The competitors engage in three traditional rock-paper-scissors matches. The competitor with the most victories wins. Traditional rules, as decided by the non-competing players.
The competitors must remain silent and look at each other in the face. The first competitor to laugh or speak loses. Non-competing players should do their best to distract the competitors.
Each competitor receives a pen and a piece of paper. The non-competing players suggest a word to spell. The competitors spell the word on the paper. Should both competitors spell the word correct, non-competing players suggest a new word. This continues until a competitor misspells a word. If both competitors fail to spell the word, the competitor with the closest spelling. The non-competing players decide "closest spelling."
Each competitor dresses in a button-up shirt. All buttons remain unbuttoned. The first competitor to button five buttons wins.
Each competitor receives a pillow and is then asked to stand on one foot. The competitors must engage in a pillow fight. The first competitor to fall or lower their leg loses.
The competitors alternate naming U.S. state capitals. The first competitor to respond with an incorrect response loses.
The competitors complete 10 jumping jacks. The first competitor to finish wins.
The competitors engage in a traditional thumb wrestling match. Traditional rules, as decided by the non-competing players. All players must chant "One! Two! Three! Four! I declare a thumb war!". NO CHEATING!
All players draw a tattoo on their hand. We're not sure what this accomplishes. Social!
The non-competing players select a random topic. The non-competing players assign the pro and con position to each of the competitors. Each competitor talks for one minute about the topic. The non-competing players will decide the winning position.
The challenged competitor gets to choose "odds" or "evens". A non-competing player removes a pinch of eyebrow hairs from the challenging competitor. The non-competing player counts the number of eyebrow hairs. The challenged competitor wins if the count matches their selection. Otherwise, the challenging competitor wins.
The competitors bounce quarters into a cup placed on the table. The first competitor to bounce a quarter into the cup wins.
Traditional rules, as decided by the non-competing players. The first competitor to touch the limbo stick, or fall, loses.
Traditional rules, as decided by the non-competing players. The first competitor to tiddlywink 10 (or 5 depending on sobriety) pieces wins.
The non-competing players offer competitors ten seconds to tell a joke. The joke teller who receives the most laughs from non-competing players wins. When in doubt, the player to the right of the challenging competitor decides.
Each competitor builds a castle out of 15 playing cards. The owner of the first card castle to fall down loses.
The competitors untie their shoes. The non-competing players yell, "One! Two! Three! Rodeo shoe tie! YEEHAW!". The first competitor to tie both of their shoes wins.
The competitors take turns to recite a sentence with a back massager over their throat. The non-competing players must translate the sentence to the common language. The first competitor to recite a sentence that fails to translate loses.
Traditional rules, as decided by the non-competing players. The first competitor with an incorrect guess loses.
The competitors each take ten seconds to drink a carbonated beverage. The competitors take turns belching. The non-competing players rank the belches based on volume. The competitor with the loudest belch wins.
The competitors attempt to balance an empty beer bottle on their foreheads. The first competitor to let the bottle leave contact with their face loses.
Starting with the challenging competitor, the competitors alternate offering letters. The first competitor to spell a word with the letters loses, but it MUST be possible to spell a word with the letters. Must be at least four letters. No proper nouns.
The non-competing players assign each of the competitors one role of "lion" or "lamb." The competitors must repeat the phrase "I am the Lion" or "I am the Lamb", depending on their role. The first competitor to mess up their respective phrase loses. Phrase recital MUST happen at the same time.
Each competitor fills three cups 1/3 full of their preferred beverage. The non-competing players decide the start of the race. When the race begins, the competitors must drink the contents of each cup and before flipping the cup on its top. The first competitor to flip all three cups without spilling the beverage wins.
The non-competing players start a 60-second timer. Each competitor player must insert marshmallows, or food, in their mouth. When the timer ends, The competitor with the most food in their mouth wins.
The competitors coat their right hands with vegetable oil. Then the competitors engage in a traditional arm-wrestling match to determine the winner.
The player to the right of the challenging competitor selects a simple math problem. The first competitor to offer a correct verbal solution, without pen and paper, wins.
The competitors take turns swiping paper between the opponent's fingers. The first competitor player to excuse themselves from the challenge loses. If both competitors have four finger pit paper cuts, they both lose for being stubborn. The non-competing players select a new challenge.
The competitors take turns exchanging questions. The first competitor to 1) hesitate for more than two seconds or 2) respond with a non-question loses.
The non-competing players select an initial swear word for a verbal list. The competitors alternate repeating the verbal list before adding a new word. The first competitor to recite the verbal list with a mistake loses.
The competitors pretend to sit on an invisible chair while holding a beverage. The first competitor to leave the seated position loses.
The challenged competitor must sustain belly slapping for 30 seconds. If successful, the challenged competitor wins. Otherwise, the challenging competitor loses.