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CID Terraform Module: cur-setup-destination

Terraform module to set up a Cost and Usage Report in a destination/aggregation account for use in Cost Intelligence Dashboards. The module creates an S3 bucket with the necessary permissions for replicating CUR data from one or more source accounts. If the aggregation account is part of a different payer and is not covered in the CUR from the source accounts, the module can create a new Cost and Usage Report local to the aggregation account.

Example Usage


For complete usage documentation of using this module together with the cur-setup-source module, refer to the main Terraform Deployment Instructions.

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-west-2"

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"
  alias  = "useast1"

module "cur_destination" {
  source = ""

  source_account_ids = ["1234567890"]
  create_cur         = false # Set to true to create an additional CUR in the aggregation account

  # Provider alias for us-east-1 must be passed explicitly (required for CUR setup)
  providers = {
    aws.useast1 = aws.useast1

Version Locking

For production deployments, you should lock the version of this module to a release tag to better control when and what updates are made. To specify the release tag to use, append ?ref=VERSION to the module source. For example, the following source reference will use the Terraform module and Cloudformation template from version 0.2.13 of this module:

source = ""

For a complete list of release tags, visit

Note: The same syntax can be used to use pre-release/beta versions by specifying a branch name instead of a tag name


The following requirements are needed by this module:

  • terraform (>= 1.0)

  • aws (>= 3.0)


The following providers are used by this module:

  • aws (>= 3.0)

  • aws.useast1 (>= 3.0)


The following resources are used by this module:

Required Inputs

The following input variables are required:


Description: Whether to create a local CUR in the destination account or not. Set this to true if the destination account is NOT covered in the CUR of the source accounts

Type: bool


Description: List of all source accounts that will replicate CUR Data. Ex: [12345678912,98745612312,...] (fill only on Destination Account)

Type: list(string)

Optional Inputs

The following input variables are optional (have default values):


Description: Suffix used to name the local CUR report if create_cur is true

Type: string

Default: "cur"


Description: Enable split cost allocation data for ECS and EKS for this CUR report

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: !!!WARNING!!! EXPERIMENTAL - Do not use unless you know what you are doing. The correct key policies and IAM permissions
on the S3 replication role must be configured external to this module.

Type: string

Default: null


Description: Prefix used for all named resources, including S3 Bucket

Type: string

Default: "cid"


Description: S3 Access Logging configuration for the CUR bucket


    enabled = bool
    bucket  = string
    prefix  = string


  "bucket": null,
  "enabled": false,
  "prefix": null


Description: Map of tags to apply to module resources

Type: map(string)

Default: {}


The following outputs are exported:


Description: ARN of the S3 Bucket where the Cost and Usage Report is delivered


Description: Name of the S3 Bucket where the Cost and Usage Report is delivered


Description: ARN of the Cost and Usage Report