All metrics are approximate.
The lead replica's (replica 0) sidecar exposes Prometheus metrics so you can build graphs and monitoring.
Use this metric to determine how many message each replica can process in parallel.
Golden metric type: saturation.
Use this metric to determine how long messages are taking to be processed.
Golden metric type: latency.
Use this to track scaling events.
Only exposed by replica 0.
Golden metric type: traffic.
Use this to track errors.
Golden metric type: error.
Use this to track throughput. Includes retries and errors.
Use this to track errors.
Golden metric type: error.
Use this metric to determine how many retries performed for message processing.
Golden metric type: error.
Use this metric to determine the latency seconds between source timestamp to pipeline consume timestamp
Use this to track throughput.
Golden metric type: traffic.
Use this to track back-pressure.
Only exposed by replica 0.
Golden metric type: traffic.
You may expose Prometheus endpoint on the main container if you want. There is nothing special about this.
Use this to track duplicate messages filtered by a dedupe step.
This is exposed by the main container on port 8080, not by the sidecar or 3569.