Releases: aquality-automation/aquality-selenium-java
Releases · aquality-automation/aquality-selenium-java
v3.2.0 Support logging preferences from settings.json + update package versions (selenium to v4.7.2)
[Selenium 4][BiDi] Migration to Selenium 4 and DevTools handling
- Migrating to Selenium 4
- Updated dependencies, including log4j
- TimeUnit.* replaced with Duration.of* in selenium waits;
- add Relative locators
- Implemented methods to set attribute value.
- Reworked LocalBrowserFactory, add support of Opera and Yandex browsers
- Implemented shadowRoot functionality wrapper
- add DevTools handling
- Implement devtools interaction interfaces: DevToolsHandling, EmulationHandling, NetworkHandling, JavaScriptHandling.
- Add functions to collect Performance metrics
- Implemented localized logging of HTTP Exchange operations
- Reworked JsActions parameters resolving.
- Add Polish and Ukrainian localization
- Add DevTools section to
- Implemented use cases devTools tests for: JavaScript event listener, CDP command execution, Dom monitoring, Pinned scripts and initialization scripts, Performance metrics, User agent override, Device emulation and emulation domain; Geolocation emulation, Basic authentication, Request \ response handlers, network interception.
Feature/support logging of element property getters
- Added logging of element property getters
- Enhanced logging for ComboBox methods
- Enhanced logging for CheckBox and RadioButton elements
- Add logging of Browser's handle alert methods
- Add logging of Browser's waitForPageToLoad()
- Reworked BrowserFactory, enhance retrying/logging of driver start
- Add logging of current URL
- Add DEBUG logging of capabilities, start arguments and options
- Disable logging of setScriptTimeout if the value wasn't changed
- Support logging of ElementStateProvider methods
- Add logging of JsActions getters: isElementOnScreen and getXPath
- Removed redundant localization values unused in the current lib
- Deprecated Form's isDisplayed() method, add state() instead
Add findChildElements access from IElement, IElementFactory and Form
Update aquality selenium core library version
Enhance ElementFactory to generate more productive xpath for multiple elements
Define additional overloads for findChildElements in IElement and IElementFactory
Implement getFormElement() to call findChildElement and FindChildElements from Form to resolve #99
v2.1.0: Tab manager
- Added new feature to manager browser tabs
v2.0.2: Update Aquality.Selenium.Core to LATEST
- Update Aquality.Selenium.Core to LATEST
- Fix loc.text.masked_value usage in TextBox
- Add Belarusian localization, corrected English and Russian localizations
- Corrected logging for the method sendKeys(Keys key);
- Update package patch version to 2.0.1
v2.0.0: Moving to Aquality.Selenium.Core
This version includes all necessary changes to move selenium-java on aquality-selenium-core-java(
Version 2.0.0 will not be fully compatible with versions 1.x.x. Most conflicts can be easily resolved, but if you have difficulties during migration, please contact us.