App Framework is a UI framework targeted at HTML5 browsers.
Visit for more information, documentation, and support.
#2.2 support Visit for App Framework 2.2 documentation.
#3.0 version
The 3.0 version of App Framework removes the following
- Query selector library - instead use jQuery* or Zepto*
- Only supports Android* 4+, iOS* 6+, WP* 8, FF* OS and Blackberry* 10
- No longer provides a "Touchlayer", use Fastclick ( instead.
- Native scrolling is only used. If you need a JS scroller, use an existing one like FTScroller ( or iScroll
##Note You can still use App Framework 2 if you need Android <4 support or the query selector library. The old query selector library may work with AF 3.0, but we do not test or support it.
You can contribute to the core code by forking it and make a pull request. Please keep in mind we do not want to add functionality that is a one-off case. These are best dealt with via plugins.
You can make changes to any of the files in the "src" directory
We use Grunt to build our compiled files. When you have made a change, run "grunt rebuild" to compile new source and minified files to include in your PR.
grunt-closure-compiler requires the closure compiler jar file. The path is set in Gruntfile.js, but by default should exist in a directory called "closure" parallel to App Framework
-- appframework
-- closure
-- build
-- compiler.jar
Pull requests will not be considered without the following:
- Explanation of the bug
- Test case that proves the current code base is failing
- Explanation of the fix
We will pull the code down and test it and then provide feedback. If everything passes, we will merge and rebuild the files.
Please use github issues and file any bugs with the following
Any error messages from the console
Line numbers of offending code
Test cases
Description of the error
Expected result
Browser/Device you are testing on
App Framework is is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included license.txt file.
App Framework uses code from the following software:
- Karma Test Runner - (MIT-X11 License)
Chat plugin