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(almost) realtime unfollower detection for any social services πŸ¦œβ›“οΈπŸ”’


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(almost) realtime unfollower detection for any social services


Cage is a cli application for detecting unfollowers on any social services. this application will check all of your followers using each watcher and compare them to the previous check. if there is a difference, it will notify you of the changes.


$ npm install -g cage-cli@dev

$ cage --help

Usage: cage [options]

(almost) realtime unfollower detection for any social services πŸ¦œβ›“οΈπŸ”’

  -c, --config <path>    path to the configuration file (default: "./config.json")
  -d, --database <path>  path to the database file (default: "./data.sqlite")
  -p, --drop-database    delete the old database file
  -v, --verbose          enable verbose level logging
  -V, --version          output the version number
  -h, --help             display help for command

or you can just deploy with docker if you want:

$ docker run -d --name cage async3619/cage -v /path/to/config.json:/home/node/config.json

of course, you can also use docker-compose:

version: "3.9"

        image: async3619/cage
            - /path/to/config.json:/home/node/config.json

Watchers and Notifiers


Watchers are independent feature that has the ability to watch to check users who follow your account per service.

Supported Watchers

Service Support?
Twitter βœ…
GitHub βœ…
Mastodon βœ…
Instagram βœ…
TikTok ❌
YouTube ❌
Twitch ❌
Facebook ❌
Reddit ❌
Discord ❌


When we detect unfollowers, new followers, or any other events, Cage will notify you via Notifiers.

Supported Notifiers

Service Support?
Discord Webhook βœ…
Telegram Bot βœ…
Slack Webhook βœ…
Email ❌


this application reads configuration file from ./cage.config.json by default. if there's no configuration file to read, this application will create you a default configuration file for you:

    "watchInterval": 60000,
    "watchers": {},
    "notifiers": {}

you can use json schema file config.schema.json on this repository.

watchInterval: number (required)

specify watching interval in millisecond format. minimal value is 60000.

watchers: Record<string, WatcherOptions> (required)


Internally, Cage uses Rettiwt-API to get the followers list. so you need to get the API Key with extensions that provided by the author. you can see the instruction here.

    "type": "twitter", // required
    "apiKey": "API Key that retrieved with X Auth Helper extension", // string, required
    "username": "your twitter username", // string


watcher configuration for GitHub service.

    "type": "github", // required
    "authToken": "personal access token of your github account" // string, required


watcher configuration for Instagram service.

    "type": "instagram", // required
    "username": "your instagram username", // string, required
    "password": "your instagram password", // string, required
    "targetUserName": "target instagram username you want to crawl followers", // string, required
    "requestDelay": 1000 // number, optional, default: 1000
    // requestDelay is the delay time between each request to instagram server.
    // this is to prevent getting banned from instagram server.

notifiers: Record<string, NotifierOptions> (required)


notifier configuration for Discord Webhook notifier.

    "type": "discord",
    "webhookUrl": "Discord Webhook url" // string, required


notifier configuration for Telegram Bot notifier.

    "type": "telegram",
    "botToken": "token that generated from", // string, required
    "url": "custom notification relay server url" // string, optional

In most cases, you will not need url property since since Cage already provides hosted version of this server out of the box. but if you want to use custom notification relay server, take a look this repoitory.


notifier configuration for Slack Webhook notifier.

    "type": "slack",
    "webhookUrl": "Slack Webhook url" // string, required