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go install -v

Query tools

Lazy EVM-RPC setting

export DEVD_EVM_RPC=''

By setting this environment variable, you don't need to pass --evm-rpc flag everytime for non-localhost EVM Json-RPC

Lazy TM-RPC setting

export DEVD_TM_RPC=''

By setting this environment variable, you don't need to pass --tm-rpc flag everytime for non-localhost Tendermint RPC

Lazy Rest API setting


By setting this environment variable, you don't need to pass --rest flag everytime for non-localhost Rest API

Query account balance

devd query balance [account addr] [optional ERC20 addr..] [--erc20] [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545]
# devd q b 0xAccount
# devd q b ethm1account
# devd q b 0xAccount 0xErc20Contract
# devd q b ethm1account 0xErc20Contract1 0xErc20Contract2
# devd q b 0xAccount --erc20 [--rest http://localhost:1317]

--erc20 flag, if provided, will attempt to fetch user balance of contracts on x/erc20 module and virtual frontier bank contracts. This request additional Rest-API endpoint provided, or use default 1317.

Query account info

devd query account [0xAddress/Bech32] [--rest http://localhost:1317]
# devd q acc 0xAccount

Query block/tx events

devd query events [height/tx hash] [--filter one] [--filter of_] [--filter these] [--tm-rpc http://localhost:26657]
# devd q events COS...MOS -f sig -f seq_
# devd q events 0x...evm -f txHash
# devd q events 10000

--filter flags, if provided, will accept events those contain at least one provided criteria

Query ERC20 token information

devd query erc20 [ERC20 addr] [optional account] [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545]
# devd q erc20 0xErc20Contract
# devd q erc20 0xErc20Contract 0xAccount
# devd q erc20 0xErc20Contract ethm1account

This command will try to query totalSupply() if possible

Query simple txs info in a block

devd query txs-in-block [block number] [--tm-rpc http://localhost:26657]
# devd q txs-in-block 100000

Some EVM-RPC queries

devd query eth_getTransactionByHash [0xHash] [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545]
# devd q evm-tx 0xHash

devd query eth_getTransactionReceipt [0xHash] [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545]
# devd q evm-receipt 0xHash

devd query eth_getBlockByNumber [hex or dec block no] [--full] [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545]
# devd q evm-block 0xF
# devd q evm-block 16 --full

devd query debug_traceTransaction [0xHash] [--tracer callTracer] [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545]
# devd q evm-trace 0xHash
# devd q evm-trace 0xHash --tracer callTracer

devd query eth_call 0xContractAddr 0xCallData [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545] [--from 0xFromAddr/Bech32] [--height 5m/0xHex/latest] [--gas 500k/0xHex] [--gas-prices 20e9/0xHex] [--value 1e18/0xHex] 

devd query eth_getAccount [0xAddress/Bech32] [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545]
# devd q evm-account 0xAddress

devd query eth_chainId [--evm-rpc http://localhost:8545]

Tx tools

Send EVM transaction

# Transfer native coin
devd tx send [to] [amount] [--raw-tx]
# Transfer ERC-20 token
devd tx send [to] [amount] [--erc20 contract_address]
# Use `--raw-tx` flag to see raw RLP-encoded EVM tx

support short int (2e18, 5bb,...): devd tx send [to] [1e18/1bb]

Deploy EVM contract

# Deploy contract with deployment bytecode
devd tx deploy-contract [deployment bytecode] [--gas 4m] [--gas-prices 20b] [--raw-tx]
# Deploy ERC-20 contract with pre-defined bytecode
devd tx deploy-contract erc20
# Use `--raw-tx` flag to see raw RLP-encoded EVM tx

Convert tools

Convert address between different formats

devd convert address [address] [optional bech32 hrp]
# devd c a 0xAccount ethm
# devd c a ethm1account
# devd c a ethm1account xyz

WARN: DO NOT use this command to convert address across chains with different HD-Path! (eg: Ethermint 60 and Cosmos 118)

Encode string into ABI or decode ABI into string

Support pipe

devd convert abi-string [string or ABI encoded string]
# devd c abi-string 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000045553444300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# devd c abi-string USDC Token
# echo 'USDC Token' | devd c abi-string

Convert hexadecimal to decimal and vice versa

Support pipe

devd convert hexadecimal [hexadecimal or decimal]
# devd c hex 0x16a
# echo 0x16a | devd c hex
# devd c hex 362
# echo 362 | devd c hex

Convert Solidity event/method signature into hashed signature

devd convert solc-sig [event/method signature]
# devd c solc-sig 'transfer(address,uint256)'
# devd c solc-sig 'function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);'
# devd c solc-sig 'event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);'

Convert input into lower/upper case

Support pipe

devd convert case [input]
# devd c case AA
# echo AA | devd c case
# > aa
devd convert case [input] --upper
# devd c case aa
# echo aa | devd c case --upper
# > AA

Encode/Decode base64

Support pipe

devd convert base64 [input]
# devd c base64 123
# echo 123 | devd c base64
devd convert base64 [base64] --decode
# devd c base64 TVRJeg== --decode
# echo TVRJeg== | devd c base64 --decode

Convert raw balance into display balance and vice versa

devd convert display-balance [raw balance] [exponent]
# devd c dbal 10011100 6
# > 10.0111
# Support short int:
#  devd c dbal 20bb 18
#  > 20.0
devd convert raw-balance [display balance] [exponent] [--decimals-point , or .]
# devd c rbal 10.0111 6
# > 10011100
# devd c rbal 10,0111 6 -d ,
# > 10011100

Hashing tools

Support pipe

devd hash md5 [input]
# devd hash md5 123
# cat file.txt | devd hash md5
devd hash keccak256 [input]
# devd hash keccak256 123
# cat file.txt | devd hash keccak256
devd hash keccak512 [input]
# devd hash keccak512 123
# cat file.txt | devd hash keccak512

Check tools

Listing ports in use and check port holding by process

# listing
devd check port

# check specific port
devd check port [port]

Debug tools

Decode raw RLP-encoded EVM tx into tx object

devd debug raw-tx [raw RLP-encoded EVM tx hex]
# devd debug raw-tx 0x02f8af82271c3b83112a8883aba95082be209480b5a32e4f032b2a058b4f29ec95eefeeb87adcd80b844a9059cbb000000000000000000000000bfcfe6d5ad56aa831313856949e98656d46f9248000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002386f26fc10000c001a088907374a796ed70a5a2bdc51b50010b68dcc4d2ed12d94abc607bb0a90271b6a0167d3e031b70ec511b67416d9ad8334caee7013d95ff8275721b23798c5c3602

to view inner tx information, including sender address

Compute EVM transaction intrinsic gas

devd debug intrinsic-gas [0xCallData]
# devd d intrinsic-gas 0xCallData

Assumption: no access list, not contract creation, Homestead, EIP-2028 (Istanbul). If contract creation, plus 32,000 into the output.


  • Output messages are printed via stdout, while messages with prefixes INF: WARN: and ERR: are printed via stderr. So for integration with other tools, to omit stderr, forward stdout only.

    Eg: devd c a cosmos1... 1> /tmp/output.txt

  • When passing arguments into command via both argument and pipe, the argument will be used.

    Eg: echo 123 | devd c hex 456 will convert 456 to hexadecimal, not 123.

  • For commands those marked support short int, you can pass number with format like:
    • 2e18 = 2 x 10^18
    • 2k = 2,000
    • 2.7m = 2,700,000
    • 3.08b = 3,080,000,000
    • 4kb = 4,000,000,000,000
    • 5.555mb = 5,555,000,000,000,000
    • 6bb = 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 6e18
  • Some queries will try to decode some fields in response data into human-readable format and inject back into the response data with _ prefix like EVM tx, receipt, block, trace.