- PHP 7.2+ is now required.
- Github CI workflow added.
- Scrutinizer CI updated.
- MIT License.
- (CHG) CsrfToken::isValid($value, $key = 'value') now have a second parameter, so the default value of key can be changed.
- (CHG) CsrfToken::getValue($key = 'value') now accepts key as a parameter, so the default value of key can be changed.
- (CHG) CsrfToken::regenerateValue($key = 'value') now accepts key as a parameter, so the default value of key can be changed.
- (ADD) CsrfToken::regenerateAllKeyValues() . Will regenerate all csrf token values for all keys.
- Throws SessionAlreadyStarted exception if setCookieParams is called after session is started.
- (ADD) Segment:: remove($key) . Either remove the entire segment or a key from the segment
- (BRK) SegmentInterface , added two method getSegment and remove. So if you are using the SegmentInterface things may break.
Full diff 2.x...4.x