Very basic and "need-to-know" authentication package.
This package is very basic and focuses on 1 thing only: authentication
Easyauth is very configurable.
For a secure solution of handling sessions you may want to give [codeigniter-native-session][1] a go. It handles sessions server-side instead of cookies
How to use:
- Run the SQL file (it is in the folder 'sql')
- Copy config/easyauth.php to application/config/easyauth.php
- Copy libraries/easyauth.php to application/libraries/easyauth.php
- Copy controllers/Auth.php to application/controllers/Auth.php
- Copy views/auth to application/views/auth
Thats it. (you can login with: [email protected] and password)
- Copy "codeigniter-easyauth" folder in third party
- Copy "codeigniter-easyauth/controllers/Auth.php" to your controllers directory
- $this->load->add_package_path(APPPATH.'third_party/codeigniter-easyauth');
- Paste the following section to your routes.php config file:
$route['login'] = 'auth/login';
$route['logout'] = 'auth/logout';
$route['register'] = 'auth/register';
$route['forgot-password'] = 'auth/forgot_password';
$route['reset-password/(:any)'] = 'auth/reset_password/$1';
$route['impersonate/(:any)'] = 'auth/impersonate/$1';
$route['unimpersonate'] = 'auth/unimpersonate';
It isn't mandatory that you call your database table 'users' you can change that if you like.
(examples below are based on controller name auth e.g. http://localhost/cidev/auth/login etc.)
- /login
- /logout
- /register
- /forgot-password
- /reset-password/[CODE]
- /impersonate/[USER-ID]
- /unimpersonate
The reset link is only available if a user 'lost' his password. He will be receive an email with a link (reset-password/[CODE]) with a unique hash
The goal of codeigniter-easyauth is keeping everything as simple and clean as possible.