This docker stack uses modified startup scripts from
ℹ️ Nevertheless, all Docker Options
and Permission-specific configurations
can be used for the images of this docker stack.
In comparison to jupyter/docker-stacks and/or rocker-org/rocker-versioned2, these images are tweaked as follows:
Shell script /usr/local/bin/ is modified to
- allow bind mounting of a home directory.
- reset
for customNB_USER
The following startup hooks are put in place:
- /usr/local/bin/start-notebook.d/
to populate a bind mounted home directory
. - /usr/local/bin/before-notebook.d/ to
- update timezone according to environment variable
. - add locales according to environment variable
. - set locale according to environment variable
- update timezone according to environment variable
- /usr/local/bin/before-notebook.d/ to create user's projects and workspaces folder.
- /usr/local/bin/before-notebook.d/ to update code-server settings.
- /usr/local/bin/before-notebook.d/ to use Jupyter Server Proxy for TensorBoard.
- /usr/local/bin/before-notebook.d/
- soft limit the address space based on the amount of physical and
virtual memory of the host. (default: command
ulimit -v
) - limit the number of file descriptors according to environment variable
. (default: commandulimit -n
) - limit the number of processes according to environment variable
. (default: commandulimit -u
) - limit the number of pending signals according to environment variable
. (default: commandulimit -i
- soft limit the address space based on the amount of physical and
virtual memory of the host. (default: command
- /usr/local/bin/before-notebook.d/
to export environment variables to
/usr/local/bin/busy is executed during
sessions to update the last-activity timestamps on JupyterHub.
ℹ️ This prevents the JupyterHub Idle Culler Service from shutting down idle or long-running Jupyter Notebook servers, allowing for unattended computations.
: code-server: Hide the coder/coder promotion in Help: Getting Started
(scipy image)
: Its very base, a Docker Official Image.PARENT_IMAGE
: The image it was derived from.BUILD_DATE
: The date it was built (ISO 8601 format).CTAN_REPO
: The CTAN mirror URL. (scipy image)
The default shell is Zsh, further enhanced with
- Framework: Oh My Zsh
- Theme: Powerlevel10k
- Font: MesloLGS NF
Pre-installed extensions are treated as built-in and therefore cannot be updated at user level.
In addition to the TeX packages used in
and required for nbconvert
, the
packages requested by the community
are installed.
- IPython:
- Only enable figure formats
for IPython.
- Only enable figure formats
- JupyterLab:
- Theme > Selected Theme: JupyterLab Dark
- Terminal > Font family: MesloLGS NF
- Python LSP Server: Example settings according to jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp > Installation > Configuring the servers
- code-server
- Text Editor > Tab Size: 2
- Extensions > GitLens — Git supercharged
- General > Show Welcome On Install: false
- General > Show Whats New After Upgrade: false
- Graph commands disabled where possible
- Application > Telemetry: Telemetry Level: off
- Features > Terminal > Integrated: Font Family: MesloLGS NF
- Workbench > Appearance > Color Theme: Default Dark+
- Zsh
- Oh My Zsh:
- Set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
- Update last-activity timestamps while in screen/tmux session
- Powerlevel10k:
p10k configure
- Does this look like a diamond (rotated square)?: (y) Yes.
- Does this look like a lock?: (y) Yes.
- Does this look like an upwards arrow?: (y) Yes.
- Do all these icons fit between the crosses?: (y) Yes.
- Prompt Style: (3) Rainbow.
- Character Set: (1) Unicode.
- Show current time?: (2) 24-hour format.
- Prompt Separators: (1) Angled.
- Prompt Heads: (3) Sharp.
- Prompt Tails: (1) Flat.
- Prompt Height: (2) Two lines.
- Prompt Connection: (2) Dotted.
- Prompt Frame: (2) Left.
- Connection & Frame Color: (2) Light.
- Prompt Spacing: (2) Sparse.
- Icons: (2) Many icons.
- Prompt Flow: (1) Concise.
- Enable Transient Prompt?: (n) No.
- Instant Prompt Mode: (3) Off.
- Oh My Zsh:
IPython: Create file
- Valid figure formats:
- Valid figure formats:
JupyterLab: Settings > Advanced Settings Editor
code-server: Manage > Settings
- Oh My Zsh: Edit
. - Powerlevel10k: Run
p10k configure
or edit~/.p10k.zsh
.- Update command:
git -C ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k pull
- Update command:
- Oh My Zsh: Edit
The latest Python version is installed at /usr/local/bin
, regardless of
whether all packages – such as numba, tensorflow, etc. – are already compatible
with it.