The intention with this app was to let the user create pretty Colors just by moving a few sliders. Whether you want to create beautiful solid colors or awesome 4 color gradients, this app has it all (including the ability to copy them to the clipboard). Not only this, you have (light and dark) theme support for folks who like dark theme or prefer the traditional light one. In addition to themes, this app also has different font support. And on top of all this, this app supports saving of your preferences.
Using this app you can create -
- Beautiful Solid Colors.
- Amazing Gradients with upto 4 different colors.
- Copy the stunning Solid and Gradient Colors you made, to your clipboard to share or save them.
- Modify and Save Preferences from a selection of distinct and amazing fonts and choose you favorite theme (dark and light).
To build this project, please make sure that you have flutter installed and once you're ready,
- navigate to the Project root directory and,
- run
flutter run
command in your terminal
you can use your preferred Editor.
This lets you create Solid Colors. It uses ValueListenableBuilder to create, update and display the RGB (Red, Green and Blue) values of the color.
This lets you create Gradient Colors. The Gradient consists of 4 colors (cannot be changed). The 4 colors are saved in a 2D List and the changed are tracked by the Provider pattern (implemented as per BLoC architecture).
This lets you change / set preferences (or choice) for theme (dark / light) and / or font to be used throught the app. The values are loaded when the app is initially opened (and for the settings page, when the settings module is initialized). This all is done using the SharedPreferences package.
Whilst working on this project, I came across some amazing things (in Flutter) and some of them are -
- ValueListenableBuilder.
- Provider.
- SharedPreferences.
- State Management.
- Future (FutureBuilder, Future Functions).
- Async/Await.
- Dart DevTools.
- Themeing (dark / light theme based on user's perferences).
- BLoC.
- Custom Widgets (Modifying already existing material widgets - Modified the default slider's thumb from a circular thumb to a Rounded-Rectangular thumb).
- 3rd Party Dependencies (like Persistent Nav Bar, Google Fonts).
As I continue to work on this project, I will keep learning new things.