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Machine learning framework written from scratch.

The goal is to keep the code simple and readable (the core library is ~300 lines) and written mostly in Python (convolution is implemented in C to avoid a major bottleneck).


  • git clone the project somewhere
  • python install to build C extensions and install
  • ./setup_data to download datasets (if you want to run the examples). This will download about 175 MB.


  • trains a fully connected neural network on MNIST data. You should see ~96% accuracy.
  • trains a convnet on MNIST data. You should see 98% or higher accuracy.


The ml.nn module is used to create and train neural networks.

The module contains these classes:

  • Net – neural network composed of layers

    • Constructor
      • Net(layer) – creates a networks from an array of layers. The last layer should be a loss layer.
    • Methods
      • forward_pass(input[, layers]) – feed input into the bottom layer and propagate forward, returning the result of the last layer. It propagates through layers, if given, or defaults to the layers given to the constructor.
      • backward_pass(top_diff=1) - perform backpropagation through the network, giving the top layer the gradient top_diff (1 if omitted). Returns the gradient of the input received during the forward pass. forward_pass must be called first!
      • train_gd(X, Y, lr, iters) – train the network on a dataset with inputs X and outputs Y via gradient descent with iters iterations and learning rate lr.
      • accuracy(X, Y) – test the accuracy of the network on a dataset with inputs X and outputs Y.
  • WeightLayer – fully connected layer

    • Constructor
      • WeightLayer(w, b) - create a fully connected layer with weights w and biases b (both numpy arrays).
      • WeightLayer.create_transition(units_bottom, units_top, init_type='random') – creates a fully connected layer that transitions from a layer with units_bottom neurons to units_top neurons. init_type describes how the weights are initialized and can be either 'random', 'xavier', or 'xavier_relu'
  • ConvLayer - convolution layer

    • Constructor
      • ConvLayer(in_depth, nfilters, fsize) – creates a convolution layer that accepts a volume with depth in_depth and and outputs a volume with depth nfilters using a fsize x fsize sized kernel.
    • During the forward pass, a ConvLayer should be given a volume in the form of a numpy array with shape (depth, height, width).
  • PoolLayer - pooling layer

    • Constructor
      • PoolLayer(block_size, pool_type='max') – creates a pooling layer that downsamples the input volume using block_size x block_size blocks. Currently only max-pooling is implemented.
  • SigmoidLayer - sigmoid activiation layer

    • Constructor: SigmoidLayer()
  • TanhLayer - tanh activation layer

    • Constructor: TanhLayer()
  • ReLULayer - ReLU (REctified Linear Unit) activation layer

    • Constructor: ReLULayer()
  • UnfurlLayer - unfurls an arbitrarily dimensioned input into a column vector

    • Constructor: UnfurlLayer()
    • This layer is useful for feeding a convolution volume into a fully connected layer
  • SoftmaxLayer - applies the softmax function so that outputs sum to one.

    • Constructor: SoftmaxLayer()
  • SquaredLoss - squared loss between input and target

    • Constructor: SquaredLoss()
    • The target value must be set using the target attribute
  • CrossEntropyLoss - cross entropy loss

    • Constructor: CrossEntropyLoss()
    • The target value must be set using the target attribute
  • DropoutLayer - dropout layer (randomly kills neurons)

    • Constructor
      • DropoutLayer(p) – creates a dropout layer with probablity p of any given neuron dropping out (i.e. p = 0.5 will kill about half of the input neurons).

All layer objects must have these two methods implemented:

  • forward(bottom) – feeds bottom into the layer and returns the output.
  • backward(top_diff) feeds the gradient top_diff into the layer and returns the bottom's gradient.