You are given a 2D integer array intervals
, where intervals[i] = [lefti, righti]
describes the ith
interval starting at lefti
and ending at righti
(inclusive). The size of an interval is defined as the number of integers it contains, or more formally righti - lefti + 1
You are also given an integer array queries
. The answer to the jth
query is the size of the smallest interval i
such that lefti <= queries[j] <= righti
. If no such interval exists, the answer is -1
Return an array containing the answers to the queries.
Example 1:
Input: intervals = [[1,4],[2,4],[3,6],[4,4]], queries = [2,3,4,5] Output: [3,3,1,4] Explanation: The queries are processed as follows:
- Query = 2: The interval [2,4] is the smallest interval containing 2. The answer is 4 - 2 + 1 = 3.
- Query = 3: The interval [2,4] is the smallest interval containing 3. The answer is 4 - 2 + 1 = 3.
- Query = 4: The interval [4,4] is the smallest interval containing 4. The answer is 4 - 4 + 1 = 1.
- Query = 5: The interval [3,6] is the smallest interval containing 5. The answer is 6 - 3 + 1 = 4.
Example 2:
Input: intervals = [[2,3],[2,5],[1,8],[20,25]], queries = [2,19,5,22] Output: [2,-1,4,6] Explanation: The queries are processed as follows:
- Query = 2: The interval [2,3] is the smallest interval containing 2. The answer is 3 - 2 + 1 = 2.
- Query = 19: None of the intervals contain 19. The answer is -1.
- Query = 5: The interval [2,5] is the smallest interval containing 5. The answer is 5 - 2 + 1 = 4.
- Query = 22: The interval [20,25] is the smallest interval containing 22. The answer is 25 - 20 + 1 = 6.
1 <= intervals.length <= 105
1 <= queries.length <= 105
intervals[i].length == 2
1 <= lefti <= righti <= 107
1 <= queries[j] <= 107
import heapq
class Solution:
def minInterval(self, intervals: List[List[int]], queries: List[int]) -> List[int]:
# Sort intervals by starting point
# Prepare queries to keep track of original indices
sorted_queries = sorted((q, i) for i, q in enumerate(queries))
# Result array and heap initialization
result = [-1] * len(queries)
heap = []
# Pointer to intervals
interval_idx = 0
# Process each query in sorted order
for query_value, query_idx in sorted_queries:
# Push all intervals that start <= query_value into the heap
while interval_idx < len(intervals) and intervals[interval_idx][0] <= query_value:
start, end = intervals[interval_idx]
heapq.heappush(heap, (end - start + 1, end))
interval_idx += 1
# Remove all intervals from the heap that end before the query value
while heap and heap[0][1] < query_value:
# The smallest interval containing the query is at the root of the heap
if heap:
result[query_idx] = heap[0][0]
return result
A really hard problem that requires a lot of thinking. wont be able to do it in interview. But review anyway.
O((n+m)logn), where n is the number of intervals and m is the number of queries. This is because we sort the intervals and queries, and then we potentially push and pop each interval into/from the heap.
O(n+m) because we store all intervals and the result for each query. The heap can also store up to n intervals in the worst case.