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Releases: banzaicloud/koperator

Kafka Operator v0.12.0

28 May 10:12
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This release fixes several bug and introduce a couple of new features:

New features:

  • Use 0.6.0 controller-runtime
  • Use 1.3.2 objectmatcher
  • Use sarama lib 1.26.4
  • Allow to override cluster domain

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix Operator does not notice missing CC topic #343
  • Fix recreate evicted pods as well #326
  • Fix Add CC config and clusterConfig hash annotations to cc deployment #371
  • Fix downscale error, do not update cc capacity config when downscale in progress

This release supports Cert-Manager 0.11

Upgrade Notes:

Note: Seamless upgrade only works when your cluster is in ClusterRunning state.


Thanks for the huge help from the community 🍺

Kafka Operator v0.11.0

17 Apr 14:07
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This release fixes several bug and introduce a couple of new features:

New features:

  • Make webhooks optional
  • Add support to configure operator to watch resources in a set of namespaces
  • Use direct k8s client to get node labels
  • Use upstream defined Kafka Broker jmx exporter
  • Beautify documentation
  • Create own ServiceAccount for Kafka Cluster instead of using default one
  • Make Service names Istio friendly
  • Allow to add annotations to Kafka services
  • Add the ability to use different PKI/User
  • Update dependencies to use Kubernetes v1.17.3
  • Use 0.5.2 controller-runtime

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix Kafka broker pods are recreated in a loop if more than one PVC is attached

This release supports Cert-Manager 0.11

Upgrade Notes:

Note: Seamless upgrade only works when your cluster is in ClusterRunning state.


Thanks for the huge help from the community 🍺

Kafka Operator 0.10.0

19 Feb 10:30
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This release fixes several bug and introduce a couple of new features:

New features:

  • Assign permissions to KafkaUser based on topicName regex match
  • Add support addPVC alert
  • Implement all new CC task reconciler
  • Support TLSOptions if ingress controller is Istio
  • Add external endpoint which always available for metadata fetch request
  • Make rolling upgrade more strict
  • Add brokerId to PVC and Pod to ease debugging
  • Use predefined ClusterIssuer to generate TLS certs (Configurable issuerRef)
  • Add support for RebalanceDisk CC command

Bug Fixes:

  • Documentation fixes
  • Add more accurate label selector to CC deployment
  • Log more understandable log why the CC task failed
  • Fix StorageConfig merge issues
  • Fix Rack Awareness status lost if broker config updated
  • Fix sidecar proxy checker script
  • Fix delete errors which might occur if broker is not fully initialized and deleted

This release supports Cert-Manager 0.11

Upgrade Notes:

Note: Seamless upgrade only works when your cluster is in ClusterRunning state.

Please be aware that updating to this release will cause a rolling upgrade on your existing cluster.

Since there is new label added to Cruise Control deployment selector, you will need to delete the running CC deployment, and let the operator create a new one.


Thanks for the huge help from the community 🍺

Kafka Operator 0.9.2

27 Jan 15:38
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This release contains various fixes to avoid unrecoverable state in CC.

  • Fix upscale when not using consecutive broker ids
  • Fix downscale issue when terminating multiple brokers

Update Notes:
This release should happen seamlessly when upgrading from version 0.9.1

Kafka Operator 0.9.1

23 Jan 20:47
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This release contains a hotfix regarding upscale/downscale actions executed only once even though continuously triggered.

Update Notes:
This release should happen seamlessly when upgrading from version 0.9.0


Kafka Operator 0.9.0

19 Jan 19:43
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This release fixes several bug and introduce a couple of new features:

New features:

  • Add support for configurable amount envoy external access controller
  • Allow to add KafkaCluster CR labels to all child resources
  • Add up and down scale limits to alertmanager
  • Make kafka pods sidecar aware
  • Add Istio ingress external access option

Bug Fixes:

  • AlertManager now honors CC state
  • Broker Certificate now contains the external load balancer address as well
  • Readme updated with Helm 3 commands
  • Fix multi namespace owner references
  • Implement a more accurate health check for pods
  • Fix ZK path issues
  • Add graceful CC shutdown script
  • Implement a more advanced CC task checker
  • Fix error which happens because the topic creation requires some time

This release supports Cert-Manager 0.11

Upgrade Notes:

Please be aware that updating to this release will cause a rolling upgrade on your existing cluster.

If you are using zkAddress with Path then you need to modify your CR as well, since the operator introduced a new field called zkPath.

    - "example-zookeepercluster-client.zookeeper:2181"
  # Specify the zookeeper path where the Kafka related metadatas should be placed
  # By default it is bound to "/" and can be left blank
  zkPath: "/kafka"

Thanks for the huge help from the community 🍺

Kafka Operator 0.8.1

21 Nov 11:37
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This release fixes the bug when the newly added Kafka brokers cannot communicate with the cluster because of ssl cert error.

This release supports cert-manager 0.11.x


Thanks for the huge help from @tinyzimmer 🍺

Kafka Operator 0.7.3

21 Nov 11:38
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This release fixes the bug when the newly added Kafka brokers cannot communicate with the cluster because of ssl cert error.

This release supports cert-manager 0.10.x


Thanks for the huge help from @tinyzimmer 🍺

Kafka Operator 0.8.0

19 Nov 09:18
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This release includes some and bug and documentation fixes:

This release supports cert-manager 0.11.x


Bug fixes:

  • Several documentation fixes
  • Make cert-manager namespace configurable
  • Do not set controller reference to resources in different namespace than the controller
  • Reorganise the Kustomize layout to follow best practices
  • Remove Node affinity from pods since Kubernetes will choose wisely
  • Remove cert-manager hard dependency from the operator
  • Handle toleration unnecessary updates since it does not implement strategic merge patch
  • Fix panic if the user want to create a Kafka user in a plaintext cluster

Thanks for the contributors. 🍺

Kafka Operator 0.7.2

19 Nov 09:16
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This release includes some and bug and documentation fixes:

This release supports cert-manager 0.10.x


Bug fixes:

  • Several documentation fixes
  • Make cert-manager namespace configurable
  • Do not set controller reference to resources in different namespace than the controller
  • Reorganise the Kustomize layout to follow best practices
  • Remove Node affinity from pods since Kubernetes will choose wisely
  • Remove cert-manager hard dependency from the operator
  • Handle toleration unnecessary updates since it does not implement strategic merge patch
  • Fix panic if the user want to create a Kafka user in a plaintext cluster
    Thanks for the contributors. 🍺