This is a small library meant to facilitate exploratory data visualization using Vega from within emacs.
In order to use this package, you must have the Vega command line
tools on your path. The easiest way to arrange that is to install the
latest version with using npm
npm install -g vega vega-lite vega-cli
If you need PNG support (for example, if your emacs
hasn't been
compiled with support for SVG rendering), you will also need to
install the canvas
npm install -g canvas
By default this library produces SVG output when used from an emacs
that supports SVG. If you would prefer that it produce PNG -- for
example, if your emacs has trouble displaying SVGs or the drawings you
are producing would be very, very large as SVG (tens of thousands of
embedded data points) -- you can set the var vega-view-prefer-png
any truth-y value to prefer PNGs:
(setq vega-view-prefer-png t)
In addition, view-vega
defaults to using the current working
directory of the buffer in which it is invoked. One can override by
setting the var vega-view-base-directory
to a specific
directory. This can be useful if your specification refers to static
assets using a relative path. Setting vega-view-base-directory
to a false-y value will return the default behavior.
Vega-view currently supports a single interactive function,
, that can be invoked within a top-level form to visualize
it as a Vega plot. Currently, three kinds of Vega notation are
, which is passed directly to Vega. Common Lisp is also supported by generating the JSON to send directly to Vega.elisp
, which is evaluated and converted toJSON
before being passed to Vega. Theelisp
Vega specification format is, not coincidentally, the same as what is produced by calledread-json
on any VegaJSON
, which is evaluated in the buffer's current cider context and converted toJSON
before being passed to Vega. Theclojure
specification format is whateverEDN
would translate into theJSON
specification you want. This is, also not coincidentally, the same format one would use with Oz.
When vega-view
is invoked it first identifies the preceding sexp
(whatever that means for the language of the buffer), performs the
mode-specific conversion described above, then pipes it through the
Vega command line tools to convert the specification to an SVG
drawing. The drawing -- or the errors produced by Vega while trying to
produce it -- are then displayed in an image-mode
buffer called
. (Note that you can toggle between viewing an SVG
image in
an image-mode
buffer as image or text using C-c C-c
in that
Suppose you have a json-mode
buffer containing this Vega specification:
"data": {
"values": [
{"a": "A", "b": 28}, {"a": "B", "b": 55}, {"a": "C", "b": 43},
{"a": "D", "b": 91}, {"a": "E", "b": 81}, {"a": "F", "b": 53},
{"a": "G", "b": 19}, {"a": "H", "b": 87}, {"a": "I", "b": 52}
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "a", "type": "ordinal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0}},
"y": {"field": "b", "type": "quantitative"}
Placing the cursor after the final }
and invoking vega-view
bring up a new window (in the emacs sense of the term) containing an
SVG drawing made from this spec.
The code sample below was produced by invoking pp-eval-last-sexp
after (json-read-file "sample.json")
in the *scratch*
buffer. The
contents of sample.json
are the same as in the JSON
example above.
If we place the cursor after the final parenthesis of this elisp
form, it will show the same drawing that was generated above.
'(($schema . "")
(description . "A simple bar chart with embedded data.")
(values . [((a . "A") (b . 28)) ((a . "B") (b . 55))
((a . "C") (b . 43)) ((a . "D") (b . 91))
((a . "E") (b . 81)) ((a . "F") (b . 53))
((a . "G") (b . 19)) ((a . "H") (b . 87))
((a . "I") (b . 52))]))
(mark . "bar")
(x (field . "a")
(type . "ordinal")
(axis (labelAngle . 0)))
(y (field . "b")
(type . "quantitative"))))
Note that, because the elisp
code is evaluated before being sent to
Vega, one can produce programmatic graphs easily using only
. For example, this code will thread in the contents of a JSON
data file to another example specification to plot the chart that
`(($schema . "")
(values . ,(json-read-file "/Users/jack/src/emacs-vega/data/movies.json")))
(transform . [((filter (and . [((field . "IMDB_Rating")
(valid . t))
((field . "Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating")
(valid . t))])))])
(mark . "rect")
(width . 800)
(height . 600)
(x (bin (maxbins . 60))
(field . "IMDB_Rating")
(type . "quantitative"))
(y (bin (maxbins . 40))
(field . "Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating")
(type . "quantitative"))
(color (aggregate . "count")
(type . "quantitative")))
(config (view (stroke . "transparent"))))
Just as in the case of elisp
, one can write whatever clojure
they prefer and see the result of evaluating it and passing it through
Vega (note that cider must be active!). For example, this form will
plot twenty random values as a line chart:
{:data {:values (map hash-map
(repeat :a)
(range 1 20)
(repeat :b)
(repeatedly #(* 100 (Math/random))))}
:mark "line",
:width 800
:height 600
:encoding {:x {:field :a, :type "ordinal", :axis {"labelAngle" 0}},
:y {:field :b, :type "quantitative"}}}
The Common Lisp library Lisp-Stat's
plot library supports generating
Vega-Lite specifications from its data-frame data type. Similar to the
Clojure support, invoking vega-view
on a variable or expression that
returns a JSON Vega-Lite spec in either a slime-repl-mode
buffer will evaluate it in the current REPL context and
pass the string to the vega-view
processing for JSON
The vega-view
function should be split into two functions, one that
produces a drawing in a similar manner to eval-preceding-sexp
the current function does) and one that works like eval-defun
(converting the top level sexp
Likewise, there should be an easy way to select between Vega-lite and full Vega. Perhaps by checking for the presence of a full Vega schema declaration?
We currently (set! *print-length* nil)
in the cider
handler to
avoid truncation of the return value from the user's clojure
REPL. This is rude, and we should find a better way.