Service used to listen for VRF requests and handle them.
The service is run through the CLI, to have more information you can use the --help
.venv ❯ python vrf_listener/ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
VRF Listener entry point.
Logging level.
-n, --network [sepolia|mainnet]
Which network to listen. Defaults to
SEPOLIA. [required]
--rpc-url TEXT RPC url used by the onchain client.
--vrf-address TEXT Address of the VRF contract [required]
--admin-address TEXT Address of the Admin contract [required]
-p, --private-key TEXT Private key of the signer. Format:
aws:secret_name, plain:private_key, or
env:ENV_VAR_NAME [required]
-t, --check-requests-interval INTEGER RANGE
Delay in seconds between checks for VRF
requests. Defaults to 10 seconds. [x>=0]
--ignore-request-threshold INTEGER RANGE
Blocks to ignore before the current block
for the handling. [x>=0]
--index-with-apibara Self index the VRF requests using Apibara
instead of using
--apibara-api-key TEXT Apibara API key. Needed when indexing with
-w, --whitelisted HEX_STRING List of whitelisted addresses for which we
won't check their fees and pay for them if
--help Show this message and exit.
For example:
uv run vrf_listener --vrf-address $PRAGMA_VRF_CONTRACT --admin-address $PRAGMA_ORACLE_ADMIN --private-key plain:$PRAGMA_ADMIN_PV_KEY -w $ADDR_1 -w $ADDR_2 # ...
Will start listening for VRF requests on Sepolia every 10 seconds since block 0.