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209 lines (133 loc) · 6.17 KB


The Lambda function will be invoked with a POST request to the Function URL.

The function can be invoked to GET or SET an IPV4 address.

GET the IP address

To GET the public IP address issue a post request with the following JSON object in the body:

    "execution_mode": "get"

Here an example invocation with CURL:

curl --ipv4 -q -s -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"execution_mode":"get"}'

The function will return the following JSON Object with a 200 HTTP Status code:

    "return_status": "success",
    "return_message": ""

To isolate the IP address in the response you can pipe:

egrep -o '[0-9\.]+'

For example:

curl --ipv4 -q -s -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"execution_mode":"get"}' | egrep -o '[0-9\.]+'

Only the IP address will be returned:

SET the IP address

Once the public IP is obtained the function can be invoked to SET the DNS record. This JSON Object must be posted to SET:

    "execution_mode": "set",
    "ddns_hostname": "''",
    "validation_hash": "'1234567890ABCDEFGH'"

The Lambda function will validate the hash that is generated by concatenating the following parameters:

  • Public IP
  • hostname
  • shared secret

and hashing the resulting string with:

shasum -a 256

To store the hash in a variable pipe the following:

awk '{print $1}'

For example:

echo -n | shasum -a 256 | awk '{print $1}'

will return:

0eb3fc760ddbd7dca1702ae359b8f990b8a145d719b9d1014da4aa866022dd70 bash script

In this repository is included a bash script: to programmatically invoke the Lambda function using CURL

When using script to create the configuration, all the flags will be provided to run, i.e.:

./ -m set -u -h -s SuP3R_5eCR3T

Script flags

  • MODE: -m (required)
    This can be get to obtain the public IP or set to update the DNS record.

  • URL: -u (required)
    The Lambda Function URL, i.e.:

  • HOST: -h (required if -m set)
    The hostname which needs to be updated, i.e.: <>

  • SECRET: -s *(required if -m set)*
    The shared secret provided in the DynamoDB configuration, i.e.: SuP3R_5eCR3T

GET example

./ -m get -u

It will return the Public IP address:

SET example

./ -m set -u -h -s SuP3R_5eCR3T

It will return the following if successful:

    "return_status": "success",
    "return_message": " has been updated to",
    "status_code": "201"

If the hostname already matches the public IP it will return:

    "return_status": "success",
    "return_message": "Your IP address matches the current Route53 DNS record.",
    "status_code": "200"

Failed requests examples and troubleshooting

HTTP 403 Status code

There was an issue finding or reading <> configuration from dynamoDB table: DyndnsStack-

    "return_status": "fail",
    "return_message": "There was an issue finding or reading configuration from dynamoDB table: DyndnsStack-dyndnsdb12345-ABC0000",
    "status_code": "403"
  • Validate the DynamoDB configuration
    Is the configuration present for ""?
    Is the hostname attribute typed correctly?
    Does the data attribute contain a valid JSON configuration (i.e. ?

HTTP 400 Status code

You must pass a valid sha256 hash in the hash= argument

    "return_status": "fail",
    "return_message": "You must pass a valid sha256 hash in the hash= argument."
  • Ensure shasum is present on the system and used correctly to generate the hash.

HTTP 401 Status code

Validation hashes do not match

Ensure the hash is generated using a string containing:

  • The correct public IP address returned by ./ -m get
  • The correct host, i.e.: <>
  • A string matching the shared_secret JSON parameter in the data attribute in DynamoDB
  • Ensure the hashed string had the 3 parameters in the right order: IP HOST SECRET

Internal Server Errors

HTTP 502 Status code

Internal Server Error

This will be returned when there is an unexpected exception within the Lambda function. Review Amazon CloudWatch Log Groups for troubleshooting and consider opening an issue on this repository.

HTTP 501 Status code

An error occurred (InvalidChangeBatch) when calling the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation: [RRSet of type A with DNS name is not permitted because [ROUTE53 ERROR MESSAGE]

This error occurs when recordset already exist but is not type A.

Remove the unwanted record or use a different hostname.

A new configuration can be created using

HTTP 500 Status code

An error occurred (NoSuchHostedZone) when calling the ListResourceRecordSets operation: No hosted zone found with ID: Z123456ABABO1ABC10A

The Host Zone ID (i.e. Z123456ABABO1ABC10A) is incorrect, if the Hosted Zone ID doesn't exist, create it, if it exists verify that the Hosted Zone ID is correctly saved in the DynamoDB configuration.

A new configuration can be created using

HTTP Status code 500 will be returned for any other Route53 exception, refer to "return_message" in the reposes body for more information on the error:

    "return_status": "fail",
    "return_message": "[ROUTE53 Error Message]"