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Releases: atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit

Release 6.0.1

15 Dec 10:19
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Hotfix release version 6.0.1


  • Bumped log4j-api, log4j-core and log4j-slf4j-impl versions to 2.16.0

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 6.0.0

14 Dec 13:34
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Version 6.0.0


  • Bamboo Data Center 8.1.0 support.
  • Python 3.9 support.


  • Locust events hooks.
  • Log messages check.


  • Bump chromedriver to 96.0.4664.45 to support Chrome browser version 96.
  • Bump downstream libraries' versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 5.2.0

17 Nov 15:50
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Version 5.2.0


  • Bump supported versions:
    • Jira LTS from 8.13.10 to 8.13.13
    • New Jira LTS 8.20.1
    • EOL Jira LTS 8.5.x
    • Jira Service Management LTS from 4.13.10 to 4.13.13
    • New Jira Service Management LTS 4.20.1
    • EOL Jira Service Management LTS 4.5.x
    • Confluence LTS from 7.4.11 to 7.4.13
    • Confluence LTS from 7.13.0 to 7.13.2
    • Bitbucket LTS from 7.6.9 to 7.6.10
    • New Bitbucket LTS 7.17.1
    • EOL Bitbucket LTS 6.10.x
    • EOL Bitbucket Platform 7.0.x
    • Crowd from 4.3.5 to 4.4.0
  • Retry logic for Confluence data preparation script.


  • Documentation updates and improvements.
  • JSM data preparation script in case of app-specific issues.
  • JSM and Bitbucket selenium actions stability improvements.
  • Get node information in case of a server product.


  • Updated Bitbucket user guide.
  • Bump bzt version up to 1.16.0.
  • Bump locust version to 2.5.0.
  • Bump chromedriver version up to 95.0.4638.69 to support Chrome browser version 95.
  • Bump downstream libraries versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 5.1.0

20 Sep 11:31
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Version 5.1.0


  • Bump supported versions:
    • Jira LTS from 8.5.15 to 8.5.18
    • Jira LTS from 8.13.7 to 8.13.10
    • Jira Service Management LTS from 4.5.15 to 4.5.18
    • Jira Service Management LTS from 4.13.7 to 4.13.10
    • Confluence LTS from 7.4.9 to 7.4.11
    • New Confluence LTS 7.13.0
    • Bitbucket LTS from 6.10.11 to 6.10.13
    • Bitbucket LTS from 7.6.7 to 7.6.9
    • Crowd from 4.3.0 to 4.3.5
  • Retry logic for Confluence data preparation script.
  • Check for toolkit updates.


  • Documentation updates and improvements.
  • JSM Selenium actions stability improvements.
  • Error handling in case of incorrect force flag usage for util scripts.
  • Crowd base_url propagation.


  • Updated Bitbucket user guide.
  • Bump bzt version up to 1.15.4.
  • Bump locust version to 1.6.0.
  • Bump chromedriver version up to 93.0.4577.63 to support Chrome browser version 93.
  • Bump downstream libraries versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 5.0.0

23 Jun 11:35
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Version 5.0.0


  • Crowd DC support.
  • Bump supported versions:
    • Jira LTS from 8.5.12 to 8.5.15
    • Jira LTS from 8.13.4 to 8.13.7
    • Jira Service Management LTS from 4.5.12 to 4.5.15
    • Jira Service Management LTS from 4.13.4 to 4.13.7
    • Confluence LTS from 7.4.8 to 7.4.9
    • Bitbucket LTS from 6.10.9 to 6.10.11
    • Bitbucket LTS from 7.6.4 to 7.6.7
  • Retry logic for JSM data preparation script.


  • Documentation updates and improvements.
  • Selenium and JMeter actions stability.
  • Dockerfile issue with bintray repo.
  • Invalid XML character error for JSM.
  • Confluence dataset to make view_blog action timings more stable.
  • Run as specific user logic for Locust scripts.


  • Updated Locust scripts according to the latest Jira and Confluence releases.
  • Bump chromedriver version up to 91.0.4472.101 to support Chrome browser version 91.
  • Bump downstream libraries' versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 4.2.0

26 Apr 12:19
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Version 4.2.0


  • Ability to run app_specific_action as a specific_user for JMeter.
  • Log active node_id for selenium scripts.
  • Improved pacing logic for JMeter scripts.
  • Scenario status on the charts.


  • Documentation updates and improvements.
  • Clear selenium browser cookies for each iteration.
  • Improved script to handle log rotation edge case.
  • Updated JMeter actions to the latest product updates.
  • Fixed total git operation count for Bitbucket.
  • Fixed success rate calculation logic for selenium scenarios.
  • Fixed selenium login for confluence in case of a server.
  • Selenium and JMeter actions stability.


  • Actions percentages for all products to make distribution better.
  • Removed Python 3.6 support
  • Bump bzt version up to 1.15.3.
  • Bump locust version to 1.4.4.
  • Bump chromedriver version up to 90.0.4430.24 to support Chrome browser version 90.
  • Bump downstream libraries' versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 4.1.0

17 Mar 14:21
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Version 4.1.0


  • Bump supported versions:
    • Jira LTS from 8.5.11 to 8.5.12
    • Jira LTS from 8.13.3 to 8.13.4
    • Jira Service Management LTS from 4.5.10 to 4.5.12
    • Jira Service Management LTS from 4.13.2 to 4.13.4
    • Confluence LTS from 7.4.6 to 7.4.8
    • Bitbucket LTS from 6.10.7 to 6.10.9
    • Bitbucket LTS from 7.6.2 to 7.6.4
  • Automatically zipping result directories after running chart generator script.
  • Possibility to run app_specific_action as specific_user for Locust and Selenium.
  • Catalina options for Confluence provisioning to increase Indexing performance.
  • Auto-disable of Bitbucket pull request auto-decline feature.
  • App-specific labeling on the resulting chart.


  • Custom dataset support for Jira Service Management.
  • Documentation for toolkit local environment setup.
  • Unicode support to the Locust scripts.
  • Selenium login and logout actions logic for all supported products.
  • Error handling for analytics scripts.
  • Selenium actions stability.


  • Bump bzt version up to 1.15.2.
  • Bump locust version to 1.4.3.
  • Bump chromedriver version up to 89.0.4389.23 to support Chrome browser version 89.
  • Bump downstream libraries' versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 4.0.0

20 Jan 15:44
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Version 4.0.0


  • Jira Service Management support
    • JSM LTS 4.5.10 and 4.13.2
    • User Guide for JSM
    • JSM “large“ and “small“ datasets
  • Bump supported versions:
    • Jira LTS from 8.5.8 to 8.5.11
    • New Jira LTS 8.13.3
    • Confluence LTS from 7.4.4 to 7.4.6
    • Bitbucket LTS from 6.10.5 to 6.10.7
    • New Bitbucket LTS 7.6.2
  • Util script to simplify usage of JMeter UI for debugging and app-specific actions development.
  • Average action timings into results_summary.log.
  • Warning if basic action timing exceeds 20 seconds threshold.
  • Recommended storage amount to the execution environment section of the User Guide.
  • AWS vCPU limit note in the User Guide.
  • How to stop the database instructions in the User Guide.


  • Support deprecated:
    • EOL Jira 7.13.x and 8.0.x
    • EOL Confluence 6.13.x


  • Confluence script to properly check if an index snapshot generation is finished without a need to re-run the script.
  • Jira get index nodes logic to count only active and alive nodes.
  • Confluence re-index instructions in the User Guide.
  • Explanation of the acceptable error rate for full-scale runs in the User Guide.
  • Bitbucket language check header.
  • Bitbucket selenium_create_pull_request action selector to make the action more stable.
  • The naming convention for all actions.
  • Confluence JMeter create_page action edge case when the page has an incorrect name.


  • Pin supported Python versions to 3.6-3.8.
  • Bump bzt version up to 1.15.1.
  • Bump locust version to 1.3.1.
  • Bump chromedriver version up to 88.0.4324.27 to support Chrome browser version 88.
  • Bump downstream libraries' versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 3.2.0

15 Oct 14:11
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Version 3.2.0


  • Bump supported versions:
    • Jira LTS from 8.5.6 to 8.5.8
    • Confluence LTS 7.4.4 (new)
  • Custom dataset filtering feature.
  • Support of self-signed SSL certificate - secure: True/False toggle in .yml configuration files.
  • Check if a run has app-specific actions in results_summary.log.
  • Different levels of warnings and errors logging into bzt.log.
  • Check if the toolkit executed against Bitbucket Server.
  • Force set a language for Selenium scripts to English.


  • Locust scripts error handling.
  • Fail immediately subsequent locust actions if login action failed.
  • Bitbucket Selenium scripts case when a pull request has conflicts.
  • Confluence JMeter and Locust scripts to run with a postfix.
  • Confluence Selenium write_content method to not rely on a <p> tag.
  • Removed hipchat requests from Confluence JMeter and Locust scripts.
  • Edge case when project key matched JQL reserved words.


  • Redesigned User Guides:
    • updated workflows
    • improved sections order
    • development and execution environment
    • new examples for JMeter, Locust, and Selenium app-specific actions development
  • Bump bzt version up to 1.15.0.
  • Bump locust version to 1.2.3.
  • Bump chromedriver version up to 86.0.4240.22 to support Chrome browser version 86.
  • Bump downstream libraries' versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Release 3.1.0

19 Aug 14:22
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Version 3.1.0


  • Bump supported versions:
    • Jira LTS from 7.13.6 to 7.13.15
    • Jira LTS from 8.5.0 to 8.5.6
    • Confluence LTS from 6.13.8 to 6.13.13
    • Confluence Platform from 7.0.4 to 7.0.5
    • Confluence LTS 7.4.x is not supported yet (work in progress, support will be added in upcoming releases)
    • Bitbucket LTS from 6.10.0 to 6.10.5
    • Bitbucket Platform from 7.0.0 to 7.0.5
  • Instructions on how to stop cluster nodes into User Guides.
  • Check if the user stated in the .yml configuration files has sufficient permissions for the run.
  • Ability run tests with both RTE enabled and RTE disabled for Jira.


  • Bug in verify response logic for correct error handling.
  • Get Jira nodes count logic to filter only active nodes.
    Confluence script to handle multi snapshot case.


  • Recommended AWS Quickstart CloudFormantion templates parameters to reduce AWS costs.
  • Prepare dataset by the performance users, but not by the admin user to reduce data permission issues.
  • Read WEBDRIVER_VISIBLE from .yml configuration file instead of the corresponding environment variable.
  • Bump ChromeDriver version up to 84.0.4147.30 to support Chrome browser version 84.
  • Bump downstream libraries' versions.

Upgrade instructions

  • git pull from master branch
  • activate virtual env for the toolkit (see for details)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt