labels and be explicit. Comments are encouraged on statements that are not obvious.
Use the right register for the job.
If your routine modifies the data within registers, make sure to push and pop said registers prior to and after modification.
- For braces and indentation, follow Allman style. Braces go on separate lines.
- Explicit braces are not necessary in one-line conditionals and loops.
- Use
for both variables and functions. - Experimental functions should be preceeded by two underscores (e.g.
). - Preprocessor macros should be in
- Document ALL source files. All source files should have a header following this rough standard:
/* file_name.extension
Short description of functionality.
Name(s) of Author(s), date of writing
- Document ALL functions. Note return values, arguments, and potential pitfalls. For example:
/* my_function
Does x, y, and z.
Returns an int containing the number of operations performed.
Arguments: int* a, int* b, int* c, pointers to the integers to be used.
Caveats: If a, b, or c is NULL, raises a segfault.
Avoid commenting within functions unless absolutely necessary. A good function should be self-descriptive.
If you modify a file, add yourself as an author in the header.