Author : Allan Brunskill
Contact : abrunskill[at]
Thanks Allan - this fork is a quick update as our Synology NAS was running v2 of their API.
This is a complete C# .net 4.0 client implementation of the Synology DiskStation API found at based on Synology_File_Station_API_Guide.pdf (
A nuget package is available at which you can add by running the following command in the NuGet package console.
Install-Package Synology.NET
Update your app.config or web.config so it contains the following keys set to your diskstations relevant values.
<add key="Syno.User" value="[yourdiskstationusername]" />
<add key="Syno.Pass" value="[yourdiskstatiionpassword]" />
<add key="Syno.ApiBaseAddress" value="http://[yoursynologyhost]/webapi" />
General flow is ...
- Create a SynologySession
- Create an instance of the API using the session that has just been created
- Make your calls to the diskstation using the API methods, passing in any relevant parameters
- Log out of the session
var session = new SynologySession(new AppSettingsClientConfig());
var api = new SynologyApi(session);
// var resp = api.SomeMethod(parameters);
// .... do something with resp
Add the Syno.TestFolder key in app.config value to a directory of your DiskStation and run.
<add key="Syno.TestFolder" value="/public/apitest" />