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Data for YouTube Cross-Partisanship Discussions Study

These datasets are first used in the following paper. If you use these datasets, or refer to our findings, please cite:

Siqi Wu and Paul Resnick. Cross-Partisan Discussions on YouTube: Conservatives Talk to Liberals but Liberals Don't Talk to Conservatives. AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), 2021. [paper]

Data collection

These datasets are collected via a series of scraping scripts, see crawler for details.


The data is hosted on Dataverse.


filename description
us_partisan.csv Metadata for 1,267 US partisan media on YouTube
video_meta.csv Metadata for 274,241 YouTube political videos from US partisan media
user_comment_meta.csv.bz2 Metadata for 9,304,653 YouTube users who have commented on YouTube political videos
user_comment_trace.tsv.bz2 Comment trace for 9,304,653 YouTube users who have commented on YouTube political videos
trained_HAN_models.tar.bz2 5 trained HAN models for predicting user political leanings


Metadata for 1,267 US partisan media on YouTube. The first row is header. It can be viewed on this Google Sheet. Fields include

title, url, channel_title, channel_id, leaning, type, source, channel_description


Metadata for 274,241 YouTube political videos from US partisan media. The first row is header. Fields include

video_id, channel_id, media_leaning, media_type, num_view, num_comment, num_cmt_from_liberal, num_cmt_from_conservative, num_cmt_from_unknown


Metadata for 9,304,653 YouTube users who have commented on YouTube political videos. The first row is header. Fields include

hashed_user_id, predicted_user_leaning, num_comment, num_cmt_on_left, num_cmt_on_right


Comment trace for 9,304,653 YouTube users who have commented on YouTube political videos. The first row is header. Fields include hashed_user_id predicted_user_leaning comment_trace (split by \t) comment_trace consists of channel_id1,num_comment_on_this_channel1;channel_id2,num_comment_on_this_channel2;... (split by ;)

For example,

99998   R       UCwWhs_6x42TyRM4Wstoq8HA,25;UCXIJgqnII2ZOINSWNOGFThA,20;UCWXPkK02j6MHW-4xCJzgMuw,17;UC-SJ6nODDmufqBzPBwCvYvQ,5;UCJg9wBPyKMNA5sRDnvzmkdg,2;UCupvZG-5ko_eiXAupbDfxWw,2;UCKgJEs_v0JB-6jWb8lIy9Xw,1;UCNZyLULUQBp5e9Q1cKtvk6Q,1;UCBi2mrWuNuyYy4gbM6fU18Q,1

It means user 99998 is predicted to lean conservative, they have posted 25 comments on UCwWhs_6x42TyRM4Wstoq8HA, 20 comments on UCXIJgqnII2ZOINSWNOGFThA, etc.


Five trained HAN models for predicting user political leanings. Each model consists a .h5 model file and .tokenizer tokenizer file. See this for how to use our pre-trained HAN models.