Feature: Certificate manufacturing
Scenario Outline: Print a certificate
Given <Title> <LastName> has achieved a <Score>
When I print the certificate
Then It prints
Certificate of Mastery
The title of <Rank> is hereby awarded to:
<Title> <LastName>
For achieving a score of <Score>, <Title> <LastName>
may henceforth use the title <Rank>.
| Title | LastName | Score | Rank |
| Mr. | Vega | 1000 | Novice |
| Mrs. | Wallace | 2001 | Expert |
| Mr. | Winnfield | 2550 | Grandmaster |
| Ms. | Bunny | 2800 | Super Grandmaster |
import { defineFeature, loadFeature } from "jest-cucumber";
import { CertificateFactory } from "../../src/certificate-factory";
const feature = loadFeature("./specs/features/using-docstrings.feature");
defineFeature(feature, test => {
let certificateFactory;
let certificate;
beforeEach(() => {
certificateFactory = new CertificateFactory();
test("Print a certificate", ({ given, when, then }) => {
given(/^(.*) (.*) has achieved a ([0-9]*)$/, (title, lastName, score) => {
certificateFactory.setReceiver(title, lastName, score);
when(/^I print the certificate$/, () => {
certificate = certificateFactory.printCertificate();
then(/^It prints$/, expectedCertificate => {