- Advantage of Aspnet core.
- Razor Pages vs MVC vs API vs Minimal API when and where to use?
- Dependency injection
- Host
- Middleware / request pipeline
- Configuration, Options
- Logging
- Routing
- Error handling
- Static files and how it is served.
- Razor syntax.
- Model binding
- validation, error handlings
- Cookies
- Session
- Tempdata
- Querysting
- HiddenField
- HttpContext.item
- Cache.
- In memory caching
- distributed caching
- Response caching
- Object pool.
- Get/Return
- In memory caching
- Localization/globalization
- Error handling
- Hosting
- What is both of these.
- Basic configuration
- Customizations
WAP to un-format a string (opposite of String.Format)
WAP to find the most repeating character from a string. In case of ties, get the one with max ASCII value
Write a full REST API with data calls, paging for big data set
Write a sample business class and test with mocks
Paging in SQL Server
How the whole authentication & authorization flow works
Benefits & challenges of converting your current application to Microservices
Remove a given node from a LL, when no _head is given
From a long array of numbers, print all pairs that sum up to a given value k
From a long array of numbers (from -int.MinValue to int.MaxValue), find the maximum sum sub-array, i.e. the maximum sum possible from any contiguous sub-array
Find age of three sisters, with hints given a. D1 D2 D3 = 72 b. D1 + D2 + D3 = house# c. "The eldest daughter loves ice-cream"
Design class/model design for a Chinese Checkers board game
Design a highly scalable caching system, with following basic requirements a. Distributed system behind a dumb load-balancer b. Highly scalable - add boxes to scale-up automatically c. Maximum performance possible, with almost no downtime, no wait/delay d. Minimize points of failure
SSL and channel creation, full security
Mutex & Semaphore
Isolation levels in SQL Server