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Jupyter Notebook on Amazon EKS

This document explains how to run a Jupyter notebook for model development on Amazon EKS.

Jupyter Notebook (previously named IPython Notebook) and JupyterLab are user interfaces for computational science and data science commonly used with Spark, Tensorflow and other big data processing frameworks. They are used by data scientists and ML engineers across a variety of organizations for interactive tasks.

JupyterHub, a multi-user Hub, spawns, manages, and proxies multiple instances of the single-user Jupyter notebook server. JupyterHub can be used to serve notebooks to a class of students, a corporate data science group, or a scientific research group.

Kubeflow already integrates wtih JupyterHub. We only need to port forward and spawn a Jupyter Notebook.

  1. Get access to Kubeflow UI

    export NAMESPACE=kubeflow
    kubectl port-forward svc/ambassador -n ${NAMESPACE} 8080:80

    Access the central navigation dashboard:

  2. Click JupyterHub tab and sign in. Right now, EKS doesn't integrate authentication solution with JupyterHub, you can type any username and password combination to bypass authentication. Use admin as the login name and admin as the password.

  3. Configure Spawner

    a. Choose the right framework image. if you prefer to use other framework like MXNet, PyTorch, you can also build your own image. Let's choose JupyterHub Spawner Options

    b. Click Toggle Advanced to advanced settings.

    • Add Workpace volume if you need perisist your workplace notebooks after jupyter notebook destroyed.
    • Add Data Volumes if you want to train with large datasets.
    • Add GPU resources if your cluster has accelerator nodes and GPU image is choosen. Jupyter Spawner Configuration
  4. Click Spawn button to create your customized Jupyter notebook. This may take a few minutes. If you used the admin namespace, then check the newly spawned pod:

    kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} describe pods jupyter-admin
    Name:               jupyter-admin
    Namespace:          kubeflow
    Priority:           0
    PriorityClassName:  <none>
    Start Time:         Sun, 17 Mar 2019 16:25:25 -0400
    Labels:             app=jupyterhub
    Annotations: admin
    Status:             Running
        Container ID:  docker://1a907dfaf127a3c1a2e961880bca86c15ef2ea22e6ca51f8a16004cef70da1d0
        Image ID:      docker-pullable://
        Port:          8888/TCP
        Host Port:     0/TCP

        State:          Running
          Started:      Sun, 17 Mar 2019 16:27:32 -0400
        Ready:          True
        Restart Count:  0
          cpu:             1
          memory:          1Gi
          JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN:           26af6c6442c64dcb90f683b4edd07f39
          JPY_API_TOKEN:                  26af6c6442c64dcb90f683b4edd07f39
          JUPYTERHUB_CLIENT_ID:           jupyterhub-user-admin
          JUPYTERHUB_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL:  /user/admin/oauth_callback
          JUPYTERHUB_USER:                admin
          JUPYTERHUB_API_URL:             http://jupyter-0:8081/hub/api
          JUPYTERHUB_BASE_URL:            /
          JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX:      /user/admin/
          MEM_GUARANTEE:                  1.0Gi
          CPU_GUARANTEE:                  1.0
          /home/jovyan from volume-0-admin (rw)
          /home/jovyan/admin-volume-1 from volume-1-admin (rw)
          /var/run/secrets/ from jupyter-notebook-token-n2fgf (ro)
      Type              Status
      Initialized       True 
      Ready             True 
      ContainersReady   True 
      PodScheduled      True 
        Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
        ClaimName:  admin-workspace
        ReadOnly:   false
        Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
        ClaimName:  admin-volume-1
        ReadOnly:   false
        Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
        SecretName:  jupyter-notebook-token-n2fgf
        Optional:    false
    QoS Class:       Burstable
    Node-Selectors:  <none>
    Tolerations: for 300s
            for 300s
      Type     Reason                  Age                    From                                                   Message
      ----     ------                  ----                   ----                                                   -------
      Warning  FailedScheduling        4m53s (x9 over 4m56s)  default-scheduler                                      pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)
      Normal   Scheduled               4m53s                  default-scheduler                                      Successfully assigned kubeflow/jupyter-admin to
      Warning  FailedAttachVolume      4m52s (x2 over 4m52s)  attachdetach-controller                                AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ca405a39-48f2-11e9-a4bb-0a9a747311bc" : "Error attaching EBS volume \"vol-03affb8dd7a89e798\"" to instance "i-0e5baf0b5de72611d" since volume is in "creating" state
      Warning  FailedAttachVolume      4m48s (x4 over 4m52s)  attachdetach-controller                                AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-ca3edf7d-48f2-11e9-a4bb-0a9a747311bc" : "Error attaching EBS volume \"vol-001a0ebf3f29ef982\"" to instance "i-0e5baf0b5de72611d" since volume is in "creating" state
      Normal   SuccessfulAttachVolume  4m47s                  attachdetach-controller                                AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-ca405a39-48f2-11e9-a4bb-0a9a747311bc"
      Normal   SuccessfulAttachVolume  4m41s                  attachdetach-controller                                AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-ca3edf7d-48f2-11e9-a4bb-0a9a747311bc"
      Normal   Pulling                 4m35s                  kubelet,  pulling image ""
      Normal   Pulled                  3m6s                   kubelet,  Successfully pulled image ""
      Normal   Created                 2m46s                  kubelet,  Created container
      Normal   Started                 2m46s                  kubelet,  Started container
  5. Create a new Python3 notebook to check Tensorflow version:

    Jupyter Create Notebook

    Copy code in the notebook:

    import tensorflow as tf

    Click on Run to run code and see the output:

    JupyterHub Tensorflow Version

  6. Copy code in the next prompt to check GPU allocated to Jupyter Notebook:

    from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

    JupyterHub GPU Verification

    Click on Run to run code and see the output:

    You can always go back to your home page by clicking on Control Panel in the top right corner.

  7. Create a terminal to monitor nvidia device:

    Jupyter Create Terminal

    $ nvidia-smi
    Mon Feb 11 19:46:02 2019
    | NVIDIA-SMI 396.26                 Driver Version: 396.26                    |
    | GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
    | Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
    |   0  Tesla V100-SXM2...  On   | 00000000:00:1E.0 Off |                    0 |
    | N/A   41C    P0    39W / 300W |    994MiB / 16160MiB |      0%      Default |
    | Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
    |  GPU       PID   Type   Process name                             Usage      |
  8. After done playing, destroy your notebook.

    One user can only have one Jupyter Notebook running. In order to use a different notebook or destroy your notebook, you have to stop existing server first.

    Click Control Panel button on the right top of Jupyter Notebook. JupyterHub Control Panel

    Click Stop My Server button to destroy the server. JupyterHub Stop Server

    Jupyter Notebook will be destroyed and you can spawn new notebooks.

    Note 1: Persistent Volume won't be deleted in case you want to restore your notebooks.

    Note 2: Kubeflow community will start using Jupyter Notebook CRD to create notebook in the future. JupyterHub will be depreciated soon.