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File metadata and controls

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Looking back on these examples ... I feel Python is ugly.

Elm makes so much more sense to me: the syntax, the structure, it's functional style, typed data, and so on. I'm stripping this back to the absolute essentials of Python, which is to say as little as possible to get the job done.


  1. Build a simple API
  2. SQLite and Json
  3. Minimal backend code
  4. Minimal server setup

That's about it. I need something that interfaces with a simple database, keeping things light. It's for prototypes, and will probably be replaced by another programming language at some stage. Roc looks promising, but I'm not a heavy coding guy, so might have a team by then!

On writing ...

Some books have:

  1. Minor or major errors in the code1
  2. Outdated dependencies (how many does yours have?)
  3. Academic language (or verbose terminology)
  4. Not enough visuals (or poorly labelled ones)

Make sure you're explaining just enough and no more. Aim for simple language and minimal terminology, and for beginners to intermediates, stick to easier to learn languages that instil good habits.

Coding style

It doesn't feel as intuitive or consistent as Elm.

Perhaps you get shorter code at scale, but is it more readable? I'm not so sure.

  • Length of a list?
    • len([1, 2, 3])
    • List.length [1, 2, 3]
  • Access an element?
    • [1, 2, 3][0]
    • List.elemIndex [1, 2, 3]
  • Reverse that?
    • [1, 2, 3][-1]
    • List.elemIndex (List.reverse [1, 2, 3])

It's also not at all type safe by default (and type annotations are awkward). Even the naming conventions feel messy (capitals and lowercase)! Here are some examples and comparisons for Python versus Elm Lang.


Declaration order matters in Python! See also strongly typed talk.

from typing import List

# Requires `return` to print anything!
def ugly_types(num: List[int]) -> dict:
    { "numbers": num } 
> ugly_types([1, 2, 3])
# returns nothing


type alias Numbers =
    { numbers :  List Int }

-- Returns data by default ...
niceTypes : List Int -> Numbers
niceTypes =
> niceTypes [1, 2, 3]

The compiler

Elm catches most bugs before they make you crazy ... Python, well, doesn't:

  1. Types are turned off by default
  2. Missing packages are not displayed in repl
  3. None is non-descript and unhelpful
def does_id_exist(todo: ToDo, id: int) -> bool:
    for todo in todo_list:
        if == id:
            return False
            return True
> does_id_exist([{"id": 1}], 1)

These are the problems by default:

  1. None is implicitly returned, but no errors are shown
  2. ToDo type is ignored, and our malformed dict shows no errors
  3. I'm not even using ToDo in the procedure body ... still no errors
  4. searching todo_list (which is currently empty)

Seems to be a LOT more setup required to get default Elm compiler stuff.


Large Elm applications can become difficult to understand.

  • At scale does Python become more readable?
  • Perhaps Python is handy for certain applications?
  • Perhaps a functional style is possible?
  • Perhaps you just need to memorise syntax differences?



Handy snippets

Command Does this
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt Install requirements3
uv init [folder-name] Start uv project
uv python install [version] Install a Python version (or latest)
uv python list List all Python versions installed
uv python pin Create a .python-version file
uv venv --python python3.11 [my_env] Create/Download virtual environment
source my_env/bin/activate Activate virtual environment
deactivate Deactivate (exit) venv
uv add [package] Download and install a package
uv tree List all dependencies (as a tree)
uv run [command] Run the server, run a file, etc
uv sync Sets up a project's "stuff"4
uv run uvicorn src.main:app --reload Run command for subfolder file5


  1. This is likely to happen when you're making regular changes to the book. But you've really got to have a good editor (or using Ai) to triple check your changes for continuity errors. For the beginner, it's highly likely they'll get stuck, and there's nothing in the book to keep them right other than context and the student's initiative.

  2. You can't run this app while there's a virtual environment running in the terminal. You can set the virtual environment by going to Tools -> Options ... -> Interpreter -> Python executable and selecting the path or symlink in your venv-folder-name.

  3. If you're using stock Python commands, you'll probably need to preface with python3 -m, such as python3 -m pip install [package]. If you're using uv you don't need to worry about this (just use uv run etc). You also won't need to worry about PATH or any of that shit (I think uv does that for you).

  4. From scratch. Environment, dependencies, and so on. I think this needs a pyproject.toml file (and maybe a .python-version file). Lookup the docs for more info.

  5. It seems that the uv command must be run from the parent directory that the virtual server lives in. You also need to use the to call a subfolder's file.