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Typescript Email Parser

Parse emails into typed objects, that can be used in your typescript code (Github | npm)

Parsing is done according to the RFC5322 specification, see grammar.

Table of Contents:


Install the project using npm

npm install --save-dev typescript-email-parser


This project is a library for converting emails represented as strings into typed object that can be used by code. It supports Typescript.

It is a complete implementation of the RFC5322 standard, for the specification of the structure of internet messages (i.e. emails).

How to use

You can get an email object by supplying a string to the parse function as shown below. Note that invalid strings will return undefined. (See the grammar below for precise description on valid strings.)

import { Email } from 'typescript-email-parser';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';

// Create an instance by parsing an email as a string
let email = Email.parse(readFileSync('./hello.eml', 'ascii'))!

// Access the various email fields directly
console.log(`Re: ${email.subject}`)

The following properties and their types are available

export class Email {

  // Prepended Field Blocks
  prepended?        : PrependedFieldBlock[]

  // Normal email fields
  to?               : NonemptyList<Address>
  subject?          : string
  from?             : NonemptyList<Mailbox>
  cc?               : NonemptyList<Address>
  bcc?              : NonemptyList<Address>
  sender?           : Mailbox
  reply_to?         : NonemptyList<Address>
  orig_date?        : DateTime
  message_id?       : string
  in_reply_to?      : NonemptyList<string>
  references?       : NonemptyList<string>
  comments?         : string[]
  keywords?         : string[][]
  optional_fields?  : OptionalField[]

   *  Raw body.
   *  The `body` consists of strings that are
   *  a.) terminated by `\r\n` and
   *  b.) max 998 columns wide.
  body?             : string

  /* ... */

Having every field be optional allows emails that are in various states of completion to be validly parsed, and conforms more closely to the rfc5322 spec's grammar.


Some commonly asked questions:

Email not parsing

I'm always getting undefined when I parse a valid email

The parser will parse most emails correctly, however there are two situations where an email can seem correct but is not.

  1. Not using CRLF as line breaks.
  2. The email MUST end in a CRLF line break.

A common way you can get this error is by copying a plain text email into an editor that is configured for that specific file to use \n, such as in your test code. What you can do is just replace \n with \r\n and it should work.

Also, as mentioned in point 2, that it's common for the the last CRLF to be left off when copying an email. If you add a CRLF line break at the end then you should be fine.


This is a new project and contributions are always welcome, just file an issue or open a PR. Things that are needed:

  1. Help writing more tests
  2. Parsing the body of the email into structured chunks, i.e. for multipart messages according to RFC2045
  3. More granular functionality and convenience methods
  4. Maybe a streaming version of this same project?
  5. Refinement of the "rewriter" and that whole process

The project is maintained by Spence. Feel free to open an issue, or contact him directly.

The Grammar

The following EBNF style grammar describes formally how emails are parsed.

// RFC 5322
// See:
// The following is the RFC5322 "Internet Message Format" specification
// using tspeg to represent the grammar and to generate a parser in TS
// This file is intended purely to document (without computed fields)

// "Core Rules" from RFC5234
// See:
CR              :=    '\x0D'              // carriage return, i.e. '\r'
CRLF            :=    '\r\n'              // Internet standard newline
DIGIT           :=    '\d'                // 0-9
TWO_DIGIT       :=    '\d\d'              // 00-99
FOUR_DIGIT      :=    '\d\d\d\d'          // 0000-9999
DQUOTE          :=    '\x22'              // double quote, i.e. '"'
HTAB            :=    '\x09'              // horizontal tab, i.e. 'TAB'
LF              :=    '\x0A'              // linefeed, i.e. '\n'
SP              :=    '\x20'              // space, i.e. 'Space'
VCHAR           :=    '[\x21-\x7E]'       // visible (printing) characters
WSP             :=    SP | HTAB           // white space

// § 3.2.1 Quoted Characters
// See:
quoted_pair     :=    '\\' { VCHAR | WSP }  | obs_qp

// §3.2.2 Folding White Space and Comments
// See:
FWS             :=    { WSP* CRLF }? WSP+ |  obs_FWS
ctext           :=    '[\x21-\x27]' | '[\x2a-\x5b]' | '[\x5d-\x7e]' | obs_ctext
ccontent        :=    ctext | quoted_pair | comment
comment         :=    '\(' { FWS? ccontent }* FWS? '\)'
CFWS            :=    { FWS? comment }+ FWS? | FWS

// § 3.2.3 Atom
// See:
// (Printable US-ASCII characters not including specials. Used for atoms.)
atext           :=    '[A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\x27\*\+\-\/=?^_`{|}~]'
atom            :=    CFWS? atext+ CFWS?
dot_atom_text   :=    atext+ { '\.' atext+ }*
dot_atom        :=    CFWS? dot_atom_text CFWS?

// (Special characters that do not appear in atext)
specials        :=     '\(' |'\)' | '[<>]' | '\[' | '\]' | '[:;@]' | '\\' | ',' | '\.' | DQUOTE

// § 3.2.4 Quoted Strings
// See
// (Printable US-ASCII characters not including '"' or the quote character)
qtext           :=    '\x21' | '[\x23-\x5b]' | '[\x5d-\x7e]' | obs_qtext
qcontent        :=    qtext | quoted_pair
quoted_string   :=    CFWS? DQUOTE { FWS? qcontent }* FWS? DQUOTE CFWS?

// § 3.2.5 Miscellaneous Tokens
// See:
word            :=    atom | quoted_string
phrase          :=    word+ | obs_phrase
unstructured    :=    { FWS? VCHAR }* WSP* | obs_unstruct

// § 3.3.  Date and Time Specification
// See:
date_time       :=    { day_of_week ',' }? date time CFWS?
day_of_week     :=    FWS? day_name | obs_day_of_week
day_name        :=    'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thu' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun'
date            :=    day month year
day             :=    FWS? DIGIT DIGIT? FWS | obs_day
month           :=    'Jan' | 'Feb' | 'Mar' | 'Apr' |
                      'May' | 'Jun' | 'Jul' | 'Aug' |
                      'Sep' | 'Oct' | 'Nov' | 'Dec'
year            :=    FWS FOUR_DIGIT DIGIT* FWS | obs_year
time            :=    time_of_day zone
time_of_day     :=    hour ':' minute { ':' second }?
hour            :=    TWO_DIGIT | obs_hour
minute          :=    TWO_DIGIT | obs_minute
second          :=    TWO_DIGIT | obs_second
zone            :=    FWS { '\+' | '\-' } FOUR_DIGIT | obs_zone

// § 3.4 Address Specification
// See:
address         :=    mailbox | group
mailbox         :=    name_addr | addr_spec
name_addr       :=    display_name? angle_addr
angle_addr      :=    CFWS? '<' addr_spec '>' CFWS? | obs_angle_addr
group           :=    display_name ':' group_list? ';' CFWS?
display_name    :=    phrase
mailbox_list    :=    mailbox { ',' mailbox }* | obs_mbox_list
address_list    :=    address { ',' address }* | obs_addr_list
group_list      :=    mailbox_list | CFWS | obs_group_list

// § 3.4.1 Addr-Spec Specification
// See:
addr_spec       :=    local_part '@' domain
local_part      :=    dot_atom | quoted_string | obs_local_part
domain          :=    dot_atom | domain_literal | obs_domain
domain_literal  :=    CFWS? '\[' { FWS? dtext }* FWS? '\]' CFWS?
// (Printable US-ASCII characters not including '[', ']', or '\"')
dtext           :=    '[\x21-\x5a]' | '[\x5e-\x7e]' | obs_dtext

// § 3.5 Overall Message Syntax
// See:
message         :=    { fields | obs_fields } { CRLF body }?
body            :=    { _998text CRLF }* _998text | obs_body
text            :=    '[\x01-\x09]' | '\x0B' | '\x0C' | '[\x0E-\x7f]' // Characters excluding CR and LF
_998text        :=    '[\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F]{0,998}'            // Note: _998text to workaround tspeg operator

// § 3.6 Field Definitions
// See:
fields          :=    {
                        trace optional_field* |
                        { resent_date | resent_from | resent_sender | resent_to | resent_cc | resent_bcc | resent_msg_id }*
                      { orig_date | from | sender | reply_to | to | cc | bcc | message_id | in_reply_to | references | subject | comments | keywords | optional_field }*

// § 3.6.1. The Origination Date Field
// See:
orig_date       :=   'Date' ':' date_time CRLF

// § 3.6.2 Originator Fields
// See:
from            :=    'From' ':' mailbox_list CRLF
sender          :=    'Sender' ':' mailbox CRLF
reply_to        :=    'Reply-To' ':' address_list CRLF

// § 3.6.3 Destination Address Fields
// See:
to              :=    'To' ':' address_list CRLF
cc              :=    'Cc' ':' address_list CRLF
bcc             :=    'Bcc' ':' { address_list | CFWS }? CRLF

// § 3.6.4 Identification Fields
// See:
message_id      :=    'Message-ID' ':' msg_id CRLF
in_reply_to     :=    'In-Reply-To' ':' msg_id+ CRLF
references      :=    'References' ':' msg_id+ CRLF
msg_id          :=    CFWS? '<' id_left '@' id_right '>' CFWS?
id_left         :=    dot_atom_text | obs_id_left
id_right        :=    dot_atom_text | no_fold_literal | obs_id_right
no_fold_literal :=    '\[' dtext* '\]'

// § 3.6.5 Informational Fields
// See:
subject         :=    'Subject' ':' unstructured CRLF
comments        :=    'Comments' ':' unstructured CRLF
keywords        :=    'Keywords' ':' phrase { ',' phrase }* CRLF

// § 3.6.6 Resent Fields
// See:
resent_date     :=    'Resent-Date' ':' date_time CRLF
resent_from     :=    'Resent-From' ':' mailbox_list CRLF
resent_sender   :=    'Resent-Sender' ':' mailbox CRLF
resent_to       :=    'Resent-To' ':' address_list CRLF
resent_cc       :=    'Resent-Cc' ':' address_list CRLF
resent_bcc      :=    'Resent-Bcc' ':' {address_list | CFWS }? CRLF
resent_msg_id   :=    'Resent-Message-ID' ':' msg_id CRLF

// § 3.6.7 Trace Fields
// See:
trace           :=    return_path? received+
return_path     :=    'Return-Path' ':' path CRLF
path            :=    angle_addr | CFWS? '<' CFWS '>' CFWS?
received        :=    'Received' ':' received_token* ';' date_time CRLF
received_token  :=    word | angle_addr | addr_spec | domain

// § 3.6.8 Optional Fields
// See:
optional_field  :=    field_name ':' unstructured CRLF
field_name      :=    ftext+
ftext           :=    '[\x21-\x39]' |   // ; Printable US-ASCII
                      '[\x3b-\x7e]'     // ;  characters not including  ":".

// § 4.1 Miscellaneous Obsolete Tokens
// See:
// (US-ASCII control characters that do not include the carriage return, line feed, and white space characters)
obs_NO_WS_CTL   :=    '[\x01-\x08]' | '\x0B' | '\x0C' | '[\x0E-\x1F]' | '\x7F'
obs_ctext       :=    obs_NO_WS_CTL
obs_qtext       :=    obs_NO_WS_CTL
obs_utext       :=    '\x00' | obs_NO_WS_CTL | VCHAR
obs_qp          :=    '\\' { '\x00' | obs_NO_WS_CTL | LF | CR }
obs_body        :=    { { LF* CR* { { '\x00' | text } LF* CR* }* } | CRLF }*
obs_unstruct    :=    { { LF* CR* { obs_utext LF* CR* }* } | FWS}*
obs_phrase      :=    word { word | '.' | CFWS }
obs_phrase_list :=    { phrase | CFWS } { ',' { phrase | CFWS }? }*

// § 4.2 Obsolete Folding White Space
// See:
obs_FWS         :=    WSP+ { CRLF WSP+ }*

// § 4.3. Obsolete Date and Time
// See:
obs_day_of_week :=    CFWS? day_name CFWS?
obs_day         :=    CFWS? DIGIT DIGIT? CFWS?
obs_year        :=    CFWS? TWO_DIGIT DIGIT* CFWS?
obs_hour        :=    CFWS? TWO_DIGIT CFWS?
obs_minute      :=    CFWS? TWO_DIGIT CFWS?
obs_second      :=    CFWS? TWO_DIGIT CFWS?
obs_zone        :=    'UT' | 'GMT' |  // ; Universal Time
                                      // ; North American UT
                                      // ; offsets
                      'EST' | 'EDT' | // ; Eastern:  - 5| - 4
                      'CST' | 'CDT' | // ; Central:  - 6| - 5
                      'MST' | 'MDT' | // ; Mountain: - 7| - 6
                      'PST' | 'PDT' | // ; Pacific:  - 8| - 7
                      '[\x41-\x49]' | // ; Military zones - "A"
                      '[\x4b-\x5a]' | // ; through "I" and "K"
                      '[\x61-\x69]' | // ; through "Z", both
                      '[\x6b-\x7a]'   // ; upper and lower case

// § 4.4 Obsolete Addressing
// See:
obs_angle_addr  :=    CFWS? '<' obs_route addr_spec '>' CFWS?
obs_route       :=    obs_domain_list ':'
obs_domain_list :=    { CFWS | ',' }* '@' domain { ',' CFWS? { '@' domain }? }*
obs_mbox_list   :=    { CFWS? ',' }* mailbox { ',' { mailbox | CFWS }? }*
obs_addr_list   :=    { CFWS? ',' }* address { ',' { address | CFWS }? }*
obs_group_list  :=    { CFWS? ',' }+ CFWS?
obs_local_part  :=    word { '\.' word }*
obs_domain      :=    atom { '\.' atom }*
obs_dtext       :=    obs_NO_WS_CTL | quoted_pair

// § 4.5 Obsolete Header Fields
// See:
obs_fields      :=    { obs_return | obs_received | obs_orig_date | obs_from | obs_sender |
                        obs_reply_to | obs_to | obs_cc | obs_bcc | obs_message_id | obs_in_reply_to |
                        obs_references | obs_subject | obs_comments | obs_keywords | obs_resent_date |
                        obs_resent_from | obs_resent_send | obs_resent_rply | obs_resent_to | obs_resent_cc |
                        obs_resent_bcc | obs_resent_mid | obs_optional }*

// § 4.5.1.  Obsolete Origination Date Field
// See:
obs_orig_date   :=    'Date' WSP* ':' date_time CRLF

// § 4.5.2.  Obsolete Originator Fields
// See:
obs_from        :=    'From' WSP* ':' mailbox_list CRLF
obs_sender      :=    'Sender' WSP* ':' mailbox CRLF
obs_reply_to    :=    'Reply-To' WSP* ':' address_list CRLF

// § 4.5.3.  Obsolete Destination Address Fields
// See:
obs_to          :=    'To' WSP* ':' address_list CRLF
obs_cc          :=    'Cc' WSP* ':' address_list CRLF
obs_bcc         :=    'Bcc' WSP* ':' { address_list | { CFWS? ',' }* CFWS? } CRLF

// § 4.5.4.  Obsolete Identification Fields
// See:
obs_message_id  :=    'Message-ID' WSP* ':' msg_id CRLF
obs_in_reply_to :=    'In-Reply-To' WSP* ':' { phrase | msg_id }* CRLF
obs_references  :=    'References' WSP* ':' { phrase | msg_id }* CRLF
obs_id_left     :=    local_part
obs_id_right    :=    domain

// § 4.5.5.  Obsolete Informational Fields
// See:
obs_subject     :=    'Subject'   WSP* ':' unstructured     CRLF
obs_comments    :=    'Comments'  WSP* ':' unstructured     CRLF
obs_keywords    :=    'Keywords'  WSP* ':' obs_phrase_list  CRLF

// § 4.5.6.  Obsolete Resent Fields
// See:
// The obsolete syntax adds a 'Resent-Reply-To:' field, which consists of the field name, the optional comments and folding white space, the colon, and a comma separated list of addresses.
obs_resent_from :=    'Resent-From'       WSP* ':' mailbox_list CRLF
obs_resent_send :=    'Resent-Sender'     WSP* ':' mailbox      CRLF
obs_resent_date :=    'Resent-Date'       WSP* ':' date_time    CRLF
obs_resent_to   :=    'Resent-To'         WSP* ':' address_list CRLF
obs_resent_cc   :=    'Resent-Cc'         WSP* ':' address_list CRLF
obs_resent_bcc  :=    'Resent-Bcc'        WSP* ':' { address_list | { CFWS? ',' }* CFWS? } CRLF
obs_resent_mid  :=    'Resent-Message-ID' WSP* ':' msg_id CRLF
obs_resent_rply :=    'Resent-Reply-To'   WSP* ':' address_list CRLF

// As with other resent fields, the 'Resent-Reply-To:' field is to be treated as trace information only.

// § 4.5.7.  Obsolete Trace Fields
// See:
//The obs_return and obs_received are again given here as template definitions, just as return and received are in section 3.  Their full syntax is given in [RFC5321].
obs_return      :=    'Return-Path'       WSP* ':' path CRLF
obs_received    :=    'Received'          WSP* ':' received_token* CRLF

// § 4.5.8.  Obsolete optional fields
// See:
obs_optional    :=    field_name WSP* ':' unstructured CRLF