- Improve tile management (#572) - This is a huge improvement aligns tile rendering with Leaflet's behavior.
- Wms Support (#500)
- Update README for open street maps (#495)
- Support custom CRS (#529)
- Proj4dart update (#541)
- Fix changelog (#511)
- Fix multiple origins bouncing (#548)
- Add android permissions instructions to README (#569)
- Add an option for gapless playback on OverlayImage (#566)
- Add flutter_map_tappable_polyline plugin to README (#563)
- Move plugins to front of checks so they can override defaults (#555)
- Support holed polygons (#526)
Big thanks to @maRci002 for this release! See pull request #572 for details.
Thanks to @marCi002, @bugDim88, @buggamer, @pumano, @fegyi001, @jpeiffer, @syonip, @pento, @tuarrep, and @ibrierley for this release!
- Add polyline with gradient (#452)
Thanks to @SebWojd for this release!
- Add ZoomButtonsPlugin (#487)
Thanks to @moovida for this release!
Added Flutter 1.12 support
- Polygon Culling (#449)
- fix marker anchor sample (#448, #427)
- upgrade imageloader for Flutter 1.12 (#478)
- Tidying up project files (#469)
Thanks to @raacker, @Varuni-Punchihewa, @wmcshane, @domesticmouse, and @kimlet for this release!
- Update changelog (#408)
- Readability improvements (#410)
- add double-tap-hold zoom (#393)
- Fix Unsupported Operation and add missing onTap and onLongPress methods (#436)
- Fix error when unproject bottomLeft or topRight and lat are < -90 or > 90 or lng are < -180 or > 180
- Fix/transparent polyline (#407)
Thanks to @yywwuing, @GregorySech, @avimak, @kengu, @lpongetti, and @2ZeroSix for this release!
- expose TileProvider.getTileUrl (#401)
Thanks to @kengu for this release!
- upgrade to cached_network_image ^1.1.0 (#358)
- documentation (#400)
- remove isUserGesture (#389)
- fix initialization exception (#379)
Thanks to @escamoteur, @wmcschane, and @GregorySech for this release!
- Fix OverlayImage with transparency (#382)
Thanks to @4kssoft for this release!
- update MapState options when FlutterMap widget options change (#380)
- compatability with flutter's stable and master channels
- add scalebar (#356)
- add rotation (#359)
- fix OverlayLayer bug (#360)
- fix rotation pan issue (#363, #365)
Thanks to @kimlet, @escamoteur, @4kssoft for this release!
- fix compatibility with flutter 1.7.8 (stable) (#296)
Thanks to @MichalMisiaszek for the heads up and @slightfoot for help with upgrading (#296)!
- temporary releases compatable with early flutter releases
- fix markers on edge of screen disappearing (#313)
- dart analysis fixes (#300)
- add border circle (#299)
- add dotted line to polygon (#295)
- fix example esri page (#292)
- add flutter_map_marker_cluster package to README (#309)
Note: 0.5.x releases are compatable with Flutter's stable
channel, currently
v1.5.4-hotfix.2 and 0.6.x releases (also on the flutter_map
branch) is a
version of flutter_map compatible with Flutter's dev
Thanks to @lpongetti @FalkF @Victor-emil @lsaudon and @lorenzo for this release!
- update dependencies (#288)
- fix zooming issue (#281)
- add mbtiles
- add formatting and linter rules
- Fix null pointer in isOutOfBounds (#274)
- add isUserGesture (#237)
- fix emulator pinching error
Thanks to @avbk, @OrKoN, @pintomic, @wmcshane, @manhluong for this release!
- add cached network image support (#204)
- Use PositionedTapDetector only in interactive mode (#207)
- Allow defining CircleMarkerRadius in meters (#213)
- support for tms tile coordinates (#214)
- add moving markers example
- add long press gesture for markers (#229)
- add patreon badge to README
- rename Point to CustomPoint (#187)
- remove layers property from MapOptions (#193)
Thanks to @SamuelRioTz, @jecoz, @4kssoft, @bugWebDeveloper, @RaimundWege, @vinicentus, and @etzuk for this release!
- Zoom to focal point on double tap and scale gestures (#121)
- Make anchor field public (#172)
- FitBoundsOptions now uses EdgeInsets padding
- Add GroupLayer
- Update README
Thanks to @tomwyr, @csjames, @kengu, @ocularrhythm for this release!
- PositionCallback now has hasGesture #139
Thanks to @gimox for this release!
- Use NetworkImageWithRetry for tile layers (#145)
- Add rebuild capability to LayerOptions (#144)
- Added Circle layer (#137)
- Prevent Map Layer Excessive Rebuilds (#131)
Thanks to @kengu, @mortenboye, and @tomwyr for this release!
- Polygon Support (#118)
Thanks to @JulianBerger for this release!
- fix identical map position callbacks (#111)
- Prune tiles bug fix (#112)
Thanks to @IhorKlimov and @tomwyr for this release!
- Added polyline customisation options (#94)
- Expose map bounds (#99)
- Added onTap example (#103)
- route bugfix (#104)
- options is now required (#105)
- Project refactor and changes to offline map #85
Thanks to @LJaraCastillo, @ubilabs, @xqwzts, @vinicentus, and @lsaudon for this release!
- Set Dart SDK to 2
- upgrade to latlong from 0.4.0 to 0.5.3
- fix LICENSE spelling error
- double-tap to zoom (#62)
- Fix polyline overlap issue (#67)
- Offline map example (#53)
Thanks to contributors @alfanhui, @avioli, @solid-software, and @vinicentus for this release!
- update .gitignore (#40)
- Applied constraints to zoom on gesture update if min or max options set (#46)
- Pan Boundary with 2 new MapOptions variables: swPanBoundary and nePanBoundary (#47)
- OfflineMode bool variable added to TileLayerOptions for AssetImage Widget use (#48)
- remove quiver dep (#32)
Thanks to contributors @avioli, @bcko, and @alfanhui for this release!
- add LatlngBounds.contains, avoid rendering out-of-view markers in MarkerLayer
- bug: rendering far-away tiles was causing a GPU crash on the simulator. add tile pruning to TileLayer
- bug: TileLayer not listening to onMoved events from MapController
- fitBounds, onPositionChanged (#39)
- make tile background customizable (#36)
- use transparent_image as placeholder image (#37)
- Add marker anchor support (#27, #30)
- fixed Dart 2.0 type errors (#23)
- add MapController API (#24 + #25)
- subdomain support
- move gesture detection into map widget
- improved tile layer support
- improved examples
- Polyline layers
- fix marker redraw on map rotation
- inital release