diff --git a/reproject/common.py b/reproject/common.py
index 64f8598a8..b5b0a0047 100644
--- a/reproject/common.py
+++ b/reproject/common.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 def as_delayed_memmap_path(array, tmp_dir):
+    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()  # FIXME
     if isinstance(array, da.core.Array):
         array_path, _ = _dask_to_numpy_memmap(array, tmp_dir)
diff --git a/reproject/mosaicking/coadd.py b/reproject/mosaicking/coadd.py
index 8de178e35..49f2be1d0 100644
--- a/reproject/mosaicking/coadd.py
+++ b/reproject/mosaicking/coadd.py
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
 # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+import os
+import tempfile
+import uuid
+from itertools import product
+from math import ceil
+import dask
+import dask.array as da
 import numpy as np
 from astropy.wcs import WCS
+from astropy.wcs.utils import pixel_to_pixel
 from astropy.wcs.wcsapi import SlicedLowLevelWCS
 from ..utils import parse_input_data, parse_input_weights, parse_output_projection
@@ -24,6 +33,9 @@ def reproject_and_coadd(
+    parallel=False,
+    block_size=None,
+    return_type="numpy",
@@ -97,6 +109,17 @@ def reproject_and_coadd(
         The final output footprint array.  Specify this if you already have an
         appropriately-shaped array to store the data in.  Must match shape
         specified with ``shape_out`` or derived from the output projection.
+    parallel : bool or int
+        Flag for parallel implementation. If ``True``, a parallel implementation
+        is chosen, the number of processes selected automatically to be equal to
+        the number of logical CPUs detected on the machine. If ``False``, a
+        serial implementation is chosen. If the flag is a positive integer ``n``
+        greater than one, a parallel implementation using ``n`` processes is chosen.
+    block_size : tuple, optional
+        The block size to use for computing the output. Note that this cannot
+        be used with the ``match_background`` option.
+    return_type : {'numpy', 'dask'}, optional
+        Whether to return numpy or dask arrays - defaults to 'numpy'.
         Keyword arguments to be passed to the reprojection function.
@@ -124,10 +147,36 @@ def reproject_and_coadd(
             "reprojection function should be specified with the reproject_function argument"
+    if block_size is not None:
+        if match_background:
+            raise ValueError("Cannot specify match_background=True and block_size simultaneously")
+        if input_weights is not None:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot yet specify input weights when block_size is set")
     # Parse the output projection to avoid having to do it for each
     wcs_out, shape_out = parse_output_projection(output_projection, shape_out=shape_out)
+    if block_size is None:
+        if parallel:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot use parallel= if block_size is not set")
+        if len(shape_out) != 2:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Only 2-dimensional reprojections are supported when block_size is not set"
+            )
+    else:
+        if not isinstance(block_size, tuple):
+            block_size = (block_size,) * len(shape_out)
+        # Pad shape_out so that it is a multiple of the block size along each dimension
+        shape_out_original = shape_out
+        shape_out = tuple(
+            [ceil(shape_out[i] / block_size[i]) * block_size[i] for i in range(len(shape_out))]
+        )
     if output_array is not None and output_array.shape != shape_out:
         raise ValueError(
             "If you specify an output array, it must have a shape matching "
@@ -161,18 +210,32 @@ def reproject_and_coadd(
         # minimal footprint. We therefore find the pixel coordinates of the
         # edges of the initial image and transform this to pixel coordinates in
         # the final image to figure out the final WCS and shape to reproject to
-        # for each tile. We strike a balance between transforming only the
-        # input-image corners, which is fast but can cause clipping in cases of
-        # significant distortion (when the edges of the input image become
-        # convex in the output projection), and transforming every edge pixel,
-        # which provides a lot of redundant information.
-        ny, nx = array_in.shape
-        n_per_edge = 11
-        xs = np.linspace(-0.5, nx - 0.5, n_per_edge)
-        ys = np.linspace(-0.5, ny - 0.5, n_per_edge)
-        xs = np.concatenate((xs, np.full(n_per_edge, xs[-1]), xs, np.full(n_per_edge, xs[0])))
-        ys = np.concatenate((np.full(n_per_edge, ys[0]), ys, np.full(n_per_edge, ys[-1]), ys))
-        xc_out, yc_out = wcs_out.world_to_pixel(wcs_in.pixel_to_world(xs, ys))
+        # for each tile.
+        if len(shape_out) == 2:
+            # We strike a balance between transforming only the input-image
+            # corners, which is fast but can cause clipping in cases of
+            # significant distortion (when the edges of the input image become
+            # convex in the output projection), and transforming every edge
+            # pixel, which provides a lot of redundant information.
+            ny, nx = array_in.shape
+            n_per_edge = 11
+            xs = np.linspace(-0.5, nx - 0.5, n_per_edge)
+            ys = np.linspace(-0.5, ny - 0.5, n_per_edge)
+            xs = np.concatenate((xs, np.full(n_per_edge, xs[-1]), xs, np.full(n_per_edge, xs[0])))
+            ys = np.concatenate((np.full(n_per_edge, ys[0]), ys, np.full(n_per_edge, ys[-1]), ys))
+            pixel_in = xs, ys
+        else:
+            # We use only the corners of cubes and higher dimension datasets
+            pixel_in = next(
+                zip(
+                    *product([(-0.5, shape_out[::-1][i] - 0.5) for i in range(len(shape_out))]),
+                    strict=False,
+                )
+            )
+            pixel_in = [np.array(p) for p in pixel_in]
+        pixel_out = pixel_to_pixel(wcs_in, wcs_out, *pixel_in)
         # Determine the cutout parameters
@@ -180,133 +243,245 @@ def reproject_and_coadd(
         # such as all-sky images or full solar disk views. In this case we skip
         # this step and just use the full output WCS for reprojection.
-        if np.any(np.isnan(xc_out)) or np.any(np.isnan(yc_out)):
-            imin = 0
-            imax = shape_out[1]
-            jmin = 0
-            jmax = shape_out[0]
+        if any([np.any(np.isnan(c_out)) for c_out in pixel_out]):
+            wcs_out_indiv = wcs_out
+            shape_out_indiv = shape_out
+            slices_out = [slice(0, shape_out[i]) for i in range(len(shape_out))]
-            imin = max(0, int(np.floor(xc_out.min() + 0.5)))
-            imax = min(shape_out[1], int(np.ceil(xc_out.max() + 0.5)))
-            jmin = max(0, int(np.floor(yc_out.min() + 0.5)))
-            jmax = min(shape_out[0], int(np.ceil(yc_out.max() + 0.5)))
+            # Determine indices - note the reverse order compared to pixel
-        if imax < imin or jmax < jmin:
-            continue
+            slices_out = []
+            shape_out_indiv = []
-        if isinstance(wcs_out, WCS):
-            wcs_out_indiv = wcs_out[jmin:jmax, imin:imax]
-        else:
-            wcs_out_indiv = SlicedLowLevelWCS(
-                wcs_out.low_level_wcs, (slice(jmin, jmax), slice(imin, imax))
-            )
+            empty = False
+            for i, c_out in enumerate(pixel_out[::-1]):
+                imin = max(0, int(np.floor(c_out.min() + 0.5)))
+                imax = min(shape_out[i], int(np.ceil(c_out.max() + 0.5)))
+                if imax < imin:
+                    empty = True
+                    break
+                # If block size is given, round to nearest block size
+                if block_size is not None:
+                    if imin % block_size[i] != 0:
+                        imin = (imin // block_size[i]) * block_size[i]
+                    if imax % block_size[i] != 0:
+                        imax = (imax // block_size[i] + 1) * block_size[i]
-        shape_out_indiv = (jmax - jmin, imax - imin)
+                slices_out.append(slice(imin, imax))
+                shape_out_indiv.append(imax - imin)
+            if empty:
+                continue
+            shape_out_indiv = tuple(shape_out_indiv)
+            if isinstance(wcs_out, WCS):
+                wcs_out_indiv = wcs_out[slices_out]
+            else:
+                wcs_out_indiv = SlicedLowLevelWCS(wcs_out.low_level_wcs, slices_out)
         # TODO: optimize handling of weights by making reprojection functions
         # able to handle weights, and make the footprint become the combined
         # footprint + weight map
-        array, footprint = reproject_function(
-            (array_in, wcs_in),
-            output_projection=wcs_out_indiv,
-            shape_out=shape_out_indiv,
-            hdu_in=hdu_in,
-            **kwargs,
-        )
-        if weights_in is not None:
-            weights, _ = reproject_function(
-                (weights_in, wcs_in),
+        if block_size is None:
+            array, footprint = reproject_function(
+                (array_in, wcs_in),
+                return_type="numpy",
-        # For the purposes of mosaicking, we mask out NaN values from the array
-        # and set the footprint to 0 at these locations.
-        reset = np.isnan(array)
-        array[reset] = 0.0
-        footprint[reset] = 0.0
+            if weights_in is not None:
+                weights = reproject_function(
+                    (weights_in, wcs_in),
+                    output_projection=wcs_out_indiv,
+                    shape_out=shape_out_indiv,
+                    hdu_in=hdu_in,
+                    return_footprint=False,
+                    **kwargs,
+                )
-        # Combine weights and footprint
-        if weights_in is not None:
-            weights[reset] = 0.0
-            footprint *= weights
+            # For the purposes of mosaicking, we mask out NaN values from the array
+            # and set the footprint to 0 at these locations.
+            reset = np.isnan(array)
+            array[reset] = 0.0
+            footprint[reset] = 0.0
+            # Combine weights and footprint
+            if weights_in is not None:
+                weights[reset] = 0.0
+                footprint *= weights
+            array = ReprojectedArraySubset(
+                array,
+                footprint,
+                slices_out[1].start,
+                slices_out[1].stop,
+                slices_out[0].start,
+                slices_out[0].stop,
+            )
-        array = ReprojectedArraySubset(array, footprint, imin, imax, jmin, jmax)
+            # TODO: make sure we gracefully handle the case where the
+            # output image is empty (due e.g. to no overlap).
-        # TODO: make sure we gracefully handle the case where the
-        # output image is empty (due e.g. to no overlap).
+        else:
+            array = reproject_function(
+                (array_in, wcs_in),
+                output_projection=wcs_out_indiv,
+                shape_out=shape_out_indiv,
+                hdu_in=hdu_in,
+                return_footprint=False,
+                return_type="dask",
+                parallel=parallel,
+                block_size=block_size,
+                **kwargs,
+            )
-        arrays.append(array)
+            # Pad the array so that it covers the whole output area
+            array = da.pad(
+                array,
+                [(sl.start, shape_out[i] - sl.stop) for i, sl in enumerate(slices_out)],
+                constant_values=np.nan,
+            )
-    # If requested, try and match the backgrounds.
-    if match_background and len(arrays) > 1:
-        offset_matrix = determine_offset_matrix(arrays)
-        corrections = solve_corrections_sgd(offset_matrix)
-        if background_reference:
-            corrections -= corrections[background_reference]
-        for array, correction in zip(arrays, corrections, strict=True):
-            array.array -= correction
-    # At this point, the images are now ready to be co-added.
-    if output_array is None:
-        output_array = np.zeros(shape_out)
-    if output_footprint is None:
-        output_footprint = np.zeros(shape_out)
-    if combine_function == "min":
-        output_array[...] = np.inf
-    elif combine_function == "max":
-        output_array[...] = -np.inf
-    if combine_function in ("mean", "sum"):
-        for array in arrays:
-            # By default, values outside of the footprint are set to NaN
-            # but we set these to 0 here to avoid getting NaNs in the
-            # means/sums.
-            array.array[array.footprint == 0] = 0
-            output_array[array.view_in_original_array] += array.array * array.footprint
-            output_footprint[array.view_in_original_array] += array.footprint
+        arrays.append(array)
-        if combine_function == "mean":
-            with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
-                output_array /= output_footprint
-                output_array[output_footprint == 0] = 0
-    elif combine_function in ("first", "last", "min", "max"):
-        for array in arrays:
-            if combine_function == "first":
-                mask = (output_footprint[array.view_in_original_array] == 0) & (array.footprint > 0)
-            elif combine_function == "last":
-                mask = array.footprint > 0
-            elif combine_function == "min":
-                mask = (array.footprint > 0) & (
-                    array.array < output_array[array.view_in_original_array]
+    if block_size is None:
+        # If requested, try and match the backgrounds.
+        if match_background and len(arrays) > 1:
+            offset_matrix = determine_offset_matrix(arrays)
+            corrections = solve_corrections_sgd(offset_matrix)
+            if background_reference:
+                corrections -= corrections[background_reference]
+            for array, correction in zip(arrays, corrections, strict=True):
+                array.array -= correction
+        # At this point, the images are now ready to be co-added.
+        if output_array is None:
+            output_array = np.zeros(shape_out)
+        if output_footprint is None:
+            output_footprint = np.zeros(shape_out)
+        if combine_function == "min":
+            output_array[...] = np.inf
+        elif combine_function == "max":
+            output_array[...] = -np.inf
+        if combine_function in ("mean", "sum"):
+            for array in arrays:
+                # By default, values outside of the footprint are set to NaN
+                # but we set these to 0 here to avoid getting NaNs in the
+                # means/sums.
+                array.array[array.footprint == 0] = 0
+                output_array[array.view_in_original_array] += array.array * array.footprint
+                output_footprint[array.view_in_original_array] += array.footprint
+            if combine_function == "mean":
+                with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
+                    output_array /= output_footprint
+                    output_array[output_footprint == 0] = 0
+        elif combine_function in ("first", "last", "min", "max"):
+            for array in arrays:
+                if combine_function == "first":
+                    mask = (output_footprint[array.view_in_original_array] == 0) & (
+                        array.footprint > 0
+                    )
+                elif combine_function == "last":
+                    mask = array.footprint > 0
+                elif combine_function == "min":
+                    mask = (array.footprint > 0) & (
+                        array.array < output_array[array.view_in_original_array]
+                    )
+                elif combine_function == "max":
+                    mask = (array.footprint > 0) & (
+                        array.array > output_array[array.view_in_original_array]
+                    )
+                output_footprint[array.view_in_original_array] = np.where(
+                    mask, array.footprint, output_footprint[array.view_in_original_array]
-            elif combine_function == "max":
-                mask = (array.footprint > 0) & (
-                    array.array > output_array[array.view_in_original_array]
+                output_array[array.view_in_original_array] = np.where(
+                    mask, array.array, output_array[array.view_in_original_array]
-            output_footprint[array.view_in_original_array] = np.where(
-                mask, array.footprint, output_footprint[array.view_in_original_array]
-            )
-            output_array[array.view_in_original_array] = np.where(
-                mask, array.array, output_array[array.view_in_original_array]
-            )
+        elif combine_function == "median":
+            # Here we need to operate in chunks since we could otherwise run
+            # into memory issues
+            raise NotImplementedError("combine_function='median' is not yet implemented")
+        if combine_function in ("min", "max"):
+            output_array[output_footprint == 0] = 0.0
-    elif combine_function == "median":
-        # Here we need to operate in chunks since we could otherwise run
-        # into memory issues
+        return output_array, output_footprint
-        raise NotImplementedError("combine_function='median' is not yet implemented")
+    else:
+        # TODO: make use of the footprints e.g. in the weighting for the mean/sum
-    if combine_function in ("min", "max"):
-        output_array[output_footprint == 0] = 0.0
+        stacked_array = da.stack(arrays)
-    return output_array, output_footprint
+        if combine_function == "mean":
+            result = da.nanmean(stacked_array, axis=0)
+        elif combine_function == "sum":
+            result = da.nansum(stacked_array, axis=0)
+        elif combine_function == "max":
+            result = da.nanmax(stacked_array, axis=0)
+        elif combine_function == "min":
+            result = da.nanmin(stacked_array, axis=0)
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                "combine_function={combine_function} not yet implemented when block_size is set"
+            )
+        result = result[
+            tuple([slice(0, shape_out_original[i]) for i in range(len(shape_out_original))])
+        ]
+        if return_type == "dask":
+            return result, None
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
+            if parallel:
+                # As discussed in https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/9556, da.store
+                # will not work well in multiprocessing mode when the destination is a
+                # Numpy array. Instead, in this case we save the dask array to a zarr
+                # array on disk which can be done in parallel, and re-load it as a dask
+                # array. We can then use da.store in the next step using the
+                # 'synchronous' scheduler since that is I/O limited so does not need
+                # to be done in parallel.
+                if isinstance(parallel, int):
+                    if parallel > 0:
+                        workers = {"num_workers": parallel}
+                    else:
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "The number of processors to use must be strictly positive"
+                        )
+                else:
+                    workers = {}
+                zarr_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{uuid.uuid4()}.zarr")
+                with dask.config.set(scheduler="processes", **workers):
+                    result.to_zarr(zarr_path)
+                result = da.from_zarr(zarr_path)
+            if output_array is None:
+                return result.compute(scheduler="synchronous"), None
+            else:
+                da.store(
+                    result,
+                    output_array,
+                    compute=True,
+                    scheduler="synchronous",
+                )
+                return output_array, None